Mr. Graham Makes Report to the County Court The County Seat W M hlngP /n C ounty Editorial A ssociation Nwws Bureau Circuit Court Attorney L. M. Graham, who collected, prepared and looked E. J. Lambert has filed suit against' after Washington county’s exhibit at the state fair, Saturday made Ella Watt Jackson, et al, it an attempt to quiet title to certain property located his report to the County Court, as follows: Free M o v ie T ic k e ts ------ TO T H E ------ ST A R T H E A T E R Forest Grove Oregon Purest Grove, Oregon. | realise the time and pains It takes to . at Forest Grove, against which a claim is held. get a variety of the best product of November 18th, 1910. the farms, and to get It In right quan­ To Hon. I). B. Keunoner Nena L. King Judson has brought Get them from our Merchant«. The firms listed below tities to he properly classed and auit to foreclose a mortgage held and Judged. In fact, I frequently heard that llourd of County Commissioners: have purchased Matinee tickets to give Free to their custom­ It was only a “ graft” and that no i against Allen A. Dale and L. A. May Gentlemen: ers. When you purchase 25c worth o f any o f the firms credit was given the grower for what \ for the sum o f $450, together with $03 Owing to absence from the state for ! he furnished. And hence I wus often due in interest. mentioned below, you will be given a Matinee Ticket Free— aeveral weeks. and press of business denied what would have helped to Fred During is a s k i n g judgment four ticket for $1.00. These tickets are to be given away itlnrtt my return, I have been delayed make the exhibit a greater credit and j against Casper Kieder, et al, in the score-getter. Under the system here­ for ten weeks, beginning with performance o f Saturday, No­ In makltiK my report aa superintendent of the Washington county exhibit at tofore used by the state fair managers. sum o f $176, with interest at 6 per vember 25. Good only for Saturday Matinees. Ask for the State Fair. I herewith submit It: . the Individual article shown In the cent since the 29th day o f April, 1915j tickets when making purchases. Here are the firms which I commenced making preparatlona collective exhibit could not also be en Collene Willard is asking the court to and gathering exhthlta In the early tered for separate prlxe; therefore the grant her a divorce from her husband. give tickets: part of July. lleliiK desirous of getting Individual did not seem to he able to a representative exhibit from every get much credit for his help. Hut how , Jack Willard, to whom she was mar­ part of the county, 1 tried to enlist the there can be any "graft" In the bush i ried in Portland on the 26th of April, Schultz Pure Food Store Goff Bros., Hardware and Stoves help of the real estate men In all part« ness I cannot Imagine unless to work ' 1908, since they have been making hard for several weeka-for nothing can of the county, and wrote numeroua Dr Hines’ Drug Store Ottice Shearer, Confectioner their home at Tualatin. From the com­ letter» to many different real ealate he called graft. plaint filed we glean the following: In order lo bring about a more fair American Restaurant Geo. G. Paterson, Furniture and men aaklng them lo help make aultable collection» and thua advertise the en­ and equitable method of Judging the “ On a cold, bleak night in November, Home Bakery Pianos tire county. 1 thought If there wa» any exhibits, and to bring out the Idea of 1911, the defendant kicked the plaintiff direct money benefit lo be received each county featuring Its most Import­ and baby from the bed onto the floor Forest Grove Express, Book and Job Printing from thla kind of advertisement, the ant industry, I prepared and presented | r»ial estate men would be the first to to a meeting of the county exhibitors j for the sole reason that the baby was share In It, and therefore would he In- a resolution, requesting the fair board crying.’ * The defendant is also ac - 1 tcrested. Hut us I got no help, except to make certain changes In their rules. cused o f continually cursing plaintiff | Water Department- Sheriff’s Sale from one real estate firm, I am con­ The resolution was added to and adopt- 1 and on two occasions had threatened Street superintendent at $37.50 450.00 Notice ia hereby given. That by vinced that, as a clans, they do not ex­ ed and presented to the board. I call Collector at $25.00 300.00 pect good results from such methods your attention to this for the reason her life. She asks a divorce and the Tender at $10.00...................... 120.00, virtue of an Execution issued out of that whoever does this work next year custody o f the minor child. O f showing what the county can pro­ snd under the seal of the Circuit Court Streets— duce. I therefore question the advis­ should get the rules early In the sea Mabel M. Napier is suing F. A. of the State o f Oregon, for the County Street commissioner at $37.50 450.00 ability of expending large sums of son and adhere to them In making the Neher for a judgment o f $1750, with Teamster at $65.00 780.00 o f Washington, dated the 18th day of money, like some counties are doing, preparation and Installing the exhibit ...._.......... 624.00 October, 1916, in favor o f Roy Hessel- I give below the scoring of each ! interest at 8 per cent, also several Helper at $52.00 In making exhibits *al the numerous General Fund- fairs As a matter of pride In our coun­ county In our district, and when you smaller sums, with interest. tine, plaintiff; and against Jacob F. ty, I think a reasonable expenditure consider It with relation to the amount Another suit for divorce is that in Fire insurance........ .................. 40.00 Tracy and Pacific Land A Water Co., a of money the counties In thla district from year to year Is justified. 300.00 which Ida Groul issuing Wm. M. Groul Treasurer at $25.00 ------- I secured the help of Mr. O. 8. Hlgby appropriated for fair purposes, this Recorder at $25.00 300.00 ) corporation, defendants, for the sum o f for a divorce. The complaint alleges county did not do so bad, after all. My In collecting, Installing and caring for Chief of police at $10.00 _... 120.00 $20.00 cost and the further sum o f the exhibit and he devoted nineteen Information as to the amount of money that the husband habitually called 1 Night watch at $50.00......... . G00.00 $278.67 with interest thereon from the days, much of the time with hlB team, appropriated was gained from the ex­ plaintiff vile names in the presence of Stationery and h ook s............. 250.00 18th day of October, 1916, at the rate and at a loss to his own business, In hibitors. It Is In addition to the money their child and others. She asks for a Safe and stove ..................... 250.00 o f eight f* r cent per annum, and for this work, and for the nominal sum of set apart for premiums under the state the further sum o f $50.00 Attorney Feed, hlacksmithing, supplies $2K.f>0. The IIIverslde Grange of Dllley law, and In some instances was given decree and the custody o f the minor i Fees, to me directed and delivered, and Incidentals for City child. gave valuable assistance In preparing for both county fair support and for j team ................ 375.00 commanding me to make sale o f the exhibitions, and left to the exhibitors The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. ! Street improvements ...... 1120.00 real property hereinafter described, I the grain. It seeins to me the people generally to divide as they saw fit. I also found is suing E. J. Laurenz for $84.97, with Cost o f election ............... 100.00 j have levied upon and pursuant to said do not understand this matter of mak­ that most of the exhibitors received Health officer ------- 100.00 1 interest and several other smaller sums, j Execution I will on Monday, the 27th ing a collective exhibit. They do not | pay for their time and services. Fire Department- In the case o f Oney Bell Gosman vs. day o f November, 1916, at the South 470.00 Score Amount County Ap- ] R. G. Goeman a decree for divorce was | Salaries' ............... County Team, feed and shoeing_____ 270.00 door o f the Courthouse in Hillsboro, propria tion rendered to the plaintiff. Incidentals _____ 80.00 Washington County, Oregon, at the . . » 0 . 6 - ............................................................ $ 2000.00 M k Fire hose ............... 250.00 hour of ten o ’clock a. m. o f said day, Marriage Licenses 77$ . _____________ ____ _ 1500.001 Clackamas 100.00 , sell at public auction to the highest H*.'7 —................................................ 2500.00 1 Marriage licenses were granted the Fire house roof ___ Ltaa ..$ $ .$ ................................................ .. 200 00 | I teuton past week to the following: Mark B. T ota l________________ $27,631.86 bidder for cash in hand, all o f the fol­ ..7 7 ,3 ._________________________________Not ascertained lowing described real property, lying, Multnomuh ESTIMATED REVENUES g g H ___________________________________ 1 0 0 0 .0 0 | Bump and Bertha Olive Sother; John being and s i t u a t e in Washington Jackson Pollins and Olga Frederickson: Lincoln Received from tax of 8.98 mills on _7 0 .$ ............................................... 200.00 j County, Oregon, and more particularly Washington valuation o f $801,508.00, less 3 percent described as follows, to-wit: -.80.76 ___________________ Not ascertained B. Nordby and Eva White. Douglas . . for delinquent tax, $6981.61. $ 7 .7 __________ ________ Not ascertained Josephine The Northwest Quarter o f the South­ Estimated r e c e i p t s from west Quarter (N. W. 1-4 o f S. W. 1-4) Catholic Church Notes water dept ................. $ 9913.25 6.75 1 think a more generoUH appropria­ Paid for signs, etc------------------- o f Section Thirty-Two (32), Township Next Sunday evening Rev. Father Estimated receipts from light tion from our county could be advant­ (2) North o f Range Five (5) West d ep t.................................... 10587.00 Two Total ....................................-$267.66 Buck will explain just exactly what the ageously used to the good of the coun- i o f Willamette Meridian, containing 40 Balance on h a n d --------------- 32.09 Confessional is in the Catholic Church, Receipts from fines, licenses, ty. but would not advocate any great acres, all in Washington County, etc ................................ 150.00 Increase, it appears to me that better Oregon, $299.76 when it came into use and what sins a road» are more essential than exorbit­ T ota l___________ 27,631.86 to satisfy the hereinbefore named sums For my services nothing hsB been person must tell in the confessional. ant appropriations for display and the There is a road tax o f approximately and for the costs and expenses o f sale Services at 7:30, and everyone is most county court should be congratulated retained. The published premium list advised cordially welcomed. $2898.00 received from the County and said writ. In this county in using good Judgment. Said sale will be made subject to re­ I received and expended moneys as that such exhibits would be transport­ A Forty Hours’ Adoration will com­ which is used for the payment o f street ed free of charge. I put in a request intersection paving warrants outstand- demption as per statute o f Oregon. follows: mence in St. Anthony’s Chapel on Fri­ From County C ou rt--------------- $200.00 for a car at least ten days before date Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this 19th ing. From premium and exhibit----- 99.75 of shipment, but owing to car shortage day Dec. 1st, with High Mass at 8:00. Notice is hereby given that a meet­ day of October, 1916. was unable to get a car and was com­ Will close Sunday evening with Bene­ J. E. REEVES, $299.75 pelled to take the exhibit across coun­ diction at 7:30. Maas on that Sunday ing o f the City Council o f Forest Sheriff o f Washington County, Oregon. Grove, Oregon, will be held at the City try by truck. This was an unexpected Pnld for h e lp e rs______________ $ 75.30 will be in Cornelius at 8.00 and in* For­ Hall in said City on the 6th day of By GEO. ALEXANDER. Paid for materials, produce etc. 77.46 expense of $40.00 for two large truck Deputy. est Grove at 10.30. Holy Hour on Fri­ December, 1916, at the hour o f 7:30 P. loads. Paid for sta m p s_________ - — 1 00 M. o f said day for the purpose o f hear­ I herewith enclose draft for $32.09; LANGLEY A LANGLEY, day evening, Dec. 1st at 7.30. Kindly Paid for auto hire--------------------- 12.00 ing objections and suggestions with Attorneys for Plaintiff. Paid entry fee on exhibit--------- 9.20 also a picture of the exhibit as it ap­ note change in the time of Mass on that reference to said budget. peared at Salem. Date o f First Publication, Oct. 26,1916. Paid lodging, board, self and Sunday. J. R. BUCK. Published by the order o f the City Respectfully submitted. helpers ------------------------------- 43 45 Date o f Last Publication, Nov. 23, 1916. Council o f said City, made and entered L. M. G R A H A M Paid (lruyage ------------------------ 43 60 at a regular meeting thereof held on Christian Church Free Methodist Church November 14, 1916. Prayer meeting Thursday 7:30 p. m. GEO. G. PATERSON. Mayor. Miss Edith Swanson is quite ill Topic: “ Good Samaritan’ ’ —Leader, Sabbath school 10 a. m., preach­ NOTES AND PERSONALS ing 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.. prayer at the apartments of her brother Brother Lowry. Meeting o f “ Every Attest: W. P. DYKE, Recorder. Date o f first publication November meeting on Wednesday evening at Member Canvass” team after Prayer 16, 1916. Money to loan on farm prop­ in Portland. Date o f last publication Nov. 23d, 8 p. m. AH are welcomed. service. erty. Hancock & Wiles. Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Walker 1916. J. N. WOOD, Pastor. Lord's Day 9:45 a. m. Mrs. Martha Sutford of Dilley spent Friday visiting friends in 11:00 a. m. Lord's Supper and Ser­ was a business visitor in the city Portland. mon: “ The Ideal Church. ” 6:30 p. m. C. E. Prayer meeting. Saturday. Ralph Mason of Alpine, Ore., 7:30 p. m. Song Service and Sermon: For Rent— Five rooms in house visited here over Sunday with “ Repentance Unto L ife.” just west of Laughlin Hotel. In­ Miss Gladys Stoddard. There will be a baptismal servise fol­ quire at this office. 40 (SISTER LUCRETIA) lowing the evening meeting. Every­ Mr, and Mrs. August Oleson of For Rent— Five-room house, body invited to come and worship with near depots, modern. Inquire of Portland spent Sunday visiting us. 31 years a Sister of Charity in the Roman Catholic Manche Langley. 35-tf relatives and friends in the Grove. R. L. PUTNAM, Pastor. Elizabeth Schoffen Mrs. W. D . Wood and son, Jimmy, and Mrs. Emma Layman and son, Ben, all of Hillsboro, visited at the W. F. Johnson home Sunday afternoon. AUTO OWNERS— Save money by sending two old tires and hav­ ing one good one made from them Union Avenue Double-Tread Tire Works, Portland. 46-3t E. J. Dunn of Portland, who visited the Walraths the greater part of last week, departed Sat­ urday for Portland and on Mon­ day left for a visit with his par­ ents in Ohio. The Palace Barber Shop has moved to the new Anderson build­ ing, where the proprietor, Brady Chowning, will be pleased to give customers better service t h a n ever. Try our baths. 45-4 Friday last the members of the faculty and many of the students of P. U. got out with rakes and pitchforks and cleaned the leaves and trash off the campus, ¡greatly improving the appearance of the lawn. Any w h i t e Crepe de Chine waist in my stock for $3.50; these waists have been selling at $4.00 to $4.50. Choice of fine lot of infants’ shoes at 39c. Am closing out shoes. Mrs. Blanche Rich­ ards, lower Main street. 46-tf The skating rink, over t h e Stribich carriage shop, is open to the public Monday, Wedhesday and Friday nights, from 7 :30 to 10 o ’clock. On Tuesday, Thurs­ day and Saturday nights the rink is available, by appointment, for private parties. Sisterhood, will deliver Two Lectures at the Miss Lefa Egli, who for four weeks past has been nursing a case near Reedville, returned to this city Monday. BUDGET STAR TH EATER TO-NIGHT, Nov. 23 8 o’clock Sharp Everybody Welcome for the City o f Forest Grove, Oregon Following is the estimate o f expen­ ditures o f the City o f Forest Grove, ' Oregon, required for the year 1917, chargeable to the General Fund, Water Fund and Light Fund, o f said city: Interest on bonds .............. $ 5060.00 ' Retirement o f bonds 1000.00 j Maintenance o f power plant 4006.50 Maintenance o f streets 1999.00 Maintenance of water system 2000.00 Maintenance o f library 801.50 Legal department 300.00 Engineering department ...... 150.00 Light Plant— 3 engineers at $85.00; $75.00; $75.00 2820.00 Light commissioner at $60.00 720.00 Collector st $25.00 300.00 Additional equipment 250.00 Extension of light plant 776.86 Tomorrow Afternoon, Nov. 24 3 o’clock Sharp WOMEN ONLY No young ladies or girls under 16 years of age admitted to this lecture. Miss Schoffen has a message OF INTEREST TO ALL Admission 25c At each lecture Miss Schoffen will exhibit the garb she wore when she left the convent, explaining each piece.