The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, December 14, 1916, Image 2

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pFAfFTFRM« #f B#lS™ m
I LnV/L I LI il V IJ
Two.Year-Old Animal is Sold to
Kent, Washington, Farm.
W ould R estore Conditions as They W ere
Before W a r W ith Tw o Exceptions.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + ♦ * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Washington, Doc. 12.—The peace proposals of Germany
and her allies to the entente powers are understood to
propose the complete restoration of the occupied portions
of Belgium and France in return for Germany’s captured
colonies, and to dispose of the Balkan situation, because of
its extremely complicated nature, in the peace conference.
Advices from Berlin to the German embassy indicate
that Germany's peace terms, in general measure, propose
the restoration of the status quo before the war with the
exception of the establishment of independent kingdoms
of Poland and Lithuania.
4. 4. 4. 4 . 4 . 4 . 4 . + + <(><l> + + + + + + + + + ♦ + + + + + +
Berlin, Dec. 12.— (By wireless to Sayville.)—Germany and
her allies today proposed to enter forthwith into peace negotia­
tions. The Austrian, Turkish and Bulgarian governments are
making similar proposals. These proposals have also been trans­
mitted to the Vatican.
The following announcement was given out today by the semi­
official Overseas News Agency:
“The chancellor this morning received, one after another, the
representatives of the United States of America and Spain and
Switzerland, that is, of the states protecting German interests in
hostile foreign countries. The chancellor transmitted to them a
note and asked them to bring it to the knowledge of the hostile
governments. The note will be read today in the reichstag by the
“In the note the four allied (central) powers propose to enter
forthwith on peace negotiations. The propositions they bring for
such negotiations are, according to their firm belief, appropriate
for the establishment of a lasting peace.
“The governments at Vienna, Constantinople and Sofia trans­
mitted identical notes and also communicated with the Holy see
and all neutral powers.”
highest price ever paid for such an an­
imal west of the Rocky Mountains.
Hreodora expressed pleasure th a t the
sale had been made, declaring it would
show F.asterners th at there were men
in the West who were willing to put
up money for anim als of quality.
Mr. Meyer, form er owner of the
bull, is one of the prom inent breeders
of the Fast.
Valdessa was the center of a ttra c ­
tion at the annual sale of pure-bred
Holsteins Friday, and many breeders
came w ith the express pur|>ose of g<»-
ing th eir lim it to purchase the animal.
Labor Men Seeking Substitute
Plan for Wilson’ s Program
Brief Resume Most Important
Daily News Items.
W ashington, I). C.—Congressional
action on President W ilson's railway
Event» of Nuted People, G overnm ents
Grandson of Fam ous "$15,000 H ull" is legislation
program probably will
aw ait the resu lt of efforts of labor
and Pacific Northweat and O ther
Eagerly Sought For and Rivalry
leaders to d ra ft as a su b stitute for all
Things W orth Knowing.
Keen U ntil $21,000 is Hid.
forms of compulsory arb itratio n a plan
for dealing w ith strikes, actual and
threatened, which will be agreeable to
all concerned.
W ilson's plurality In Kentucky is
Finderne M utual Fay no Valdessa, a
The determ ination of the President
announced as 2H, 136.
junior yearling Holstein bull, con­ to try to make im|K>ssible such a situ a­
signed by Hernhard Meyer, of F in ­ tion as he faced last Septem ber in the
The Germans, a fte r tak in g Buch­
aroused all arest, levy heavy taxes on Koumania.
derne, N. J ., F riday sold in the ring at railroad dispute
the Sixth Pacific International Live- branches of labor to the g reatest activ-
The French cabinet ia reconstructed
»took Show, Portland, for $21,500, the ity. The unofficial alliance between
and n list of mendiera will soon lie
highest price ever paid on the C«>ast the American Federation of Labor hiu !
made public.
for a »ingle anim al.
He was bought the four railw ay brotherhoods, a r­
Argum ents in the Adamson bill tie-
by John von H erberg, part owner of ranged for the purpose, among other
the Columbia T heater, of Portland; of things, of opposing "dangerous legis­ fore the U. S. Supreme court are set
the Liberty T heater, of Seattle, and la tio n ," is hearing its first fru it in for January 8.
owner of 90 head of pure-bred Hol­ conferences betw een representatives
I’eace overtures bring down the
of both organizations for the purpose price of wheat on the Chicago m arket
steins at Kent, Wash.
The yearling was bid on by at least of d ra ftin g a plan th a t will shelve all 1 8 cents the first day.
six breeders of high-grade dairy cattle, compulsory a rb itra tio n bills.
A thin! and fourth m erchant sub­
m arine for the tran s-A tlan tic service
now are under construction in G er­
Greatest French Gun at Verdun Now
Shoots From a Railroad Truck Car Germany declares in a note to this
country th at the United S tates is mis­
informed as to de|iortatiuna of Bel­
President Wilson stamfm his ap­
proval on the investigation by the de­
partm ent of Justice, as to the high
coat of living.
The Federal Trade commission an­
nounces it will s ta rt an inquiry of
changes in the news print pn|>er situ a ­
tion at a hearing Wednesday.
The stopping of electric elevators
and the rationing of lig h t in a p a rt­
m ents in P aris are under consideration
so as to fu rth e r economize in the use
| of coal.
One man and th ree women killed and
injured, including seven
children, was the total casualty list
, from the last Germ an a ir raid made on
! London.
CABINET TO REMAIN INTACT Will Veto Immigration Bill
j 37 |iersons
Because of Literacy Test
Gregory is Only Exception — Vance
W ashington, D. C.— While the im­
m igration bill, passed by the house at
McCormick Slated for War Job.
the last session, was m eeting unex-
W ashington, D. C.— E very member pected opposition in the senate Tues- '
of President W ilson’s cabinet, with day, it became known th a t President
the possible exception of A ttorney Wilson will veto the m easure if it goes
General Gregory, expects to rem ain in to the W hite House w ith the literacy
office a fte r March 4, when the Presi­ te st provision, one of its chief fe at­
d en t’s second term begins.
I t was ures.
The President early in his adm inis- I
learned definitely Tuesday th a t all of tratio n vetoed a sim ilar bill for the
them have been or will be asked to same reason—as Presidents Cleveland !
and T aft had done before him —but ad-1
keep th e ir posts.
R eports concerning possible resigna­ vocates of the legislation had hoped |
tions have centered chiefly around th a t he would not withhold his signa­
S ecretaries McAdoo,
Houston and ture this tim e if substantial m ajo rities j
M "
Baker, and the A ttorney General. It were given in both houses of congress.
Debate on the bill developed into a
has been taken for granted th a t Post­
m aster Burleson and S ecretaries Lan­ general argum ent over the question of
race. . This
. . m ighty gun of 270 . MM., , set up
sing, Daniels and Wilson will remain, exclusion of aliens on account of
Senator Works, of California,
start- ,n Position near Verdun, is the fina
and indefinite rum ors th a t Secretary
Proof thitt the irench have so P^Pared
Redfield m ight wish to re tire to pri­ ed the discussion by giving notice th at th
e ir defense there th a t they never
vate business life were denied some he reserved the rig h t to demand a will be driven back on th is front of
tim e ago.
the war. When the Germ ans began
S ecretary McAdoo has personally de­ am endm ent providing for the exclusion th e ir attack on Verdun th ere were
nied th a t he had any intention of re­
areas from only two French railroads running into
signing. R egarding Mr. Houston, it scribing geographical
adm itted,
became known th a t the officials of
The an 0f them passing the
$10,000 m ark
W ashington U niversity at St. Louis w ithout enum erating
have extended his leave of absence as amendment, recommended by the S tate in th e ir efforts to get w hat is consid­
chancellor of th a t institution so th at departm ent J ter inquiries had been ered the best animal of th e Holstien
he can continue as head of the depart­ made by the Japanese governm ent re­ breed in this country, if not in the en­
specting provisions of the bill as it tire world. His dam, Finderned Mu-
ment of A griculture.
Although S ecretary B aker has been passed the house, elim inates all ref- tual Fayne, was the w orld’s record
credited w ith a desire to leave the cab­ erences to the R oot-Takahira passport junior 2-year-old, giving 204 pounds
inet, it is learned th a t in all likelihood agreem ent regulating Japanese lmmi- more b u tter than any other cow in her
he will rem ain.
I t is understood, gration.
class. His sire is a son of the first
however, th a t there is a possibility
40-pound cow of the breed, and his
Fraud Sentence is Heavy.
th a t he may be shifted to the depart­
grandsire was the famous Spring Farm
New York— Life im prisonm ent was Pontiac Cornucopia, best known as
m ent of Ju stice if Mr. Gregory insists
on resigning, and th a t Vance C. Mc­ the sentence imposed Tuesday upon the $15,000 bull.
Cormack, chairm an of the Democratic Charles Ackron, form erly a divekeeper
Finderne Mutual Fayne Valdessa
national com m ittee, may be placed in here, convicted a week ago on a charge was bred and raised by Bernhard Mey­
of obtaining money on false pretenses. er on his farm a t Finderne, N. J . He
charge of the W ar departm ent.
In the A ttorney G eneral’s reports of This was his fourth conviction for had never been shown at any previous
his intention to resign have been cir­ various offenses. When sentence was livestock show and as a consequence
cum stantial and have been generally pronounced, Ackron, who is 50 years the phenomenal price paid for him is
accepted as tru e by officials, although old, broke down and wept, declaring due entirely to the fact th at he is an
he has given no indication of his inten­ th a t he was not a crim inal by nature, anim al of exceptional appearance and
but his downfall was the work of has a rem arkable ancestry behind him.
The President has offered Mr. Greg- enemies,
His dam at 2 years of age produced
ory a seat on the Supreme court once
1250 pounds of b u tter in 12 months,
S tandard Oil Gives Bonus.
and should another vacancy occur d u r - !
and his ancestors on both sides were
ing the adm inistration it is th o u g h t' New York—The Standard Oil com­ world record producers.
probable th a t he would be seriously pany of New Jersey has authorized
Auctioneer Gue expressed the belief
considered again.
bonus paym ents to all its employes in th a t the price paid for th e bull was the
the U nited States receiving less than
$3000 a year who were not included in
Motion for P eace L o tt.
Intent to Resign Denied.
Rome— A motion introduced by the a general wage advance recently made.
W ashington, D. C. —In spite of re­
Socialists in the chamber of deputies Those g ettin g less than $1000 a year iterated reports to the contrary, offi­
urging peace was defeated by a vote will receive 20 per cent bonus, those cials close to President Wilson insisted
between $1000 and $2000 a 15 per cent S aturday th a t n either S ecretary Mc­
of 343 to 47.
Those who voted in the m inority bonus and those between $2000 and Adoo nor Secretary Houston will re tire
were m ostly Socialists. P rem ier Bo- $3000 will get 10 per cent.
from the cabinet a t the close of the
selli asked for the rejection of the mo­
P resid en t’s first term . A ttorney Gen­
M asked Men Rob Bank.
tion, not, he said, because he wished
eral Gregory, who returned Saturday
the Italian parliam ent to vote against
Muskogee, O kla.— Four masked men from Texas, refused to say w hether he
peace, bu t against an in itiativ e for robbed the F arm ers’ S tate bank of was planning to resign. In th is case,
peace while th e country waa pledged Vinita, Okie., Tuesday and eacaped in however, the reports are generally
not to end th e w ar w ithout victory.
an automobile.
credited among hia friends.
John McVickar, 73 years of age,
once president of the International
Typographical union and form erly ed­
ito r of the D etroit News, is dead in
Several Philadelphia hat m anufac­
tu re rs have requested Congressman
S innott of Oregon to send 100 rabbit
jielts for experim ents in m aking m en'a
P ru ssia's official headsman, l.on-nz
Schwietx, has ju st retired, a fte r hold­
ing his unenviable position for 16
years, and w ith . a record of 120 tie-
headings. He is now 67 years old.
A cat with a diamond-set, gold-filled
tooth, and other Persians valued at as
much a» $2000 each will bo features of
the seventh annual show of the Pacific
i Cat club, to lie held in San Francisco
i December 16 and 17, it was announced.
the town, and these could not haul in
supplies and am m unition fast enough.
The Germans had secretly built sixteen
But since th e French have
progressed so fa r they can shoot from
A Rome dispatch to the Ixtndon
th eir railroads, it has become evident
ireless Press says th a t Petrograd
they have every means of tran sp o rta­
! rep o rts the Germ ans have begun tho
1 retirem en t of some of th eir divisions
j from Roumania, tran sferrin g them to
j o ther fronts, and the situation in Rou-
Protest Note to Germany on
| m ania is becoming more favorable for
Belgian Deportations Given Out the entente.
W aahingotn, D. C.—The American
Successful B ritish operations in
governm ent’s form al protest to Ger­ German E ast A frica by which the
many ag ain st the deportation of Bel­ B ritish line of investm ent wa» ad­
gians for forced labor is a violation of vanced 60 miles along front of 200
the principles of hum anity was made
miles are descrilied in a R eu ter’s dis­
public Friday by th e S tate d ep art­
patch from Nirggoro.
The advance
m ent. It was in th e form of a note,
wxh made from New Irin g a and Kris-
cabled to Charge Grew a t Berlin, with sikai to the coast.
instructions th a t th a t he seek an inter-
Charles C. Healey, chief of police of
veiw w ith the German chancellor and
read it to him, and was given out by Chicago, aw aiting trial on a charge of
the departm ent w ith the terse com­ perm ittin g the operation of vicious re­
m en t:
" T h e interview has taken sorts, has resigned, the resignation to
p lace."
tak e effect Jan u ary 1. The resigna­
Officials refused to add to this sta te ­ tion followed statem ents by Chief
ment, and so fa r a» could be learned Healey th a t he would leave the service
th ere has been no reply from Ger­ only a t the urgent desire of Mayor
All inform ation available, Thompson and th a t he was not resign­
however, indicates th a t the deporta­ ing voluntarily.
tions are continuing, and it is known
St. Paul, Minn., is to have a $11,-
th a t through ea rlier inform al rep re­
sentations, Charge Grew learned th at 000,000 Union railw ay station.
the German position was th a t th e pol­
Four prisoners break jail a t Pendle­
icy was a m ilitary necessity and not in ton by b atterin g th eir way through a
violation of international law.
two-foot brick wall.
Snow S to p s T hreshing.
Shaniko, O re.— Zero w eather has
called a halt on all threshers in th is lo­
cality. The snow th a t came early in
the week has caused many homestead­
ers to fear they will not get th eir crops
threshed. The owner of one machine
has given it over to the local farm ers
to finish th eir work. Another has at
least two w eeks’ run if w eather per­
m its. The exceptionally large crops
and good prices are m aking th e th resh ­
ing runs much la te r than usual.
Vaudeville actors to the num ber of
26,000 are about to go on strik e in the
Middle W estern cities.
B erlin’s version of the fall of Buch­
arest is th at the people of th a t city
welcomed the invaders w ith flowers.
The Atchison, Topeka & S anta f e
will pay a bonus of 10 per cent to its
employes "w hose compensation is not
paid according to present or form er
contract schedulea," which ia declared
to mean unorganised labor.