The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, November 23, 1916, Image 6

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A European W a r s to r y based on th e dram a o f
11 —
Th® chl«f characters are Ethel W il­
loughby. Henry Streetman anil Capl.
Larry Redmond. The minor cha"»«>er*
art- Sfi George \Va»{>talT of the Brlllah
admiralty and Charlee Brown, a New
York newspaper correspondent. Ethel,
a resident of Sir Geers*'» household
secretly married to Slreetman. a German
spy, though she did not know him a*
such Captain Redmond, her old lover,
returns to England after long absence
From him she learns the truth about
Streetman. furthermore, that he has
betrayed her sin.plv to learn na\al se­
crets. The European war breaks out
Ethel prepares to accompany Streetman
to Brussels as a German spy In order to
get revenge and serve England Captain
Redmond Ethel and Charlie Brown turn
up at a Belgian Inn as the German army
cornea She Is Madame He l.orde. She
begins to work with a French spy. The
Germans appear at the Inn.
CHAPTER XIV.—Continued.
“ ITere, please!" ah® said to the lieu­
tenant. From the bosom of her gown
she had drawn forth a small gold
medal, which bung upon a ribbon
about her neck.
He looked at It closely, for Lieu­
tenant Baum was no man to take un­
necessary risks. Thoroughness was his
middle name.
“ From the Herman secret service,
the Wllbelmstrasse!" he exclaimed,
when he had satisfied himself. “ Your
pardon, madame!
I did not under
■tand.” And he bowed deeply.
She acknowledged his apology with
the slightest of nods. And with ap as­
sumed calm that she was far from feel­
ing. she said to him In a confidential
*‘I am here on a confidential misstoa.
and one tiling at once I must know.
Tell me. lieutenant, by which road do
we march to attack the fortress at the
"B y the left fork, madame," he an­
swered without hesitation. That token
from the tVlIhelrastrasse — obtained
from Streetman—had quite disarmed
his suspicions.
“ Good! Good!” Ethel exclaimed. “ 1
have studied the country hereabouts.
That is the best way. . . . Good
"Madame shall not be disturbed fur­
ther." the lieutenant promised. “ I will
explalu to the major when he returns."
“Thank you so much! You have
been so very nice to me:”
“ Madame is welcome," he said, with
another low bow.
Smiling happily, Ethel left him. She
congratulated herself, both because she
had escaped detection and because
she had obtained the Information that
was so vital to the French.
As he watched her departure, the
young German officer smiled likewise.
It was good to have a few minutes'
talk with a lady of his own class, after
the canaille with which he had been
obliged to mingle since the great drive
began. And. puffing out his chest to
Its largest dimensions, he stepped Into
the street In his complacency over
•work that he considered well done he
had entirely forgotten that there still
remained another suspect to question—
the Innkeeper's American gentleman.
Mr. Brown Finds His War.
Lieutenant Baum had been gone hut
a short time when Sergeant Schmidt
appeared, bringing Brown with him.
Tlie German "noiicom’ looked about In
vain for his lieutenant, who had or­
dered him to fetch the American. But
only two of his mates. Otto and Hans,
remained In the room, standing guard
at the street door
Sergeant Schmidt was nonplused It
was not like Lieutenant Baum to fall
one like that
And he gurgled a few
throaty German words in his surprise
There seemed nothing to do then but
assume the task blinself—the duty of
examining his prisoner, for so he re
garded the Interested Mr Brown, who
was Already making mental notes of
the proceedings which he Intended to
use for the embellishment of the sto­
ries he would send his paper later.
Charile had paused Just inside the
door through which he had entered the
And now the sergeant beck­
oned to him violently.
“ Komin tiler!” he commanded.
At that peremptory command Mr.
Brown regarded him with mild sur­
prise and a total lack of comprehen­
sion. Hut the sign language was plain
enough So Charlie drew near to that
formidable looking automaton.
“ Was tliust du bier?” Sergeant
Schmidt demanded fiercely.
Mr. Browo appeared to consider him
a huge Joke At least he glanced past
Ms frowning Interrogator at Hana and
Otto and laughed outright.
“ I don't get you.
Why don’t you
apeak English?" ha replied.
But the sergeant stolidly repeated
hi* question.
“ Oh, shut up!” Mr. Brown said 1m
"Du hist elu Kuglueuder." Schiuldt
annouuced with a malevolent glare at
hla captive.
"No. I'm an American." he explained
“ Amerikaner?” the aergeaut repeat­
ed dubiously.
“ Yes, A inertcane!" Charlie mimicked
him. congratulating himself that the
German language ofifered fewer diffi­
culties than the French. He even be­
gan to pride himself on being a natural
linguist. And In order to convince till*
fellow beyond a possibility o f doubt,
he reached a hand toward his blp
pocket, where he carried hla Identifies
tion paper*.
Sergeant Schmidt’s eagle eye no
sooner detected the move o f hand
toward hip than he thrust hla revolver
into Mr Brown'a stomach.
"H a lt!”
That was something that Charlie
understood without difficulty, too. He
raised both hands above hla head as
high as he could get them, while a
Invk of lueffabie disgust suffused bis
“ You d-----n fool.” he exclaimed.
“ I’ m not reaching for a gun. These
are ruy passports.
With a shake and n twist he managed
to throw his coat back from his right
hip. And Sergeant Schmidt then pro
ceeded to relieve him o f the bulky
packet that projected from the pocket.
He looked at them with a »cowl.
“ Ah. you are Franzoealsch!” be de­
clared. still in his native tongue, for
he knew no other.
“ I’m what?" Charlie Inquired.
"Franzoeslsch! You are no Amert-
Charlie grasped only the last word.
"Yes. that's right— Amerlcane. right
from the corner of Forty-second street
and Broadway; and. believe me. 1 wish
I was right back there right now.”
“ What do you *ay?" the sergeant
asked him.
“ None of your d-----n business. . . .
You bonehead.” . . , Mr. Brown
wns quite enjoying himself, abusing
that walking arsenal with impunity.
“ Have a cigarette?" he asked, holding
out his case.
Sergeant Schmidt was not above ac­
cepting one, even from the enemy. And
lie thanked Charlie I d a voice as gentle
as a bass drum.
“ Gee, I'd like to give you one good
wallop on the nose Just for luck.” the
American remarked longingly.
Then Schmidt suddenly snatched off
Mr. Brown’s hnt.
“ Nix on the Herrmann stuff— what
are you doing?" Charlie demanded. He
began to feel ns If he were taking part
In a slapstick vaudeville skit.
The sergeant had his face buried In
side the bat
He was looking for
’’ EngllachP* he sputtered the next
"O f course It's English!" Charlie re­
torted. “ It cost me two-nnd-slx.” he
added, regarding the rough handling of
his straw with Indignation.
Sergeant Schrnidt leaned over, and.
seizing Charlie's coat by the collar,
he pulled it back from his Deck while
he examined the label.
"English also. Spion! Thou art an
English spy!”
His trusty henchmen, nans nnd
Otto, together with their corporal,
brought their guns up to their sides,
and. hissing “ Spion!” in the most sin
lster manner Imaginable, they all three
approached Charlie threateningly.
Mr Brown suddenly changed his
mind about the vaudeville. It seemed
to him that possibly he had been un­
wittingly cast for a tragedy.
“ Spion—spion!” he repeated. “ Good
grief, you don't mean spy?”
"Spy. spy—Ja wohl,” said Schmidt
“ Kotnm bier!”
He took hold o f Charlie’s srm nnd
faced him about so that tie confronted
the trio of formidable soldiers. And
then the sergeant ordered them to load
Charlie observed the operation with
Increasing alarm.
"Good God, you're not going to shoot
me!" he cried. “ I’ m not English. I'm
not a spy.” And remembering all at
once that the girl whom he bad first
met at the house of Sir George Wag-
staff In Loudon could speak German,
he yelled at the top of his voice. “ Ms
dame de Lorde! Madame de Lorde!”
The two privates were aiming at
him now. And he faced them Indig
nantly. His anger was already begin­
ning to get the better of hla fear.
“ Say— if yon shoot me there are a
hundred million people back there
who're going to be aore aa belli” be
snarled. "They'll come over here and
blow you off the face of the earth.”
At an order from the sergeant tb®
corporal and one o f the privates then
grasped their victim and bustled him
across the room.
•'S h . v -w hat sre you going to do with
me?" Charlie asked. "L e t m# a lon er
And again he called loudly for Ethel
To Ills Immense relief, at that mo­
ment she appeared.
“ What sre you doing?" aha asked
the aergeaut
" It ia not your affnlr," be retorted
She showed her medal to him—the
medal from (he Wllhelmstrasse.
” l>o you know that?” she Inquired
lie did. And Immediately lie cried
"H a lt" to Charlie's captors. They re­
leased him at once.
"Gosh. I'm glad you're not deaf,"
Mr. Brown told Ethel with Immense
relief, aa he crossed the room to where
she stood.
"H e ts an English spy." the sergeant
protested to the girl.
“ No, no, no— you are mistaken." she
said. “ He Is au American."
"They're going to shoot me!" Charlie
told her. He did not yet feel safely
out o f the woods. "F or heaveu's sake,
tell them I'm not a spy.”
“ I hare Just told them." she assured
“ I know.
Make aure! Tell 'em
again!” he urged her. “ Ask If there
Isn’t someone who sneaks English."
Questioned as to whether there were
not some officer who understood Eng
llsh. the aergeaut Informed Ethel that
Major von Ureulg knew the hateful
“ For the love o f Mike, get him here!"
Charlie besought her. wbeu shs ex
plained to him.
While Sergeant Schmidt betook him­
self away In order to aomniuu the m i
Jor, Charlie Brown turned to Ethel
with an air o f great relief.
“ Welt, 1 waa looking for a war. and
I certainly picked out the right apot.
didn't I?" he asked
“ 1 suppose mistakes like this sre
hound to happen. But haven't you pa­
pers to prove your Ideutlty?" she In­
“ Oh. yes—yes!
French passports,
and an Kn~ltsh hat and English
clothes! All I needed to really finish
me was a Russian blouse." he said
with a grin. "Seriously though,” be
went on. “ I do want to thunk you.”
He offered her his hnuil.
“ It was nothing.’* she said, as she
shook hands with him.
Before the major arrived Ethel left
hitn. after promising that she would
not go so far uway that he might not
call her In case he needed her assist­
ance again.
The sight o f the fatherly appearing
major, whose bearded face soon
showed in the doorway, went far to
restore Charlie’s equanimity.
“ The spy —where Is the spy?” Major
von Breuig asked the sergeant, who
followed close at his heels.
Charlie Brown did not wait for th®
"noncom” to answer. He stepped for
wnrd expectantly.
"A re you Major von Rrenlg—nnd do
you speak English?" he Inquired.
"I am. and I do.” the officer said.
Mr. Brown smiled at him wlnnlngly
“ Fitzsimmons there has my pass­
ports.' he announced, polntlug to the
lanky aergeaut.
Major von Brenlg took the papers
from the sergeant and looked them
“ They seem to he In good order,” h®
said—"vised by the American cuutuil
In Paris."
“ And here's a letter from the paper
I work for." Charlie added, handing
the major an envelope.
The German officer merely looked nt
the Imprint In one corner, lie did not
even take the letter from the Ameri­
“ It’a a good newspaper. I've often
rend It.” he remarked.
And he re­
turned the passport to Its owner
' N on what Is the trouble?" he asked.
“ These guys wore Just going to shoot
me as an English spy ” Charlie In
formed him. with an Indignant glance
at the soldiers
The major laughed In his face.
“ You English?’’ lie cried
"N o one
but an American ever said 'gu y'!" H p
appeared greatly amused. "1 am glad
my men did not make the mistake of
killing you.” he said pleasantly.
“ You'vo nothing on me.” Charlie told
“ You speak very good English," the
\ merles n reinsrked generously,
“ Why not?" the officer ssked. “ I
spent three years at Columbia."
Brown's newspaper Instincts
crowded to Hie front again.
"By Jovo! You’re a German! You're
in Hie army— you apeak Engllahl . , .
It's too good a chance to miss! Ray.
.an I Interview you?"
Mu ior von Bri'n'g regarded him ®u
rtniidy for a moment
lie seemed to
consider Hint the American would he
a satisfactory person to talk to. for
he said presently
“ Ye* for I should like America to
understand, to realize what Germany
la fighting for."
“ Fine!" Charlie exulted. “ Can Oer
ninny win?" he demanded, looking up
nt Major von Hreulg In his must pro
fesslonal manner.
" It I* Inevitable— there ts uo chance
to fall." the officer replied.
“ And what Is Germany going to gain
from the war—If she wins?"
"When she wins, you mean,“ the iua
Jor corrected him atltlly.
“ Well, wbeu she win*." Charlie cod
"She will he the greatest power In
the world!"
"Except HR» United States!" Charlie
“ Do not let u* djacuas your ooun
try. air! You are my guest."
Charlie rose uud bowed to th# Oer
“ I act you!” he said
"Oh. Just •
minute!" he added, since the major
appeared to consider the Interview at
nn end. "And what about England?"
lie ssked. dropping Into the chair once
That question waa one Hint Hie Oer
mau officer was only too ready to take
"What army has England?”
straightway he gave the answer
*'*'ine! In only one thing la England
our superior— In lie* ami Intrigues'
There she has always been our master:
hut she will not light. That la for
France ami Russia lo do. Hut If the
war last* they will grow weary of be
lug the catupnw, . , . Englaud Is
a fine example of your happy Ameri
cau phrase, ‘ 10*1 George do It!* "
“ And the French?” Charlie persisted
"The French! For forty years they
have been thinking of what some day
they would do to Germany: and while
they thought, we bnT® planned, we
have worked—and now today we ar*
ready—and they are not!"
"You aeeru very confident." Fharlle
told him.
“ Why not? . . . For forty year*
our men of hrulns have been planning
a system -the most marvelous system
In the world!"
"What a pity It Isn’t devoted to
pence Instend o f war," the American
aald somewhat pensively. All the while,
ns they talked, the l»ooui of Held guns
In the distnme punctuated their sen­
"In the end It will he for pence.”
Major von Hreulg sold gravely, “ the
peace of the world. For this Is a Juaf
w a r—and Justice must triumph.”
“ Rut what o f these poor people—
these noiimmhntnnts— who streamed
through here a little while ago?”
"It Is the hnhlt o f nn Invaded conn
fry 'a proclaim the Invaders as bar­
barian»." the Teuton replied warmly.
"But we Germans are not barbarian*.
We are a simple people fighting only
for our fatherland.”
“ And Hie ruined towns destroyed
homes—and civilians shot?”
But Major von Brenlg bad always
an answer ready. II® wits an honest
man: and he was convinced of the
Justice of the German cause.
" I f we are fighting soldiers we treat
them as soldiers." he pointed out. "But
If men or women lurk behind closed
shutters or on housetops to shoot our
men we shall (turn the house ¡hey live
III and If there Is resistance w e shall
kill all those who resist
If Is regret­
table. but we must stop guerrilla war­
fare. We must fight under Hie laws of
Another roar as of distant thunder
Interrupted Charlie Brown's next ques­
"And you call that civilization?" h*
demanded, while Hie windows of the
Lion d'Or rattled under the shock of
the distant cannonading.
“ I do!"
••Lam your guest." Charlie said. Ro
far as he was concerned. he I ad liranl
enough. In fuel, he had li.*tir.J almost
too much for his ow n peace of mind.
"I think we'd bet'« not eontlnue tills
discussion nr we might get Into an ar­
gument— and that wouldn't be diplo­
Dlp a piece of rottoli wool In swret
oli. *tben luto hlm k pt-pper; putting
thla In tlic eur prove» u qui k retnedy.
Ni**« Bleed. — Boll a pie«® o f soft
Interviewing the Major.
Th# sergeant saluted, clicked his pii per qui te hard nnd piu k hard Ixv
spurs together, moved majestically to tween th® upper llp nnd Hi# gum, and
a position In frost of the cigar esse, In a fuw minute* thè bh-ediug wlll
and clicked his heels again. Judging atop.
Honrseripss.— Beat th# whlte of aa
by hla movements, one might almost
limo and
have supposed him to be some great egg, sud (II# Jlllc# o f a
A teiispoonful
mechanical dolt
But Charlie Rrown sweeten wlth sugnr.
waa quit* certain that he. for ooa. nt a tline.
bad no drslre to play with him.
Th# averng# height of the land at
“ I feel much better now,” be told the
Switzerland above th* sea levai la
“ I can Imagine," the other said.
There are thousands of
children w ho are bright
but f r a il— not sick but
u n d e r d e v e lo p e d — they
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Nothing harmful in S C O T T ’S.
Scott g h i l l , BtuumAfia, N. J.
And Another Fourth.
Bacon— 1 *co about one fourth of
the urea of the United States Is atilt
covered by forests.
Egbert— And another fourth. I cx
pert, by mortgages.— Yonkers States­
Portland, Orcgou.—" I was troubled
for year« with fc-
fjL*. male trouble ami
¡¡HJ Irteil a great many
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fît ose Dr. Fiere«'»
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' crai bottles of it
t ~ t
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/ / ’
I can heartily rec­
ommend Ulis lilt-d­
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Dr. Pierce’s F'avoriln Prescription ia
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Write Doctor Pi roe, Invalid*’ Hotel,
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You can also have
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He Meant Well.
Niece— I do tbtnk you a r« clev«r,
aunt, to be able to argue with tho
professor about sociology.
Aunt— I've only been concealing my
Ignorance, dear.
I’ rof. Bilks (gallan tly)— Oh, no, Mlsa
Knowles. Quite the contrary, I as­
sure you.— Boston Transcript.
Placing the Blame.
"H ave you anything to say before 1
pas* sentence?"
“ Yea. your honor, I would call your
attention to the fact that tho fool
lawyer who defended mo waa assigned
to tho case by yourself."
must be paid to the
first evidence of weak­
ness in the stomach,
liver or bowels—
Neglect only invites