The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, December 07, 1916, Image 7

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About Oregon
To Vacate Cabinet Post as Protest
Against Lack of Vigor.
Of General Interest
Ix>ndon — Premier Asquith haa de­
cided to advise the king to consent to
the reconstruction of the government.
This was officially announced Sunday University Students Live Well
night. Thu statement reads:
on 8-Cent Meals by Clubbing
“ The prime minister, with a view to
Balem--The riddle of the high coat
the most effective prosecution of the
war, has decided to advise his majesty, of living apparently haa been solved
the king, to consent to the reconstruc­ by the Commons Co-operative Club of
Willamette University, composed of
tion of the government.”
Thu (sditical crisis has become 26 students.
This club during October furnished
It is said in well-informed
quarters that David Lloyd George, the its members with three meals a day
war secretary, has tendered his resig­ for an average cost of 24.8 cents a
which has not yet been ac­ day each, or 8.3 cents a meal.
F'reitrh Sailor» F'irst to Start Fight—
cost also included the salary of the
King Constantine Flatly Refuse*
Mr. Lloyd George had a long consul­ cook, fuel and light. The actual price
tation with the premier. Other visi­ paid for foodstuffs was 18.8 cents a
to Give Lip Guns to Allies.
tors were A. Donar Law, secretary of day, or 8.3 cents a meal.
The students do all the buying, serv­
the colonies, and the
Marquis of
Crewe, lord-president of tLie council. ing of meals, washing dishes and other
London A dispatch to the Daily Sir F)dward Carson and Mr. Law ap- work. The meals are served in the
basement of Walter hall.
F. E. Prid-
Mail from Athens ti>n«*<l 11:45 a. m. |iearud together and addressed a morn­ dy and C. E .’ Womer are the two stu­
ing meeting of tho Unionist commit­
Saturday, Hay a:
tee, while the F2arl of Derby, under- dents who have charge of the purchase
of food supplies, and despite the low
“ Fighting haa taken place hetween
cost they said that they were able to
French Nailorn and reaerviata on the
obtain a wide variety of food and sat­
alopea of the Acro|a>lia.
I’Maaengera j
isfy the appetites of the club mem­
Sir Hiram Stevens Maxim, scientist
from Piraeus aay that when pMaaing
and inventor, who quit the United
“ In October,” said Mr. Priddy, “ it States in 1884 when his semi-auto­
the Theaee railroad station they wit-
cost our club only $7.70 for each mem­ matic rapid fire gun was rejected by
neaaeil the lighting.
ber for food, and we gave a well- the United States and accepted by the
“ Thia fighting, according to other
balanced ration. We pay our cook $35 British government, has just died in
information, waa between French aail-
a month and board, our wood for fuel Ixmdon. In 1887 he was knighted by
ora and Greek troopa.
purposes costs $12 and lights $1 for Queen Victoria for his work in inven­
the month.
For food we paid out tion and science.
“ A panic haa begun in Athena.
31 days of the month.”
Crowda are ruahing through the atreeta
For breakfast the students are
and ahopa are being cloaed.
served with griddle cakes, cereal,
Price of Horses Will Advance.
“ Two French cruiacra have entered j
hash, bread and butter and coffee. For
Lewiston, Idaho—That the price of
luncheon there are three kinds of veg­
I'haleron hari>or.”
horses will continue to advance is the
I.argu French. British and Italian
No meat or dessert is served. The opinion of 12. E. F'lood, ex-president of
contingenta F'riday night diaembarked
dinner in the evening includes vege­ the Northwest Livestock Show.
at 1‘iraeua without incident, aaya the
tables, meats, bread and butter, des­ O. Lieth, buyer for a large exporting
Kx change Telegraph Athena corre­
sert of some kind, and cither coffee or company in Kansas City, Mo., who
spent several months in this territory
purchasing hundreds of horses, wired
An Athena dispatch to the Daily
Mr. Flood that he would soon return to
State Tax Levy Test Begun;
Chronicle under date of November 30
the Northwest and renew his purchases
animals suitable for use on Euro­
aacriLicH the following statement to
Six Per Cent Limitation in Court of
Vice Admiral Du Foumet, in command
Salem—A state tax which will pro­
“ The prices for horses are rapidly
of the allied fleet in Creek waters:
vide for all the requirements of the advancing, due to the fact that the
“ I inaist absolutely on the execution
state government will be certified to j allies have taken so many out of this
of my demands, and will sec that they
the various counties by the State Tax territory and shipped them to Europe,”
are realized in spite of all obstacles.
commission, it was announced Tuesday said Mr. Flood. “ Mr. Lieth will find
French, British and Italian detach­
at a meeting attended by the governor,-! prices advanced even since he left here
ments will lie landed at all points nec-
secretary of state and state treasurer. a short time ago. I take it that the
cNsary. I will endeavor to avoid blood- i
The board will make the certifica- allied forces are not expecing any let­
ahe<l, but will fulfill my mission I In an address which has aroused tion without regard to the 6 per cent up in hostilities in Europe when they
much interest James M. Beck, former tax limitation amendment adopted at send their agents back here for more
thoroughly. “
An Evening News dispatch filed at assistant attorney general of the the recent general election and thus war horses.”
1 :45 a. m. Saturday says further re­ United States, said he believed the j the question of whether the amend­
ports have been received of forces war in Flurope was the beginning of a ment is applicable to the state levy
marching south from Thessaly and titantic conflict. He said the world is will be brought before the courts for
other sections of Greece north of likely to see a “ seething caldron of decision.
Athens. The garrison of Chalcia is international hatred for some de- I An early settlement of the question
marching with rifles toward Schima- cades," and it would be difficult for is desired so the legislature may be in­
tari. The dispatch says a minor dis­ the United States to keep out.
formed whether or not additional legis­
Portland—Wheat— Bluestem, $1.48;
turbance occurred F’riday night.
lation to put amendment in operation forty-fold. $1.43 ¡¿club, $1.42; red Rus­
few revolver shots were fired. No one secretary for war, had a long inter­ is needed.
sian, $1.38.
was injured.
view with Mr. Lloyd George.
The Tax commission is not deemed a
Oats— No. 1 white feed, $35.00.
Just liefore the time of filing of the 1 Reynolds newspaper says that David tax levying body and the point has j Barley— No. 1 feed, $37.50.
dispatch. King Constantine notified the Lloyd George has intimated his inten- ‘ been raised that it is the counties
Flour—Patents, $8; straights, $6.80
His resignation, 1 which make the Btate levy and not the @ 7.20; exports, $6.80; valley, $7.50;
entente ministers of his definite re­ tion of resigning.
adds the paper, has been delayed at tax commission.
fusal to hand over the guns.
whole wheat, $8.20; graham, $8.00.
the request of several of his colleagues
Millfeed — Spot
in the cabinet, but there is little pros- j
$26.50@27.00 per ton; shorts, $30.50@
Villa Prepares to Leave Chihuahua
Cornerstone is Laid.
pect of success on their part.
31.00; rolled barley, $40.00@41.50.
Taking Along Trainloads of Loot The reasons given for the possible ■ Roseburg—Two thousand people saw Corn— Whole, $47 per ton; cracked
resignation of Mr. Lloyd George is
Juarez, Mex.— Villa bandits were that he has definitely decided that the 1 the cornerstone of Roseburg’s new F’ed- $48.
Hay—Producers’ prices: Timothy,
reported to t>e loading two trains with methods of dilatoriness, indecision and eral building laid Monday afternoon by
loot from the stores and private resi­ delay, which characterize the action of the acting officers of the Grand Lodge Eastern Oregon, $17@20 per ton; tim­
dences of Chihuahua City and prepar­ the present war council, endanger the j of Masons of Oregon. F’ormer Grand othy, valley, $16@17; alfalfa, $16@
Worshipful Master J . C. Fullerton had 17.00; valley grain hay, $13@15;
ing to follow these trains west on the prospects of winning the war.
Mexican Northwestern railroad, ac- , It is understood, adds the paper, 1 charge of the ceremony, and ex-Con- clover, $12.50.
Butter — Cubes, extras, 37@38c.
cording to a message received at mili­ that Premier Asquith has declined to gressman Binger Herrman was orator
Jobbing prices: Prints, extras, 40c.
tary headquarters here F'riday from accept Mr. Lloyd George’s view that of the day.
The business houses were closed and butterfat, No. 1, 40c; No. 2, 38c,
General Ozuna’s scouts at Sauz.
the war council must be materially re­
General Ozuna’s cavalry column was duced in number. It is believed that the High school students marched to Portland.
Eggs — Oregon ranch, current re­
at Cuilty, the first station north of the Mr. Bonar Law and lord Derby con­ the F'ederal building in honor of the
stnte capital, the reports said.
The template following Mr. Lloyd George’s event. In the usual copper box placed ceipts, 40c per dozen;
scouts obtained their information from example.
ing should be destoyed, were copies of
Poultry—Hens, 12@14c; springs, 14
refugees reaching Cuilty and Sauz (
pier pound; turkeys, live, 18@
from Chihuahua City. This news was One Convicted in Land Fraud Case.
government and the acting officers of 20c; dressed, 23@24c; ducks, 14@16c;
taken at headquarters to indicate the
San F’rancisco — Of the six defend­
geese, 10c.
intention of Villa to evacuate the city ants in the so-called Oregon land fraud the Grand Lodge of Masons.
Veal—Fancy— ll}@ 1 2 c per pound.
after looting it. as he did at I’arral, case, W. B. DeGarmo, Ix>s Angeles,
Pork—Fancy, 12@ 12}c per pound.
New Road Plan Proposed.
Santa Rosalia and Jiminez.
General was found guilty, ami Sidney L. Sperry
Vegetables— Artichokes, 75c@1.10
Trevino was said by General Gonzales | and W. A. S. Nicholson not guilty, by
Salem—The members of the State
to have l>een in llorcasitas F’riday the jury which heard the evidence in Highway commission are in favor of per dozen; tomatoes, 75c@$1.25 per
crate; cabbage, 76c@$2.00 per hun­
awaiting the arrival of General F'ran- the F'ederal court here.
being relieved of duties connected dred; peppers, 5@7c per pound; egg­
cisco Murguia’s forces from the di­
DeGarmo was permitted by United with the highway development of the
rection of Camargo, south of Chihua­ States Judge Maurice T. Dooling tore- state and having the work placed in plant, 6@ 8c; lettuce, $2.50; cucumbers,
$ 1@1.50 per box; celery. 65@76c per
hua City.
main at liberty under the bail given the hands of a non-political commis­ dozen; pumpkins, lc
per pound;
during trial.
Sperry and Nicholson sion.
squash, l @ l } c per pound.
Hoboes to Have College.
were at once discharged from custody.
This was the information given to a
Potatoes — Oregon, buying price,
Chicago— Announcement of the open­
sub-committee of the Oregon Good $1.40 @ 1.50 per hundred, country
ing here within a few days of Inter­
Roads committee, which met with the points; sweets, $2.75 per hundred.
Ship Sold as Junk Is Rich.
national H o I m ) college, offering courses
This commit­
San Fancisco—Tom Crowley was the Highway commission.
Onions— Oregon buying prices, $2.50
for migratory workers in law, English, most surprised man along the water­ tee is framing practical road legisla­ per sack, country points.
journalism, hygiene, mathematics and front Monday when he put the steamer tion with a view of preparing a bill
Green Fruits—Apples, new, 60c(iz.$2
nature study, was made Saturday.
Governor Sternberg on the ways and for action by the next legislature.
per box; pears, $ 1@ 1.50; grapes, $1@
The college will be conducted under found the vessel was copj>er sheathed
2; casabas, l j c ; cranberries, $10.50
the auspices of the
International and constructed throughout with cop­
Prunes Are Shipped East.
@ 12.50 per barrel.
Brotherhood Welfare association, it per fastenings, besides having a large
Sheridan—Sheridan shipped east 1,-
Hops— 1916 crop, 8@10c per pound.
was stated, and is fortified by an en­ amount of brass and copper in the 037,000 pounds of prunes, Wednesday,
Wool — Eastern Oregon, fine, 25@
dowment of $750 given by James Eads craft’s machinery.
Crowley recently this shipment comprising the output of 27c; coarse, 33f(£34c; valley, 33c.
How, of St. LouiB.
bought the Sternl>erg from the govern­ 10 of the large orchards around Sheri­
Mohair—35@45c per pound.
ment for $310. He will realize more dan.
Seven to seven and one half
Cascara bark—Old and new, 5Jc per
Floods in Spain Serious.
than $5000 from the metals alone.
cents was the price brought.
The pound.
----------- --------------
prunes were of the finest quality. Next
Madrid, via London— Serious floods
Cattle— Steers, prime, $6.75@ 7.25;
Seven-hour Workday Urged.
year more acreage will come into good, $6.40@ 6.75; common to fair, $6@
are rnvaging Flastern Spain, particu­
Christopher, III.—The time has come bearing and the output,’ may lie 6.00; cows, choice, $5.25@ 6; medium
larly the province of Valencia.
Alcira the railroad station and several for union labor to seek a seven-hour doubled.
to good, $4.50@ 5; ordinary to fair,
houses collapsed and the people took workday, in the opinion of John P.
$3.500i)4; heifers, $4@ 6; bulls, $3@
Portland Man Appointed.
refuge on roofs and church steeples, White, interationnl president of the
4.25; calves, $4@ 7.50.
communications have been cut at var­ United Mine Workers of America,
Salem J. H. Gault, of Portland has
Hogs—Prime, $9.25(0 9.75; good to
ious places. The floods have destroyed who spoke Sunday before representa­ Eieen appointed chief engineer at the prime mixed, $8.25@ 9; rough heavy,
dikes and covered the whole country­ tives of the eight miners’ unions in Flastern Oregon state hospital to suc­ $8@ 8.25; pigs and skips, $8@ 8.25.
side. At Murcia the waters are still this field. “ Such a move is necessary ceed Charles Murphy, recently named
Sheep—Lambs, $8@ 8.75; yearlings,
rising. Thousands of families have if we are to conserve our economic and as superintendent of the Oregon peni­ wethers, $7@ 7.60; old wethers, $6.26
social welfare,” he said.
been reduced to beggary.
@ 6.50; ewes, $5@ 5.50.
Engagement Begins on Slopes
of Ancient Acropolis.
Navy Takes Charge of Santo
Domingo to Keep Order.
Fears for Neutrality
of the United States
No Infringement of Civil Rights Is In­
1800 Marines to Prevent
Any Revolution Agitation.
Washington, D. C.— Military rule
has been proclaimed in Santo Domingo
by the United States navy to suppress
existing political chaos in the little re­
public and pave the way for guarantee­
ing future quiet by establishing there
such a financial and police protectorate
as the American government now ex­
ercises over Haiti.
Eighteen hundred American marines
will maintain order for the present,
and, at least until elections are held in
January, their officers will supervise
the conduct of government by native
officials and disburse the customs reve­
nues which American receivers have
been collecting by treaty arrangement
for nine years.
The navy proclamation, issued Fri­
day, apparently has been put into
effect without bloodshed.
The necessity for a drastic step has
been considered since the overthrow
several months ago of President Jim i­
nez by General Arias, a strongly anti-
American revolutionist.
With Arias
in control, the Dominican assembly
elected Federico Enriquez president,
but the United States refused to rec­
ognize the new government and with­
held the balance of customs revenues
left after the regular payments of in­
terest on the foreign debt. Conse­
quently the native officials and em­
ployes drew their first pay since the
downfall of Jiminez when, on Decem­
ber 2, the American officers began to
disburse some $600,000 of accumulated
export duties.
Secretary Daniels explained Friday
that the form of rule set up by Cap­
tain H. S. Knapp, in command of the
United States forces in Santo Do­
mingo, did not contemplate any in­
fringement of the civil rights or pro­
cesses of the native government. The
marines will maintain order and pre­
vent revolutionary agitation, but the
municipal and civil laws will still be
administered by Dominican courts.
Berlin is at Loss to Reply to
Note on Sinking of Marina
Berlin, via London — The German
ioreign office has asked the American
embassy for further details as to the
place and circumstance of the sinking
of the British steamer Marina. It is
said that the information offered in
the American note of inquiry is insuffi­
cient for the purposes of investigation.
New York—A detailed report of the
torpedoing and sinking of the British
steamship Marina on October 28 off
the Southwest coast of Ireland, when
19 persons, including six Americans,
lost their lives, was given here Friday
by 41 horsemen, American survivors
of the Marina, who arrived here as
passengers on the steamship Tuscania
from Glasgow.
Jesse Hancock, of Newport News,
Va., acting as spokesman, said the
ship was torpedoed without warning,
two torpedoes being fired, the first hit­
ting her on the starboard quarter and
the second on the port side. He added,
and his assertion was supported by the
others, that the firing of the second
torpedo was unnecessary, and had it
not been fired there would not in all
probability have been any loss of life.
$ 1 0 ,0 0 0 Left Aero Club.
New York—A bequest of $10,000 to
the Aero Club of America to encourage
aviation with machines using power
other than gas in making ascensions
was provided in the will of Samuel H.
Valentine, formerly a lawyer in this
city, filed for probate here. Mr. Val­
entine had been a member of the board
of governors of the Aero Club. He
died at Narragansett Pier September
15. Mr. Valentine left Amherst Col­
lege $5000 to beautify the campus.
Russia Sends $ 8 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 .
San Francisco— Arriving here Thurs­
day on the Japanese liner Shinyo
Maru, consigned from Petrograd to J .
P. Morgan & Co., New York, gold
with Russian and United States secur­
ities to the extent of $80,000,000, tar­
ried only a short time and proceeded
East by Wells-Fargo express.
About $32,000,000 was actual gold,
the remainder, in negotiable securi­
ties, all contained in big iron chests
and guarded by seven express company