Your Earning Capacity ought to enable you to do more than just make a living. You ought to save money. Then, having saved, the next thing to do is to set your surplus to working safely and profitably. A saving account in this bank is both safe and profitable and is one sun* way to future independence. The First National Bank Pays 4 per cent on Time Deposits A Strong Hank in a Good Town. FOREST GROVE. ORE CONDENSED NEWS NOTES Money to loan— Valley Realty Co., Forest Grove, Oregon. 10-1f Mrs. Morgan and daughter, Margaret, were Hillsboro visitors Saturday. For Sale— Young hickory-nut trees. Mrs. L. S. Phillips, 130 North “ A ” street. 38 Mrs. Dr. Moore and daughter, Clara, went to Portland Saturday for a few days’ visit. We fill your prescriptions care­ fully and accurately with the best of drugs and chemicals. Littler’s Pharmacy. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Whitehouse and daughers, Jewel and Eliza­ beth, were Hillsboro visitors Sat­ urday. The Lasham family have moved into the Gordon home, on Main street, on account of Mrs. Hoge’s return to Forest Grove. For Sale— O n e b a y ma r e , weight about 1600, or a gray mare w e i g h i n g a b o u t 1200 Phone 51x. D. F. Aikins. 40-tf Hancock & Wiles write Life, Accident Fire Insurance. 1-tf Maid for general housework wanted. Mrs. E. E. Williams, phone QM S. 8941 Miss Mary Corl spent Sunday in Corvallis. Mrs. M. T. Hates was shopping in the city yesterday. Mrs. Harley LaMont is report­ ed somewhat improved tiKlay. The Express prints butter wrap- pers with non-poisonnus ink. Mrs. O. H. Holmes and daugh­ ter, Lulu, were Portland visitors Saturday. Albert Fletcher of Tillamook was a Grove visitor the first of the week. Kenneth Hockman of Portland spent Sunday with home folks in the Grove. For Rent— Five rooms in house just west of Laughlin Hotel. In­ quire at this office. 10 Cole’s Original Air-Tight Heater For Wood and Lighter Fuel GUARANTEED To To To To hold fire over night with dry wood, always remain air-tight, heat a room from zero to 70 degrees in 5 minutes, give such perfect combustion that ashes are re­ moved only once in six weeks, To be the most satisfactory wood heater manufac­ tured, To give steady heat day and night. We carry u fine line o f Electnc Flash-Lights M. E. Carlyle of Triplett, Mo., I Tht‘ wlitor wf thl* will and Hatteries at right prices. is paying his old friend. W. J P“ y cash for about six cort,s oi oak wood. Who has it? Good, a short visit. Mrs. W. D. Wright of Portland, | R om Redt>r Mt yesterday for a visited over Sunday with Mrs. visit at Rapid City and Dead- wood, South Dakota. Howard in this city. A * For Rent— Five-room house, Phone 683 Forest Grove, Ore For Sale— A high-grade little- near depots, modern. Inquire of used lady’s bicycle and a good 35-tf washing m a c h i n e . Mrs. Roy Manche Langley.