The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, November 09, 1916, Image 7

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    ADIUST DlffER-
About Oregon
Of General Interest
Portland Portland ia placer! on a
parity with Puget Hound in the matter
of charge* for handling cargo of all
vessels through the action o f Long-
•horemen’a Union No. 6, Saturday Crime Decreasing in Oregon
night in voting to end the strike and
Declares Warden of State Pen
ru|iort for work, the scale to lie 60
cents an hour straight time and 76
Salem— “ Statistic* of this institu­
cent* an hour overtime.
The move accomplishes in the main tion during the current ralander year
what commercial interests have striv­ warrant the belief that crime in Ore­
en for and have lieen unable to bring gon i* steadily decrea*ing, and that
about. Much credit for the amicable the number of commitment* to the
adjustment of the situation is given T. penitentiary may be materially re­
V. O ’Connor, president of the Interna­ duced during the next few years,”
Ixmgshoremen’s association, and say* Warden John W. Minto in hi* bi­
Invading Steamer Retreats After One
officer* of the union, who have labored ennial report to the state board o f con­
diligently during the past week to trol.
Thousand Shots Exchanged—
Speaking o f the reformation o f pris­
bring employers and employees to­
Expulsion Causes Trouble.
gether, and a special meeting o f more oners, the report says that 75 per cent
than 225 members of Local No. 6 end­ o f them can be reformed and the re­
maining 26 per cent “ are criminals by
ed with a vote to start anew.
The determination to do their share ' nature, training and inclination,” and
Everett, Wash. — At leawt nix men
toward ridding the port of the d iffe r-! that “ their entire lives will be spent
were killed and 44 wounded Sunday in ential complained of is not confined to ; either in some penal institution or
a pitched battle at the Everett city Portland, but extends to the mouth of j dodging one.” The 75 per cent sus­
wharf between 260 members of the the Columbia, Astoria and Rainier ceptible to reformation are “ unfortun­
ate victim s of passion, financial diffi­
unions concurring in the decision.
Industrial Workers of the World, who
“ The understanding was arrived at culties, careless raising, unfavorable
came here from Seattle on the steamer
when the men learned o f logical argu­ environment and weakness in the face
Verona, and a |*>N*e o f 160 citizens,
offered by the employers that o f temptation,” say* the report. The
headed by Sheriff Don McRae.
the entire river district be placed on | segregation o f prisoners is recom­
Ex-lieutenant C. O. Curtis, o f com­
an equality with their northern com­ mended.
pany U Washington National guard,
Sound," said Mr.
was killed.
Nineteen others in the
O'Connor. “ Now it is a matter for
Car License Cards Issued.
posse were wounded.
the commercial interests o f the torri-
F ive o f the dead and 26 o f the
Salem— T o the 40,000 motor vehicle
| tory, and all vitally concerned in di­
wounded were on the boat. Sheriff
recting the trade, to undertake the owners and chauffeurs of Oregon, Sec­
elimination o f whatever other features retary o f State Olcott has mailed ap­
remain that are alleged to drive busi­ plication blanks for registration for
A fte r the shooting, in which about ;
the year 1917.
A transmittal card
ness from here.”
1000 shots were exchanged, the Verona ;
with the horsepower o f each machine,
turned around and started back to Se-
figured according to the Oregon law,
Httle. Many men were seen to fall on
was inclosed with each application,
the deck o f the steamer, and others,
and also a notice requesting owners
overboard. !
not to ask for the assignment o f any
Some were taken from the water, but j
certain number.
others disappeared and it is believed i
“ The attempt to accommodate those
they wore drowned.
The Verona • London— In one o f the worst g a le s 1 who have wished for the same number
Everett shortly before 2
each year, as well as those asking for
ish steamship Connemara, with pas­
o ’clock.
specified numbers, has proven unsatis­
A call to Industrial Workers o f the
factory and im practicable," said Sec­
World members from all over the state Greenore,
retary Oicott, “ and therefore requests
had lieen issued earlier in the week 1
o f this nature w ill receive no atten­
and the citizens of Everett, at a meet­ outside the Carlingford bar with the tion this year. ”
ing held Saturday night, planned to
meet the invader* and deny them with coal. Both vessels sank immedi­
Ninety-two lives were lost.
Apples Wait for Cars.
privilege o f landing.
The sheriff ately.
{tenons, a member o f the
stepped forward and informed the men
R iver— W ith immediate orders
on the boat that they would not tie ; crew o f the Retriever and a passenger for 400 carloads o f apples and without
on the Connemara, were saved. There
permitted to land.
a single refrigerator car available
One of them, evidently spokesman j were 60 passengers and a crew o f 31 Wednesday,
officials of the Apple
for the party, began arguing with the I on board the Connemara and the Re- ' growers' association declare that the
sheriff and then made a speech. Ap- j
Many bodies
being washed apple market situation is being seri­
parently as a signal, the man dropped
Numbers ously affected by the car shortage.
his hand and armed men on the
The local storage terminals are fast
steamer opened fire on the posse as­ o f cattle are benig washed up, some filling up with apples, and unless cars
sembled on the wharf.
The Connemara, 1106 tons gross and , are available soon growers w ill prob­
The first man to fall was Sheriff
272 feet long, was built in Dumbarton 1 ably be filling the basements o f local
McRae, seriously wounded.
One man
business houses with boxed apples.
in 1896.
was killed instantly and in a moment
“ It has been reported that refrig er­
the crowd on shore was panic-stricken.
ator cars have been used to transport
Deptuy sheriffs quickly rallied their
wheat. We are investigating to find
forces, however, and returned the fire
whether or not this is true,” said W il-
o f the invaders on the Verona.
mer Sieg, salesmanager o f the apple-
Constantinople — Turkish airplanes growers.
Men on the wharf and on the boat
were seen to fall and the Verona im­ have dropped bombs on Suez and Port
mediately backed out o f the dock and Tewflk and on the British railway east i
Entire Fruit Pack is Sold.
of the Suez canal, says the Turkish j
started back toward Seattle.
Brownsville — The canenry o f the
The trouble between the I. W. W ’s.
Linn and Benton Fruit Growers’ asso­
and the authorities at Everett has statement reads:
ciation, located here, has sold the en­
been o f several months’ standing and
tire pack o f this Beason and all the old
was the outgrowth o f a strike of shin- j a number of Emmbs on Suez and Port
stock except a few black cherries.
gle weavers here. A fter several minor i
The goods are commanding the best
outbreaks o f violence during the j railway east of the canal.
price since the establishment o f the
strike. Sheriff McRae organized the J
plant in 1906. They are loading cars
Citizens’ committee and expelled all allow themselves to be outstripped in
to the lim it o f their capacity, some­
members of the Industrial "Workers of
ing for civilization and international times putting in 100,000 pounds, be­
the World from Everett.
cause o f the scarcity o f cars.
A week ago 45 members o f the In­ law, recently have found for their navy
The cannery has packed about 12,000
dustrial Workers o f the World came in the Black Sea employment full of
cases this season, and contemplates
from Seattle by steamer, but were met
putting up 3000 or 4000 more.
at the wharf by the citizens’ posse, ! feats on the Aegean coast, they land
loaded into automobiles and escorted
Polk Road Body Forms.
to a point south of town, where they j bands o f brigands at various points.
— The Polk County Road
were liberated and ordered to go back \
than to pillage property o f our peace- j Builders’ association was organized in
to Seattle.
The association is
Last week the Industrial Worker, | able and defenseless people and set fire Dallas recently.
composed o f three delegates from each
the official organ of the Industrial ; to their houses.”
of the road districts o f the county.
Workers o f the World in Seattle, an­
Every road district was represented,
nounced that the forcible expulsion of
being 67 accredited delegates in
men from Evreett must lie avenged, |
attendance. A permanent organiza­
and called for 2000 volunteers to go to :
tion was perfected with the object of
Everett to establish the “ right o f free j
Chihuahua City, Mexico— Dr. Fisher,
recommending to the county court
an American physician living at Santa
“ The fight must be won,” said the Rosalia, was killed by the V illa ban­ each year necessary road improvement
paper, “ as the whole future o f the In­ dits under General ITaudelio Uribe, ac­ and repairs in order that the court
dustrial Workers of the World in this cording to the statement of a Mexican may be aided in making up its budget.
section depends upon the outcome. refugee who arrived here from Santa j
Phone Line is Proposed-
We want all foot-loose rebels in the Rosalia late Sunday.
Bend— A projwsal that an effort be
West to center their attention upon
Dr. Fisher was one of the few Am er­
Everett and the labor trust’s mill and icans known to have been in Santa made to connect the towns o f Bend
logging properties. Get on the job and Rosalia at the time the Villa bandits j and Burns by telephone was made at
the meeting o f the Commercial club
use your judgment.
captured the town.
“ A real cat can exercise pretty
General Uribe's bandits also exe­ here recently by J. E. Weston, man­
good judgment, and when he does, my, cuted several Chinese and Arab resi­ ager o f the Inter-Mountain Telephone
how the masters will squirm!
We dents o f Santa Rosalia on October 26. & Telegraph company, o f Burns.
need men, men-cats, you know, real General Uribe, in a speech delivered Weston estimated that the cost of the
Toms. Ilead this way, and if you can­ after the capture of the town, accused work would be $12,000.
The present lines o f communication
not join the invading army on Ever­ foreigners o f being enemies o f V illa ’ s
ett, you can get on the job and, be­ cause, and then ordered summary exe­ are by way o f Baker and Portland.
sides making a stake you can— well cutions o f the Chinese and Arab resi­ The matter has been taken up by the
club’s transportation committee.
you know.”
250 Men on Boat Fight With 150
Deputies on Shore.
Ninety-Two Drown When Ships
Collide and Sink in Irish Sea
Turks Accuse Russians of Pillaging.
American Doctor Killed in Mexico.
Ru»*ian Warship Hit.
Berlin— (B y wireless to Sayville, N.
V .— It is reported unofficially that the
Russian battleship Sevastopol struck a
mine several days ago and was badly
The report was received
Sunday by the Overseas News agency
from Stockholm.
According to this
information, a Swedish merchant, who
has just returned from a trip through
Russia and Finland, aays the Sevasto­
pol struck a mine eight days ago and
was partly destroyed.
Six Have Infant Paralysis.
Salem, Or.— Six cases of infantile
paralysis among the school children of
Salem caused stringent precautionary
measures to be taken Monday by Dr.
David N. Roberg, o f the State Board
o f Health, who placed the afflicted
children under quarantine.
who had been exposed to the disease al­
so were quarantined. The children a f­
fected with the malady were pupils at
the Highland and Garfield schools.
These schools were fumigated.
Potato Yield is Heavy.
Aurora — Potatoes and hops have
come in so plentiful fo r storage that
practically every storeroom in town is
full, while the difficulty in obtaining
cars renders it almost impossible for
buyers to make further purchases ex­
cept for future delivery. The yield
and quality of the potatoes in this sec­
tion is better than for years and i f the
car shortage does not interfere with
the sale of them, there is every pros­
pect o f a rich harvest.
Portland— W h e a t— Bluestem, $1.69;
fortyfold, $1.63; club, $1.50; red fife,
$1.50; red Russian, $1.45.
Oats— No. 1 white feed, $34.00.
B arley — No. 1 white feed, $37.
Flour — Patents, $8.20; straights,
$7.00 @ 7.40; exports, $7.00; valley,
$7.70; whole wheat, $8.40; graham ,
6erman Physician Saves Life Only by
Proving His Natuxulity.
$ 8 . 20 .
M illfeed — Spot prices: Brsn, $23.60
@ 24 per ton; shorts,
roiled barley, $39.60@41.50.
Corn— W hole, $48 per ton; cracked,
H a y — Producers’ prices:
Eaatern Oregon, $176(20 per ton; tim ­
othy, valley, $166(16; a lfa lfa , $166$
16.50; valley grain hay,
clover, $12.60.
B u tter— Cubes, extras, no bid. Job­
bin g prices: Prints, extras, 37Jc per
pound; butterfat, N o. 1, 37c; N o. 2,
36c, Portland.
E g g s — Oregon ranch, current re­
ceipts, 446/,45c per dozen; Oregon
ranch, candled, 46@46c.
P o u lt r y — Hens,
13@15c; springs,
16 ( 16c; turkeys, live,
22 @ 24c;
ducks, 13@17c; geese, 1 0 @ llc .
V e a l— Fancy, 10@ 10ic per pound.
Pork— Fancy, 12c per pound.
V egetables— Artichokes, 7 5 c@ $ l per
dozen; tomatoes, 76c@$1.25 per crate;
cabbage, $1.256$ 1.50 per hundred; pep­
pers, 6@ 7c per pound; eggplant, 66$
8c; lettuce, $2.25 per bo x; cucumbers,
$16$ 1.60; celery, 60@75c per dozen;
pumpkins, lc per pound; squash, 1 @
lie .
Potatoes — Oregon
buying price,
$1.40 6$ 1-50 per
hundred, country
points; sweets, $2.256(2.50.
Onions— Oregon buying price, $2.35
per sack, country points.
Green Fruita— Apples, new, 50c@$2
per bo x;
pears, $ 1.00@ 1.25; grapes,
75c 6$ $1.75; caaabas, l j c ; cranber­
ries, $9.606(10 per barrel.
Hops— 1916 crop, 10@12c per pound.
W ool — Eastern Oregon, fine, 23@
26; coarse, 306$32c; valley, 33c.
M ohair— 40c per pound.
Case arm B ark — Old and new, 5Jc per
C attle— Steers, prime, $6 .40@ 7.00 ;
good, $6 @ 6 .4 0 ; common to fa ir, $56$
5.75; cows, choice, $5.50@ 6; medium
to good, $4.506(5; ordinary to fair,
$3.506$4; heifers, $4 @ 5 .2 5 ; bulla, $3
@ 4 .2 5 ; calves, $4@ 7.50.
H ogs — Prim e, $9 .25@ 9.60; good to
prim e mixed, $8.256(9; rough heavy,
$86(8.25; pigs and skips, $8@8.25.
Sheep— Lam bs, $8 @ 8 .7 5 ; yearlings,
wethers, $7 @ 7 .5 0 ; old wethers, $6.25
@ 6 .5 0 ; ewes, $6@ 5.50.
Wheat Buyers Draw Out
for Lack of Freight Cars
Portland — The larger wheat buyers
have withdrawn from the market and
say they w ill do no more buying until
can get cars, regardless of
whether the market advances or de­
clines. Orders from Eastern mills for
wheat are coming along strong, but
are being turned down, as there is no
immediate prospect o f moving the
wheat that has already been bought.
It is estimatd that not over 20 per
cent o f the crop has been shipped to
date, although the farmers have dis­
posed of close to 80 per cent. The
remaining 60 per cent has been sold to
Eastern millers or to foreigners, but it
is still here.
Farmers are showing a disposition
to meet the market now, but find buy­
ers are not plentiful.
A t the Mer­
chants’ Exchange bids were reduced 3
to 6 cents, but there were no sales.
Oats were unchanged and feed barley
was 50 cents lower.
Considering the channels through
which the Northwestern crop is mov­
ing this year, business on the local ex­
change in the month of October might
be called quite active. The October
sales were 95,000 bushels of wheat,
400 tons o f oats, 100 tons of barley
and 500 tons o f millfeed, o f a total
value o f $165,300.
In October last
year the board sales were 140,000
bushels o f wheat and 800 tons of oats,
of a total value o f $153,700.
Strong Turkey Market Predicted.
Portland — A strong market
Thanksgiving turkey is predicted by T.
G. Farrell, who says:
“ W e believe that there is an aver­
age crop o f turkeys this fail, not a
very big one, but a good average crop.
Conditions are pretty good, men are
pretty well employed, and prices on all
commodities are high. We, therefore,
predict that there w ill be a very fine
price for fancy dressed turkeys, geese
and ducks for the Thanksgiving trade.
There have been a few marketed al­
ready fo r early shipment to remote
points, Alaska, Manila, etc.
were good and sold well, 27@27}c.
W e believe that fine goods on the
Thanksgiving market w ill bring this
much and perhaps more.
“ There w ill be a good demand also
for fine dresesd geese and ducks.
Chickens on the Thanksgiving market
are generally poor sellers; they will
be wanted later.
Two Cities Reported Taken by Villa
Forces— Attack on Chihuahua
City Promised Very Soon.
El Paso, Tex. — "D eath to Am eri­
cana” was the cry o f the V illa bandits
who charged down from the foothills
at Laguna upon the Mexican Central
passenger train Monday night, Dr. S.
Haffner, the German physician who
was a passenger on this train, declared
upon his arrival here Saturday night
from Chihuahua City.
Dr. Haffner said he was told by one
of the V illa chiefs in .command o f the
bandits that V illa troops had captured
Santa Rosalia and Jindnez and would
take Chihuahua City within 10 days.
Haffner, who had practiced
medicine in Chihuahua C ity
years, said he recognized many of the
bandits as former patients and called
them by name after he had established
his identity as a German subject.
“ I am sure 1 would have been killed
had I not been recognized as the Ger­
man doctor who had lived in Chihuahua
City so long.” Dr. Haffner added.
“ The bandits came through the train
c r y in g ‘ Death to Am ericans!’ and us­
ing the vilest oaths in reference to the
‘ gringoes,’ ” Haffner said.
“ I was
struck over the head by one o f the
bandtis, who used his rifle as a club
before I could convince him I was a
German, but as Boon as I convinced
them I was a German I was freed.’ ’
“ I t was just growing dusk as we
slowed down fo r Laguna station,” he
Baid. “ I had seen the men off in the
distance, but did not know they were
bandits until the train came to a sud­
den stop and we discovered that the
engine, tender and baggage car had
been derailed.
“ W e heard shooting and then a
bandit with a large hat and with his
pistols drawn came through the train
and ordered us all to leave it. An aw­
ful sight met our gaze as we alighted
from the train onto the ground.
Carranza soldiers composing the escort
were shot down like dogs.
I counted
13 dead soldiers along the track and
more bodies a short distance away,
where they were shot with pistols by
the bandits where they stood.
boy o f 15 kept saluting and begging
the commander of the bandits to spare
his life.
His answer was a bullet
from the commander’s pistol.
In all
more than 20 soldiers were shot.”
Vcfiizdists Attack Greek Royal forces.
London— According to special dis­
patches from Athens Saturday, the
Venizelist national defense army has
seized Katerina, a few miles south­
west o f Saloniki, after a short fight
with the Greek royalist troops.
A dispatch to the Daily Mail from
Athens says:
“ An extraordinary situation has
been created by
the officers o f the Larissa
way, which is controlled by the en­
tente allies, in allowing royalist m ili­
tary officers to send reinforcements to
oppose the advance o f Venizelists.”
The Venizelist army now numbers
Reuter’s Athens correspondent says
the Greek government has sent rein­
forcements o f infantry and artillery to
The correspondent adds
that Admiral Du Fournet, commander
of the allied fleet in the Mediterran­
ean, has sent notice to the Greek har­
bor authorities indicating a danger
zone fo r vessels entering or leaving
Piraeus harbor.
“ Certain circles in Athens,” the cor­
respondent continues, “ interpret this
notice as meaning that Admiral Du
Fournet has hitherto neglected to in­
form the Greek authorities o f the pre­
cautionary measures taken, such as the
laying o f mines, and it is even insinu­
ated that the Greek steamers Angheli-
ki and K ik i Issaias, which were sunk
recently, struck mines laid by the en­
tente a llies.”
Goodies fo r Army Asked.
San Antonio, Texas— The women of
San Antonio are to be asked to bake
sufficient cakes, pies and cookies for
the Thanksgiving dinner o f the 16,000
troops stationed at Camp Wilson. Plans
for the undertaking were announced
Saturday at a meeting o f the local R o­
tary club. An appeal w ill be made to
every woman in the city to contribute
a share toward adding a “ home touch”
to the holiday dinner o f the guardsmen
who came to defend the border.