UNDER FIRE A European War story based on the drama of ROI COOPER M EGRUE SYNOPSIS. no reason for dlNscmlillng If trouble were coining -as he believed be con­ sidered It as well that the Innkeeper should be prepared for It aa well aa might be. "Hut They say the Germans are com­ ing through Belgium.” In* ventured. Henri Christophe picked up the checkerboard that tin- two peasant" had used to amuse themselves, aud placed It upon the counter. "A ll. no, m'sieu! And even should they, our people are good people. They will not touch us." he said as optluila llcnlly as he could. "W ell I hope not," Charlie agreed “ Hut at least I'd like to see some of the beggars. It's d d Irritating to look for a war amt not lie aide to find It." He rose stlflly from his ehalr and strolled to the cigar counter. "Got anything to smoke?" lie asked, leaning over the glass case. The Innkeeper rumbled Inside the showcase and laid Ills wares out for Ills gucat'a Inspec­ tion. "Gosh, I’efer!" Mr. Brown exclaimed In delight. "And a real cigar counter, too! Where on earth did you get that?" "Oil. I was In New York." the other told Idm proudly. "I educated my daughter there. I was a waiter at the Beaux Arts." Charlie Brown stuck tils hand out. The Beaux Arts was one of his apeclnl weaknesses “ Greetings!" tie exclaimed. “ And yon brought this with you?" lie looked al­ most lovingly upon that familiar con­ trivance of ->ak. glass and nickel. "1 had wished to Introduce here n. little of the American what you call It?--enterprise. And Hits year I had hoped to purchase a book to registra­ tion In. and little I mixcm behind for tlie letters slid tlie keys." Christoph* add- (at. “ But business lias unt been good.” He sighed. "You're a good sort, old man!" Char­ lie told hint. " I hope If they do come, they’ ll leave you alone." " I hope so, m'sieu." the Innkeeper nnswered. And lie breathe»! a silent prayer that the German* would out come that way. At that moment n lady In white en!»rc»| from the street and started across the room toward « door that led to the chambers above. “ Honjoiir. madam*!” Christophe said politely, it was Ills mysterious !o»lg«-r. And since she paid well, there w-ss every reason why he should he affable to her. "Boujour!" the young woman an­ swered She did not recognize her fellow guest until lie approached with outstretched hand. "Great Scott! You!" he cried, scarce believing his own eyes. Ethel Willoughby— for It was she—■ could not se I ought to «ay. 'This I* a small world after all.’ ” Henri Christophe had witness»*»! their unexpected meeting with all the Interest of h curions minded resident of a small village. It pleased him. more over, that his newly found friend fr»mi New York already knew his feminine lodger. "Ah. m’sieu knows Mndnme rt- Lorde! That Is go»*»l. good.” he mur mured, as ho beamed upon them both Charlie Brown looked first at Iienrl Christophe then back at Ethel again And an expression o f bewilderment spread over Ills face. "Madame ile Lonl»-?" he said to her questlonlngly. “ Yes, >es!" she answered Impatient­ ly. And he perceived then flint she whs decidedly ill lit ease. But all that escaped the pleased lnnk< eper. “ Ami n»iw I tnyseif will prepare »tin­ ner.” Christophe announced. “ Perhaps you and niadame will dine together," lie told Mr. Brown. "W hy, yes. sure - If mndnme will," Clinrlie agreed promptly. So fnr ns he was concerned, nothing could pleas« hi in more. Progressive Farmer, Listen to this argument: I f you want all the money you can iKs»aihly get for your Cream, Eggs, I Ires*cd Mesta and Poultry, ship where they pay according to grotte. We started this plan un.I lind that the producer likes this niethed. Let us have your next ship­ ment und see for yourself. come back to serve ills leisurely pat­ , an’.s curiosity had been aroused by ron. ' their feminine guest. The chief characters are Ethel W il­ “ Ah. gentlemen! Something to “ But she pays, my little one and loughby. Henry Streetnian amt Capt Larry Redmond The minor characters drink?” Chrlstopbe asked them, rub­ she minds her own business,“ her fa­ PORTLAND. OK. are Sir George Waystaff of the British bing his hands in anticipation o f the ther responded. “ Let na do likewise. admiralty and Charles Brown, a New feel of good coin in them. . . . Wipe off the table yonder!“ he York newspaper correspondent. Ethel, n resident or Sir George's household, “ No, thank you! My friend Is leav­ directed Jeanne, as If lie would give secretly married to Streetman. a German ing now.” the Frenchman said. Progressive Hsvoc. her something to think of that would though ale did not know him as S py. A mllltln esptsln whoa« company “ But I w ill be back soon,” Lnrry take her mind off such Idle thoughts. Uoh. Captain Redmond, her old lover, returns to England after long absence. promised. And with that Henri Chris- wna about to march against nn invad­ Little Jeanne took the cloth from a From him she learns the truth about ing enemy thus depicted th« awful Stretman: furthermore. that he has tophe had to be content. nearby hook and proceeded to polish consequences of the foe's success: betrayed her simply to learn naval se­ Again the indefatigable newspaper the table top at which the two peas­ crets. The European war breaks out. “ Gentlemen, they will lay your towns Ethel prepares to accompany Streetman reader returned to his favorite pas­ ants had lately sat. And while she In wants, murder your wlv»-s and chil­ to Brussels as a German spy In order to time. while Henri Chrlstopbe regarded was thus engaged their too frngul dren and pull tlowu your fencon.” —• get revenge and serve England. him with a mild pensiveness. The fe l­ French guest folded up Id* paper, ruse, Boston Transcript. ; ; low had loaf-si much In his Inn during aud left them. In this installment is given a { ’ tile past two days; but lie hail been al­ Barnyard Society. remarkable picture of Belgian | together too abstemious to suit the pro­ C H APTE R XII. "You look suiull for n chicken that wns hatched out in April." village life— its peacefulness and - > prietor's notions o f what was due him from a guest. And then all at once old "I wns hatched In June. I ’m one Lost— A Warl hopefulness— just before the of the younger set." Boston Trans­ Henri's face turned happy once more, A stranger -unmistakably Amerlcnn German host swept the little na­ cript. at the sight o f a quaint little creature — pedaled a decrepit bicycle up to tlie tion In 1914. You will enjoy who tripped Into the room and called very threshold of'the Lion d'Or before Charlie Brown’s meeting with to him: he threw a leg wearily over tlie rear the innkeeper, and sympathize “ Ah, father! You are home again! wheel and stood there, leaning heavily with old Henri in his pathetic What news of the war?” ( upon tlie handle bars ami saddle. It effort to reassure his frightened “ Nothing, nin petite!” he said. was Charlie Brown, though ills best daughter of her safety. You will friend might not have recognized him >; thrill at the meeting of spies. »; “ Nothing! Do not lie alarmed.” "But all say the Germans are com­ without some difficulty. He was both TVnr M r. Editor I want to writ*» yoti ing through Belgium.” she told him dirty and disheveled, and hot and tired nix.nt " Anurio.” 1 was very sick,could hardly lx» up; I wns in bed moat of tin* , as well. Dust lay thick upon his Cnpt. Larry Rcihnond, a British plaintively. time. Had terrible pains iu my kidneys Her remark seemed to exasperate 1 shoes. And now he gazed mournfully spy, discusses plans with a French and hack, so much so that 1 had L> him. What with poor business, and ; into tlie inn, somewhat as a thirst spy in a Belgian village inn. scream eometimee When 1 wan sitting Hie worry o f the last few days— for parched wanderer in a desert might down and wanted to get up, the pain Iienrl Chrlstopbe did not entirely share have looked upon an oasis, with It* CHAPTER XI— Continued. was so great. I hod tried n well-known tlie complacency of his more placid promise o f shade and cooling water. kidney medicine but it didn’t help me. Larry swiftly cautioned him to be patrons regarding rumors that were in Henri Christophe did not see him at I heard of Dr. Pierce’« Anurio Tablets careful. tlie air— what with those things to first, for his hrond back was toward so I thought 1 wouhi trv them. I took only oue box of the Sublets, an»l my “ Pardon! A slip o f the tongue!” his trouble him ids patience had become tlie street. Hut-be sprang up quickly back is now free from puiu ntul I can ally apologized. finespun. The good God knew that he as Mr. Brown called to him In very work and take care o f my family. I •'You have arranged matters as I did not desire war to sweep over his 1 bad French— feel I cannot say enougii for this medi­ planned with your General Jacques?" fatherland. He hoped passionately that “ Musseer le proprietor!” cine. Sincerely, M ho . W m . Ki.Li.KU. Larry asked. It might escape that calamity. And It was like music in the lunkceper’* “ Yes! Last night we have strung a dreading it as he did. he took occasion. i . ears. N o ra : This "A n u ric " (a adaptol wire from the fort to this inn. Even whenever tii«f possibility was men- | “ A customer, and nn American!" he r«ix»cially for kidney complaints and now the end of it is dangling in that tioned. to denounce tlie contingency exclaimed under his breath. "Oul. diseases ntiaing from disorders of (¿>e chimney.” He nodded toward the huge as being beyond reason. Somehow, lie monsieur!” he responded delightedly. kidneys and bladder, such on bockacb»-, "I am very tired.” Charlie explained weak back, rheumatism, dropsy, con­ fireplace across the room. “ I have derived comfort simply from asserting gestion of the kidneys, Inflammation I — though he scarcely needed to dilate outside a telephone. . . . I wait his disbelief in such a tiling. of the bladder, scalding urine and “ All say It!” he repeated after her upon that obvious fact. “ I desire a only the opportunity to connect the in­ urinary troubles. The physicians and with an irritation which was strange chamber with— a bed. immediately.” strument.” socialists at Dr. Pierce's great Institu­ “ Now sit over there!” Larry com­ In him. “ So always it is with you ‘ "Oul. monsieur— I have a very good tion, nt Buffalo, N. Y ., have thoroughly manded. waving the man to a chair at women—you exaggerate every rumor,” i room, on the mezzanine floor—excel­ U-i-tcd this prescription and havn been lent to t monsieur! . . . Ten francs one of the tables. The fellow obeyed lie cried. “ I tell you— your father— we with one accord successful in eradicat­ ing these troubl.-s, and in most ease* him without question. And after a are a neutral country. All the big na­ a day!” "Ten?” said Charlie. “ Cheap enough' absolutely curing the disease»! kidneys. quick survey of the place to make tions they have promised ns that our Patients having once used "A n u ric’’ sure that there were no eavesdroppers. land is safe from invasion. It Is near­ Go to it!” at Dr- Pierce’s Invalids’ Hotel, have re­ And while little Jeanne went fo pre­ ly a hundred years since they gave us Captain Itedmond Joined him. peatedly sent bock for more. Much a “ Good!” he said. “ Now, the Germans their word and always they have kept pare the room for him, lie threw him- demand has been C’ e a to l that I>r. Pierco , self Into a chair and cast a paper par­ it.” will be here tonight.” he confided, as has decided to p u t'' Anuric" in the drug "But still I am frightened.” his cel— his sole baggage—upon the table he seated himself upon the table and stores of this couutry, in a rrady-to-usu In front o f him. Beyond a few fresh daughter reaffirmed. She was. in truth, leaned toward his fellow-spy. form. I f Qot oLlaiuabl»» send one dimu a timid little thing—Just the sort to collars Its contents were negligible. by mail to Dr. Pierce f»»r trial package “ So soon?” or 60 cent* for full treatment. “ They march fast,” Larry said. be thrown into a twitter o f excitement j “ I want to go to my room now.” “ Here the road forks. One turns to over a mouse— or a war. It mattered- Charlie Informed his host. “ I’ m dead to tlie world.” I ’ nconselously lie had Dr. Pierce’s Goblen Med'cal Diocovery the left, the other to the right. The not what one might tell her to calm ! lapsed into bis own vernacular. And Is a blood cleans» r and alterative that safety of your fort depends on which her. She would still be alarmed. And | starts the liver ami stomach into vigorous now Jeanne looked up at her father , then he realized that a Belgian Inn road they take.” action. It thus assists the I»» h 1 v to make keeper In a country town could by no with such fear in her great dark eyes 1 “ I know,” the other assented. “ And ! rich, red blood, which feeds the heart, manner or meins comprehend him. that he forgot his anger In his attempt on their arrival a woman will send us j nerves, brain and organs of the body. ‘‘Oh. how the devil do you say ‘ I want to soothe her. word by our telephone.” You feel clean, strong aud strenuous. “ But why?” he asked her more to go to my room’ in French?" he Larry bad not learned that gently. “They did not come through . groaned. “ A woman?” he exclaimed. “ Who is Just The Thing. our country in 1870 in the Franco- 1 “ But I speak English, sir." flic Inn she?" "You 'll like this refrigerator, sir." Prussian war. Why should they now? keeper Interposed. lie hnd n decided “ I do not know, m’sleu.” "W h y so?” The Germans make much money from accent, it was true. But to Charlie “ It has a secret drawer for a pint “ Is she here now?” Larry persisted. J us and we from them. They nre our Brown's ears the words were as grate bottle.’’— Ixiulsvlll»- Courier Journal. A suvpiiion had suddenly swept across friends. . . . No. ma petite, thanks ful ns tlie sound of a rippling brook his mind, filling him half with hope, upon a hot summer’s day. to God we need fear nothing.” half with fear, that tlio unknown wom­ “ You do? Why didn't you say so?" “ I hope, fattier, you may be right,” an might be Ethel Willoughby. she said, albeit somewhat doubtful he demanded? The Frenchman shook his head. “ Pardon me. sir!” tlie politic Inn­ still. “ No. m'sieu, 1 wait her return,” he "You sliall see! Yon shall see!” he keeper begged him. “ But so many explained. reassured her. He made his way to the Americans like to exhibit their knowl­ “ She was not. perhaps, a Madame de Cigar counter and busied himself set­ edge of French that I have found It Lorde— ” Larry mused. ting things to rights there. “ What wisest never to speak English to an “ I was not told her name, m'sieu. I worries me far more than the Ger­ American until I am asked.” am to find her by code.” “ Say— how did you know I was an mans. my little one.” he went on. IN BED M OST OF TIME “ I thought possibly it might lie a “ what worries me is that we have so | American?” Charlie asked him with Madame de Lorde,” Larry told him. few Americans automohillng this sum­ sudden suspicion. He would have liked “ Until two days ago we were work­ mer. Always in August there are to know Just what it was about Ills np Her Health Restored by Lydia ing together in Brussels. Then I had many; and they pay well.” pearnnee that seemed to stamp him ns E. Pinkham’s Vegetable to leave. . . . i thought she might “ Perhaps it Is the Germans who a Yankee, no matter where lie went. have come this way.” He slipped oil keep them away,” she ventured unhap­ “ Oh! I could tell at once. . . . Compound. tlie table onto bis feet. “ Still, no mat­ pily. The voice, tlie manner. . . . Ob! I ter!” be added, as the French spy “ Will you cense?” he cried nngrily. cannot explain. . . . It is a some- looked at him a bit too inquiringly. "A lw ays you talk o f the Germans. tiling.” Christoph* groped, "an air— Indianapolis, Indiana. — " My health “ You can depend on tills woman?" he Soon you will have me nervous like one can never mistake It.” iuu»uwv\u\wnwwuww was so poor and my constitution so run inquired. Mr. Brown grinned at him. down that I could you.” he complained, ns If he were not Do you believe that Brown j The fellow shrugged his shoulders. not work. I waa "Right there with that French ‘gaff.1 already that will discover for himself th« j “ She serves General Jacques. He thin, palo nnd weak, “ I am sorry, mon pere,” she said in aren't yon?" lie said. truth about Madame de Lord«, * trusts her.” he replied, as If that fact filial repentance. w e i g h e d but 10» Henri Christophe smiled. and do you think he will join j absolved him of responsibility. pounds and was in "Ah. m'sieu. I understand.” he ex­ “ There, there!” he exclaimed, ns if his friends in their spying work? J “ Explain everything carefully to ashamed that lie Ipid chided her. “ I ' claimed. nodding his head sagely. "But I rtVW b e d m o a t o f the VIM wvvwvwvv%wwww\*\! her.” Larry cautioned him. time. I begnn tak­ did not mean to be cro«s. Come! For­ you do me ail Injustice, f do not flat­ (TO HE C O N T IN U E D .) “ Everything, m’sieu!” the little man get your fenrs and pray to your saints I ter. I speak the truth.” ing Lydia E. Pink- promised. “ Shall you return here that business will be better. To think ' Daytime Sleep. ham’s V e g e t a b l e All at once the American remem­ later?” he asked, as Larry started to that in August we hnve only that one bered that he was a newspaper man. The woman who cun drop nsleep Compound and five leave him. month* later I “ Well, then, have you Been anything quickly, for n few minutes' nap In the lady lodger!” "I do not know if my regiment will daytime. Is really hleeeed. If such a weighed 133 pounds. At his remark the French spy o f a war around here?” he asked. stop here, or if it will go on; so I glanced up quickly from Ills newspa­ little nii-sta that “ knits up the raveled “ No, sir!" I do all the house­ must rely on you and the woman,” per. He bad not known that there was “ NeiHicr hnve I!” Charlie volun­ sleeve o f care,” can be managed Its re­ work and washing for eleven and I can Captain Redmond warned him. “ Re­ a lady staying In the house. And he teered. "And I've been looking for It freshment Is wonderful. To darken truthfully say Lydia E. Pinkhani’s V eg­ member—it is imperative your general wondered whether she might not prove for n week." the room Is the first aid to slumber. etable Compound has been a go»lsend know if the attack be direct or by a to be the person for whom he was on "Oh, there will he no war here,” I f this Is r If the nap Is taken out of today but for It. I would tell all wo­ the lookout. “ Yes, yes! . . . Now I shall get “ And wbnt do you suppose she is do- like this— Just our peaceful little vil­ doora, u dark scarf tied lightly over men suffering as I was to try your valu­ the telephone,” the Gallic gentleman lug here in Courvolsier?” little Jeanne lage! We harvest our crops: we brew the eyes has the needed effect. able rem edy."— Mrs. W m . G rf . kn , 332 announced. And then he exclaimed asked her father, it was not quite the some beer; we make a little wine— S. Addison Street, Indianapolis, Indiana. quickly, in French. “ Vous avez rai­ usual thing for a foreign— or any other good wine. Monsieur shall snrnple it There is hardly a neighborhood In this Laziness. son!” — lady to stay In an inn without nn es and see,” he added parenthetically. An officer saw a navvy staggering country, wherein some woman has not His change to his own language, no cort. “ We go to church on Sunday, we live with n load of three rsllrond ties, found health hy using this g.xxi old- less than the inflection of warning in “ That I do not know— nor do I care, and die in tlie Vpilet sunshine. . . . while a man following wns taking fashioned root and herb remedy. his voice, brought Captain Redmond ma petite,” Henri Christophe said. There will be no war here.” I f there is anything about which you things easily hy carrying only one. around sharply; and he saw that they Charlie Brown did not like to break He asked the latter what It meant, would like special advice, w rite to the “ She Is not French as she says. One •were no longer alone. It was the Inn­ may tell from her accent.” the girl re­ rudely In upon the good man's placid and received the reply: "Oh, be'a tee Lydia E. Piakham Medicine Co., L jdq , keeper. Henri Chrlstopbe, whe had marked. It was patent that her * • ■ - dream. But at the »ame time be h i laay t* go three times.” HAZELWOOD CO. Had Terrible Pains in Kidneys and Back. WIFE TOO ILL TO W ORK