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About The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1916)
. O ( 'v / ^ ^ -, ‘T / If timst Okmiu iExpr? bb A N IN D E P E N D E N T W E E K L Y N E W S P A P E R Vol. 1, No. 49 CITY CONVENTION NEXT TUESDAY FOREST GROVE. OREGON. TH U R S D A Y . DEC. 14. 1916 $1.50 per Year he had sounded Mr. Elliott, one man, woman and child in the city In to r a e + in tf Ï n e fn r a of the sower contractors, as to the to call on them at the fire station. jUIM ÎI ^ tL U re likelihood of settling the impend The Dilley High School pupils ! ^ C h r is t ia n S C U M M ing controversy without a lawsuit Surprised Their Friends will put on another of their popu- The local Christian Science and Mr. Elliott had talked favor In a beautifully decorated room lar plays Saturday night, Dec. church edifice was comfortably able, but more recently he had re in the home of Dr. and Mrs. o . . . . . 16th, entitled, “ Tatters, the Pet filled last Thursday evening by a ceived a letter from Mr. Elliott’s ... , Bishop on Saturday evening the of Squatters' Gulch.” The same splendid audience of open-minded partner, Mr Seoggin, suggested w ing o le au e English , wm handle this that played men and women, many of whom that the best place to settle the and Mr. L. P. Rockwood was sol- i Uncle Rube” so successfully last probably went away with more dispute was in the courts. For ... " ‘ ( emnized. Dr. 0. H. Holmes of- clearly-defined ideas of Christian this reason, council empowered „ . . year. ., , ., , ficiating. Ih eb n d ew a s gowned ---------- Science. Introducing the lecturer, One of t h e m o s t important transactions of Tuesday night's council meeting was the calling of a city convention, to nominate a mayor, city recorder, treasurer and five councilmen. This meet ing will he held at Verts hall, next Tuesday, at 8 p. m. Judges in, °f , , *. c. B„ M „ . and clerks for the election, to be in looking afti-r the city's interest* I81 w^lc^ was worn on a like °c-| Fnday even, ng the F o r i * Cora , ^ Atwell said : held on Monday, Jan. 8, were it ,, .. , c,n. .. ,casion by both her mother and I ,Grove High School football team I “ Christian Science is not a new the- " ~ . .. selected, as follows: North P re I in the suit where the Elliott com- ¡grandmother, .viis» K » m w « the w reu w ew of i iuc « ¡ hjii oiogy. Miss .viary Mary nruosi Brobst w celebrated close the « season «logy. it It is the new new presentation of cinct—Judges, Mrs. J. C. I»atta, ! pany is suing the city for ’ i of Portland played s o f t and ° f 1916 by a rousing party at the the theology of the Bible—the theology W. Hinch and Frank Saunders; 1000.00. „ . . . .. . . beautiful music during the entire home of Captain Taylor Graham, i which Je8U8 and his disciples taught clerks, Miss Nora Smith and Ed. Council t h e n adjourned to c m .mony T h e guesU presi.nt The boys were invited to be pres- J ^ eParacticed in Galilee and throu* hout Wednesday, Dec 20th, at 8 p. m Boos. were: Dr. Mary Farnham, P r o f . : ent at 6:30 and sat down to one, “ «Again, in our day, God heals the South Precinct Judges, Mrs. Bates, C. W . Creel, Dr. and M rs. ^f the best feeds they ever en- sick as well as the sinning, and this Aged Woman Dead E. E. Fowler, C. W. Odell and Mrs. Martha Busby, aged 79 Bishop, M r. and Mrs. H. E. joyed. i healing is again being recognized as John Ilunton; clerks, Mrs. S. L. years, passed away at the home of Ferrin, Misses Leone Graham, The boys think this one of the \the manifestation of God’s loving kind- Carlyle and John Drum. her daughter, Mrs. William Raf- Beulah Ireland, Lola Firry, Hallie most successful seasons ever seen neS8 *« M n - “ Wherever this healing appears it is The treasurer of the Rogers fety, in thus city Tuesday night,, Catherine D a v i s , at Forest Grove High. A sum- awakening man to new hope, new library, Mrs. Eva C. Abbott, re after a short illness. Elida Loynes, and Mary Brobst. mary of the season is presented., courage, and to new conviction of man’s ported receipts of $970.74 for the Deceased was born in Dayville,j Immediately after the serving Forest Grove defeated its old ability, through the goodness o f God, year, with d is b u r s em en t s of | Ky., on June 16th, 1837, and was of refreshments, the bride and rivals, Newberg, on Oct. 14, by a to escape from the bondage of material $817.46, leaving a balance on hand married to Francis N. Busby at groom left for Portland, the next score of 26-0. They were beaten! u freedom of 8piritual of $158.28. M t. Pleasant, la., Oct. 18th, <iay starting to Washington D . C ., by McMinnville, a n d Lincoln -«This is the gospel, t h e ‘glad tidings Librarian Mrs. S. C Sanford 1856. With her husband she came where Mr. Rockwood will visit High of Portland later, but came of great joy,’ which Christian Science reported u gain of 86 books dur to Oregon in 1874 and has lived ; some of the heads of departments, back strong toward the last of j is again presenting to the world, ing the year, notwithstanding 25 in this city for the past fifteen They will call upon various friends the season by playing the Alumni “I take pleaaure in introducing to were worn out and eleven were year». Mr. liuaby pa» «d away ; in the- ea»t before arriving at a tie game (7-7) and on T O « lc » . lost. There are now 1874 books in thus city two years ago. De- j their destination at Waterbury, givind day winning from Colum The Mother Church, The First Church in the library. The present mem ceased is survived by one son, Conn., where they will spend the bia University, one of the strong- of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massa bership is 1497 against 1411 a Charles Busby of Fossil, Ore., and i ho idays with Mr Rockwood’s teams in Portland. With t h e chusetts, who will speak to you of this year ago. The Sunday atten | one daughter, Mrs. William R a f-; people. game Thanksgiving, passed from gospel.” (Continued on page Four) dance at the reading room for the The groom has for the past the history of Forest Grove High | fety, with whom she has lived year was 3697. The report was Talked of Public Health two years been chief assistant to some of the best football players since the death of her husband. accepted and ordered placed on C . W . Creel, federal entomolo- who ever played for the local high. A fte r the routine business Mrs. Bu*by was a good woman. file. an affectionate mother and good gist in this city, and the bride, The regular men who graduate meeting o f the Woman’s club Bills totalling $2,416.00 were al neighbor and there will be much who graduated last year from this year are Captain Graham, last Monday, Mrs. C. E. Walker, lowed and ordered paid. Pacific University, has for the Everett Burnworth. Tom Todd ' chairman o f the public health sincere sorrow over her death. The bill of a man who drove Funeral services were held at past summer been employed in and Les. Hughes. The prospects1 committee, took charge o f the into a chuck-hole and broke his the Raflety home at 2:30 this af the same office as a stenographer. f ° r next year’s team are excep- meeting and . introduced Mrs. wagon tongue was referred to the o f Portland, ternoon, Rev. Dunlap officiating, Both these young people are very tionally good, for the line (the life Sadie finance committee. num- ° f the team) is left almost com- secretary o f the Oregon Associa land the remains were interred in popular in this city and Purchasing c o m m i t t e e was tion for the Prevention o f Tuber ber of their friends met them at plete. ________________ j Forest View cemetery. authorized to advertise for 1,000 culosis. Mrs. Dunbar recounted The Ailing Ones High School Play Tuesday Night the depot as they were having cords of wood and to purchase and gave them a noisy and dem- Mrs. Stephen Morgan is again the dangers to the public health The members of the high school " ....... ” Y " ATA,°' some spanner wrenches and a an operation at a if d r a s t i c measures w e r e Glee Clubs will present „resent "The Bo«- i' T.l* « home: a,,tr spot-light for the hose wagon. came as a surprise to most of Portland hospital. not taken to s t a m p out the S. G. Morgan, superintendent s’n’s Bride,” at the Star Theater | their friends. Mrs. J. A. Elder is recovering " h it e plague and told o f the of the light and power plant, sug next Tuesday evening, Dec. 19th,1 I M r. and Mrs. Rockwood will nicely in a Portland hospital, after " ° r k the society was doing and gested that the city could save with the following cast: return about the fifth of January h^r recent operation. " bat it hoped to do to protect $1.00 per day on fuel if a smaller Dick Erne, B o V n o f U . S. S. Lloyd Schramel returned yes- those still free from the disease Barnacle Encell Todd und will make their home in For- engine and generator were pur est Grove. _______ j terday from Portland, where he an<^ ta cure those afflicted, bhe j Tom Tupper, Bo’a’n ’s Mate chased to be run during the day ................... Clarence Lenneville ! had an operation for the removal emphasized the importance o f Wedding Bells time, but no action was taken. Sam Slippy, Coxwain Lester Hughes selling the Red Cross Christmas A most enjoyable evening was ° f Par^ ° f a r'b. Members of the Woman’s club Tim Shannon, Old Salt Victor Thomas 9, when Mrs. Vollmer was taken to Seals, from which _ _ sales . , come _ . a Camilla Mills spent Saturday, Dec. having asked permission to install, Kitty Adair Pearl Hall Miss Elma Watkins and Arthur Portland yesterday for an opera- goodly portion o f the funds being at the club’s expense, a drinking j Dorothy, her best friend Mr*. Hrown, chaperone Jennie Goodman Kopplin returned from Hillsboro, *'on. but the Express has n o t:55^ 1 by th® association. fountain, permission was given to Barbara E v c , y .n Patton w h ere they were united in mar- heard the result. Mrs. Walker informs the Ex- place said fountain anywhere on Chorus C.f high «chool girls and riaRe by Rev C |ay a splendid Claire Walker, who some days Press that approximately 5,000 the curb line. City will install a sailors. dinner was served them at the since submitted to an operation J ®eals ha%'e been sold in this city bubbling fountain in library rest Admission, 25c; reserved seats ; home of the bride’s parents, Mr. f ° r goitre, returned home from during the past ten days and she at IJttler’s pharmacy, 35c. room. is anxious to double this sale be and Mrs. P. W. Watkins, where Portland Tuesday. The Woman’s club was also fore the close o f the present Some Are Dissatisfied Mrs. D. N. Morris has suffered their many friends and relatives voted free electricity to light the month. Those w h o have not While the school board was in were gathered. considerably for the past week proposed municipal Christmas been solicited to buy seals, may session last evening, a petition, The event was one which will from rheumatism, but is some tree, and the band boys were secure them o f Mrs. Sanford, at signed by about one hundred citi leave a lasting impression on all what improved today. allowed electric lights free for the Rogers library. zens, was presented, asking that those present and many hearty A daughter was born to M r ., band practice, not to exceed $1.00 the directors call a mass meeting greetings and tokens of esteeem|and Mrs. George Ortman Xmas Bulletin of th e ! per month. of taxpayers “ to discuss vital were bestowed upon the young David Hill section on Dec. For Xmas Gifts go to the Book 6th. i Purchasing committee instruct matters.” As “ vital matters” Store. Books. Leather Goods, couple. This gives George a team— a boy, ed to get a dog-net, to enable might mean any one of a hundred The bride is the only daughter and a girl Hand-painted China, Toilet Sets, Marshal Watkins to catch dogs subjects, the board members re of M r. and Mrs. P. W . Watkins Manicuring Sets, Pottery, Dolls, without being eaten alive. He Mass Meeting Saturday fused to father the call, but stated of this city, while the groom is Pictures, Doll Carts, Games and was also instructed to prosecute i There will be a mass meeting of _ , . „ ,. that the school building was open The the youngest son of Julius Kop- citizens and taxpayers at the Cen- Boards of all kinds. owners of unmuzzled dogs. to any citizens who might want plin. The couple will be at home tral School building Saturday, celebrated Davis, quality Xmas A petition, signed by the man to hold a meeting and that the dn a farm adjacent to the Julius Dec. 16, at 2:00 p. m. to dis- Cards, and many other things agers of the Planing Mill, W. F. directors would attend any meet Kopplin farm, south of Laurel-1 «w s important school matters. which will make beautiful Xmas Hartrampf, E. F. Burlingham Everybody come. ing called and answer any ques wood presents. and W. F. Schultz, asking that C O M M IT T E E , tions asked. This appeared to be The Express extends congratu We invite you to call and look rate for juice for power purposes | By Dr. C. E. Hawke. satisfactory and the call for the lations to Mr. and Mrs. Kopplin. our stock over before making be reduced for quantities, was re meeting is published elsewhere in Beautiful Christmas windows your purchases. ferred to light committee for in The members of the Forest this issue. _ . have been arranged at Dr. Hines’ H. R. B E R N A R D , Prop. vestigation. As those who are calling the (»rove Fire department will g ne (j r u g s t o r e , VanKoughnet & Treasurer was instructed to William F . K elly of Camas meeting will be there, it might be their annual ball at I. O. O. F. R ider’s drug store, Littler’s Phar draw a warrant for $1,750 to pay macy, Goff and Gordon’s hard Tuesday took out a marriage building on the night of Monday, very desirable that all those who interest on water bonds and to Jan. 1st. Walker’s orchestra will ware stores, The Electric Shop, license at Vancouver, Wash., to have not called it attend also— Schultz Market, the Book Store, call in three 1914 street improve furnish the music. During the Saturday, Dec. 16, at 2 p. m. | King & Co.’s, Shearer & Son’s marry Louise A. Peterson of ment bonds (Nos. 187, 188 and afternoon, from 1 to o o clock, the jewelry store, Abbott’s jewelry Forest Grove^ Free Gold Fish next Saturday 189) in the sum of $500 each. firemen will hold “ open house,” store, Bailey’s, John Anderson’s The Book Store will be open Mayor Paterson reported that at VanKoughnet & Reders. when they cordially invite every and at Fuqua’s. evenings after today (Thursday). r s r r a t s i j* drMs ■“■¡ t * Ko, tbal1 Ff F & i