The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, December 14, 1916, Image 4

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    In som* nninoii tlu» celebro timi Inaili*
on Chrlstiuaa ove. At u country place
uenr New York thè custoui 1« lo bave
a aiutili troo tinnir " Itti Joke «irta lu thè
center o f Mio (lluliiir rooui tallio, l'ileil
aUmt (he tlire U Ilio collectton <>f aulì
atantlnl worth xvbllo rem cui bn» uree.
After tlio latter bave Uvn dlstrlbuted
Mie famlly litui bouao guest* in 1Jolirli to
thè uuiln room, whleh la tinnir wlth
gnrlitud* o f holly and uilatletoe Then
Mie Ville lott la brnught In nini labi on
Mie ainllrona o f Mie bla flrepi n e The
llirbts from thè hinze nini from mailer
oli» caiulles furnlati Ilio only Illumina-
Itoli. W’ lille thè glfta are laken from
Mie uitiilaturc tree ami thè attaché«)
acuti nienti reati Mie h«>alMi of Santa
China I» «Iruiik.
A Bird In the Hand’s
Worth Two In the Bush
When you &o out of town to buy you don't know what
you are getting
The merchant you patronize in tow n Knows
that to keep youi trade he MUST TREAT YOU SQUARELY
Free M ovie T ickets
-T O T H K
Forest (»rove
Get them from our Merchant«. The firms listed below
have purchased Matinee ticket« to «rive Free to their custom­
ers. When you purchase 25c worth o f any o f the firms
mentioned below, you will he driven u Matinee Ticket Free -
four ticket for $1.00. These tickets are to he given uway
for ten weeks, beginning with performance of Saturday, N o­
vember 25. Good only for Saturday Matinees. Ask for
tickets when making purchases. Here are the firms which
give tickets:
Sale of ths Christma, Se da.
More thun SO. ikni . uhi Christina» aeala.
approzImatliiK lu vaiue SSno.mxi «vere
And you air a town booster
•»ibi lu 1915, moordliig lo ( ’ M. Ite
Foresi, chlef flebl airent of thè Na­
tional Annodatimi Por thè St nl.v and
Prexentlon of Tutiereuloeta. I bi» xvua i
Schultz Pure Food Store
(lo ff Bros., Hardware and Stoves
au luerea se o f 2S.000.tNN) over thè sai*'»
I)r Hines’ Drug Store
of 1014, whlch then set thè record.
Ottice Shearer, Confectioner
The siile» In New York state were
American Restaurant
(as*, (I. I’utcrson, Furniture and
mora Mimi 17.(NX>.000. In Missouri 3.INH).-
inni nini In lowa 2,000,00t).
Ijtrge In-
Home Bakery
creane« alno were inaile In olilo, Illi­
King & Co , Cìen’l Mdse.
Forest (»rove Express, Punting
nois, Minnesota. Mlchliran. Florida and
Approxlinately $«nn.(X)«) «ras thn»
mts«»i tn the p «»t seu.imi to nbi iu the men of America, elected officers
The ( hristinas Mail
Published every Thursday at Forest Grove, Oregon.
light to minimize the white plague
K rid-iv nitfht as fo llo w s '
. . •
W. C. Benfer. Editor and Publisher.
i This brings the total mile» o f seals f .
" K h t’ “
,. ,
W e w o u ,d > m pre«a Upon OUr
, .
since the l«lea wa* started np to ¿1.298,-
venerable consul, J . E»- patrons the necessity o f co-oper-
tntered as second-class matter Jan. 12. 1916. at the txvdofnce at Forest t«rove, „m
« i -j«,
r n m l.U n n
u..,r i i . v nrlvivor- VY
. '
Oregon, under the A ct o f March 3. 1879
t Kludtng fd..»xi ntlwd In t!»».. the 1 1 u m bleson, w o r th y d flV Istr, YY . « t i n g W ith th e p «istal s e r v ic e to
Christmas Section
(¡lit? jFurrHt (§rmt? SxprpHH
. ,
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "
__________________________ t h
i r s i . a v
B. Potwin. banker; G
in ..;_________________________
,* «.
» n , c le r k ; H .
G. P»t*r- the fu llw t poaaibleexUmt in pre-
R o b in »n .
,,a rin K
m a llln K
c h r i a t 'm aa
when $13X.244 was realized
The to cort; C. M . Perry, sentry; H. (». parcels.
You can materially aid
tals since than have l>e«>n: 1009, $237.
King, watchman a n «1 trustee; the work by following the rules
132; 11*10. $304.320; 1911. $339.080;
1912; $3&4.999: 1913. $430.314; 1914 Dis. Kauffman and Tucker, phy 8et fort h:
Prepay [smUge fully on all parcels.
Address parcels fully ami plainly.
V a r io u s T r e e s F o r C h r u t m a s .
ThlSe officers will he installed
Place name and address o f sender on
in the middle west nurserymen th e second Friday night in Jan-
grow largo quantities o f Norway
all matter.
spruce for Christmas tree»
But Mie uary, at which time the members
Pack parcels carefully and wrap them
tree most commonly used l:i the north- will enjoy a banquet.
securely, hut do not seal therq, as
eru and ceutrul states Is a short nee-
Mealed packages are subject to [»»stage
die pine found In the woods of north-
K i f f UK'II KI(‘Ct Officers
at letter rates.
em Michigan and Wisconsin. Early
, ,
Mud packages early; they may be
In Septeml>er tlie ludlaiis at>out the
The members of the Forest
lumber camps In this territory ure set (irove Fire department last eV- marked ''do not «»¡»en until Christmas.”
Insure valuable parcels.
to work cutting the*« tree» for the en|njj eI<*CLc‘d officers, as follows,
market, and by early November a lit- !
Written inscriptions Bueh as "M erry
tie fleet of vessels makes Its way
» • b . Lenneville, chief; H .J.
Christmas’ ’ " H a p p y
N e w Y ea r"
down i-ake Michigan to Chicago, j Perry, assistant chief ; L. F. Hum-
"W ith Best W ishes" and numbers,
whence the trees are shlppi-d to vari­
hurg, captain hose wagon; F. names or letters for the purpose o f de­
ous cities all over the country.
Porter, cupthin hook and ladder scription, are permissible to fourth
An Old Christmas 3aw.
n o that maketb at Christmas a dog
his larder
In ----
....v-. and —
... _ a pig Ills „...
denor and in May a fool a keeper of
wlse counsel, he sbnll never have a
good larder, fair gar<N-n nor well kept
wagon; F. Saunders president; R. <*b»** (parcel post) mail. Books may
W. Reder, vice president; C. H u *r (*Tllc* u,ry ‘"^ p r io n s not of .
Ltnneville, secretary; 15. Uavl«,
Arrangements were made for
the New Year's open house and
ditiona subject parcels to letter |»>*t-
age. Communications
p r e p a i d at
first-class rate may be with parcels
i*r*p*M **1 fourth-class rHt« provided
Christmas Post Cards, Stickers I fo r th e a n m ia | |,a l | to l)t, he)d j they are placed in envelope. securely
and address labels free at Wells j New Year's night,
m en tio n e d 1 atUched
‘ h . ou u id . o f the parcel..
W e thank you in ad varice for your
Fargo Express office. Send y o u r, elsewhere in this issoe.
Some Christmas
N many homes the same customs
are followed j e i r after year at
Christmas. Thus in one borne
where there are always visitors
for the I. i.idays an enormous square
wicker l b .»per which has «lone serrlc.
iu the same capacity b»r twenty years
is brought from i!ie storeroom and
placed In the general hall. Festive hol­
ly wreaths are tied to the handles and
to the top with big red bows, giving it
a decidedly holiday appearance. As
gifts arrive they go at once into the
hamper. On Christmas morning after
breakfast the father of the family
opens the hamper and w ith fitting cere­
mony and humorous remarks distrib­
utes the gifts.
A large bag resembling a mall pouch
and made of brown and tan denim
v J * , in , large
with L. a
8. Mail”
b la n lf
lftttn ro
h n r w » , . <ww>v> r ’ V, » 1 . . *
black letters on it hangs each Christ­
mas season near the fireplace In the
large living room of another house.
Into this are slipped family presents
and those sent by outsiders. The leath­
er strap which fastens the bag is re­
garded as sacred, and no one would
think of tampering with Santa Claus'
pro|ierty till Christmas morning.
A huge red Christmas stocking, large
enough to hold all the family gifts,
makes Its annual appenrance in a west­
ern home. It is constructed of a firm
bright red cotton cloth and a bnrrel
hoop encircles the top, bolding It open.
It is suspended by wide red ribbons
from the aecoi») floor «»»i™ i»n.i«r~
and before Christmas boxes and pack­
ages of all sizes and kinds are drop­
ped In from above
On Christmas
morning the family gathers lieneaih
this well filled reoepta.-ie. which is
lowered and dragged by the ribbons
Into the center of the living room.
where the •onteiits arc distributed.
Several years ago the young daughter
of another family established u little
custom which is still carried out each
Christmas eve. Ou large red placards.
hung with red ribbons, she writes with
phosphorus the mimes o f the different
members of the family.
These she
places about the room. The mother’s
card hangs over the piano, on which
her gifts ure to be laid. Over the
library table Is suspended the father's
card.designating liis allotted space. The
deep window seat, the davenport, etc.,
are other [daces assigned to other mem
rr lly-
e\e all the lltfhtH, except a dim nicker
in the hull, are extinguished, the urni
fuls of i»r<- ents are brought down, and
the proper
bright places.
Him« the gifts
are mean.
put in «If
For the past ten years a miniature
sleigh drawn by Biz papier mache rein
deer has appeared on the Christmas
breakfast table »if a New England tnw
ily. Surrounding Jolly little St. Nick,
who, sente»! In the sleigh, holds the re»l
lines, are piled Mie choice gifts, those
that fit Ini»» small packages, such as
Jewelry an»J money. The boxes are
0 |>ened lu-fore breakfast Is served, and
the Christmas tr«»«» festivities come
later In the morning.
A pretty custom observed by several
musical families Is for the entire bouse
hold to come downstairs together early
in the morning singing carols
Christmas presents by express,
cheapest, safest, best. Insurance
*• r-ncampnicnt
members of Washington
I 1 The fBembere
Encampment No. 24, elected of-
fcxaaoncu*) ficer» last night, as follows: Ber-
i nard Ortman, c h i e f patriarch;
m r e z z r - u K U t a j n i n 1 James Devlin, high priest: Wm.
VanAotwerp, senior warden; R.
Royal Arch Election
C. Hill, junior warden; S. A.
The members of Forest G ro v e! J;; ” 111' Ju.",or Iwar° eni . a ' A '
chapter N o. 37, R. A . M , last! ” a * er’ 8crdie; **' H.. Shearer
Friday evening elected officers tr< ,lSUn ^
as follows: P. C . Starrett, H ig h ! I“ tal,atl0.n ,w 1
,e secon<1
Priest; C. L. Bump, King; 0 - S. VVednt'sday ,n January* .
Higby, Scribe, E. D. West, Cap-
F^ound— Halter. Call at this
' tain of Host; B. F. White, Treas- office and recover property.
T Richardson, Secretary.!
- The
, ..
The hand boys will 4 tive an­
other dance at I. 0 . O. F. build-
ing a week from Saturday night,
Dec. 23d. Better go and have a
^ ______
George V. McClure a Chautau-
qUa lecturer, will delivtr a lecture,
entitled, "The Fine-Tooth Com b,”
at the M . E. cliurch on Monday
evening next, Dec
lHth, at 8
Admission free.
are invited.
following officers Were 8p- j
pointed: R P. Nixon. Principal
Sojourner; D. R. Cheney, Royal
.. .
, Arch
, i
Captain, W . II. Bentley,-
Master Third
Veil; Chas. E. |
Wells Master Second V e i l 'D D
’ ,, ‘
‘ m • i ,r -,
’ \tr
*,umP Master lnird vei l ; W . U ;
Parker, Sentinel.
Insta lation will occur on F ri-:
- “ Y*
I®® urWIQ Arm y
A t the recent election of officers
of James B. Mathews
^J •
Post. No.
. T.
A . K.y th6 follow inf?
OulC(?rs j
were elected: J. T. Butler, po^t
m ander'W
Perrv , senior
YV. r H l. Itrry
! ___ _
D / \ n L n n
r io o '
vice; John Beahan, junior t vice;;
G. C. Thomas, quartermaster; I
W. J. R. Beach, chaplain; Daniel
Daffron officer of the day; C. H
Bennett, officer of the guard.
The installation will take place
the first week in January, prob­
ably in conjunction with the Re-j
lief Corps installation.
Modern Woodmen Elect
The members of Forest Grove
Camp No. 6228, Modern W o o d -,
We’ll Make Good
on any promise we make to deliver work on
a given date. The Express hus one of the
best equipped little printing plants in the
Willamette valley, having added several
hundred dollars’ worth of material to the
Williams plant for
. . . JOB PRINTING . . .
purposes and more good material is on the
way. The management would very much
appreciate it if those in need of stationery,
office blanks, or any other kind of printing
would call at the office for samples and
If you’re too busy to come to the
office use the phone and a representative
will call on you.
P H O N E 821