»« m m M w — NOTES AND PERSONALS & Reason ” C .n Y»u Justly Say Christmas Presents For Sale—Nice driving horse, good harness and buggy. Inquire for not having a bank account? Did it ever occur to you at this office. 43-tf that a bank account, even though it is a small one, is the of («ales Miss Kate Heisler safest way of doing business? Why not open an account in town Creek visited friends We are LOADED with them. with this Bank TODAY? Tuesday. We know that a careful consideration of the business The latest Columbia records of methods of this Bank will lead you to conclude that it is All Kinds of KEEN KUTTERS the new songs on sale at Littler’s to your advantage to do your banking business with it. Pharmacy. For Sale—Young milk cow ami yound Duroc brood sow. A. B i Clark, Forest Grove. 2t* FOREST GROVE, ORE. Miss Kdith Pechip, a teacher in the Orenoo schools, visited Gale “A Strong Bank in a Good Town.” | Grange last Saturday. A Nice Roaster for Mother. David Sparks departed the first of the week for a visit at his old home at Sturgis, S. D. Mr. and Mrs G. A. Bryant had the best on earth and latest style. for Thanksgiving guests Mr. and « Mrs. H. D. Bryant of Gaston. for your liberal patronage at Thanksgiving and hope Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Meresse of McMinnville and Dr. K. L Lane to have your and son, Austin, of Portland Dr. and Mrs. Kauffman and 9 9 " Watch our Windows for Xmas Presents Prof, and Mrs. E. D. West Fri­ day evening attended a banquet given by the Alumni of Ohio State University at the Multno­ mah hotel, Portland. Phone Your Wants Phone 6 8 3 Forest Grove, Ore George Aydelott of the Kansas City district had th e middle finger of his left hand so baldly mangled in the drive chain of a fet'd chopper Tuesday that ampu­ C. H. GIGUERE, Prop. Phone 0301 tation was necessary. R. F. Track has taken a posi­ tion with N. B. LaCourse the -of- Money to loan on farm prop­ CONDENSED NEWS NOTES North Main s t r e e t merchant, erty. Hancock & Wiles. he has charge of the fresh L. P. King spent Thanksgiving Mrs. Margaret Mallory spent where meat department He asks his in Portland with his family. Thanksgiving in Portland. friends to call on him when in Money to loan—Valley Realty For Rent—Five-room house, need of meats. Co., Forest Grove, Oregon. 19-tf near depots, modern. Inquire of ni the A R T S T O R E The ladies of the Christian 35-tf Hancock & Wiles write Life. Manche Langley. Church will hold their Annual EVERYTHING GOES, PRACTICALLY AT COST For Rent—Five rooms in hou^e Bazaar Dec. 8th and 9th. Din- Accident & Fire Insurance. 1-tf just west of Laughlin Hotel. In­ ner and supper will be .erved Fri­ For Sale—One buggy and one Sale Start« MONDAY, DEC. 1th 40 day and dinner Saturday; Pr ce buck-board. C. Wr. Odell, phone quire at this office. and runs until Dec. 21th. The best thing for your bad 25c. Hoffman building, n e x t 345. 47-2* door to Star Theater. cold is the “Good Health” Cold Wanted—Some t u r n i p s for Tablets, f o r s a l e by Littlers’ Mr. and Mrs. L M. Graham P. O. Block cow feed. South P a r k Dairy, , Pharmacy. Forest Grove entertained Verle Stanley, Thayne Chas. D. Staley, Prop. 47 tf A son was born Thanksgiving Live