The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, November 30, 1916, Image 7

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Money to loan on farm prop­
erty. Hancock & Wile«.
For Kent—Five-room house,
near depot«, modern. Inquire of
Manche Langley.
For Kent Five room« in house
just went of Ijiughlin Hotel In­
quire at thin office.
The «econd foot hall team of the
Forest drove high school la«t Fri
day won from the Gaston fir«t
team by a »core of 18 to 0. The
game wa« played at da«ton
AUTO OWNEKS- Save money
by Hending two old tire» and hav­
ing one good one made from them
Union Avenue Double-Tread Tire
Work«, Portland.
Mrs. W. A. Williams and Miss
Zula June» returned to their
home» in Portland Sunday after
having s|>ent several days here
at the home of Mr. and Mr».
Harry Giltner.
The Palace Barber Shop has
moved to the new Anderson build­
ing, where the proprietor, Krudy
Chowning, will be pleased to give
customer» better service t h a n
ever. Try our bath».
Mr». O. R. Dixon and children
of Portland »pent several day»
this week with Mrs. J. K. Dixon
in this city. Norma and Kennard
Dixon visited their mother the
first part of the week.
Any w h i t e Crepe de Chine
waist in my stock for $3.50; these
waists have been selling at $4.00
to $-1.50. Choice of fine lot of
infants' shoes at 30c. Am closing
out shoes. Mrs. Blanche Rich­
ards, lower Main street.
C!|717 ,^ ie Startling Photoplay that has set the people of the
U L iL i Eastern Cities Thinking and Talking-
Are you SURE that your own Wife and Daughter are Safe ? Maybe you
won’t think so after you see “The Little Girl Next Door.”
An Expose in the Hidden
Vice that is a Revelation!
D O O R S T E P !!
during its recent investigation.
The Greatest
Moral Sermon
Ever Depicted in « Film
It is even Greater, by far, than
County School News
“ Where Are My Children?”
The next eighth grade examina­
tion will be held on Jan. 18 and
which created such a sensation in Portland recently. The episodes
are thrilling and the story interesting and convincing.
An Unique Fence
The Illinois
Vice Commission
DON’T BLUSH to tell your Daugh­
ter the things she ought to know.
John M Garrison of Salem,
who was for many years a resi­
dent of Forest Grove and is now
a traveling salesman for fancy
•poultry, was in this city Saturday
looking after his property.
Dr. and Mrs. O. H. Scheetz are
the proud parents of a son, Robert
Curtis, born Nov. '¿3d. in Port­
land. Mrs. Scheetz was formerly
Miss Alma Curtis and Dr. Scheetz
is a son of Mr. and Mrs. W. P.
Scheetz of this city, this being
their first grandchild.
The school library books are
now ready for distribution.
The teachers' examination will
be held at the court house, Hills­
boro, on December 20-23.
The teachers at the last annual
institute voted in favor of holding
another spelling contest this year.
The contest will open Jan. 1st
and close April 20.
A representative from the state
su|>erintendei4’B office will be in
this county next week to organize
industrial clubs
C ounty S chool S upt .
A truly wonderful Photoplay
Story, based upon the facts
gathered by
You are a Father, see “ THE LITTLE GIRL NEXT DOOR!” Then tell
your Wife what to tell your Daughter.
You are a Mother, see “ The Little Girl Next Door ! ” Tell your Sons and
Daughters about it. I t’s a wonderful story and lesson.
You are a Brother—keep an eye upon your Little Sister and TWO EYES
upon her Associates.
You are a Girl, be careful about making New Acquaintances.
Remember, “The Little Girl Next Door. 99
STAR ★ THEATER Forest Grove
and " night Tuesday, Dec. 5
Matinee 2:30 P. M.
T h e McMinnville News-Re­ for $ 11,000 to meet outstanding
porter says that a visitor to Will- indebtedness on improvements
amina cannot fail to be made which had been made on the
aware of the handle factory, from streets two and three years ago.
The bonds carried by 16 votes.
the fact that one of the most pre­
tentious residences in town is sur­ The bonds are to run for 20 years
rounded by a fence made of ax and bear 6 per cent interest.
handles. G. N. Jack, the for­
They Toasted Wilson
mer owner of the ax handle fac­
Ira Purdin, O. M. Sanford. R.
tory, put a fence around his place I P. Wirtz and W. J. McCready of
composed entirely of ax handles. i this city were among the demo­
The fence has a frontage of 112 crats who attended a Wilson love-
feet and runs back on each side feast at the Washington hotel,
about 40 feet, and there are three Hillsboro, last Thursday evening.
ax handles used to every foot— Fifty of the democratic men and
nearly 500 ax handles were used
in making the fence, at a cost of women of the county attended
the feast and most of them made
approximately 25 cents each.
short talks when called upon by
Dr. Bailey, the toastmaster. Mr.
Willamina Votes For Bonds
A special election at Willamina Sanford of this city is said to have
was held Nov. 20th to d«*cide if made one of the best talks at the
the voters wished to bond the city banquet.
Evening 7:30 and 9:00
Adults, 25c; Children, 15c
Children Under 16 must be accompanied by Parents
To Save Child’s Life
It is possible that within a few
days one of the most extensive
skin grafting operations ever a t­
tempted in the state will be per­
formed in Hillsboro. The two-
year-old son of Clarence Adkins,
who lives a mile and a half beyond
North Plains, is at Dr. E. H.
Smith’s hospital suffering from still lives is a miracle, but the
terrible burns received November only hope lies in the grafting op­
5. The Adkins home is a tentj eration. Nineteen young Hills­
and the child and a younger sis­ boro men have volunteered to
ter were left alone. A camp stove supply the necessary skin and if
was burning and it is believed the it appears that the operation will
child pulled it over upon itse f, save the child’s life and if it is
for it was found with one side strong enough to undergo it, it
burned almost to a crisp. Sur­ will be performed —Hillrboro In­
geons say that the fact that it dependent.
c /U cti
4 E
1 6 6 —I T O T H I R D
S T .
’Double S. & H. Stamps Given
ΠT* wi,hin
F. G. Ex.. 11-30-16