The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, November 30, 1916, Image 1

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If tursi <$rmt? iExittrss
Vol. 1, No. 47
$1.50 per Year
on the part of its pupils and for
aiding in their socialization.
"We present herewith the plan
of the Forest Grove High School,
a.i written by City Superintendent
A woman calling herself "Sister
What does it take to make a man complete
It is an indisputable fact that H. E Inlow for the careful c o n - j
and claiming to have
From the crown of his head to the sole of his feet?
few of us can form a just and cor­ sideration of the teachers of the |
been a Catholic sister for 31
With naught to subtract and nothing to add
rect estimate of our own work, Oregon High Schools. I tis p o s -i
spoke at the Star Theater
because we are bound to l>e more
night and Friday after­
or less prejudiced, but when some after trying the plan, will enable
Is man but an arm, a leg, and a boot ?
of the Cath­
body from a distance recognizes this department through its next 1
An eye, and an ear, and tongue and a throat ?
olic priesthood. The woman is
merit in our work, that estimate High School Course of Study t o ,
Is there nothing more in him to extoll?
very bitter in her tirade against
should be given weight. For that organize more d e fi n i te I y th is !
— Brain ? Or a heart ? A conscience or soul ?
pope and the prieshood, but
re:ison Superintendent Inlow, and work.
Is the hunchback, the deaf, the mute and the blind
claims to have only pity for the
•■very teacher and patron of U m
Wife and Mother Called
The only unfortunate the frail world can find?
lay men and women of the church,
Forest Grove high school should ,
B All«>n. the beloved wife
The only sad creature whose makeup is weak.
who, she s-ays, are kept in ignor­
be pleased that no less an author-
j obn Allen of this city, passed
Enough for a tongue and a voice to speak ?
ance by the priests. She claims
ity than J. A ( burchill, superin- away Monday at the Good Sa-
to have been eighteen years in a
tendent of public instruction for marjian hospital, Portland, where
hospital in Portland, and
The only wreck in the tide of earth’s woes?
Oregon, has given the stamp of she had been a patient since Oct. i
says '-he was practically a prisoner,
Is there no petrified heart ? No brain out of plumb ?
approval to the plans and methods 1st.
as were all the Sisters. She ad­
in vogue in the local high school.
Deceased was born near West
vised protestants against sending
Mr. Churchill has just published Mentor, Ohio, on June 10th, 1876
Is the miserable gristle in place of a spine
their sick ones to Catholic hos­
a bulletin for distribution among and when still a child moved with
The shrunken ideal, the hope out of line,
pitals, for they do not get the
the high schools of the state, under her parents to Kansas, where she
The twisted desire, the wish-washy will,
they get at non-sectarian hos­
the title "Oregon High School grew to womanhood. On Sep­
No cause to suspect that the makeup is ill ?
She made the assertion
Activities," in which he presents tember 10th, 1902, she was united
Is there no vision to look through the skin
that neither city, state or national
the plan of the Forest Grove High in marriage with John Allen and
And see the deep voids that may lie within ?
could possibly inspect
School for the organization and to this union three children were
The crack on the inside, where the outside is whole ?
a Catholic hospital or convent, as
direction of high school activities) born—Glee S., aged 13; Dean S ,
The warp in the heart and the limp in the soul?
those in charge would not permit
for the consideration of Oregon aged 7 > an(j Marguerite L., aged
— D udFy Reed.
High Schools and emphasizes the 5> These with the husband and
She charged that the priests
need of such a plan in every high father, survive; also the father of
were more loyal to their pope
school in order that a proper bal­ deceased, J. O. Jackson of W’est
than to the president of the
ance may be maintained between Mentor, and two sisters, Mrs. Lulu
A very pretty w e d d i n g wac United States and were, therefore,
scholarship and training for com ­ Williams and Mrs. Sylvia Lassey,
... , ■ ... 4 ■■ ■ - ------ solemnized at the home of Mr. not good Americans.
munity co-operation. In his intro t both of Kansas.
W a s h in g to n C o u n ty E d ito rial A ssociation
Also made the assertion that
N ew s B u reau
and Mrs. Edward Dixon at 6
duction Mr. Churchill says;
Mrs. Allen was a devoted moth­
o’clock last Thursday evening, while stationed at a Catholic or
“The trend of modern educa er, an affectionate wife, a good
Circuit Court
when R ev. J. N . Wood pro- phanage she saw the children
tion is to teach the pupil to think n e i g h b o r and a conscientious
H. W. S cott ha« brought suit against
in terms of the group rather than member of the M E. church and the unknown heirs of Antone Pfanner n o u n c ed the words that united given corporal punishment when
they cried for food. After work­
in terms of himself.
Epworth League and her death to quiet the title to property upon the lives and fortunes of Mr. Carl
Patterson and Miss Ethel Dixon. ing eighteen years in a hospital,
“A forceful speaker, this last will be keenly felt in this com­ which the heirs have some claim.
B ertha Cecelia H ow att ia suing her The parlors were decorated in she asked for compensation and
fall, said: ‘The battles of de­ munity, where the family has re­ husband, Edward A. H ow att for a di­
bamboo and holly and presented was told that the "spiritual bene-
mocracy in the twentieth century sided for the past eight years.
vorce, charging th a t he abandoned his
a very pretty appearance. The Hi” she had received was all the
are to be fought, not for the
Funeral services were held at wife a yetfr ago and th a t up to th at
rights of the individual, because the M. E church Tuesday after­ tim e he was a habitual user of intoxi­ bride’s mother served a delicious compensation she would get.
The Knights of Columbus she
these battles have been fought noon at 2:30, Rev. R. E. Dunlap cating liquors. He continually abused lunch to a number of friends and
the plaintiff in the presence o f their relatives after the wedding,
. painted as a band of assassins and
and won and the principles of in- f ofTiciatin^ and the remains were child and forced her to work in a de-
The bride is the daughter of mentioned a man named Black
dividual liberty established, but interred in the Forest View ceme­ partm ent store in order th at she might
for the p r o p e r assumption of tery, a large number of friends of live. An alimony of $50 per month is Mr and Mrs. Dixon and was who had been killed by them in
duties and responsibilities toward the family following the remains asked besides |2ooo for the purpose of reared from childhood in this city, iexas and stated that only re­
educating the child. The couple
were She is a modest and unassuming cently they had tried to do away
society by the individual.’
to their last resting place.
m arried in California.
little woman, with many o f those with a man named Spurgeon in
“For many years our excess of
Arwther case for divorce is th a t in q u a ijt ies which go to make home, Denver.
N O T E S A N I) P E R S O N A L S
democracy has so developed an
cree from her husband. Chas.
Kerr, while the groom is a young farm-
She said protestants were fool-
exaggerated individualism that
Mrs. Bowen of Oregon City,
to contribute money to Catho-
today it seems to the thoughtful with her two children, is visiting
institutions which were a
student that it is the greatest her mother, Mrs. Hahn, of this
plaintiff for long periods of time. He ; urday for their Washington home, menace to American institutions.
hindrance to the establishing of city.
is charged with making false accusa­
In closing she advised people to
community consciousness.
George Leach of Plattsmouth, tions against the plaintiff which were
the bible and the Menace,
“ Every teacher should require
derogatory to her character.
At 10 o’clock this (Thursday) the latter an anti-Catholic publi­
Neb., arrived Saturday fora visit
A third case is th at of B ertha How-
_ . ...
each pupil to do the work as­ with his brother-in-law, Chas.
an! vs. Jam es L. Howard. The hus- morning, MlSS Edith \a n L o o a n d cation .
signed him thoroughly and well,
band is charged with im proper rela- Mr. Charles Wunderlich, both of
How much o f h e r t a l k was
not only for the enrichment of his
Stephen Morgan writes the Ex­ tions w ith other women, and in April, the Centerville
neighborhood, truth, the writer does not know,
knowledge and skill, but for the
press that Mrs. Morgan is im­ 1915 he deserted his wife and children were united in marriage, with but s i e reminded him very much
value of such a habit upon all his
proving at the Good Samaritan them
solemn high mass, the ceremony Qf t he late Carrie Nation, who
hospital, Portland.
The W alker-Pryor Co., is asking for
performed at the \ erboort cou|d not m a k e a temperance
"But communities no longer be
■ . ,
Miss Miller, who is teaching judgm ent against August Rosewurm Catholic church by Father Le- lecture without paying her bitter
Move in the royal pr.e.thood o( L
W t (or her home ¡„ Port. for $159.80 which is alleged to be due Miller. Both these young people respects to the Masonic fraternity,
Local High School
Wins Distinction
Sister Lucretia
Has Bitter Tongue
The Perfect Man
The County Seat
. , i land Wednesday evening, where
■■Astudent who works daily fo ri>he wj|| spend Thanksgiving.
grades and makes that the end of i
. .
, .
, ,
. v
„„if i Dr. R. P. Nixon is having his
hts school work becomes self-
. ,
. . .
„ ! Main street business block re-
centered and never comes into a
. . . .
. ■
modeled to accommodate the
partnership in the activities of |
VanKoughnet& Reder drug store.
the social and industrial life of the
Miss Martha Allen returned
community he is to serve.
"Vast sums of money are now from Monmouth Wednesday to
being spent on our schools and
Thanksgiving at her home,
communities are demanding th a t' Two of her girl friends came with
public education represent and her.
George W i l c o x and Wiley
perpetuate the best ideals of the
who are att nding U.
race by controlling the forces that
make for all that is best in modern of O., arrived in the Grove Wed­
nesday to spend Thanksgiving at
"A willingness to assume social the Frost home at Watts.
responsibility is a most valuable
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Walker of
equipment for citizenship and any this city headed a five-piece or­
plan for providing it through chestra at a dance at Lebanon
school • instruction should chal- last evening. They will also play
lenge our interest. The attention at a big club dpnee at Indepen-
of this Department has been 1 dence on Dec. 28th, which would
called recently to the plan of the indicate that the Walkers are bé­
Forest Grove High School for pro­ coming famous as players of
moting the spirit of co-operation dance music.
the plaintiff for merchandise sold the are very prominent in the Center- Both w o m e n a r e embittered
| ville district, where they have against the world, it appear{!i and
fro m 'M dhood. and the
wedding was a social event. The
bride has for the past six years
worked as a stenographer at Hills-
boro, where she is known as a
Marriage Licenses
clever and lovable young woman.
Jay C. Silverstone and Josephine Mf and M rj Wunderlich will
in , h , e sta te of G erhart Koater. de-
ceased. Johanna K oster is petitioning
for the appointm ent of herself as ad-
m inistrator of the estate, which is a
small one.
Silverstone; Steve M. Hanson a n d
Velma Gaylord; Carl P atterson and make their home
E thel Dixon; Charles R. Powelson and Centerville.
Ethel P. Lethbridge.
a r e Dever ^
happy as when roast-
jng somebody or something
: Both her lectures were well at-
tended and she cleaned up a nice
1 bunch of money here.
Special Train for Grangers
The various Granges of Wash­
ington county have arranged for
a special train over the Southern
Two hundred and fifty boys, ! Pacific next Tuesday, Dec. 5th, to
Mrs. J. A. Elder on Thursday representing clubs in every section
b, membprs ’ wpn
as non-
of last week underwent a very of W’estern Oregon, will gather at memberSj to attend
the stock
.serious operation at the Portland Corvallis Dec. 1-3 for their 1 1 th 1
show at a reasonable rate. The
Surgical hospital, by Dr. C offey,' annual Older Boys’ conference,
special will start from Dilley at
and it will lie a pleasure to her The conference is being arranged
8 a. m. and will reach this city
friends to know that she rallied by J. H. Rudd, state Y. M. C. A.
| about 8:10. The fare is $1.00 for
nicely from it and is steadily re- boys’ secretary, and will be held
the round trip from this city and
gaining her strength. Present in­ in the First Presbyterian Church
anybody desiring to make the
dications p o i n t t o a speedy of Corvallis. Forest Grove will
trip at this rate can do so, return­
be represented by half a dozen
ing on any train Tuesday after­
The prune and walnut growers boys.
noon. A. T. B u x t o n of Gale
of Oregon will meet at Corvallis
Miss Mildred McConnehey is Grange was active in securing the
the first week in January.
visiting at Banks this week.
on a farm at