The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, November 02, 1916, Image 8

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    5!lit* Jfnrriit (Brmtr iExjirfßH
Published «very Thursday at Forest Grove, Oregon.
W. C. Benfer, Editor and Publisher.
Vote for
Enteret! as second-class m atter Jan. 12. 191»», at the puetoffice at Forest Grove,
Oregon, under the Aet of March 3, 1ST»
‘Honest Bob’
Straw votes on the Sunday*
closing law indicates that the
people of Oregon are tired of blue
Saturday was Woodrow Wilson
day among the democrats of the
nation and in Portland there was
a big parade, followed by speak­
ing in the Armory.
him and give it to Mr. Weather­
ford. The people art* in t h i s
fight, you know,
Good Service
Republican spell-binders a r e
telling the farmers and shippers
that they will have to pay in in
creased rates for the eight-hour
was nominate«! by that party.
voters are not prohibitionists
day given the railroad brother-
they may think they
ho< ds by the Adamson bill and
Ex-Congressman Victor Mur­ then they (the spellbinders) turn
Mark V. Weatherford, demo­
dock of Kansas stated in his right around and tell the brother­
and prohibition candidate
Chautauqua lecture in this city
last July, after Teddy deserted * no good, full of holes and jokers, j for congress, has challenged his
not ?et their opponent, Congressman W. C.
the progressives, that he d id n 't1 efc^ tj181 th,ey
boys, de­ Hawley, to debates at Ashland.
know where to go—he was a man
tell it Medford, G rant’s Pass. Ro^eburg,
without a party. But he has fi-;
nally lined up for Woodrow Wil- j !>tra,Pht. i ou are making fools Eugene, Marshfield. Coquil e, Al­
bany, Salem and any other places
son and his constructive policies. of yourselves.
Paid Advt)
A press dispatch from Minne­ Mr. Hawley might choo>e. The
Judge W. Lair Hill of Berkeley,
apolis, Minn., states that 40,000
Calif., former editor of the Port­
; letters, each containing a dime, reasons for declining being that NOW WILL YOU BE GOOD?
roll. F«)llowing the tacit admis­
land Oregonian, on a visit to sent for a new silk petticoat, have Mr. Weatherford hoped Mr. Haw
In one of h i* mid-western sion of th«* justice and wisdom of
Portland last week, said he had
been added to the unclaimed mail ley’s great prestige would draw speeches, Ju«lge Hughes was in- the president’s action b y t h e
been a life-long republican, but
of the National Brokerage Ex­ big crowds for him t«> address. t«*rrupted by u yokel who wanted most thoughtful of the railway
was going to vote for Woodrow
change in that city. It. is esti­ The obj«*ction is not well taken. to know what he (the Judge) presidents who are the most in-
Wilson because he “believes the
mated that the swinalers received If Hawley’s record is a good one.; would have done had he been terested, and Senator LaFollette’s
best interests of the country wil!
a half million letters and dime> ne should be pleased to debate president when the Lusitania was
be served by keeping him in before the postal authorities stop with his opponent before a big >unk. V e r y deliberately, t h e stirring defense of the eight-hour-
day law, this move of the bankers
ped their graft. Then they faded |crowd. the biggger the better.! Judge replied:
of the Hugh«-* campaign must
The eight-hour movement may away in the silent watches of the (-an it be that Congres-man Haw-
‘‘I was under the impression cause the “legislation u n d e r
be bad in principle, that Adamson night. Did you send a dime? ley and his supporters are afllict**«! that when I said what 1 would •luress” rallying cry to fall upon
bill may have as many holes as a The offer was too good to be ful­ with the yellows ? What do the have stated in advance as (<> what d» af ears.—Portland Newt.
voters think of this d xlging on I would do, everyone would know
tennis racquet, BUT IT DID filled.
that I stated what in fact I would
the part of their congressman ?
THE BUSINESS. It was salva­
have done in the described event ”
Have you looked into the mer­
reminds the writer
tion to every farmer who had a its of the various candidates for
There you have i t ! This should
The Express of Oct 19th stated
pound of stuff to sell and ship, the state legislature from this that, according to Chief Lenne- once and for all squelch those very much of George Washington
and to every American who has county ? If you have, the Ex­ ville of thf local fire department, pestiferous democrats and anar­ (who coulfln’t lie) l>eoause Joe is
to live by the process of eating.— press believes you will vote for Joe Hurley, president of the Com chists who claim Judge Hughes so unlike Washington.
Portland News.
Miss Langley and Messrs. Meade mercial club, had promised to would n«>t know how to act if he "I cannot t«*li a lie,” quoth George,
were in President Wilson’s place
Having got rid of their saloons, anfl Schulmerich, the democratic see that the rent for the Star The reply he made to this yokel (The Daddy of our nation).
"T h a t’» where you’re lam e,” said J«>e,
the Express doesn’t believe that candidates Quite a number of Theater was paid if the depart­ is both masterful and dignified, (The windbag of creation).
the voters of Oregon are going to republicans a r e outspoken in ment would get the ‘fire preven­ even if a Philadelphia lawyer "In your day, I hear," Maid he,
recede a step next Tuesday by their endorsement of these three tion” films and a speaker for this would lie unable to know what "Accomplishments were r a r e ;
Hut for a chap built like me
voting in the breweries. If you candidates, believing they are city. Hurley says, in the News- the Judge meant.
A lie ia like a prayer.
are against booze from A to Z, better qualified than the republi- Times of last week, that the QUIETING A RALLYING CRY I lie
for n|«ort, for health and gain •
vote No on ballot number 315 can nominees. It's efficiency we statement is a lie. In view of the
Simultaneously with t h e an­ For anything you May.
and Yes on ballot number 316 should demand of our candidates, fact that enough editors are liars, nouncement that Chicago whole­ It given me zest to ahirk my work,
to make the public suspect all e d -1 sale clothiers would voluntarily No m utter what the pay;
But if you want beer made, sold not a party label.
the writer suggests that cit­ shorten the working hours of 20.- j i lie by day and snooze by night;
and drunk in Oregon, vote oppo­
In view of the fact that Mark
izens of Forest Grove go to Chief 000 employes, without loss of pay, And anore with |>ond*rouH might.
site the above instructions.
I lie and loaf while Aaron aweats;
Weatherford,one of the candidates
L nneville and see who is lying in the big packers of Chicago have
(He nayn it ian’t right).
In the past champion prize for congress, has come out against
this instance. long ago the ed­ granteri a wage increase of two Hut 1 cure nit what Aaron Maya,
fighters have sometimes held the the bill providing for the re-open-
itor of the Express learned that and one-half cents per hour t o 1 (H e’a my fat-headed (toodle).
championship by refusing to meet ing of the breweries of Orogon
it doesn’t pay to publish lies— their 60,000 employes throughout If he gets gay, I ’ll loudly »ay;
new fighters until the latter had and his opponent Mr. Hawley,
‘Go »oak your perHpiring noodle.’
they are too easily turned against the United States.
licked everybody b e l o w t h e has taken no stand on the liquor
So George, yoa see, a man like me
the liar. The Twin evidently
Thus, as a direct result of the fn always up to snuff.
champion. Possibly Congress- question, it ought not be very
by congress of the Y«>u ancient chap» were brave as sin.
man Hawley thinks by refusing to hard for our prohibition brethren
Hut sans H. S. and guff.
principle, w h i c h
debate with his opponent, Mr to decide how to vote. The ed-
Verily, the Twins are we l l
A new machine from Golf I ’ll buy;
Weatherford, he can hold his seat itor knows a few, however, who named, for one is as like the other evidenced the temper of the pub­ To spread it smooth and thin;
lic toward the shorter working I’m tired of the sticky stuff
another term. But in this case ate so all-fired republican that the other
is like him. Every
the \ oters mav take the belt off they will vote for Hawiey because time the Express is given any pat­ day, $5,000,000 per year has l>een j Dripping from my chin.”
added to the working man’s pay-j
—Bv T hk SqUATTKR.
ronage that formerly went to the
Twins, one or t ’other of them
goes whining to the patron, com­
plaining that the owner of the
Express is not a taxpayer, is a
newcomer, a squatter, etc. Just
hold your*, Twins; in due
time the owner of the Express
will be a taxpayer. He has prop-
«•rty assessed for 1916and will pay
taxes next year for this year’s as­
sessment. Did either of you pay
tax«'s the first year you squatted
in Forest Grove? Further, if the
Express were favored with a mo­
nopoly for two y«;ars, as you two
we r e , it's editor wouldn’t go
whining aroung like a colicky kid
every time his competitor secured
a job of printing or an advertise­
ment. Stand up on both hind
legs lik«* men, lake your medicine
and quit whining. The world
hates a whiner, esp«*cially when
h«- is big enough to earn his own
living. B ah! You are a sorry
pair of quitter*.
J. E. R E E V E S
Nominee for Sheriff.
Ballot No. 72
Ballot No. 70
Law Enforcement
Paid Advert)
Vote as you please next Tues­
day, but b< careful you don’t
jump from t he skillet into the fire.
Paid Advt