The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, October 26, 1916, Image 1

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Stesi Okiw SxiuTSH
Vol. 1, No. 42
$1.50 per Year
North Plains Man
to Run for Judge
excellent, the service good and NOTES AND PERSONALS
everybody, including the guest of
honor, enjoyed the repast and
Dr. H. R. Kauffman had busi-
social session immensely.
ness at Salem yesterday
Between forty and fifty of those
Mrs. Lilly of LeGrande is visit­
who desire to recall County Judge
ing friends here this week.
Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Morgan Reasoner met at the court house
were Portland visitors Monday.
in Hillsboro last Friday afternoon
At Tuesday night's adjourned
Mrs. A. B. Todd and children and, after some discussion as to
With the dignity expected of a which had been enacted with the meeting of the city council, held are visiting friends at Vancouver.
I the best method of procedure,
man of hi» position, United States help of progressive republicans.
Mr. and Mrs. C . R . Lasham named
...... Mrs. A. A. Pike, Robert
to try to get together with the
The president and congress were sewer contractors, City Engineer and daughter. Esther, were Port- j
Senator George E. Chamberlain
Henry Miller, E. E.
last Saturday night addressed be­
W'atts and F. R. Kearney a com­
eight-hour law for railroad em- Kirkwood reported that some of,
Dr. V. R. Abraham of Hood
. „ 600 „ . and 700 voter» at ployes; the employes never came repairs ordered by the council River is visiting at the John mittee to select a candidate to run
Marsh Hall in the interest of the j to congress until invited by the had b-*en made and others had
against Judge Reasoner and to
Templeton home this week,
candidacy of Woodrow Wilson president for a conference and not. The sewer was not ready to
President Bushnell of P. U. circulate petitions to get the can­
and Thomas R. Marshall. The when they came they were easier
speaker was introduced by Miss to reason with than the managers. accept, and a representative of j preached at the Hillsboro Con- didate’s name on the ticket The
committee retired to an anteroom
Manche I^angley, chairman of th e , The law was on trial for nine the company stated that he was gregational church last Sunday,
Willie Goff, Glenn Hoar and and, after deliberating for fifteen
meeting, after she had been intro­ month», with a committee of con­ still working on the changes and
duced by Postmaster R. P. Wirtz. gress to investigate the result the repaifs. The engineer was in- Halbert Holme» went to Portland minutes, brought in the name of
Miss I^ingley said the people during that period. If the law structed to prepare a revised re - ' Saturday to see the football game, Robert Service of North Plains.
had assembled to hear discussed worked a hardship on the rail- port, showing in what condition
Mr. and Mrs. D . C. Ringle of
Seattle are visiting at the Chas. The announcement brought forth
questions that were greater than roads, it c o u l d be repealed.
Staley home, Mr. Ringle being a little salvo of applause and
any party or any man. Affairs in ¡Smoot, Lodge and the other re-
the nation were at a critical point actionaries who w e r e howling He was also instructed to make a Mrs. Staley’s brother.
there were calls for “ Speech!”
and it rested with the people to &b°ut this law could have de- test by filling flush tanks during
Get a Columbia Grafanola now; Mr. Service arose and stated that
say whether a new man should be f<*ated it, but they let it pass, with the next few days,
they are bigger and better than he had not sought the nomination,
put on the job at this time. Then jefchty republican votes in the Councilman
Johnson raised a ever and the prices are the same.
but if those in the audience want
she stated that she was not billed house, and are now out with their
kick because the city team was I Littler’s Pharmacy.
ed him, he would make the run.
to make a speech and would “ Let hammers knocking the Wil-on ad­
Messrs Potts, Wilcox and Dil­
ministration. The last congress eating its head off and not work
George Do It.”
lard, who are attending U. of O .,. He believed in good roads and, if
Senator Chamberlain started in had passed a good roads law that ing regularly. He wants the team were visiting friends here Satur- j elected, would do all in his power
by saying he did not feel like, allows the federal government to employed in hauling gravel when day. They are old P. U. students, to promote road building. His
making "speeches” to Oregon peo- 1 K*ve a dollar for roads every time not otherwise emp oyed and was
Mrs. Henderson, who fractured j assertion that the people of the
pie; he would much rather sit by the state gives a dollar.
empowered to look
after that a hip in a fall from the merry-go- j various road districts should be
their firesides and talk to them,
America will not get into war phase of the question. He also round during the fair, is still con-
allowed to select their own super-
or hear them talk. He stated that ¡so long as Wilson is president, un-
thought the p r o p e r t y owners fined to her bed, but is improving.
she is attacked
honor 8houfd ^ notified to rake and
he knew President Wilson inti-
inti-i ie
» sne
auacsea or her
ner nonor
; visors was greeted with cheers and
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hesseltine
o r-; is assailed. Most of those who burn their ,e
mate y and knew him for a th
,„stead of a,_
in Portland Saturday and applause.
oughly honest, trustworthy and are howling for war would fight • ]owinK them to choke up the
Attorney John Wall, who had
level-headed man, who had been ; only with their mouths, the speak- gutters, and the city newspapers saw the Nebraska University foot­
engaged by the committee
abused as had no president since er said. For the benefit of those were asked to publish this fact.
C. team.
to keep them in the legal path,
Lincoln’s time. “ There is no bet- j who think W’ ilson should have cut
Mayor P a t e r s o n asked the
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Loomis and prepared nomination petitions and
ter putriot in America,” he d e -. off relations with Germany, the chairmen of the various commit­
dared “ than President Woodrow i speaker pointed out that England tees to begin working on the bud­ Mrs. McFeeters motored out to most of those at the meeting
Wilson.” He thought the time ! had violated the right of neutral-1 get in oider that it might be the Walter Chalmers place, north signed them and the five named
was past, however, when people itv by meddling with American made out and published after the of Shefflin, Monday. They en­ above will circulate the petitions
for more signatures. It was an­
joyed a pleasant visit.
were educated from the public mails., He wondered if Teddy regular November meeting.
nounced that 275 names would be
rostrum and for this reason did also wanted war declared on Eng
After talking sewer a while
not think those who were trying land ? President W i l s o n was longer, it was decided to adjourn Southern Pacific had a big toe required and the petition must
to discredit the president would getting by diplomacy all that for one week, it being the senti crushed when the tower-car ran be filed within five days.
A . A. Pike of Beaverton was
People w e r e reading could be expected by war, with- ment of thecouncilmen and mayor over that member Tuesday, the
both sides of the question and the | out the cost of lives and dollars that by next Tuesday night the accident occurring at Carnation. chairman of the meeting and C.
majority would say at the ballot that would follow war America sewer would be ready for final
The Intermediate C . E. of the A - Johnson was secretary.
box next month that they had had often made concessions to action— either acceptance or re­ Congregational church will hold a
More Pheasants Turned Loose
confidence in their president
war. Under President jection.
Hallwe’en social in the xhurch
Willis Goff last week received
The Senator
believes Judge Polk we g a v e England three
S. B. Tillman, a colored man, parlors Saturday n i g h t .
Hughes to be a good citizen, but hundred miles of Canada by ar­
the state pheasant farm,
who has contrac s for consider­ young people are invited and an
he has not the scope of under­ bitration after the jingoes had able private sewer work in the admission of 10c is to be charged. at Corvallis, eighteen pairs of
standing possessed by President wanted war. They tried to get city, reported that he would relay
P. U football eleven went down Chinese pheasants and had the
Wilson, who is one of the greatest Lincoln to drive the Spaniards the 1300 feet of leaking laterals
defeat in a game with Van-i b rds liberated on the Forbis place,
students of political economy in out of Mexico when he had his for $300 and he believed if over­
near Dilley.
This place w a s
hands full with other troubles. : tures for a peaceful settlement couver Athletic club at Vancouver
chosen because it is closed to
Under the urging of M r. Wil­ But the average jingo fights only were made to the contractors,
hunters the year round and Mr.
son, the last congress had passed with his mouth. It is the boys the mess could be settled out of to 0 The Pacific gladiators were Goff is anxious to see the birds
more real constructive legislation from the shops, farms and fac­ : court.
e l y , Smith, Walker, L., R. and protected, so that they m a y
than all the sessions during the tories who are the targets for
A1 councilmen were present e x -; 'j^~ Jones, Fowler, Lucas, Irle, multiply.
While the fish a n d
past fifty years. Included in this bullets and their fathers furnish cept Mr. McCready.
commission is not giving
was the federal reserve banking the money to feed them while
boys admit they were not favored out b i r d s indiscriminately, Mr.
law which made it impossible for they arp getting shot.
in decisions
I Goff thinks he can get a few more
the shylocks of Wall street to
Mexican bandits fired across
P«*>P,e who win » 8 « * to pro-
bring panics at will. He asked if the line several times under Pres­
the people remembered when he ident Taft’s administration and
A Rebekah Banquet
(the speaker) as governor, de -1 there was no war on Mexico.
dared a thirty-day holiday in Why the demand for war now 7 committee has written to the A. Baldwin, who had reached the
Next Wednesday evening the
68th milestone in his life. Those
1907 to save the banks during a Just to embarass Wilson.
Washington county committee of present, in addition to the family local Rebekahs will initiate four
financial panic? Panics had long
While the address was full of the same party, asking the latter
been held up as the legitimate telling points, it was dignified and to boost the candidacy of Col. J. of the hostess, were Mr. and Mrs candidates, the Hillsboro degree
Walter Baldwin and children, Mr. team conferring the degrees, after
children of the democratic party, entirely free from abuse, and
Cooper of McMinnville, social- and ~Mrs. Harve Baldwin’ and which there will be a nice warm
but he asked them if they remem­ many republicans h a v e been C.
ist candidate for state senator
bered who was president in 1907. | heard to commend the Senator’s from the twenty-fourth district, children, Mr. and Mrs. John lunch. All local and visiting Re­
Baldwin Mr. and Mrs. H. C. bekahs are invited to attend.
(It was the man who is talking fairness
embracing Lincoln, Tillamook, James, all of this city, and Mr.
kmdMt am] wildest aeain,t Preai-
The Hieh School quartet very Yamhill and Washington counties.
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. T . A.
and Mrs. W. E. Prickett and
of Williston, N. D., who
; pleaeinqlv nan« two numbers at
children of Beaverton. The din­
a-,bu!n P“ T i w“ - . i 5 ,rur“ 11 the openin'! of the meetine. with that T. B. Handley, the only ner was served at noon and was were visiting relatives in the city,
credit bill, which permitted land- Mrs. E. E Williams accompany- other candidate, is just the op­
very complete in both variety and Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Lasham M on­
owners to borrow money at not to ing on the piano.
posite to dry and ask all friends quantity. The guests presented day evening entertained a num­
exceed six per cent The child-1
of prohibition to support Col. the guest of honor with a beauti­ ber of friends and former North
labor law took the little children
Cooper, who was postmaster un­ ful ink stand as a memento of the Dakota neighbors, as follows:
Reception for Senator
out of the factories and sw eat-;
Mr. and Mrs. Archie McKay,
President Harrison, is a past
shops and put them in the schools; j In honor of Senator Chamber­ state commander of the G. A. R., occasion.
j Mr. and Mrs. Harry Goff Mr.
Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. M. and Mrs. James Loynes, Mr. and
the income tax law taxes those, lain’s visit, the officers of the
president of the Western Walnut
most who have most and the in -1 W’oodrow Wilson League gave a Association and of Yamhill County L. Vincent, who reside on tne old Mrs. Gavin Duncan. Mr. and
Fletcher homestead, on Gales
h«*rilance tax law takes a little of dinner party at the Hotel
Laugh- Agricultural council and lecturer Creek, gave a dinner party to a Mrs. M . S. Allen, all of this city,
the big fortunes when the owner
and Mr. and Mrs. Durston of
for Pomona Grange
number of relatives, including Dilley; Misses Hazel and Elida
dies and gives it to the govern- i lin at 6 o ’clock, inviting Mayor
* Mr. and Mrs. J T . Fletcher of i Loynes. Emma Craft and Mr.
ment to pay running expenses.; and Mrs Paterson, Councilman
this city and their daughter, Mrs. Willis Goff, jr. Five hundred was
The shipping law will make it J and Mrs. C . W. Mertz and the ballot will be 53
Those desiring further informa­ J. T. Hay of Seattle; Walter Sar­
possible for the government to following members of the league:
played by those who care for
build ships to keep the shipping Messrs, and Mesdames O. M tion can secure it by conferring gent, wife and daughter, Eliza- cards, while the others enjoyed
I beth, and son Frank of Gales themselves at other games. The
trust from holding up the shippers Sanford. W. J McCready, R. P. with Dr. J. S. Bishop.
¡Creek; Mr. a n d Mr s . Chas. ; hostess served a delicious and
and the railroad being built in Wirtz. I. S. Hoar, H. B. Johnson,
Football Saturday
Weaver of Portland, W. H. John­ J bountiful lunch during the even­
Alaska will make it possible to de- E. E. Williams, Ed. Wirtz, A. E.
The Forest Grove High foot­ son, wife and daughter, Elizabeth,
velop and use the coal and tim - \ Gardner, R. O. Stevenson. W. C.
ing. Mr. and Mrs. M cKay left
Clara Walker
ber of that territory. Candi­ Benfer. Miss Manche Langley, ball team will try conclusions of Dilley; Mi-s ^iara
vyaiKer of
ui yesterday morning for their home
date Hughes is threatening, if j Mrs Phoebe Ward, Dr. W. D. with the fast squad of Lincoln Gales Creek; Ray Vincent, wife ’ w m iT
elected, to “ repeal all the demo­ j Ward, Ira Purdin and Vernon High, of Portland, on P. U. Field and son,Wilton Leslie Vincent, of at VV,mston
Reece Leabo of Portland, a for-
Gales Creek. The hostess served
cratic laws,” but t h e speaker Rurlingham, all of this city, and
resident of this city, was
didn’t believe the people would ¡Senator Will Wehring and John
trust the friends of the^ private Wall of Hillsboro and R. A. Wat­ noon. A d m i s s i o n two bits. the party enjoyed the reunion visiting Forest Grove friends yes­
interests to repeal these laws, son of Portland. The dinner was Come and root for the home team. immensely.
The City Fathers
Meet and Adjourn
Prohis Discover
a Dry Candidate