f ? ©lip iiitrrst (brmte Sx^rrua Published every Thursday at Forest Grove, Oregon. W. C. Benfer, Editor and l*ublishcr. Entered as second-class matter Jan. 12, 1916| at the postoffice at Forest Grove, Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879 . THURSDAY. NOV. 30 1916 N O T E S A N 1) C O M M E N T S NOTES AND PERSONALS Job printing -phone 821. A bouncing son was born Tues­ day to Mr. and Mrs. \V. G. Ralston. Don't fail to see “The Little Girl Next Door” at the Star Theater next Tuesday. Mrs. Almeda Dixon announces in this issue a special sale of her hand-ome hand-painted china For Rent—Six room house on 5th ave. Inquire of H. X. Rob­ inson, South end of Second st. Phone 0224. It John Sperl, the blacksmith, sustained a serious injury to his hand yesterday, when he ran a drill into the fleshy part thereof. The merchants and meat deal ers have been doing a land-office business this week which would indicate that the people have money to spend. The Dolly Varden Confection­ ery is now located in the new An­ derson building and Manager Denny asks the public to call and see him. Everything in confec­ tionery, nuts, cigars and tobacco Go to the P. U. field this (Thursday) afternoon. 2:30, and see the football battle between the Forest Grove high squad and the gladiators from Columbia Uni­ versity. The game will be worth the price, 25c. proud of the same. Harold Hanson has been having an addition built to hiamachine »hop, Jol n Raz doing the building. The regular meeting of the Riverside Grange will be held in the old hall Dec) S. There ia much needed improvement Ire fore the new one can he used for Grange work. Porter Tupper went to Fall« City Wednesday on business. Parent-Teacher«’ meeting will he held in the «ehoolhouse next Friday. Some good speakers will he present. Thg Dramatic club of the Dilley school have set the date Dec. Kth for giving the play. “ Tatters, the Pet of Squatters’ Gulch.” Proceeds go to the school. _ ____________ In order that the editor and the printers may thoroughly en­ joy Thanksgiving day, the Ex­ press office will be closed all day Thursday. Mrs. J. L. Collins and daugh­ ter, Ednell, of Dallas are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Important City T. Fletcher, the ladies being sis­ FI Paso, Tex.. Nov. 28. P.meho ters and having been separated Villa is in possession of Chiliu - ten years. hua City and General Trevino Their former special sales hav­ with his Carranzaista garrison h;»- ing proven such a .success, Ivng evacuated and lied southward in & Co. are putting another lot an attem pt to form u junction of seasonable merchandise on tht with General Murgia’s rel ef co - bargain counter. See announce­ unin of de facto troops, according to roports obtained today .bv ment on page three. United States authorities here On their last meeting befoie and transmitted to Washington Thanksgiving, held last Thursday, “ If Villa has really taken C’lii the members of the Relief Corps huahua as reported, government rendered a nice little program, officials declare the fate <>f all appropriate to the occasion, with Americans in Chihuahua City is hopeless. a short talk by Rev. R. E. Dun­ Squeaky Shoes. lap. This was followed by the W hile conduct tug u iv». arch for in bi monthly lunch. form ation uu the origin of certain fa sh ­ Engineer R. E. Koon of Port­ ion« o f the past I discovered the reason for the e x iste n c e o f tile squeak in land, designer of Forest Grove’s shoes. sewer system, has been in the The squeak w as once decuied fash city several days, giving the work tollable, and men o f great ItuiHirinnce affairs of the countr> dem anded a final inspection. His report will it in in tlie their footw ear, and cobblers « er e probably be made to the city paid 2 s h lllln .s extra for putting it in council at its next regular m eet-. T he squeaky tssit denoted the »»► , roa it of som e one o f im portance, and ing. th e way w h s m ade clear at once In the Free M ovie Tickets TO THE STAR THEATER F" ove Got thorn from our More hunt*. Tho firms listed bolow hnvo purchased Matinee tickets to give Free to their custom­ ers. When you purchase 25c worth of any of the firms mentioned below, you will be given a Matinee Ticket Free - four ticket for $1.00. These tickets are to be given away for ten weeks, beginning with performance of Saturday, No­ vember 25. Good only for Saturday Matinees. Ask for tickets when making purchases. Here are the firms which give tickets: Villa Has Taken DILLEY NEWS NOTES Mrs. Henry Hickox and mother were callers at the Bud Dilley home Sunda; , They found Mrs. Dilley much improved in health. Mrs. Clark has purchased a new driving outfit for herstdf and is justly Holiday Fares <# Are You Going Home for Christmas anti New Years’ Holidays? Round Trip fares will be in effect between points on the Oregon Electric Ry Dec. 30 and 31 and Jan. 1, return limit January 3. Also for all points in Oregon,Washington and Idaho, except west of Rainier, on the Spokane, Portland & Seattle Ry. and connecting lines, Dec. 22 to 25, inclusive; return limit Jan. 5. Through Tickets Sold, Baggage Checked and Berth Reservations Arranged by Local Agents. Low Fare CALIFORNIA EBCURSIONS via the North Bank and S. S. Northern Pacific. J. E. FARMER, Agent FOREST GROVE, ORE. A Bird In the Hand’s Worth Tw o In the Bush When you ¿o out of town to buy you don't know what you are getting The merchant you patronize in town Knows thal to keep you» trade he MUST TREAT YOU SQUARELY Besides you KEEP THE MONEY IN TOWN And you are a town booster R E A D THE H O M E PAPER. sam e m anner it« a bicycler's »¡trill w h istle w arn s you to look to your in tercsts. During the squeaky »>crt<>d men found it difficult to sn eak Into the house after 12 m idnight w ithout being discovered und disgraced. R em oving the «hoc» before en terin g the home 1« uu Inven­ tion which fo llo w ed the squeaky shoe era. and w h ile the former Is now al­ m ost ob solete, th e latter Is «till In vogue and a s (topular as ever with married m en!—7.1m in C artoons Mag uzlne. Bits About Boasts. Yon think you know som eth in g ntxxit an im als, eh? W ell, let us put your k n ow led ge to a few sim ple test« Frogs, to begin w ith f a n they nreuthe w ith their m ouths sh ut? Cer taln ly they can. As a m atter o f fact, they a lw u y s do. If they kept their m ouths o|ien they w ould suffocate. N ext, hares When do they clo se their ey es? A nsw er, never. You see. they h aven 't an y eyelid s, so they can't. Rut they h a v e n thin m em brane, which perform s the service o f ey elid s when they ¡ire asleep W hat Is the color o f a horse's ey e­ brow s? T h a t’s a difficult one Think hard and then learn that u horse hasn't any eyeb row s Y'ou m ay like to know , in addition, that turtles and tortoises have no teeth : that parrots, unlike th e m ajor lty o f birds, can m ove l»oth m andibles o f their beaks, and that fishes never m asticate. T hey «Imply h a v en ’t tim e betw een b reath s.— Lon don A nsw ers. Ju piter’s Moons. T h e sta tem en t that Ju p iter's m oons can o cca sio n a lly lie seen w ithou t op­ tical aid by keen sigh ted persons needs som e qualification W ithin the last quarter o f u century the H»mce pene­ tratin g p ow er o f th e cam era, com bined w ith the w orld's giant telescop es, has added no fe w e r than five Jovian satel llte» to the four which G alilei d is­ covered 300 years ago Four o f the five new m oons were "netted" at the fam ou s Rick observatory, on Mount H am ilton, C alifornia, and th e fifth Is to the credit o f G reenw ich observatory. But all o f the new d iscoveries ure »o sm all and. w ith one excep tion , so d is­ tant from J u p iter that they are beyond tlie range o f naked ey e vision, even from Ju piter Itself, u n less an ob server on th e planet had better ey e sig h t than we terrestrials. Indeed, to see S atel­ lite IX (the latest addition to J u p iter’s fam ily o f moons* a h ypothetical ob­ serv er on J u p iter w ould need e y e sig h t cnpable of seein g a «tar 300 time« fa in ter than the fa in test v isib le to hu­ m an e y e sig h t.—Loudon Chronicle. Sightsuuing. On a visit to hi« grandm other Harry exam in ed her hnmN une furnitu re with Inlcresi and then asked. ’’G randm a, w here Is th e m iserable tab le that papa sa y s you alvvnys keep?” T he reputation that 1» built on c le v ­ ern ess is tem porary; that built on char­ acter Is perm anent. / — Schultz Pure Food Store Dr Hines' Drug Store American Restaurant Home Bakery King & Co., Gen’l Mdse. G..ir linos., Hardware and Stoves Onice Shearer, Confectioner Geo G. Paterson, Furniture and Pianos Forest Grove Express, Printing M u n ch tu u n . IV rhaps the numi volutile IInr thut »ver li veti w un thè llaruu M unchauscii Miai l». th è Uctloiitzcd baroli T he real baroli « un a kltidlv nou I « h o live»! m Gcruiativ und wbu in uovv|«e ile -ervctl Mie cv il rcpulntlou lliul ultucli cil tu bini tIn oligli Mie ii»c ut bm num e m u Norie* ut nighi> coturni ut!venture» thut H|qmiireti tu prilli m Rumimi In I . s-Y (¡o to the Shos at Our Kxpcnse The manager of the Express has arranged with Manager Hoffman of the Star Theater to give Ex- press subscribers free show tickets, good for Saturday Matinees only. One of these tickets will be given with every 2.x* pa d on suhscrip- lion io the Express or for every 25c spent for job printing. If you owe on subscript ion, pay up and get some free tickets; if you do not owe. pay a little ahead and get the tickets This arrange­ ment starts this week and runs for ten weeks until Jan. 27th. T he niitbi>rshl|i uf thè iitmurtl tnlc» I» m.VKicry li 1« generally u -lieviti Miai Kudol»itl G lieli R aspe. a qui—Iloti tibie i lluni- ter. « rote Mie »torte» tlr»R but Mure I» no a b to lu ic coti tiram i loti T u llou lu g thè originai «erte» a uum lier u f addltlm iu! udvi-nturc» « e r e w rii leu by le»» Hktlled peti« T bc reni burnii (olim i little In fife tu eujuy u flcr Mie «torte» Insiline gener­ ili!.!' circolatisi fiirio u » tuurl»t» b u on i Free Methodist Church t-d lil» t—late» uml trlctl io trii»i li lui Sabbath school 10a. ni., preach­ luto relatlug «urne w ild »tory At fimi he ri—entcd their utti-utlnii in n vigor ing 11 a. m . nd 8 p. m . prayer un» fashion, but tu 111 » ileclliiliig yenr» meeting on U i dne day evening at he gre«- »olir uml on»ru»e nini tluully 8 p m. All are welcomed. dled. ii mu«i utibu|i|iy persoti. In 17U7. J. N. W ood , Pastor. K an sas City Tim e». u W hy the Sea H at Pearle. A few w eek» ago I « a » talking with a wotiiun uf det-p religion« »eiitlnielit w ho »a.« In great dl«trc»« l»«iiu«e her very young baby had died liefore It could be buptlzed. I wan led to ask n a tiv es o f N orw ay. Fluliim l and other place» their view » on till« very d elica te q u e s t Ion. und ho I cam e aero»» a bit o f very »iretty 8 tell inn folklore To the liable» In Slelly life 1» very kind and death 1» gentle. Tlio»e who die uiiliuptized nr«- doom ed >o w ander but do not w ander grievin g Madonna Mary semi.« to them every Week end un ungel. w ho lay» a.«ld • hi« Illy crow n und romp« w ith th e dead liable» When lie leave« them lie gather» up In n golden c h a lh e all the tear» they have »lied during I lie vvis-k T h ese lie cilHtN 111 handful« Into rlie sen. "und that la w hy the »cu ha« pearl»." I like that atory —V ancouver World. Warranty deed and mortgage blanks for sale at the Express office. The Express prints butter wrap­ pers with non-poisonous ink. We’ll Make Good on any promise we make to deliver work on a given date. The Express has one of the best equipped little printing plants in the Willamette valley, having added several hundred dollars’ worth of material to the Williams plant for . . . JOB PRINTING . . . purposes and more good material is on the way. The management would very much appreciate it if those in need of stationery, office blanks, or any other kind of printing would call at the office fur samples and prices. If you’re too busy to come to the office use the phone and a representative will call on you. PHONE 821