\ WORLD’S DOINGS OF ( U n WEEK ia r c ■ u ALLIES DEYEIOP OWN RESOURCES; BECOME INDEPENDENT Of U. S. N ew York— The necessity for the United States to show s proper appre­ ciation o f the business received in the way of war orders from the entente al­ lies is the subject of a statement is- Brief Resume of General News Xix'SrSS.SScZ & X From All Around the Earth. . UNIYDESAL HAPP0ÜNGS IN A NUTSHB1 -------------- recent trip to Great Britain and France. He returned Monday from England, after having assisted in the arrangement of the new $800,000,000 British loan. I “ It is perfectly clear that if we re­ gard Great Britain and France as de- $2 MARK POSSIBLE IN WHEAT MARKEE Great Excitement Prevails on Boards At Chicago This Week. PRICES HIGHEST SINCE 1888 Live News Items of All Nations and 8irftb'« « “ tome™ ami wish u> continue Conditions Considered Dangerous by 1 to sell them our products, the state­ Many Traders — Corn Reaches ment says in part, “ we must treat Pacific Northwest Condensed them as a producer usually treats a de­ Highest Mark Since 1867. for Our Busy Readers. sirable customer, in which event 1 am Spokane grocers and butchers are discussing the question of advancing prices on their goods. A Klamath Falls, Oregon, sheriff pours 200 gallons of seized liquor into the Main street sewer. Because of the car shortage, Port­ land fuel men are employing auto trucks to transport wood to the city from nearby forests. The British steamer Bornu has foun- dered 25 miles west of Ushant in a heavy gale. A ll the passengers and crew were saved by the Norwegian steamer Rein. Andrew Carnegie has bought from S. P. Shotter. of Savannah, Ga.. the Shadow Brook estate in Lenox. Mass., and w ill occupy it as a summer home. The deal is said to involve more than $400,000. Miss Jessie Ashley, sister of Clar­ ence D. Ashley, former dean o f the N ew York University Law School, is adjudged guilty of distributing birth control literature in court in New York and fined $50. The importation of goods for private use in Petrograd has been prohibited on account of traffic congestion. Spe­ cial permission of the ministry is re­ quired for shipments for other than government purposes. Frank Moore, injured 16 months ago when a motor car he was driving was run down by a Southern Pacific train near Thurston, Ore., leaves the Eugene hospital almost fully recovered from his injuries, which included a broken back. A $1.000,000 timber deal was con­ summated at Tillamook, Or., when Wallace McCamant. of Portland, as master in chancery, received from John P. Oleson, of Chicago, a $25.000 check to bind the sale of timber lands in Tillamook, Washington and Lane counties. G. C. Burris, a Superior Court juror at Seattle, was taken from the jurybox and lodged in the county jail, charged with disobeying a court order directing him to pay $10 a week for support of his wife. Burris was arrested on a lazy husband warrant last May and re­ leased on promise to make payments. confident we will continue to supply them largely, not only during the war, but for the reconstruction period which will follow. j “ Great Britain and France have not the West­ I only carried on the war on ern front, but have at the same time developed their own manufacturing re­ sources in a way which surpasses be­ lief. so that today they find themselves well equipped and in a position to pro­ vide not only for themselves, but in a large degree to assist their allies. “ In stating this I do not mean to ! imply that there are not many things they will require from us, as they did before the war, and w ill after. I do mean that there are many supplies which they would rather purchase from us than produce at home, reserv­ ing the resources required for such production for other purposes to their better advantage. The point is that today their position is one of indepen­ dence compared with that of two years • I *go- ___________________ loss of Life May Reach 200; Greek Naval Officers Bitter Athens — The torpedoing of the Greek steamer Angheliki on Saturday near Piraeus, with many Greeks aboard, was carried out without warn­ ing, it is said here. This action is be­ lieved to indicate that since the cap­ ture of Constanza the German sub­ marines have obtained a new supply of benzine, enabling them to resume operations in the Mediterranean. Greek naval officials are particularly bitter that the attack seems to have been made within Greek territorial waters, only a few miles from Salami, where a formidable allied fleet has been stationed since September L The loss of life is now said to reach 200, though tbe full number aboard the Angheliki is not known. The subma­ rine, it is further said, warned ships endeavoring to rescue the Greeks to keep off. Everett Repels I. W. W. Everett, Wash. — When word was received Tuesday that 45 men. said to be members of the Industrial Workers of the World, were coming by boat from Seattle, 200 citizens gathered ud - der the leadership of deputy sheriffs and stood guard at the wharf. When the steamer docked and the men came ashore the waiting citizens loaded them into automobiles and drove them beyond the city limits, where they were warned to return to Seattle. Short skirts and military footwear are chiefly responsible for the high cost of shoes, according to C. E. Boe- worth, special agent of the bureau of foreign and domestic commerce. “ Three years ago,” says Mr. ^Jos worth, Railroad Needs SIO.OOO.OOO. “ there was no market for glazed kid. Seward, Alaska— The Alaska Engi­ Skirts then became shorter and shoes lengthened, which used up the supply neering commission will ask congress for between $10,000,000 and $11,000,- of kid.” 000 for construction expenditures on Mrs. Mary Fairbanks, mother of the government railroad during the ex-Vice-President Fairbanks, died sud­ next fiscal year. The commission denly at Indianapolis at his home Tues­ Monday bought 10 lots at the foot of day night. Mr. Fairbanks was cam­ Adams street as a site for a terminal paigning in Illinois at the time. Mrs. passenger station. Fairbanks, who was 37 years old. had been enjoying good health and took a Italian Destroyer Blown Up. long motor ride just before she became ! London— A dispatch to Exchange suddenly i IL Telegraph from Athens says: A wireless press dispatch from “ The Embros Corfu correspondent Bucharest says an official decree has reports that the wreckage of an Ital­ been issued committing for trial on a ian torpedo boat destroyer blown up by charge of conspiracy two men named a mine laid by an Austrian submarine Babosh and Thot, who are charged off the Epirus coast, fell upon the sub­ with having attempted last year to as­ marine and completely destroyed it.” sassinate Premier Bratiano, of Rou- mania; M. Coetinesco, Roumanian Invasion o f England is Possibility. minister, and the late M. Filipesco, London — Field Marshal Viscount former war minister. French, commander in chief of the At a sale conducted under the direc­ armies in the United Kingdom, ad­ tion of the United States District dressed the volunteers st Derby Sun­ court at Cleveland, the Wheeling A day. He said that an invasion of the Lake Erie railroad was sold to Blair & British isles was not a mere supposi­ Co. and Kuhn, Loeb & Co., of New tion. but a possibility. This they must York, for $12,000,000. The reorgan­ be prepared to meet. ization plan calls for the addition of $9,994,708 to the road’s treasury. 1 Russian Cities Want Food. Stockholders are to be assessed $27 a 1 Petrograd— Minister of the Interior share to provide this amount and in Protopopoff has applied to the military return are to receive 6 per cent pre­ authorities, according to the Rech. for ferred stock of the road. permission to draw upon the military The new Trolpastta canal in Sweden stores for food supplies for the popula­ has been opened by K ing Gustav. The tions of Petrograd and Moscow. canal connects North Sea. W ener Lake and th e ! Ten persons, mostly school children, remained for an hour and a half in the' municipal hydraulic elevator at Oregon City, Or., when the cage «tuck mid­ w ay in its 90-foot shaft. Vi-ginia G oes "D r y ." Richmond, Va. — V irginia entered the ranks of prohibition states at mid­ night Tuesday, swelling the total o f) 18. No liquor can be shipped and car­ riers have served notice that none will be received ^f or shipment. BRIIISII STEAMSHIP MARINA TOR­ PEDOED; AMERICANS REPORIED LOST Iat steamers and two or three tnr|>edu boat destroyer* or torpedo hosts were with grains taking the lead. There sunk or damaged by a German tor|»odo has never been anything like the spec­ boat squadron Thursday night in the ulative buying and advancing tendency English Channel between Folkestone of values, as shown in the wheat mar­ and Boulogne, according to an olficial ket of late. communication issued here. A 13-cent advance in 24 hours was The German torpedo flotilla returned followed by an eight-cent break and Newport News, Va.— There were 50 safely to its base without any loss. a 12-cent bulge. To see December The communication says: wheat sell at $1.90 in Chicago, I1.97J Americans on the Britsih steamship "P a rt o f our torpedo forces moved in Minneapolis, $1.95 in Kansas City, Marina, reported torpedoed and sunk from a German base Thursday night without warning in dispatches from $1.S9| in Winnipeg, ami $2.02f fur Dover and Ca­ durum wheat in Duluth, and $2.08 for London, when she sailed from Newport through the Strait* of the cash article of the latter variety | ^ew s. 1 he Americans were signed lais to the line of Folkestone-Boulogne, in the English Channel. in Minneapolis is something thst the bwro ** horsemen, “ According to the report of Com­ grain trade of today has never experi­ Wsshington, D. C. — Dispatches to mander Mirhelsen at least 11 outpost enced. steamers awl two or three destroyers Prediction* of $2 wheat at Chicago, the State department say the Marina, or torpedo hosts were sunk, partially which were not expected to be realized when sunk, had a mixed crew of Krit- ish and Americana snd that she whs or totally, near hostile ports. Some before next March or April, may be­ sunk by gun fire without warning. members o f the crews who were saved come a reality this week, unless some­ Consul Frost st (Queenstown speci­ were captured. thing develops to check the bullish en­ “ Several other guarding vessels snd thusiasm and the heavy volume of buy­ fied that the information he transmit­ ted was “ provisional.” Investigation at least two destroyers were Eieavily ing, despite the fact that prices have will be made at once to determine the ' damaged by torjxalo and artillery fire. more than doubled within about a outpost steamer year. Wheat prices are the highest | status of the Marina and the nature of Also the English (Queen was sunk south o f Folkestone, since 1888, when the market was ar­ i the attack to determine wficther any of Germany's pledges to the United the crew having time to leave the ship. tificial. Present prices are legitimate, Ststes had been violated. “ In the channel near the Farnene as prices the world over are abnor­ lightship there was a strikingly active mally high. So long as nothing de­ traffic by hospital ships. velops to disturb the confident feeling “ Our torpedo boats safely returned existing among holders, there is no to German waters without any loss.” telling how high prices may go. The Chicago— Speculation has gone wild | in everything, especially in foodstuffs, American Contention on Blacklist is Refused by Great Britain level, however, is getting so high, e t a long one, that it is ' Washington. 1 ) . C .— The next move . l ' o n < b > n J ''1 rm * n i * ’* 1 with the market dangerous by many trad- of the United States in the controversy *.H r<*y* r" * vm l> •> r" ' ° r, regarded over the blacklist of Amen,-an firms ' " h "oss-rhannel transport se m e « era. Thursday night, but the attempt The high prices are bringing out will not lie determined until officials failed, says an official statement is­ liberal quantities of wheat, as ideas of have had ample time to examine Great sued by the British admiralty. Two farmers are met by the advance and Britain’s reply to the American note o f the German destroyers were sunk interior reserves are being reduced, of July 28, protesting against it. The and the others were driven off. while the visible supply is increasing, reply reached the State department One British torpedo boat destroyer, There is a general impression in the Monday from the Lt ndon embassy. the Flirt, Lieutenant Richard P. Kel- trade that the bulk of the cash Decern- ! Secretary Lansing said he had not de­ lett in command, is missing, the Brit­ her wheat in the United States and cided when it would be made public. ish statement adds, and another de­ Canada is owned by foreigners and ex- ' The note refuses the American oon- stroyer, tEie Nubian, Commander Mon­ porters. They are expected to take a | tention, which termed the blacklist tague Bernard, was disabled by a tor­ delivery of the cash grain in Decern- 1 “ an arbitrary interference with neu- pedo and ran aground. Nine members • tral trade, ” but is understood to offer her. of the crew of the Flirt were saved. Cash corn sold up to $ 1.12% for No. methods of relief which may he avail­ The German destroyers succeeded in 2 yellow last week, or the highest | able in some instances to lessen the sinking one empty transport, the since 1867. Corn at $1 a bushel and rigors of interference. (Queen. The crew was saved. over looks high by comparison, but An American reply is almost certain with wheat above $1.90 it is not out to be made, based on the contention that the blacklist violates the criminal of line. i treaty of 1815; that in singling out certain American firms, undue discrim­ ination is shown snd that an illegal action is taken, designed to prevent trade with Germany and to end which Berlin— A new war credit bill for should tie accomplished through block­ 12.000. 000.000 marks, was submitted It to the reichstag Saturday by Count London — A telegram received in ade and contraband restrictiona. Rome from a German source reports may be argued that the blacklist is de­ Von Roedern, secretary o f tEw imper- there are indications of the beginning signed to cripple firms trading with i ial treasury, who also reviewed the trade successes of the German war finances of a tremendous new Russian offensive Germany to deatroy German in Galicia and Poland, says a dispatch more than for the immediate purpose i snd compared them with the practices from the Italian capital received by of war. i followed by the countries opposed to the wireless press. ; Germany. Count Von Roedern said that the total German war credits up Berlin— The Russians have renewed to now amounted to 52,000,000,000 their attacks on the Auatro-German marks. Explaining the practice of line west of Lutsk, in Volhynia, and I the German treasury, the imperial war office announced Monday, deliver­ 1.08 Angeles— A counterfeiting plant ! treasurer said: ing an assault Sunday after two days’ which was said to have produced the "O n the basis of the war credit artillery preparation in the vicinity of notorious spurious $10 Federal Reserve granted by Parliament in all cases Zaturze. The attack, according to the ¡Jackson silver certificate, was found short-term treasury bonds which were official statement, failed completely, Sunday in the studio of H. Russel W il­ regularly consolidated with long-term with heavy losses to the Russians. ken, when secret service operatives loans in the months of March and Sep- from San Francisco brought Wilken j temher were issued. The amount of Petrograd — Austro-German forces here to seize the outfit after his arrest more than 47,000,000,000 marks sub- launched a series o f violent attacks in Santa Crux and his alleged confes- l scribed to these loans, of which 46,- against the Russian and Roumanian | sion that he had made and passed more 000,000,000 marks already had been positions on both banks of the river ! than $50,000 of spurious paper in sev­ paid, proves the success of this finan­ Bystritza, in the region of D o rn s1 en years. cing policy. The German nation in W’atra, Sunday, says the official state­ The plant— a copper etching outfit— 1914 produced from its own resources ment by the Russian war office, com­ was found concealed in a covered sink 4.600.000. 000 marks in such loans; in pelling the Russian advanced posts to i in s room on the second story of 311 1915 more than 21,000,000,000 marks, abandon two heights. South Hill street, three blocks from and in 1916. 21,000.000,000 marks | police headquarters and in the heart of also. Shot Fired at Premier. the city. W ilk en ’s quarters were fit­ “ You will remember that the first Melbourne, Australia— An attempt ted up as a studio, and he pretended to four loans were essentially of the same was made recently to assassinate W il­ carry on a business of commercial type, carrying 6 per cent interest and authorities. having approximately the same price liam Morris Hughes, the Australian art, according to the premier, at his home in N ew Victoria, There were easels, unfinished pictures, of issue. There having been raised in according to a Reuter dispatch from a painting jacket and brushes about, this fashion 36,000,000 marks in Sydney, which says the information | although Wilken apparently worked at round figures the question seemed just­ was obtained from close friends of the his profession only enough to make it ified as to whether the fifth loan could premier. A man is said to have forced a blind for counterfeiting. be placed under the same conditions.” a window at righ t and have fired a f ---------------------------- revolver shot into the premier's b e d -! Nicaragua Revenue Taken. Poe's W orkshop Mutt Go. room. The bullet did not take effect. , Managua, Nicaragua — Americans Richmond, Va. — Edgar Allen Poe's The would-be aasassin escaped. are taking over the management of all old workshop, now the Southern Liter­ the internal revenuea of Nicaragua. ary Messenger building, must be torn Franca Will Fix Prices. A dispatch from Managua. October down within five days, under a court Paris— The French senate passed a 1, says it was reported American order entered on complaint that the measure Monday authorising the min- bankers to whom the Nicaraguan gov- building was unsafe. A eitisene' com­ iater of the Interior to fix the limit* of emment was indebted, had notified mittee trying to preserve the building retail selling prices of butter and Nicaragua that it must liquidate the as e memorial to the poet, who pro­ cheese. These products now are indebtedness by October 16 or that duced many of his earlisr writings in bringing from 50 per cent to 150 per otherwise they would take over suffi­ it. will have the structure rased in cent more than they paid before the cient of the country's revenues to re­ such a way that it can he reconstructed imburse them. war. on the grounds of Richmond College. Kaiser Asks New War loan; Total Credits 52 Billion Marks Russia» Beçin New Drive; Great Offetshe in Gaiida and Poland Skilful Counterfeiter’s Plant for Making Bogus Bills is found