Children’s L A D IE S ’ 9 WT With every $10.00 purchase of merchandise, Bear lln c jn Brand A v o “ Vests 1 Pants FLE E C E -LIN E D except Groceries, we will give FREE one Skirt pattern of 2Va yards 56-inch Wool Bedford Cord. Your Choice of black or navy. Special 11c Special 15c • King & Company’s Great November Money-Saving Sale Beginning Friday, Nov. 3d “^ th S' day I Coats, Hats, Skirts, Underwear, House Dresses, Dress Goods, Corsets, Shoes, Millinery, etc., Reduced for this Sale. Ladies’ and Children’s Coats Our Money-Saving Sale of Millinery Our Money-Saving Sale of BLANKETS! Blanket weather is here. The blankets are ready. Warm, soft blankets in sizes 50x72, 64x86, comprises all the la te s t and Best-selling styles. The assortment 66x80. of colors and sizes is complete. The newest and most desirable $1.25 Cotton Blankets $ .93 fabrics in all wanted shades. 1 50 Cotton Blankets 1.15 1.75 Cotton Blankets 1.25 2.25 Cotton Blanket 1.69 2 50 Wool Nap Blankets - 2.19 3.00 Wool Nap Blankets - 2.49 5.00 Wool Blankets - 4.19 6.50 Wool Blankets Gossard Front-Lace, Nemo and R. & G. Corsets - 5.29 7.00 Wool Blankets - 6.25 2 5 % R E D U C T IO N In this assortment there are beautiful W hite Hats, Smart mod­ els o f Hatters’ Plush and Velvet in light colors and black, trimmed with flowers, wings and all sorts o f novelties. Be among the fo r­ tunate ones to choose one o f these hats, fo r we assure you they are remarkable valuesi 2 5 % REDUCTIO N Our Money-Saving ^ O r S e t S 25 per cent Reduction In order to introduce a new number o f R. & G. Corset, fT Q / * we will make (fo r this sale only) the Special Price o f ..... O i / V Our M oney-Saving U n d e r w e a r offers an exceptionally fine quality o f Women’s fine Ribbed Union Suits in Dutch neck, elbow sleeves, big neck, long Bleeves, ankle lengths; sizes 34 to 44. A most desirable garment at a 4 0 « Special price o f t O C $ .75 Knit Union Suits S p e c ia l____ ___ ___ r i $1.65 Wool Union Suits V T VI Special ............ 1.25 Knit Union Suits Special___________ 2.50 Wool Union Suits Special __________ 93c $1.37 1.95 Children’s Union Suits 37c | 60c Union Suits 50c Union Suits MoneyÄ Sale ................ 43c Groceries on Our regular 30c Coffee, 4 lbs fo r......... Postern Cereal, per package Libby’ s Saur Kraut, per d o z ........... . Blue Label Karo, half g a l _________ ___ Red Label Karo, half gal..................... Pint Cans Log Cabin S y ru p ................. Quart Cans Log Cabin Syrup....... ....... 12H e Silverdale Tomatoes, doz cans 25c bottle Snider’s Catsup.................... Snider’ s Tomato Soup, per doz ......... Otter Brand Clams, per doz ......... ........ .... M>c 20 « $ 1.00 20c _________A. » 32c 10c 3 Oc 06c 21c OOc 1.20 - 2 00 Special - 2.50 Special - $ .98 1.19 1.79 (Splendid quality for Dresses and Skirts, in all staple colors) 50-in. Storm Serge, $1.25 per yard quality Special________________________________ 5c Safety Pins - - lc 5c Hooks and Eyes - lc 56-in. Wool Coating, plaids and plain colors, $2.50 val; [ 5c Pins - - - - 2c Special__ __________________________ 10c Dress Snaps • 5c 36-in. Cotton Suitings, 15c yard value Darning Cotton 6 for - - 10c Special_____________________________ 10c Crochet Hooks - 8c 10c Talcum Powder - 4c M oney-Saving g H 0 E g O. N . T . Thread 6 for - - 25c 3 Spools Silk Thread - - 15c Shoes which are good values at $3.00 and $3.25; 8 Packages Hair Pins - Special____________________________ - 10c All styles. These shoes just arrived and include Patent ¿ ah the luc new oijfico. Ready with all kinds of Leather, Gunmetal and Kid, in lace or button, either cloth or kid top. Don’t miss this opportunity, as shoes are advancing every day, and you will never again buy at such prices. Guest Towels in all white with $4.00 “ Gipsy” Shoes at $2.69 colored stripes to be embroidered. Very pretty graceful lines in brown, blue or black velvet; Towels with initial spacf and in Lace or button. rich beautiful patterns in blue Money-Saving W a i g t g pink and orange. Sale on 15c Guest Towels - 7c 25c Guest Towels - 21c Beautiful assortment o f Crepe de Chine Waists in black 50c Guest Towels and white; values to $4.00. S p ecial_________________ - 43c 1/ O C $1.39 _12k $2.49 Holiday Towels $2.79 N ew arrivals in White Voile and Organdies, with lace embroidery collars; values to $2.00. Special________ Womens Electric Brand House Dresses 1.59 A special lot o f new Organdy Waists. These we have just receiv­ ■eceiv- ed and the styles are late. Extraordinary values, as you will admit when you see them. Special____ ____________ i Chambrae, Gingham and per­ cales. Excellent quality; beauti-j Men’s fully made. $3:00 and $4.00 $1.35 Special - - $ .95 1.50 Special . . . 1.23 1.75 Special - - - 1.39 Any style, Color or shape. ___________ L i Satins and beautiful weaves, big range o f patterns; sold regularly at 50c. 15c Linen Crash, Heavy grade, lOVie Boys $4.00 and $5.00 Suits W om en’s Outing Gowns T w o Piece Gingham Special $1.98 in White and Colors $1.50 and $2.00 Gowns Breakfast Sets Brown, blue and gray mixture; some with two pair trousers. Special 98c 15c Percales Mens 75c Dress Shirts Special 11c Special 29c All colors and shades Large from. 43 c and Dressm aking Needs Three lbs. Cotton Bats, $1.25 Grade, only 98c 500 yds Devonshire Gingham at only 17c $1.50 Special 36-in. Wool Serge and Batiste, worth 65c yard Special_____________________________ Special, $1.98 Special Sale o f fancy Lounging and Bath Robes, Many styles and colors; $5.00 values. Special........... Genuine Gloria Umbrellas of an exceptional quality with straight and crooked handles. Styles for men and women. MoncJsaîe'nn Dress Goods Neckwear - 29 c Hats Men’s Rich Silks and Brocades, fancy Moncyss Ä on Women’s Bath Robes Sale Sale of Umbrellas Sale o f Notions On all Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats assortment to choose Remember, Big Sale Starts Friday, 10c Cream Outing Special 6H Pink or blue colored chambrae finished white biased pipings. $1.35 Special - - - $ .93 150 Special . . . 1.23 25c and 30c Oil Cloth Special 19c Nov. 3, and lasts Just Ten Days