The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, November 30, 1916, Image 9

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South America Now Buying
Wheat in Pacific Northwest
O f General Interest
Portland — Australian grain dealers
are establishing themselves In the
W is t Coast trade, a zone reached from
the Northwest in times when tonnage
was plentiful, and two charters were
made last week for the business from
the Antipodes to South America, the
American ship Star o f Poland being
fixed at 70 shillings and the barkentine
Hawaii at 76 shillings to load wheat
at Adelaide for Callao.
Exporters here do not look for a ma­
terial movement o f Australian cereal
to the West Coast, and reason that
with the difference in the market
Northwest firms easily could com|>ete
with the Australians.
But the ton­
nage feature is a drawback, besides
the big movement from this district at
present is by railroad to the Atlantic
and thence by water to Europe.
Noted Novelist, found in Stupor in
Room, Cannot Be Aroused.
“ The Call ol the Wild" and "Th e Sea
W olf" Among Best Books —
Socialist and Agriculturist.
Santa Kona. Cal.— Jack l/ondon, one
oP Calirornia'a bust-known authora,
died at hie Glen Ellen ranch near here
at 7 :45 o ’ clock Wednesday night, a vic­
tim or uremic |*>isoning.
London was
taken ill Tuesday ni|{htt and waa found
unconacioun early in the morning hy a
aervant who went to hia room to
awaken him.
Ilia condition at first alarmed hia
aiater, Mra. Elizabeth Shepard, who
aurnmoned physicians. It waa at firat
believed that the author waa a victim
o f ptomaine |«>i*oning. but later ft de­
veloped that he waa suffering from a
aevere form o f uremia.
!)r. J. Wilaon Shiela, o f San Fran-
ciaco, a clone friend o f the writer, waa
aurnmoned during the day. awl declared
that the patient’a condition waa grave.
From the time l*ondon waa found he
did nut regain conaciouaneaa.
midday he neemod to rally, but later
suffered a relapae and sank rapidly un­
til the end came.
Heaidea hia aiater, Ixindon ia aur-
vived by a daughter, who ia a atudent
at the (Jniveraity o f California; hia
mother, who liven in Oakland, Cal.,
and hia w ife Charmion London.
London would have been 41 yearn
old on January 12.
Jack iAtndon waa born in San Fran-
ciaco, Cal., January 12, 1876.
He en­
tered the Univeraity o f California, but
did not complete hia courae. He left
college to go to the Klondike during
the famoua gold ruah.
He went to aea before the maat in
1882, and followed thin the next year
with a trip which included a viait to
Japan and a aeal hunting cruiae in the
Bering aea.
In 1894 he tramped
through the United StateB for the pur-
pone of making a first-hand study o f
social and economic problems, which
he used, with his other ex|>eriencca,
In his prolific writings.
In 1906 London built a 66-foot yacth,
the Snark, and in 1907-1909 he cruised
the South Seas in it.
Hia life was stressful, and many o f
his books, particularly “ John Barley­
corn, ” were popularly accepted as au­
tobiographical experiences. He was
an indefatigable worker. Early in his
career he set himself the task o f w rit­
ing a certain amount every day, and
he lived up to the undertaking to the
London was deeply interested in so­
cialism, and latterly devoted himself
to farming, a hobby, he testified in
court a few days ago. to which he de­
voted all the earnings from his jien.
He made a deep study o f agricultural
problems, and recently qualified as an
ex|>ert on irrigation.
London came into literary promin­
ence in 1903, when he published “ The
Call o f the W ild .’ ’ This was followed
the next year by the “ Sea W o lf.” He
was the author o f at least 40 books,
several plays and innumerable short
I . R. Heads Big Peace Body.
New York— Theodore Roosevelt has
accepted temporarily
the honorary
presidency o f the League o f Neutral
Nations, it was announced here Thurs­
day. The organization was formed
soon after the German invasion o f Bel­
gium to influence public sentiment in
favor o f the rights o f smaller coun­
tries against “ m ilitary oppression by
the great powers.”
Originating in Switzerland, the lea­
gue now claims to have branches in
Argentina, Chile, Denmark, Spain,
Greece, Holland, Peru, Brazil, N or­
way, Sweden and the United States.
Branches also were maintained in Por­
tugal and Roumania until those coun­
tries entered the war, it was said.
Oregon State Census Fixes
Population at 834,515 Persons
Salem— Oregon’s estimated popula­
tion for 1916, based upon the school
population, is 834,616, as compared
with a imputation o f 672,766 shown by
the Federal census o f 1910.
In the
six-year |>eriod this is an average gain
in imputation of 19.4 per cent.
These figures were compiled by O.
I‘ . llofT, State labor commissioner, and
Indicate that Klamath county, with a
gain of 29.6 per cent, leads all other
counties in the state.
Multnomah county’s increase in |>op-
ulation ia 23.1 per cent, or 294,284
population, compared to 226,261 in
1910. For the two-year period, 1914
and 1916, Multnomah county gained
4.7 per cent In (mpulation.
Mr. H off’s figures on the estimated
present imputation in the different
counties fo llo w : Baker, 21,591; Ben­
ton, 13,594; Clackamas, 39,317; Clat­
sop, 19,469; Columbia, 13,101; Coos,
SO, 016; Crook,
6334; Curry, 2643; Douglas, 23,326;
Gilliam, 4123; Grant, 7335; Harney,
4602; Hood River, 7036; Jackson, 26,-
384; Josephine, 9398; Klamath, 12,-
160; Lake, 5740; I.ane, 39.440; Lin­
coln, 6845; Linn, 26,231; Malheur,
13,622; Marion, 49,213;
4892; Multnomah, 294,284; Polk. 17,-
542; Sherman, 4739; Tillamook, 8540;
Umatilla, 22,466; Union. 8387; W al­
lowa, 10,963; Wasco, 21,043; Wash-
in tgon, 23,126; Wheeler, 3043; Yam ­
hill. 19,492.
Older Boys’ Annual Conference
To Be Held December 1-3
Nearly three hundred older boys w ill
lie assembled at Corvallis, Ore., De­
cember 1-3, 1916, for the Eleventh An­
nual State Older Boys’ Conference.
The fifteen and twenty addresses made
by boys from as many western Oregon
cities w ill be reinforced by the ad­
dresses by leaders. Among the lead­
ers of this conference will be President
W. J. Kerr, o f 0 . A. C.. Gale Sea­
man, International Pacific Coast Stu­
dent secretary. Prof. Norman Coleman
of Reed College and Rev. G. L. Clark
o f La Grande, Ore.
Three important exhibits w ill be
displayed; one prepared by the Oregon
Social Hygiene society for Older Boys;
one on T h rift prepared by the Interna­
tional Y. M. C. A., and backed by the
State Bankers’ association, and one by
a committee o f boys in Corvallis.
Similar gatherings will be held at
Baker, Ore., December 8-10, and Po­
catello, Idaho, December 15-17.
These three conferences which are
open to older boys from Sunday
schools, High schools, ami Y . M. C.
A.s, are directed by the Oregon-Idaho
State Young Men’s Christian associa­
tion executive committee.
Inform a­
tion may be secured through John H.
Rudd, Interstate boys’ secretary, 305
Y. M. C. A ., Portland, Ore.
Road Protection Wanted.
Corvallis— An agitation was started
this week by Corvallis people to have
it made a provision o f the automobile
laws o f the state of Oregon that no
person who drinks liquor to excess or
who is known to be a reckless driver
shall be permitted to drivo an automo­
bile on the highways o f the state. It
is also argued by some that an exam­
ination o f the heart should precede
the granting o f such privilege.
The demand for Buch a law followed
an automobile accident in which two
drunken men and a woman came near
losing their lives, and the public high­
way was made dangerous for others
because o f their reckless driving.
Logging Line to Build.
Eugene— S. A. Buck and A. H. Buck,
o f the Monroe Tim ber company, of
Monroe, Wash., and the Buck Box &
Crate company o f Eugene, has filed
with the Lane county clerk a record o f
right o f way for a logging railway
across property bordering on the Sius-
law river between Mapleton and Flor­
A large number o f contracts to pur­
chase cedar lumber also were filed by
the same parties.
Willamina Votes Bonds.
Willamina — A special election o f
Willamina was held recently to decide
if the voters wished to bond the city
for $11,000 to meet outstanding in­
debtedness on improvements which had
been made on the streets two and three
Deutschland Likely Safe.
Nantucket, Maas. — The merchant years ago. The bonds carried by 16
submarine Deutschland, returning to votes. The bonds are to run for 20
Germany with a valuable cargo, was years and bear 6 per cent interest.
believed Thursday to have left Amer­
Lake View Votes Bonds.
ican waters in safety.
Lake V iew — The bond election held
which set in soon after she started
from New London, Conn., prevented last week to determine whether $20,-
observation o f the submergible's prog­ 000 should be raised to purchase rights
ress along shore and there was no word o f way for the Strahorn railroad car­
This was
from her since she passed Watch Hill, ried by a vote o f 249 to 9.
R. I „ at sunset, a barely distinguish­ the heaviest vote ever polled ait a mu­
nicipal election in Lake Vew.
able object, 10 miles off shore.
Prominent Speakers, an Important
Program for Session to Be
Held in Portland.
OF H E A L T H .
Physical A ilm ents Sure to Result
W hen They Are Lacking— Serve
F ru it, Vegetables, M ilk and
Eggs L ib erally.
The session o f the Oregon Teachers’
Association which is to be held in
Prepared by I.aura Breeae o f the De­
Portland December 27, 28 and 29, will partment o f Farmers' Instilutec o f the
be the most important educational University of Wisconsin.
Home o f the physical ailments result­
meeting ever held in the state, accord­
ing from mineral starvation are rick­
ing to a statement issued by E. F.
ets, scurvy, pellagra and anemia. An
Carleton, president o f the association.
anemic person has weakened vitality
The Eastern and Western divisions
and resisting power, and is, therefore,
have joined in one association, bring­
a prey to colds, grippe und fevers.
ing the entire state into one conven­
The foods rich In minerals are vege-
A new constitution has been
and fruits, breads und cereals
adopted, which eliminates the old plan
i made from whole grains, eggs, milk
Naval Base Work is Speeded.
tion with the association.
Equal rep­ | and the natural rice. In the milling of
Portland— To insure the least possi­ resentation has been provided, so that I the white flours, eommeal, some oat­
ble delay in gettin g at facts relative the convention cannot be controlled by meal and most cereals, the parts of the
to advantages in the Columbia river any one section. Every county ir the grains containing the greatest amount
for a naval base, the Chamber o f Com­ state is sending delegates in propor­ of mineral substance are eliminated,
merce is engaged in assembling all tion to the number o f teachers, and consequently their value as sources of
data under a system that will facilitate each local teachers’ organization is mineral foods is reduced.
consideration by Rear Admiral Helm entitled to a delegate provided that it
The housewife, however, can always
and his brother officers on the commis­ has more than fifteen members, and supply her table with fruit, vegetables,
sion, while a complete chart o f the not less that three meetings each year. milk and eggs. There are such numer­
W illam ette and Columbia rivers, from
These duly elected representatives ous ways o f serving these foods that
Portland to the sea, is Eyeing prepared after their qualifications have been i heir appearance on the table should
by G. B. Hegardt, chief engineer of passed upon by the credentials com­ never become monotonous.
the Commission o f Public Docks. The mittee, w ill be entitled to sit in the
The following recipe offers sugges-
officers are due about December 15.
j tlons for an attractive way o f serving
representative council.
In addition the chaml>er o f com­
The entire opening day, Wednesday, cabbage, the mineral content of which
merce has decided to request the Com­ December 27, will be devoted to the j is very high:
mission o f Public Docks to relieve Mr. deliberations of this council. Reports
Irnperiul Cabbage.— One medium­
Hegardt from duty during the period of three standing committees w ill be sized head of cabbage; two carrots,
the navy officers are in this district, heard, and it is expected that the pared; two potatoes, pared; one cup­
even for a week i f necessary, so that council w ill take definite action on at ful o f cooked meat or chicken (or more,
he may accompany them on their trips least three important problems pre­ j if desired) ; two teaspoonfuls of salt,
o f inspection.
sented by these committees. The first one small onion, one-fourth cupful but­
is a proposed plan for a retirement ter, melted; a little pepper.
fund for the teachers o f Oregon. The
Remove decayed leaves of the cab­
Mills Ship and Run Again.
report w ill be presented by the chair­ bage; form a basket of the head by re-
Baker, O r.— A slight liftin g in the man, W. T. Foster, President o f Reed
| moving the center and allowing two
shortage o f cars on the O.-W. R. & N. i college. The second is the Retarda­
layers of the outside leaves to remain
permitted Baker lumber companies to tion problem.
C. W. Boq|ticher, city attached to the core. Crisp the cab­
clear out their shipping sheds, and all superintendent o f the Albany schools,
bage by allowing It to stand in cold
mills were running this week. A l­ is chairman o f the committee prepar­
water. Drain welL
though the supply was not normal, it ing this report. President J. H. Ack­
Put the cabbage removed from the
was such an improvement that mill erman, o f Monmouth, w ill present the
the carrots, potatoes, onion
owners were jubilant.
report which is predicted w ill provoke
The Baker W hite Pine plant, which the liveliest discussion o f the day, “ A and meat through the food grinder, add
Bhut down one day because of the Code o f Ethics for Teachers.” No one butter and seasoning. Mix all well,
shortage, was able to resume with the but delegates will have the right to and fill the cabbage with the mixture.
full crew o f men, and the three other vote in the representative council, or T ie the leaves In place over the
mills, which had planned to stop unless to discuss the questions submitted, but stuffing with a clean string, and place
there was relief, were able to continue. seats w ill be provided for all teachers the cabbage In a tightly covered bak-
The railroad was unable to promise a who wish to visit the first day’s ses­ i ing dish and bake about one hour.
normal Bupply or a continuation o f the sion. The representative council w ill There will be no need o f adding water,
us there Is sufficient moisture In the
present service.
meet in the Portland Hotel which w ill
| vegetables to steam them.
be the official headquarters for the
Apple and Rice Pudding.
The work o f the second and third
small, tart apples, core and put
days w ill be open to all teachers o f the
state and the indications are that the them In a baking dish. Have ready
one cupful o f boiled rice, mix with It
attendance w ill be record breaking.
Tw o men o f national reputation have two cupfuls of hot milk, into which
Portland— Wheat— Bluestem, $1.59;
forty-fold, S I.60; club, $1.48; red fife, been secured to address the general as­ has been beaten the yolks of three
semblies, Carrol G. Pearse o f Milwau­ eggs and one-half cupful o f sugar.
$1.48; red Russian, $1.48.
kee,,Wis., president o f the State Nor­ Stir In one-half cupful raisins, some
•Oata— No. 1 white feed, $35.75.
mal scchool at that place and form erly strips o f citron and. If you wish to,
Barley— No. 1 feed, $38.50.
Flour— Patents, $8.40; straights, $7 .president o f the National Education one-half cupful blanched almonds. Put
@7.60; exports, $7.20; valley, $7.90; association; and Dr. Henry Suzzallo, one teaspoonful o f sugar Into each ap­
president o f the University of Wash­ ple and pour this mixture over them.
whole wheat, $8.60; graham, $8.40.
M illfeed — Spot
Bran, ington, form erly o f Columbia Univer­ Put In oven, covered, and bake until
These two men are known as the apples are tender. This pudding
$25.00 per ton; shorts, $29.00; rolled sity.
stars of the first magnitude in the edu­ n -y be frosted with the whites of
barley, $41.00@42.00.
Corn— Whole, $49 per ton; cracked cational world, and they w ill discuss eggs or served with whipped cream.
educational problems o f nation-wide
T ea Rolls.
Hay— Producers’ prices: Timothy, interest.
Dissolve a yeast cake and one table­
Thursday morning, December 28 will
Eastern Oregon, $17(<i20 per ton; tim ­
othy, valley. $16@17; alfalfa, $16@ be devoted to a general assembly o f all spoonful o f sugar In one cupful of
Thursday afternoon and milk, then add two tablespoonfuls of
17.00; valley grain hay,
$13@15; teachers.
Firday morning, the teachers
w ill lard or butter melted and a half tea­
clover, $12.50.
Butter — Cubes, extras,
36@38c. meet in their various departments; spoonful of salt. Beat until smooth,
Elementary, by adding four cupfuls o f sifted flour,
Jobbing prices: Prints, extras, 40c. Secondary,
butter fat. No. 1, 40c; No. 2, 38c, Art, Rural, Commercial, Council o f and a little more milk if needed. Knead
City Superintendents and thoroughly, roll out and shape Into
Eggs — Oregon ranch, current re­ others. “ The executive committee and rolls. Place In a greased pan, and let
Oregon the heads o f the various departments rise for about two hours. When light,
have been working diligenty for the bake In a hot oven ten minutes.
ranch, candled, 60c; selects, 52c.
Poultry— Hens, 13@15c; springs, 15 past month on the program,” said
M aking W h ite C urtains Ecru.
@17c per pound; turkeys, live, 20@ President Carleton, “ and we expect to
First soak the curtains over night tn
23c; dressed, 23@27c; ducks, 13@18c; have a most profitable session.”
The association w ill close with a cold water to remove all dust. In the
geese, 11(d) 12c.
V eal— Fancy— l l ( ( i l l | c per pound. general assembly o f all the teachers morning wash In the usual way and
Friday afternoon, where the teachers rinse thoroughly to remove all soap.
Pork— Fancy, 12@12ic per pound.
V egetables— Artichokes, 75c@1.10 w ill again have the opportunity of Then put In boiler with a tan stocking.
Remove when the right color Is
per dozen; tomatoes, 75c@$1.25 per hearing the speakers from abroad.
The executive committee at the reached.
crate; cabbage, 75c@$2.00 per hun­
dred; peppers, 6@7c per pound; eg g ­ opening of the school year, entered
plant, 6@8c; lettuce, $2.60; cucumbers, into a contract with the Statesman
H in t on B roiling Fish.
$1@1.50 per box; celery, 65@76c per Publishing company under the terms
Has anyone ever tried broiling fish
dozen; pumpkins, lc
pound; o f which the Oregon Teachers’ Month­
ly became the official organ o f the on paper? Some call It pan-boiled. Ev­
squash, l@ l| c per pound.
An editorial board ap­ erybody knows how fish sticks to
Potatoes — Oregon, buying price, association.
$1.40 @ 1.50 per hundred, country pointed by the president o f the associ­ broiler pan or any other receptacle It
ation, publishes the journal, and every is cooked In, no matter how well
points; sweets, $2.75 per hundred.
Onions— Oregon buying prices, $2.50 paid-up member o f the association re­ greased. Cut thick brown paper, two
ceives one year’s subscription to the Inches larger than pan, so It will set
per sack, country points.
“ I f our plan well upon the sides and ends; butter
Green Fruits— Apples, new, 60cfcfi$2 teachers’ magazine.
per box; pears, $1@1.50; grapes, $1@ proves successful, we shall bring be­ and lay fish o n ; place pan In broiler
2; casabas, l|c; cranberries, $10.50 fore the association each year for care­ pan and set quite close to gas. It
ful consideration, some three or four will cook and brown deliciously and,
@12.50 per barrel.
Hops— 1916 crop, 9@12c per pound. problems affecting the w elfare of the best of all, leave your pan clean.— Bal­
Wool — Eastern Oregon, fine, 25@ teachers and the public schools, some timore American.
definite policies w ill be established,
27c; coarse, 33@34c; valley, 33c.
and the teachers’ journal w ill be used
Mohair— 36@45c per pound.
Swiss Salad.
Cascara bark— Old and new, 5|c per to inform all the teachers o f the state
Mix one cupful of cold cooked chick­
o f the work o f the state association, en cut.In cubes, one cupful o f chopped
Cattle— Steers, prime, $6.75@7.30; and through the year problems affect­ English walnut meats, one cupful of
good, $6.40@6.75; common to fair, $6@ ing the development of education French peas, one cucumber pared and
6.00; cows, choice, $5.25@6; medium throughout the United States w ill be cut In cubes. Marinate with French
to good, $4.60@6; ordinary to fair, discussed by able w riters.”
dressing, arrange on serving dish and
Members of the executive commit­ garnish with mayonnaise dressing.
$3.50@4; heifers, $4@6; bulls, $3@
tee are: H. D. Sheldon, Eugene; J.
4.25; calves, $4@7.50.
Hogs— Prime, $9.25@9.75; good to Percy Wells, Jacksonville; Viola Orts-
Good Fudge.
prime mixed, $8.26@9; rough heavy, child, Portland; Wm. Parker, Portland;
A few drops o f molasses in yoor
E. D. Ressler, Corvallis; H. H. Herd- fudge will prevent It from getting
$8@8.25; pigs and skips, $8@8.25.
Sheep— Lambs, $8@8.75; yearlings, man, Portland; Geo. A. Briscoe, Ash­ sugary and Improves the flavor. To
wethers, $7@7.60; old wethers, $6.25 land, and E. F. Carleton, Salem, chair­ get the best results every Ingredient
man o f the committee.
@6.50; ewes, $5@5.50.
should be accurately measured .