The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, October 26, 1916, Image 7

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GulfJCoast and Southern States Suffer
from Tropical Hurricane.
Earth Shocks Sway Office Buildings,
Driving People Into Streets—
Wind Reaches 114 Miles.
Atlanta, O b .—T ho south wan racked
by earthquake und swept by storm at
tho name time Thursday.
While a
tropical hurricane was flayliuc IhoUulf
coast, earth tremors overturned chim­
neys and frightened away many peo­
ple from their homes In Georgia, Ala­
bama and Tennessee.
Thu earthquake did little damage,
but a wind that reached a velocity of
114 miles an hour lifted roofs from
bouses at I'ensacola, Fla., and sank
several vessels In tho harbor. Ono
life was lost.
Mobile reported that It had been
touched more lightly, although tho
wind blew 110 miles an hour. Two
small bulldluKH were destroyed and a
negro woman was killed by a live wire.
Shipping at Mobile bad been warned
and apparently suffered little barm.
Two river steamers were sunk, a
schooner and a steamer were driven
ashore and small boats were lost.
The earth shocks were felt shortly
after 4 o’clock and were severest In
Montgomery and Iilrmlngham, Ala.,
whero swaying office buildings were
emptied within a few minutes. In
these towns chimneys were destroyed
and articles were hurled from shelves
In residences and shops. Elsewhere
no damage was reported.
The earthquake was felt as far north
as Louisville, Ky„ and east of Augus­
ta, (la. Its duration was about three
minutes and there wero two shocks.
The hurricane had been sweeping
northward from Yucatan and hit the
coast early In the day. It then moved
Into the Interior with decreased in
Mobllo was struck early in the day
and wire communication went down
In a short time. Soon Pensacola, too,
wan cut off, and not until night was
it possible to reach that city. Esti­
mates put the damage in Mobile at
$15,000, but no estimates bad been
made of the loss at Pensacola. New
Orleans escaped tho storm.
Everywhere the high wind was ac­
companied by a torrential downpour
of water. At Ilurwood, La., there was
a fall of nearly 11 Inches during the
day. Montgomery, Ala., was swept by
a heavy wind and there was a heavy
rainfall, but little damage. Houses
were damaged at Opp, Ala., and there
was damage at other small towns
throughout Alabama.
Houses and
stores were unroofed at Troy. In these
section« there was no report of loss
of life.
Reports coming In from many small
towns in Alabama Indicated that dam­
age in rural districts might reach
many thousnndB of dollars. Traveling
salesmen reaching Montgomery told
of buildings blown down and unroofed
and of thousands of acres of timber
being damaged throughout Alabama.
Virtually the same district on the Gulf
coast suffered heavy damage In the
great July hurricane. Then shipping
sustained the most serious loss ever
known In a Gulf storm, and In scores
o f cities and towns tho damago went
into the thousands of dollars.
A short tlmo later millions of dol­
lars of damage was done by a storm
in the two Carolina«.
B erlin Curbs T axicab Use.
London.— A Reuter's dispatch from
Athens says the situation appoars to
be dangerous. There have boon Royal­
ist demonstrations In the streets. Ad­
miral du Kournot, commander of the
entente allied fleet In the Mediterran­
ean. was hissed and a detachment of
French sailors was driven back by a
hostile crowd.
A procession of some 4000 malcon­
tents, beaded by the Greek and Amer­
ican flags, stopped outside the Ameri­
can legation, protested against tbo
landing of foreign marines and de­
manded tbo protection of tho Ameri­
can minister, who was absent.
‘‘The demonstrators then paraded
the streets singing the Greek national
The entente allies have taken over
the Greek battleships KIlkI m and Um -
nos, formerly the United States war­
ships Idaho and Mississippi, which
were sold to Oreeco several years ago.
The Greek battleship Averoff also has
been seized by tho allies, says Rou­
ter’s Athens correspondent.
Allied crews were put on board the
battleships, the correspondent says,
and tho Greek crews were landed and
sent to Athens.
On October 11 tho allies took over
the entire Greek fleet except tho Kil-
kts, Lemnos and Averoff. This meas
ure. It was explained unofficially, was
Intended to Insure the safety of the
allied fleet as fears had been aroused
of a disturbance at points where the
war vessels of the allies were an­
O f General Intere&t
Wheat— Bluestem, $1.41; fortyfold,
$1.35; club, $1.32; red fife, $1.34, red
Russian, »1.29.
Oats— No. 1 white feed, $29.75.
Barley—No. 1 feed, $35.00.
In Addition He Can H ave Income of
Great Educational Revival
Flour— Patents, $7.20;
$104 a Month fo r Rest of H is L if t
0 6.80; exports, $6.40; valley,
Strikes Oregon Institutions $6.40
I f He Has 8erved T h irty
$6.60; whole wheat, $7.20; graham, $7.
University of Oregon, Eugene.—An
Millfeed—Spot prices: Bran, $22 per
Intellectual stimulus that state uni­ ton; shorts, $24 per ton; rolled barley,
versity oh ervers so far have not ac­ $35038.
There are other advantages to being
Corn—Whole, $42.60 per ton; crack­
an American lur than having a wife In
counted for appears to have come to ed, $43.50 per ton.
_ Producers’
________ prices:
______ _ every port. If we are to believe the con-
Oregon this fall. Here are a few of
eastern Oregon. $16 50018 per ton; veraatlon picked up around a recruit-
the manifestations of It.
Nearly 1,000 persons have appeared timothy, valley, $15016 per ton; alfal-'ing station. And, strangely enough, it
fa. $14.50015.50; wheat hay, $13.500 ig the Idea of growing rich, one of the
for university extension classes in
14.60; oat and Tateh, $1.1013.SO; cheat, thoughts furthest from the minds of
Residence enrollment in
B u tte r n u t* ., extras, 35*0 b id j1^ , ° rdlnar* “ an enter!ng the navy.
liberal arts at Eugene will bo nearly
1,100 f r the year. Registration in the Jobbing prices: Prints, extras, 3 7 * wfclch
to the greatest drnw-
correspondence-study department Is 039c; butterfat, No. 1. 37c; No. 2 , '"K card. At least that looms largest
528. Attendance at the summer school 35c, Portland.
| In the minds of the men who are doing
was 314. Other departments show
Eggs—Oregon ranch, current re- the recruiting. There Is a glamour to
similar growth. For example, 4,479 celpts, 3 8 * ©39c per dozen; Oregon the tar’s life, a romance to his adven-
teachers of Oregon have this year ranch, candled, 40042c.
tores. Moreover, the chance to go
done their reading circle work with r!»°ic*lry Hens, 14 0 1 4*c, sprngs, llbout tjle ¡oLo and see something of
the university.
15016c per pound; turkeys, live, 240 .
, *
Tho Portland Increase Is about 76 25c; ducks, 1 2017*c; geese. 10011c.
Hbore* l* allur,ilK
per cent; liberal arts residence in­
Veal— Fancy, 1 0 * © llc per pound. eV(*n though it Is sandwiched In t>*~
crease Is about 13 per cent; the cor­
Pork— Fancy, 12012*0 per pound, tween endless decks to wash and eter-
respondence study increase Is 19 per
Veget&bles— Artichokes, 75c0$l per nal brasses to polish. In the Harris-
cent; the summer school Increase was dozen, tomatoes, 50 0 65c per crate; i barg Telegraph a recruiting officer tells
70 per cent. This growth has come cabbage, $1.25 01.50 per htindred; pep-[0f the financial advantage of going Into
In a period when Increases were not pers, 507c per pound; eggplant, 60 rmva, Mrvlce. ,t ougllt to appeal
to be expected.
8c per pound; lettuce, $2.35; cucu-i „
When a member of the extension rabers, 50075c per box; celery, 600 L'rea»ly to the man who 1» ^Ithout re-
faculty made a trip on institute work 750 per dozen; corn, 10020c per doz-. sPonslbillt>, and to whom the prospect
to Harney county this month, a ma­ en; pumpkins, lc per pound; squash,of ever having Rtaeked up $30.000 is
jority of the teachers were found to lc per pound.
¡classed along with owning a Hying car-
he Interested in correspondence-study.
potatoes— Oregon buying price, $1 pot and other such tales of the unreal.
The attendance totals for all Oregon 01.15 per hundred, country points; <>ur recruiting officer says:
Institutions of higher education give sweets, $2 0 2.25 per hundred.
. . . . . . .
this state a high place in percentage
Oniona-Oregon buying price, $1.90
° ° y °u want to_ retire at the age of
of population that goes beyond the per sack, country points.
1 ^Hy with $28.788.70, and have an ln-
high school.
Green fruits—Apples, new, 75c0$2 icome of at leust $104 a month for the
per box; peaches, 60 0 80c per box; ' remainder of your life?
Athens, via London.—The Itritlsh
pears, 75c0$1.5O; grapes, 75c0$1.6O; ; “ if you do, join the United States
legation explains that the landing of State Engineers Tackle Water
casabas, l * c ; cranberries, $9.50010; liavy
marines at Athens and Piraeus was
“The American sailors are the best
merely Intended to reinforce the po­
Survey of Hood River Valley per Hope—
1916 crop, 11012c per pound.
lice. It is generally thought, however,
in the world, and after thirty
Hides— Salted hides, 18c; salted
Hood River.— Rhea Luper, engineer
that this action was taken to prevent
stags, 14c; green and salted kip, 18c; years of service the man-o’-warsman is
for the state water board, assisted by green and salted calf skins, 25c; green retired on a pay of not less than $10-1
Marines from the ships of the en­ Fred Coshow and Malcolm Button, has hides, 16c; green stags, 12c; dry
a month, and, in addition, should have
tente powers to the number of about begun the four months’ task of mak-|
1000 have been landed at IMraeus and ing a survey of the entire area of the salt hides, 25c; dry horse hides, 75c saved $28,788.70 from his monthly pay.
A young man enlisting at the age of
have occupied the railway station at Hood River valley under the ditches j
eighteen as an apprentice seaman will
IMraeus and several buildings In of Irrigation systems or that may be to Pelts—
Dry long wooled pelts, 21c;
Irrigated. During the next week H. K. dry sbort-wooled pelts, 17c; dry shear-j he paid $17.00 a month during six
Donnelly, another engineer of the wa­ lings, 10 0 25c each; salted long-wool months spent at training station and
ter board, accompanied by R. C. Ingar- pelts, 75c©$1.25; salted short-wooled j receive an increase to $20.90 a month
ham, will arrive here to assist in the pelts, 5Oc0$l.
when he boards a ship. By the end of
George T. Cochran, of La
Tallow—No. 1, 8c; No. 2, 7c; grease, his first enllstmenL under ordinary
Grande, eastern Oregon water super­ 5c-
__ course of advancement, he should be
intendent. was here Saturday to in­
Wool Eastern Oregon, fine,
0 : receiving $33 a month, anti meanwhile
... . ..
New York.—Seven persons were spect the Initial work of the engineer. 26c; coarse, 30032c; valley, 30 0 32c. . .
Mohair—40c per pound.
,ie i8 outflttwl "ith clothes and all ne-
The work of the water board has
burned to death and two others who
Cascara Bark—Old and new, 5c per «»sU ies. If he re-enlists within four
are missing are feared to have lost been undertaken here for the purpose
! months after the expiration of his first
their lives In a fire which destroyed of adjudicating the water rights of pound.
Cattle— Steers, prime, $6.3506.75;1 enlistment, he will receive a seven-
two factories In the manufacturing the entire Hood River,watershed. The
section of Queensborough Wednesday, task was initiated recently, when the good, $6.00 0 6.25; common to fair, j dollar monthly Increase in pay, and a
with a material loss estimated at supreme court, remanding a decision $4.50 0 5.76; cows, choice, $5.0005.75; 1 i,(,nus of four months' pay in addition,
of Circuit Judge BradRhaw In the case medium to gemd, $4.0004.50; ordlnanj ^ by the end of bis secon(j enlistment
Tho charred bodies were not found of the Oregon Lumber company vs. to fair, $4.00 04.50; heifers. $4.000; lie should have received a good-conduct
until the flumes had been extinguish­ tho East Fork Irrigation District, re­ 5.75; bulls, $3.0004.25; calves, $3.000
g qq
I medal (which adds 83 cents a month
ed and firemen wero pouring water ferred the case to the water board.
J Hogs— Prime. $9.25 09.50; good t o ' to his i*iy). he should be receiving $35
Into the ruins of the buildings. Search
prime mixed, $9.0009.25; rough heavy a month. After twelve years he should
Is being made for two persona still
Shooting Stars Promised.
$8.40 0 8.50; pigs and skips $8.00 0 8.25. have reached chief petty officer's pay
missing, but It 1 b believed they per­
Sheep— Lambs, $5.50 0 8.75; year­ with a salary of $99.02 a month, and
ished. All those burned were employ­
University of Oregon. Eugene—Two
ed In the plant of the Oakes Dye Man­ separate annual displays of shooting lings, wethers, $5.7507.50; old weth­ thereafter his pay Is increased with
ufacturing company, where the flanks stars will be visible throughout Ore­ ers, $5.5007.25; ewes. $3.5005.50.
each enllstmenL
Good-conduct and
gon November 15 and 24, according to
The fire started among chemicals B. 11. McAlister, professor of astron­
Wheat Sets New High Record. ¡also add to his pay. Under ordlnarj
on tho first floor of tho Oakes build­ omy and mechanics in the state uni­
. . ,
.____ courses, according to the figures fnr-
ing and spread with such rapidity that versity. The display due on Novem­
The i-cen
u ge n
ic g J nisbed by the navy department, a sailor
the office force was trapped on the ber 15 may be seen In the early morn­
wheat market this week met with a usually saves one-half of his pay,
second floor.
ing hours; that of November 24 Is due
The police have learned that an elec­ In the early evening. The earth at quick response in the northwesL High- j which is deposited in the ship's bank,
trician at work on the first floor of these times will be cutting through er bids were at once sent into the j receiving 4 per cent luteresL Thus,
the dye-making plant, making repairs the orbit of the swarm of meteors country and the scramble to buy be-1 beginning at the lowest level in the
to the electric light fixtures, dropped from which the stars come.
gan. Details were lacking as to the;[lavy and reaching the highest point
a ladder, which struck a Jar of chem­
Display of the aurora borealis will amount of business done, but it was in tbe serviCe as an enlisted man, after
icals that burst into flames.
be visible in Oregon next winter, for
There were six young women and the first time in 11 years. Mr. McAlis­ believed that well over 1,000,000 bush-ltbe en(j oi twejve years iUUj continuing
the three men on the second floor ter says. Northern lights are dim in
Th^advance put bluestem 3 to 4!iu this ca‘>acit-v ior slstcen >'ears- the
when the fire began. Not one of them this latitude of the west, except when cents above the high point reached j average sailor retires after thirty
has been seen since.
the sun spot3 have reached their max­ Just before the submarine raid and j years of service with a pension of $104
imum number, which occurs only once raised the cheaper grades of wheat t o ! a month, besides having the $28,000 or
In 11 years. A connection between the level that prevailed then. Blue- i more in addition.
the sun spots and the aurora borealis stem sold locally at $1.42 and there
__________________ _
is believed by many scientists to exist. was considerable buying in the inter-
fire in Chemical factory Causes
Death of Seven; Two More Missing
Supposed Canals of Mars Are
Strips of Vegetation, Says Observer
Berkeley, Cal.—Dr. Percival Lowell,
for 22 years head of the Harvard ob­
servatory at Flagstaff, Arlz., In an ad­
dress at the University of California,
announced as his most recent deduc­
tion from his study of the planet Mars
that tho so-called canals wero not wa­
ter channels, but strips of vegetation
under human cultivation, and un­
doubtedly watered by artificial canals.
In support of Jhls decision, Dr. Low­
ell said he had determined that the
smallest observable spot on Mars
would be at least 10 miles in diame­
ter. Canals, therefore, could not be
seen from earth. Mars, he added, has
four seasons much like ours, hut long­
er. It is absurd to assume. Dr. Lowell
said, that our planet is the only one
having Intelligent Inhabitants.
Berlin, via The Hague to London.—
Berliners In the near future must en­
deavor to arrive at the theaters In
tlmo for the play without the use of
taxicabs. It is planned to forbid the
use of these vehicles for trips to and
from places of amusement. The taxi­
T ra d e Secrets A re Out.
cabs, It Is hoped, will be available for
Washington. D. C.— How some of
a more Important purpose. At the be­
ginning of the war thpre wero 2600 Germany's closely guarded trade se­
taxicabs running in Berlin. This num­ crets aro being unwittingly disclosed
ber has been reduced to 800.
by prisoners of war Is told In official
dispatches reaching here. In one In­
T u rk is h T ra n s p o rt T a k e n .
stance German prisoners, all expert
Petrograd, via London.—The Rus­ makers of thermometers, have been
sian submarine Tulen, October 12, af­ put to work where their operations
ter an engagement near the Bosphor­ could be observed by skilled work­
us, captured the Turkish 6000-ton men, and as a result several methods
armed war transport Rodltsto, says of filling bulbs with mercury, hitherto
a Russian official statement.
The a secret In Germany, were discovered.
transport, which was commanded by
German officers, was taken to Sebas­
Portuguese T ra d e Gained.
Washington, D. C.—Increasing busi­
ness Is being done In Portugal by
D ividend Is 700 P er c e n t
American concerns, according to con­
Pittsburg.—Directors of the Quaker sular advices. Twenty American ves­
Oil & Gas company, the producing end sels have discharged cargoes at Lis­
o f the Pure OH company, have declar- bon since the first of the year. Such
od a dividend of 700 per cent. The di­ a number never has been approached
M o re.
vidend is payable at once.
Bridge Does Big Business.
Salem.—Traffic figures compiled un­
der the direction of the state highway
department show that in 30 days end­
ing at 6:30 A. M. October 10, 21,008
automobiles. 13,858 motorcycles, bicy­
cles and pedestrians, 10,307 horse-
drawn vehicles, and 923 head of stock
crossed the bridge over the Willam­
ette river at Salem. The daily aver­
age of traffic over the bridge was:
700 automobiles. 462 motorcycles, bi­
cycles and pedestrians, 343 horse-
drawn vehicles, and 31 head of stock.
The maximum of traffic occurred on
Portland day during the recent state
fair, when 1579 automobiles crossed
the bridge.
Radio S tation U n d er W a y .
Marshfield.—The United States ra­
dio station being constructed at Engle­
wood. a suburb of Marshfield, is about
one-thlrd finished. The piling for the
residences has been driven and the
grading at the site is one-half com­
pleted. A hill is being cut away to
make the fill required for the grounds
surrounding the station. A large per­
centage of the lumber has been de­
livered and the buildings now are un­
der way.
1900 Cars are Lacking.
Salem.— All records for car shortage
on the Portland division of the South­
ern Pacific company’s lines were bro­
ken when reports to the Oregon Pub­
lic Service commission showed the
company 1900 cars short of its orders.
The company reported that it had re­
ceived orders for 2225 cars, and that
326 cars were available. A total of 73
empty freight cars were reported to
have arrived at Ashland in 24 hours.
°r?o ^ or as high as 11.45 ah!o
*‘Mrs- x ,s “ f LTent stickler „ for form
also Daid*
At the Merchants’ Exchange five j and ceremony, I understand,
thousand bushels of November blue-i “Mercy, yes!
Why, that woman
stem were sold at $1.42. Fortyfold and would insist upon dressing up to enter-
club bids were raised 2 to 3 cents, fife j tain an idea."
3 cents and red Russian 3 to 4 cents.;
The Chicago advance was ascribed
P oetry Everyw here,
to short covering, following recent; „ ...
., '
T, ^
heavy sales to foreigners. More dls-j H id in g P oet-T h ere s poetry in ev-
astrous reports from Argentina and; cry thing.
Increased demand from the British and Editor—That’s true; the basket over
French governments for North Amer- \ there is full of I t !
lean wheat accompanied the rise. It
was said that of the Canadian crop.
No T im e to Smile.
25 to 30 per cent has been found to be
of the “tryout” vaudeville
unfit for milling.
The local oats market also gained ‘ houses a young girl had Just made
In strength. Bids for all deliveries! her appearance as a “ single" dnneing
were advanced 75 cents at the ex­ acL There was a good deal of genu­
change. Brewing barley was unchang­ ine applause for her efforts. She made
ed In the country, but feed barley was her exit and stood In the wings recov­
quoted $1 higher here.
ering her breath. The manager of the
Local millers announced a 20-eent
advance in patent and valley flours. theater approached her. “ Very good,”
Domestic and export straights were said he. “ You went very well. Indeed.
not changed. The new flour quotation; But why don’t you smile? You never
of $7.20 equals the highest point ever smiled once.”
recorded here, which was In February,
" I f 1 smiled.” she answered, gasp­
ing. “ I’d forget my routine, i’ll smile
Bradstreet’s estimates the world’s
visible wheat increase at 11,500,000 tomorrow night."—Cincinnati Times-
The Canadian visible wheat supply
is 16,317,000 bushels, the oats supply
Asked and Answered.
1,450,000 bushels.
“Give woman the credit she de­
serves," howled the suffragette speak­
Portland.— Fresh receipts at the er, “ and where would man be?”
stockyards were limited, but a consid­
“I f she was to get all the credit she
erable quantity was carried over from
last week, and this furnished material desires,” answered the man in the
for an active market. The bulk of the gallery, who was evidently mnrrled,
hog sales were at $9.25, as was the “he would be In the poorhouse.”
case the first of the week. Most of
the hogs available this week have
School Not*.
been of only average quality and buy­
You can never make true citizen­
ers have acted accordingly. Cattle
ship by teaching arithmetic and gram­
ealee Indicated a steady market
mar alone.—Columbus State Journal,