The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, November 23, 1916, Image 1

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ÛJbr ¿Fm 'st O k iw lExpr fbh
Vol. 1, No. 46
It Beats Noah’s Ark
Seventeen Mills
The ingenious toys in the Ber­
nard Book Store this morning
for Local Schools ' tempted
the writer to enter the
$1.50 per Year
* * * * * * * * * * *■**■*
f « r
j Little Margaret Hines cele­
Nearly two hundred taxpayer* | »tore and examine some of the
brated her fifth birthday Tuesday
and school patrons gathered at j holiday goods displayed there,
by inviting a few of her little
the Central building last Saturday i The European war has shut out
, friends in to spend the afternoon
afternoon to decide on the school imported toys, hut the American
with her. She received many
tux levy for the next school year, Boy and girl will not lack cute j
pretty little gifts. Those present
and, while an effort was made to and amusing playthings this year, j
were: Misses. Susan White, Clara
keep the levy down to what it for when our Yankee inventors
Kauffman, Alice .Johnson, Viola
Pater-on, Harriet Helen Hughes
was this year (12 mills), the di­ found that the cheaply-made toys
and Masters Bruce Brook bank
rectors convinced the majority of had ceased to come from Europe,
Edwin Secor.
those present that to vote less they got busy and invented much
than seventeen mills would cripple better and more ingenious toys
Last Friday evening Mrs. E. E.
than the European article. Es-
the efficiency of the schools.
Williams entertained a few friends
Chairman Roe presided at the pecially is this true of the median-
at cards in honor of the natal day
meeting and, after Clerk Buxton ¡cal toys such as circular railroads,
of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Ray
had read the call for the meeting, pile-drivers, wind-mills, self dump­
T. Williams. Five hundred was
the chairman invited those in the ing tram cars, etc. The U. S. A.
played and this was followed by
audience to ask any question they
one of those delicious lunches that
j make invitations to the Williams
Bernard has laid in a big sup-
cared to. No questions appear-
home much desired. Those pre­
ing, Superintendent In lo w ex­ ply of holiday goods this year i
besides the members of the
plained the items contained in the among which may be mentioned
family, were Mr. and Mrs. H. E.
budget, as well as the necessity for holiday books for young and old;
I Ferrin, Mr and Mrs Randolph
the levy asked by the board, toilet articles in the new (Ameri-
Thomas, Mesdames Duncan Mac­
Popular Young People Married
Leod and Reba Secor, Misses
Some having complained that the can) Pyralin ivory and the familiar
domestic s c i e n c e and manual | ivory of former years, both in sets
One of Forest Grove’s fairest womanly accomplishments. Few Misses Manche Langley, Elida
training departments were too ex- and single pieces; in leather daughters became a bride at 8 girls have more friends and well- Loynes and Marjorie Forbis.
pensive, the superintendent stated K00^8» there are handsome hand- o'clock last evening, when Miss wishers than this bride.
On Tuesday afternoon of last
•* .
, . I bags, traveling cases and music
The groom is a son of Thomas
that not more than one mill could L ^ . the Japanest. Bungalow pot- Rhoda Christina Enschede was Withycombe of Portland and a week, a dozen of the lady friends
be saver! by eliminating these tery pieces are new and very at- united in marriage with George nephew of James Withycombe, of Mrs. J. D. Conger surprised
courses. Approximately s e v e n tractive, as is also the American- H. Withycombe. The ceremony governor of O r e g o n . He is a that estimable lady by calling at
mills would be required to take made art pottery; it would be was performed by Rev. R. E. young farmer, living near the her home for a housewarming, the
Dunlap of the local M. E. church, town of Gaston and is esteemed Congers having recently moved.
care of present indebtedness and Bj*r(l t0
! <>r
° f ^ol l ,
, - l
. mntlipr’
... .
that cannot be found here and at the home of thebnde s mother, by his acquaintances as a man of The visitors brought with them
ten mills to run the schools.
the styles in fancy stationery are in this city, in the presence of a sterling character, magnificent in- refreshments and spent a pleasant
Frank Hinman was in favor of so numerous as to make one won- number of relatives and invited tellect and amiable disposition, afternoon with their hostess.
a 12-mill levy and Attorney Gra- der which is prettiest. In musi- guest?. The bride’s sister, Flor- with bright prospects for the
Under the combined efforts of
ham was not in favor of crippling cal instruments, violins and Edi- « r)pe, was bridesmaid and Wells future.
After the wedding supper Mr. the Boys and Girls Glee Clubs
e- cousm to the groom,
the schools by refusing the board i*°n. Phonographs, with supplies ^ hc^
for both, are found at the Book was Dest man.
and Mrs. Withycombe left for a °f the Forest Grove high school.
money enough to run them. Dr.
A sumptuous wedding lunch short visit in Portland and near- the operetta. “ The Boson’s Bride”
Hawke thought the schools were
The person looking for games followed the ceremony.
, by points. They will be at home wHl be given in the Star theater
costing too much, but was in to while away long wet evenings The brid' is the daughter o f : to their friends, at Gaston, after about the middle of December
favor of voting the amount asked can be satisfied here, also. But Mrs. J. M. Enschede, is a graduate Dec. 10th.
under the direction of Miss Tay-
The Express joins their hun- lor and Mr. Thomas, glee club
for next year and looking around go and see for yourself; it requires of the Forest Grove high school
to see where money could be a better m e m o r y than the and a y o u n g l a d y of many dreds of friends in congratulations, i directors. This promises to be a
writer s to tell all to be found at
very fine production, as there is
may be attached to each of one or
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. excellent material in both glee
Chairman Roe stated that if
more articles contained in the Alexander J o s s is i l l with clubs. The proceeds of this play
will be used to promote the Opti­
anyone thought they could <1°
: ParceL
the annual put out by the
better than the present board, he
students each year. Joseph
""H ip p y N e w T ^ r ?
A n ew d a u g h te rw ^ b o rn M o n -
would resign—without a recall
Loomis, manager of the Optimist,
election—in order to give some­
The following dates are the
is business manager, and Clayton
body else a chance. Member W. latest on which you may mail may be placed on matter of the Chalmers of Centerville.
Giltner is stage manager. As this
fourth class or on a card enclosed
P u n ifp R p rm rd h oc .p
. «
. .
Miss Eunice
oernara nas re- promises to
be an excellent . musical
P. Dyke said “ ditto," but nobody Christmas gifts so that they will . u , u
im rewnn.
turned home from Brownsville,' entertainment we bespeak a full
seemed to care for their places, so reach their destination by Christ­
Trusting that you will aid us where fshe has been nursing for house.
they did not resign.
in making everybody happy by the past three weeks,
Mrs. Roy Benfer Tuesday af­
Chairman Roe believed, he said,
Alaska—Copper River section, mailing your parcels mrly.
Mrs. Chas. F. Miller of Port-
ternoon entertained Mesdames
that a 17-mill l e v y would be Va dez, Seward, Cordova, south­
|an(j attended the school meeting Fairchild, Allen, Bell, Carlyle,
necessary for two years, but after eastern, Haines, Skagway, etc., [
„ .
. . .
. , . 1 December 15. Alaska— Ketchi- N O TES A N I) P E R SO N A L S Saturday, being considerably in- Dunlap, Bernard and W. C. Ben­
that time he thought it might kan> FeUreburg, JunHlu, D ra .m.
fer at lunch and fancy work.
terested in taxation matters.
safely be reduced.
ber 19. Anstria-Hungary, Decern-, A son was born Friday to Mr.
The best thing for vour bad
Boosting the Loganberry
It developed, during Mr. In- ber 1 . Canada (lower provinces). 1 and Mrs. Wm. Boos of Scoggins cold is the “ Good Health” Cold
low’s report, that the Forest December 20. Denmark, Decern- vaj|ey
Hoffman informs the Ex­
Tablets, f o r s a 1 e by Littlers’
Grove schools were being run Ber 6 . Eastern states, December
press that he expects to leave
For Rent— Five rooms in house
cheaper than many
hinland, Decemberb hrance.
Dec. 1st for an extended
wuiamette December 7 , Germany, December 1 just west of Laughlin Hotel. In - 1 The high school football team
valley schools of equal size. The 1 Great Britain and Ireland. De- quire at this office.
and a team composed of members trip through the east, possibly as
increase in attendance at the high cember 9. Holland, December 6 . Mrs. J. A. Elder was taken to a of the high school Alumni, some far as New York, to establish a
school amounted to more than 100 Honolulu, December 12. India. Port|and hospital Sunday and of them P. U. students, played a market for Loganberry juice, now
one of Oregon’s staple crops. Be-
percent in three years, but there Japan. November 30. Newfound- jwa* operated on this morning.
tie game on P. U. field last Fin­ i fore he goes, he would like to
is a slight decrease in the grades, land, December 9. Norway, De-
Dr. Crockett and wife of Port- day 7 to 7.
meet every Loganberry grower in
■ :mt
with one teacher less.
cember 6 . Ontario, December 19. land were visiting at the M. S.
The Adamson 8-hour law for the county, as he thinks he'has a
When a motton was made to Philippine Islands, November 29. Allen home Saturday and Sunday, train crews was held unconstitu-, P,an taa|; w!^ “ e‘P the industry
make the levy 17 mills, Frank Quebec, December 19. Shanghai,
, u , r S,eveT
killed a
Hinman amended the motion to Ghina, N o v e m b e r 24. South
read 12 mills. The amendment Africa, November 20. Sweden, black bear near his place yester-
^ ]ast Tuesday. The case will»i«< 1____
was lost by a vote of 115 to 60 December 6. Yukon Territory,1 day and expects to have plenty be appealed to the U. S. supreme
and then the 17-mill motion was Dawson, White Horse, etc., De- of meat, regardless of Wilson’s court at once, in order to get a
At the residence of the bride’s
carried by about the same vote. j cember 12.
decision before Jan. 1st.
parents, on North Fourth street
| Rev. Benham of the Cornelius Ad-
- — 7 -----p“ — ;
| Letter rate postage must be
leacners hniertam
< put on merchandise which will go
Jack Iuondon, the famous Amer-
Murphy Is Warden
1 yentist church last Tuesday united
On Monday night the “ Faculty ! to Austria, Hungary, Finland, jean author, passer! away at his
p . vopnfir Wifhvonmhp ha.« in marriage Miss Christine Jensen
Club,” which is an organization Germany, Holland, India and home near Santa Rosa, Calif.,
. L
, . , p P of this city and Horace Channing
South Africa. Foreign packages yesterday afternoon from uremic pointed Chas. A. Murphy of I en- 0f Oakville, W’ash.
composed of the faculty of both
should also have proper customs poisoning.
deleton warden of the state peni-
The bride is the daughter of
College and high school, and of declarations attached.
J. W. Hughes, the man witd tentiary, to r e p l a c e Warden Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jensen ano
the ministers of the town and
All packages should be well the leather lungs, was in Portlanh Minto, who was removed because has been a resident of this city for
their wives, met at the home of wrapped and bear the return a d - , this morning and arranged to cry he turned a fire hose on prisoners,
past five years. She is a
dress of the sender. There may four sales during the stock show
. on, •„ ■
graduate of Laurelwood Acadenr
Mr and Mrs. John E. Bailey.
i Mr. Murphy was chaplain in com- a[1(j a bright and companionabi,
Miss Farnham.gave an excellent; Be placed on such mail matter in that city m k alter next.
Oregon National Guard. young lady. T he g r o o m is
paper on "T he College Woman in ^
B>urth class)
apper or envelope, or on a
. . ...
. « .. . D ,__ _ r
ti .«-*— young farmer and stands well 11
Letters.” The paper was then ? £ ’
label attached thereto, 30U,heast of th,s c,ty- has issue« Notice to Patrons of Star Theatre his community
M r. and Mrs
discussed by Dr. H~'----------
— either
lolmes and in*:
n writing or otherwise, the invitations to the marriage of his
Beginning next Monday, Nov. Channing left today for thei
Hagstad. The hostesses w e r e words "Please do not open until. daughter, Elizabeth, to Thomas 27, the serial picture, “ Shielding future home at Centralia
M i s s e s Waggener, Miltimore, Christmas.” The tag or label,'
R. Moore, the ceremony to be Shadow” , will be shown on Mon­
“ Little Mary Sunshine,” Pathe’ >
Leonard and Menefee.
with the printing or writing auth- performed at Farmington on day only, t o g e t h e r with the
great 5-reel picture, will be shown
A social hour followed at the orized thereon, may be attached
closing of which refreshments to the whole parcel or separate Nov. 28th. Mr. and Mrs. Moore “ Grip of Evil” and a comedy at the Star next Tuesday night-
were served.
Entire change for Tuesday.
tags, orj labels, bearing the same, will reside at Laurel.
5c and 10c.
Parcels Early C h V S S /