I Take No Chances! Profit by the costly experience of those unfortunate people who have lost their money by speculation, fire or thieves, and deposit your hard-earned sav­ ings with The First National Bank where they are insured against loss from any cause. Private tutoring, French, Her­ man, Spanish, l lesson per week 50c, 2 lessons 75c. E. B. Pen field. Mrs. Brady Chowning is visit­ ing in Portland. Ladies, Goar can save you money on a Suit or Coat. See his ad on this page. It The Forest Grove hand will give a dance at the I 0. O. F. building next Saturday night to raise funds to buy equipment. You are invited. Women Hear of Mexico You Can’t Break It! mai*e °f Malleable Iron and joints are riveted air tight, ho there is no danger of breakage or warping. The usual method of testing the toughness of the Monarch is to beat it with a sledge­ hammer. People who have used Monarchs for many years say they are as durable as tough. A I lv IflU Ilc ir C Il Range At Monday afternoon’s meeting of the Woman’s club, “Mexico” It Is a Strong, Conservatively-Managed was the subject for consideration and discussion. Mrs. E. E. Wil­ Bank, in a Good Town, and Pays 4 per liams. who has lived i n that cent Interest on all Time Deposits. country, gave a very interesting See the Range in Our Store Window, paper telling some of her exper­ iences, and showed some Mexican Then come in and let us give you prices and explain fully the Capital and Shareholders’ Liability curios; Miss Myers also gave a MONARCH GUARANTEE. p a p e r of general information, $100,000.00 gathered from letters from her sister and other residents of that country. Mrs. Hatfield, who re­ SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT sided some time in the land of Phone 683 Forest Grove, Ore revolutions, gave a paper and showed exhibits, including th e c e ro m im iv uniform of a Mexican general who Institute Well Attended Christian Church had no more use for his regi­ Meeting 7:30 p. m. Thursday. The county teachers' institute Prayer mentals. this service, under the leadership of held at Hillsboro last Wednesday, At Mrs. Don Carlos Clark played Thursday Mrs. Iaigan, we will discuss the aub- Friday was at­ , ject, a number of Mexican airs on the tended by and “The Christian and the Ballot." all but three of the guitar and, all in all, the program Friday p. m . the C. W. B. M. those who have not yet selected their teachers and was one of will give f a .ill liani|uet at the church, fol­ was of more than usual interest. county’s lowed by a program in the form of most beneficial meetings of | toasts. The attendance was very good. the present will lie per­ the kind ever held in the county. mitted to Everyone Mesdames John Abbott and Roy The give a thank offering; as it is resolutions committee com­ Hesseltine were hostesses and the posed of H. E. Inlow of this city the annual C. W. B. M. Thank Offer­ ing Pay. rooms were beautifully decorated and Messrs. Bradford and Winger, Lord’s Day 9:46 a. m., Bible School. in phlox and autumn leaves. to visit our store and see the new Styles coming in almost Our aim is KUO present. Let us begin brought in resolutions of thanks on time with every member present. every day. If it’s a desirable Garment, you’ll find it here. Josh Adkins Injured to Superintendent Barnes, the in­ Communion Sermon 11 a. m. and the teachers of Subject: ”1 Am and WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. Our prices are right. At about 8:30 last evening, structors, Ready." Hillsboro for their kindness and Christian Endeavors 6:30 p. m. The Everything New ! No old styles to work off on you. while Josh Adkins, aged 45, was hospitality; recommended that contest between the societies is getting driving home from this city in a the state association formulate a interesting. single buggy, his rig was hit by an code of ethics, endorsed the plan intensely Preaching 7:30 p. m. Subject: “The Blood of Christ.” A baptismal service auto in which were riding Merrill to provide a teachers’ retirement will follow the sermon. Rode, aged 18. and A1 Bush, aged fund, went on record for a Nor­ Come, with us and enjoy the 21. The accident occurred on a mal school at Pendleton and en­ splendid worship at Popular Prices. and singing at every curve near the old Dilley place, dorsed the movement for more i service. music R. L. PUTNAM, Pastor. Fashion’s Newest Waists — Dainty Crepe de Chine and ¡on the Gales Creek road, and Ad­ simplified spelling. | ------------------------------------- kins was thrown over the dash­ Several hundred members of Georgette Crepe, in many Styles and Colors. Kidnaping at Hillsboro board. his horse ran away, drag­ the Wirtz family, relatives to ging him and breaking both boms Tuesday a man named J. H Robert, Ed and John of this city, of the left leg He was picked up Wilson, living in Portland, came gathered at Lincoln, Neb., last ! by the hoys and brought to this to Hillsboro in an auto and stole week for a reunion. Most of those and later taken to the Hills­ his four-year-old son, who was inattendance came from Nebraska, Third Street HILLSBORO city boro hospital, where he spent a about a year ago given by the Iowa and Oklahoma, hut a num­ painful night. Adkins says he did court in a divorce decree to Mrs. ber came from California and hear ihe auto until a second Wilson. Up to noon today the other distant points. There are Mrs. W. L. Moore of Banks, CONDENSED NEWS NOTES visited at the H. A. Williams | not before it struck him from behind, kidnaper had not been captured. several thousand of them and the although young Rode claims he The moth“r and child have been San Francisco Chamber of Com­ Miss Lefa Egli is this week in home Tuesday. merce has invited them to meet Reedville, where she has a case of For Rent—Five rooms in house tooted his horn quite a bit before living in Hillsboro. he struck the buggy and was try- Hancock & Wiles write Life. in that city next year. nursing. just west of Laughlin Hotel. In­ i ing to pass when the accident Accident & Fire Insurance. 1-tf 40 ! occurred. The latest Columbia records of quire at this office. Jesse Applegate, republican the new songs on sale at Littler’s Roy Watkins, the repair man, candidate for sheriff, was calling Pharmacy. Marriage Licenses and H. J. Walrath, electrician, on his many Grove friends The following couples were granted Tuesday. He Forest Misses Marcella Richards and have rented the Tetro building, was wearing a smile marriage licenses the past week: Oeo. that indicated that he was Mary Olmsted visited in Hillsboro next to Parson’s harness shop, not H. Shaffer and Nellie L. Bishop; Samuel worrying. and will take possession Nov. 1st. Sunday evening. H. I.aterlee and Florence Hicks; Gail For Sale—Young hickory-nut The members of the Eastern W. Wells and Marie S. Long; Herman , For Rent—Five-room house, trees. Mrs. L. S. Phillips, 130 Star chapter gave their annual Kerkman and Helen E. Munecke; John North “A” street. 38 Hallowe’en party at the home of L. Paret and Wahnona Chapman; Fred near depots, modern. Inquire of Manche Langley. 35-tf Mr-. R. H. Clark last Will and Tillie Krug. Mrs. Howard Lilly of Gales Prof, and evening and enjoyed a Creek visited here Tuesday with Tuesday royal time. As the husbands of her mother, Mrs Van Meter. the members were invited, big Good 40-pound Jersey cow, eats were, of course, provided. coming fresh in December, for The Foreign Missionary society sale reasonably cheap. Joe Fair- of the Congregational church held child, phone 392. 42-tf won Grand Prize and Blue Ribbon at the Fair this its annual “T h a n k Offering” C. F. Miller of Portland got a meeting at the church parlors last year. Order a sack today, before further advances. buck deer up near Glenwood last with an excellent program week and shipped the carcass to evening, and lunch. The principal address his home in Portland. Auatin McIntyre 9,348 City Contestants by Rev. A. J. Sullen, home Kenneth Ivea .................. 62,766 Miss Elcy Walker left today was Cyril Lahaie .............: 1.418 superintendent of Oregon. Elvin Coon 43,001 for Wilbur, Oregon, where she mission Verna Pierce ............... 28,483 There was by the P. U. Francin Hoakina 19,538 will be instructor in mathematics Quartet, a singing Paul Baldwin 26,946 solo by Mrs. McEl- 22,608 and biology in the high school. downey, a prayer Kenneth Brown 31,24# Clifford McCoy Prof. Bates Ruaaell Duncan ................. 600 Harold Mertz 26,411 For Sale—O ne b ay m are, and a short talk by by Miss Farnham, Avia CroHHley 36,511 weight about 1600, or a gray chairman. The lunch was very Country Contestants Ivan Marshall 59,438 Carol Hall (Scoggins Valley) 49,596 mare w e i g h i n g a b o u t 1200 good and the husbands of the Clarence Eastwood 15,841 Lowind Seaman (Dilley) Phone 51x. D. F. Aikins. 40-tf members were invited. 26,003 Veri Hinea I,MS GOFF BROS. If WE PARTICULARLY INVITE ü 3 0 0 I Fall Coat or Suit Pretty Line of Separate Skirts Rain Coats Goar’s Woman’s Shop 301 Forest Grove SHOE STORE We are Selling the best ^0.50 heavy ‘High-Flight’ Flour Shoe Stoves of Quality If you need a heater to keep comfortable this fall and winter, we can supply you in several time-tried brands that we do not hesitate to guarantee— The “Umpire Estate” The “Mascot” Air-Tight Air-Tight “Charter Oak” box woodbumer A New Stock of Universal PERCOLATORS and LUNCH BOXES just received. GORDON & GORDON HARDWARE CO. Phone 663 FOREST GROVE, ORE. 12 and 14-inch tops, to be had. Only 50 or 60 pairs left. Prices will have to go higher and high­ er later on. If you need them come early. Forest Grove Shoe Store, C. V. B. Kunaell. Lamborn Elder ................... 42,981 Albert CummingB (Dilley) 52,963 Gerald Deciua 16,216 Wilber Underhill (Thatcher) 31,981 Attend the Free Demonstration this week at our Store. Roman Meal, the health food, is being served free this week. Come and bring your friend. The lady will be delighted to serye you. — Phone 061 — A t Olljr 8>dfuliza iMeat fflarkrt aitò (Srnrenj £>Unt D p Euxe