The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, October 19, 1916, Image 4

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    ÎEhp lí n r r i í t (Brutte S x u r p a a Wliat
Publish«! every Thursday at Forest Grove, Oregon.
W. C. Benfer. Editor and Publisher.
Press Says
of Mr. Weatherford
Benton County Courier: The
Courier will do all it can to send
Mr. Weatherford to Congress,
THURSDAY. OCT. 19 1916
not because he is a Democrat,
but because he is a more able
man than Mr. Hawley, because
is a fighter and because we be­
Thanksgiving this year comes Commercial Club, Twin Hurley he
he will do more for the Wil­
on the last day of the month— promised Chief Lenneville, the lamette
V’alley in a single term
Nov. 30.
latter says, that if the department Ljian j j r ’ Hawley'hi as ever done
secure the moMng picture Krom the day Joe Cannon was de­
Registration books in New could
exhibit which was |)OSt>das ake,. to th0 pre8ent
York disclose the fact that Judge touring the Northwest
the (late> Mr Haw|ey haa almo.t a|.
Hughes has not registered or vot­ summer, he, (the Tw n) during
see ways voted with thl. big intm ,sts.
ed since 1909. He is registered
( ommereiai Club paid His voting record is proof of this
now, however, so that he can vote t the at hall t ie rent
With this under- statement und the Courier has
for himself. He did not vote in stand, the firemen
the Star lhat record
1912, when his friends, Taft and Theatre and on the rented
of Aug. j
’ _____
Roosevelt, were candidates for 3d the theater was crowded
Sun: Mr. Weather*
men, women and children, who ford is a clean, able man who will,
Ex-Governor West and Mark were for two hours given val- if elected, represent this district
V. Weatherford held a prohibition uable instructions on how to and not outside interests,
meeting at Hillsboro last Thurs- lessen the fire risk and how to ex-;
day night and addressed 300 vot- tinguish fires once they got start- Jefferson Review: Oregon peo-
ers. People from this city who ed. Admission was free and the pie are getting tired of being rep-
heard the speakers say they made firemen felt they had done the resented by a nonentity. They
some telling hits against th e community a service by bringing want a man who will do some-
Brewers’ Amendment, which Gov. the exhibit and several lecti rers thing. Weatherford is the man.
W’est calls “Paul (Wessinger’s) here. And they felt grateful to He is able, active and energetic.
First Epistle to the Oregonians.” the Commercial Club and its offer- He is an affable gentleman and a
Mr. Weatherford makes a good vescing president for their aid in ufod mixer, such is needed to se-
impression wherever he speaks the movement, That is to say, cure co-operation of fellow mem­
and it js claimed by his friends the firemen were grateful until bers in the House, a thing Hawley
that he is going to beat Mr. Haw- about a month ago. when they has never had and without which
ley for congress.
were told by the manager of the a member can accomplish nothing.
Theatre that the rent had not
“ “.
William Hare of Hillsboro and iw n n^id Chi^f I^nnMvill*
Independence Monitor: There
B. P. Cornelius, the latter a re- called the’ matter to Hurley's ^ - «¡11 be be a joke on the Novem-
publican candidate for the state| tention and was dumbfound, d ber election ballot. The word
“Progressive” will
legislature, made speeches at a when the latter denied having 1 ,‘Progressive”
wil1 be Pr*nted
na me .
Hughes meeting in Cornelius last agreed to see that the hall rent
Thursday night and it is reported was pajd- At last week’s meeting j
that Mr. Cornelius devoted fifteen 0f the
tbe department, the 'firemen tbinl<in8 'hat Mr Hawley was
minutes to telling how efficient voted $12 out of their little treas-' progre88‘ve' but tbru tbe care*
Judge Hughes was as mayor of Ury to pay the hall rent for an en lessn,ss of a very small portion of
New York City. As Mr. Hughes tertainment for the public good. | the electorate> 25 in number' who
was never mayor of New York That is very liberal of the fire_ ! wrote in h*s name at the primary,
City, some of those in the aud­ men, who render much efficient 1 making him the nominee of the
ience are wondering whether Ben service without pay, and the white Progressive party. Not a gen­
was trying to fool t h e m or members of the Commercial Club uine progressive of any party in
whether he just didn’t know what should see that they get their $12 ,be ^'•str'ct w‘b vote f°r Hawley,
he was talking about.
, back. And what about the Twin?! but lt 1S a crime to abusetbe good
X How
T many
------- of ;----------
He 131X8
talks so
so muen
much! | name “Progressive”
you readers know Ah form i t' • ne
---------- in such a way.
the name of the congressman from tbat be pro >a f°rBot tbat be Columbia (Houlton) Herald:
this district? Come now, one at e' er talkerI to an> of the firemen pe0p|e 0f a|| parties are lining up
a time, without looking it up.! about the hall rent. 1 his may be for Weatherfo d where he is best
Oh, well, if you don’t know it’s no ,,lXer| 38 a warning against that known, because of his persona!
disgrace, for the congressman has ( i”, cornplaint known in slang- mora) worth and integrity as a
done so little to call him to your ^ as Running Off at the Front man and cjtizen. He will make a
attention that you can be excused ° t ‘ e i ’ a c e ; _ _ _ _ _ _
• j vigorous canvass of the district,
if you don’t remember his name. SO BLUSTER; NO THREATS; and those whom he will meet will
But if you will send Mark V. HE IS JUST REAL MAN
warm to him 88 they «et acquaint­
Weatherford to Washington he William Allen White of Em­ ed with him.
will make such a strong fight for poria, Kansas, is one of the best Medford Mail Tribune: Ore­
nation-wide prohibition that the known writers and progressives in gon is a progressive state, but is
entire nation will know who rep-* the
United States. Recently in represented in Congress by a re­
resents the First Oregon district his newspaper,
the Emporia Ga­ actionary and standpatter whose
in the national legislature.
zette, White paid the following ideal of statesmanship is Uncle
In its issue of Oct. 5th, the tribute to President Wilson:
Joe Cannon, whose henchman
News-Times announced a meet- i “ How well he (President Wil­ and campfollower he has always
ing for that night, with ‘ Hon. E. j son) seems to have managed it— been. Of little influence under
L. Amidon of Portland” as the this whole sordid business of go­ the old regime, when his faithful­
speaker The next issue of the \ ing to war; how fair he has been; ness to the interests was rewarded
same paper mentions the speaker how patient, how dignified, how by an occasional slice of pork, he
as “E. L. Homidon ” A great1 infinitely gentle and kind!
is without prestige in the pro­
many people are wondering why “No bluster; no threats; no gressive present.
the News-Times c h a n g e d the snicker of anticipation; no licking
speaker’s name. Was it because of the nation’s chops—just a sim- Don’t forget Miss I^angley and
he has been getting some very un- pie-sou led, brave, soft hearted, Messrs. Meade and Schulmerich
favorable mention in the Port- hard-headed man. It is sa d when you vote for members of the
land papers during the past sev- enough to go into war of any kind state legislature. You needn’t be
eral months or was it because at any time; but it is less sad to ashamed of Washington county’s
since Amidon, alias Homidon, was go knowing that every honorable | delegation if they are elected
in the city some scurrilous stories means has been taken to keep With Thomas A. Edison, Henry
concerning President Wilson are away from war. And this con- Ford,
William Allen White, Judge
being whispered from mouth to eolation President Wilson hasgiv-| Ben Lindsay
and a majority of
ear—stories so palpably false that en us by his wise, forbearing the leading magazine
no Oregon paper has been found Chris ian attitude before the pro-!
. sup-
low enough to print them? There vocation of a foe mad and des- p°r ing la1’ ^ ere
must be a reason for changing perate and foolish. The good thing to Woodrow Wilson besides
God, who knows and watches h,s peace propaganda, which alone
this man’s name.
over all and sees all and directs sbou^ bt‘ enough to elect him.
all, was in our hearts deeper than With but one woman candidate
we knew when as a nation we on the legislative ticket, the wo­
this great, serene soul to men voters should elect Miss
The members of the Forest
Grove Volunteer Fire Depart- *ea<l us*’ _ _
I.angley, if only to prove woman’s
ment are recent victims of the Vote for good men and women equality to man as a law-maker.
irresponsibility of the windy ma- on Nov. 7th. Forget party la- And the women need members of
jor Twin. As president of the bels, brands and trademarks.
their sex in the legislature.
Entered as second-class m atter Jan. 12, 1916, at the post
Oregon, under the Act of March 8, 1879
Oct. 20th
Minstrel Show
True Darky Melody!
Vaudeville Acts!
Fun and Entertainment!
Band Concert on Street, at Noon and Evening
Admission 25c
Reserved Seats 35c
Sale at Littler’s Pharmacy
A Bird In the Hand’s
Worth Two In the Bush
When you £0 out o( town to buy you don’t know what
you are £cttin£ The merchant you patronize in town Knowa
that to keep you. trade he MUST TREAT YOU SQUARELY
And you ate a town booster
Mister Merchant:
Before you place your order for
1917 Calendars, see our line of
samples; we may save you some
The Forest Grove Express
We’ll Make Good
on any promise we make to deliver work on
a given date. The Express has one of the
best equipped little printing plants in the
Willamette valley, having added several
hundred dollars’ worth of material to the
Williams plant for
. . . JOB PRINTING . . .
purposes and more good material is on the
way. The management would very much
appreciate it if those'in need of stationery,
office blanks, or any other kind of printing
would call at the office for samples and
prices. If you’re too busy to come to the
office use the phone and a representative
will call on you.