The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, November 23, 1916, Image 8

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    A re Y ou W o r k in g
for your money, and is your money working for
you? In later years, you will want to be relieved
of the hard daily grind, and the surest way is to
start a savings account now. Deposit a portion of
your earnings regularly and you can take life
easier when you are not so active as jou are today
T h e F ir st N a tio n a l B a n k
L IM IT K I)— O ff.r .x p ir * . N o v . » ,
1V16. T h c r . a i t . r p rie* w ill b« $1.00
Get this $1.00
v y er”
vv e v a
u r-F
Double Lipped IV* Quart Saucepan
N O T B t h . tw o lip* w h ich • n a h l« y o u to p o u r w ith
e it h e r ri* h ( o r left han d, ( ' o v e r (o r thie sa u c e p a n 2 l e .
A l u m i n u m ulenaila a ra N O T " a l l the » a n te ."
“A Strong Hank in a Good Town.”
L. T. Sills and family expect to
leave Sunday for a visit at Bell­
Money to loan—Valley Realty ingham, Wash.
Co., Forest Grove, Oregon. 19-tf If you haven’t picked up one of
Hancock & Wiles write Life, those near-presents in the way of
Accident & Fire Insurance.
1-tf Aluminum saucepans at Goff’s,
Tom Roe of Wapato was visit­ do so before Saturday night.
ing and transacting business here Just one to a customer at the cut
Harold Benjamin arrived from
The I. O. O. F. Encampment
Monmouth Monday. He leaves gave A. M. Porter of Gaston a
soon for Washington where he has
a twelve hundred dollar a year ride on the goat last night and all
the members enjoyed a big oyster
supper at the close of the night’s
N O . 8036
Report of the Condition of the
There will be a demonstrator
at the Forest Grove Shoe Store
At Forest Grove, in the SUte of Oregon, at the Saturday afternoon to demon­
strate the “Common Sense” Arch
dose of business on November 17th. 1916.
Support. If you h a v e f o o t
*107.433 67
L oans an d d isc o u n ts ...... ..
338 54 troubles, be sure and see this.
O v e rd ra fts , u n se cu re d
338 54
U. S. bonds deposited to se­
c u re circu latio n (p a r value) 50,000 00
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sexton and
50.000 00
T otal U . S. bonds
three children, enroute from their
Bonds o th e r th a n U. S . bonds
pledged to se c u re postal
sa v in g s d ep o sits
L000 00
their late home in Montana to
S e c u ritie s o th e r th a n U. S.
(n o t
in clu d in g
their new home near San Diego,
sto ck s) ow ned un p led g ed 2,200 00
T otal bonds, se c u ritie s e tc .
3.200 00 Calif., stopped off for a week’s
S to ck o f F ed eral R eserve
visit with M r. Sexton’s father,
B ank (50 p e r c e n t o f s u b ­
1.800 00
sc rip tio n ) ................................
mother and sister in this city, re­
V alu e o f b a n k in g h ouse (if
«3.000 00
u n en cu m b ered ) ....................
4.000 00 suming their journey Tuesday.
F u r n itu r e a n d F ix tu re s
R eal e s ta te ow ned o th e r th a n
5.596 52
b a n k in g house
Floyd Taunton, who operated
N e t a m o u n t d u e fro m a p ­
proved reserv e a g e n ts in
Pierce’s big auto truck for
N ew Y ork. C hicago an d S t.
L ouis ................................ - 2.270 77
has secured a better
N e t am o u n t d u e fro m a p ­
proved re se rv e a g e n ts in
job, at the same kind of work, for
26.443 16 28,713 93
o th e r re se rv e cities
N e t a m o u n t d u e from b an k s
a big timber company down the
an d b a n k e rs (o th e r th a n
Dan says Floyd is a
2.166 46 Columbia.
above) ......... ...........................
O th e r ch eck s on b an k s in th e
and he hated to
sam e c ity o r to w n a s re p o rt­
220 13 I lose him.
in g b an k .....................
O u tsid e ch eck s an d o th e r
cash item s ............................
S. E. Wright of the McDougall
F ra c tio n a l c u rre n c y , nickles
814 84 Music company,
an d c e n ts
Portland, has
200 00
N o tes of o th e r n atio n al b anks
L a w fu l re se rv e in v a u lt and
for the
21.086 87
w ith F ed eral R eserve bank
R ed em ption fu n d w ith U . S.
Forest Grove band and comes to
T re a s u re r an d d u e from U.
2,500 00 this city every Wednesday even­
S. T r e a s u r e r ..........................
271.068 96
T o ta l
ing. Mr. Wright has led some of
50.000 00 the best bands in the state and
C a p ital stock paid in ..... ...
7,000 00
S u rp lu s fu n d
the local bandmen feel they are
U ndivided p r o f i t s ................... 1.518 92
L ess c u r re n t expenses, in­
to get his services. Four
te re s t, an d ta x e s paid
197 52
1.321 40
A m o u n t reserved fo r ta x e s
new members have b^en added to
425 49
a c c r u e d ......................
the band since its last public ap­
A m o u n t reserved f o r all in­
400 00 pearance and more musicians are
te r e s t accrued
C irc u la tin g notes o u tsta n d i ng
50.000 00
In d iv id u al d ep o sits su b je c t to
desired. Don’t forget the dance
111,527 84
Wednesday evening.
C e rtific ates o f dep o sit d u e in
First National Bank
1,478 93
less th a n 30 day s
P o sta l sav in g s d eposits
504 47
D ep o sits re q u irin g notice
b u t less th a n 30 d a y s ..........
T o tal dem and d ep o sits
117,128 65
11,168 32
C e rtific ates of deposit
33,626 10
O th e r tim e d eposits
T otal o f tim e d ep o sits,
item s 41. 42 an d 43
44.784 4 2 _
271.059 96
S T A T E O F O R EG O N .
C O U N TY O F W A S H IN G T O N . SS.;
L E a rle O. B uxton, C ash ier of th e above-
nam ed bank, do solem nly sw ear t h a t th e above
s ta te m e n t is tr u e to th e b est of m y know ledge and
b elief.
E A R L E O. B U X TO N , C ashier.
S ubscribed an d sw orn ! CO R R E C T A T T E S T :
to b e fo re m e th is 23d i M. R. Jo h n so n ,
d ay o f N ovem ber. 1916. I Roy H esseitin e,
W A L T E R KOSW URM , A llan Rice.
N o ta ry Public,
D irecto rs.
My com m ission ex p ires
M arch 3rd. 1917.
Popular Confectionery to Move
T h e D o l l y Varden Confec­
tionery .will next Monday move
to the new Anderson block, where
it will re-open about Wednesday
with a bigger and better stock of
candies, cigars and tobaccos than
ever. Come and see us in our
new location. About Saturday,
Dec. 2d, we expect to be in posi­
tion to serve hot drinks.
D. H. DENNY, Prop.
---------- i n n
i------------ ----
- »--------
1 »
who contemplate buying a new
Suit or Coat for Thanksgiving
will have to hurry. Come in and look through our stock.
We’re always glad to show goods, without boring you to
More Lovely New-Style
this week, in the wanted colors, of Crepe de Chine Georgette
Crepe and Fancy Silks.
in pretty Plaids, Stripes and Plain Colors.
Third Street
-» »
----- n - » i — —
m n
■»« - ! ■
and the coupon if presented on
or before November 25, 1916.
Replace utensils that wear out
with utensils that “Wear-Ever”
Clip the Coupon W
Get Your
Saucepan today!
•u H v n
“ Wcar-Ever” Coupon
W « will
till« Coupon an d 6 S c In pnjrm ont fo r tmm "*W«ar»
2 1 » -q u a rt S*uc«i>«n. w h ich «olia r r g u la r lr a t 11.00, pro-
▼tdad jrou t i n a a n t coupon In p erao n a t ato ra on or b o /oro Hoar. 2 9 .
1 9 1 6 , and w rit« o n (h a coupon yo u r nam a. ad d raaa and d a ta «
p u r chao«. O nly on« aau ca p an la tu ba aokl to a euaUonor.
This Liberal offer
expires Saturday
Night, Nov. 25th
Addraaa ......................................... ................................. ....... ...........
G O F F B R O S.
Hurry if you want one.
Reception and Calendar Day
T u esd a y , D ecem b er 19th
and Grand Opening of our Ladies’ Rest Room
to the People of Forest Grove and Vicinity.
If you haven’t Registered for your Calendar, do so on or before Nov. 29th
Don’t forget the day when you are to call and re­
ceive your beautiful Art Calendar for 1917, with an
entertainment of Music and Refreshments, from 2
to 5 p. m. Come early and stay all day.
We Give
Two More
Good for 100 Votes
M a ch in es
“ High-Flight” Auto Contest
are ready and will be given
away Jan. 12th, 1917. Use
HIGH-FLIGHT flour and
get the Votes.
to the
Star Theater
Ask the Clerk
____________________See Our W indow s__________
Come and vote for whoever you plea«e.
Start your boy or girl today. Write name in
blank line. Ballot box at our store.
“ H ig h -F lig h t” F lo u r w on B lu e R ib b on
and Grand Prize at the Fair for the best Loaf of Bread and Pastry.
If so, call at our store Tuesday, Dec. 19th, and receive your beautiful Art
Calendar for 1917. DON’T FORGET THE DATE.
T h 'in L ’criivin tf le V a r v
llU U IlY d g lv lllg
N p a r f Let us have your order i°r Turkey. Oysters.
liC & I • Cranberries, Mince Meat and Celery n o w !
Hot Chocolate Served Free all day Saturday, this week
Come and bring your friends. Mrs. G. A. Boldrick’s famous “ Grandma’s ” home-made
Boston Baked Beans piping-hot from 11 a. m. till noon, Saturday. Clam chowder fresh
every day now. Yes, we have rented the Star Theater for 10 successive Saturday Mati­
nees and will give FREE TICKETS on every 25c cash purchase at our store.
Phone 0(> 1-R egular Switchboard Service
(èro m y aitò M txvktt
Forest Grove’s De Luxe
G oar’s W o m a n ’s S h op
t i
For O N L Y