The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, October 12, 1916, Image 3

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    h id e s , p e l t s , c a s c a r a b a r k ,
W eak W om en!
The Royal Way.
TNI H. F. NONTIN Ca. NrtUM. Or*. Suit». Wi
An Oregon Woman Testifies.
I,enta, Oregon.—" When I w m doing
through tin- critical titan of middle lifn,
I took several bottles of I)r. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription and it helped mu
I cannot say enough in
favor of this medicine. Have al»<> Dead
the 1 Golden Medical Discovery ’ in my
home for iukii v yearn for many different
ailments.” — Moa. E l l a IJ ako i . o .
Lents, Oregon.
I>enr laughing eyes. I will not pruy
That God shall never send you lears;
That cloudless sunshine, day by day,
Mhall brighten all your coming yenrs.
I pray that still through cloud and ruin
Your Inner depth» may hold their
And under happiness or pain
You find the Father’s meaning bright.
Reading In ull life's meaning right,
Your title of high womanhood.
W< m l i t r n live, wni* lu »fie.I Ml Ikippiiui lift
Huruu want In wil ¡rmir f.rtn, horn. <>r txialiiM-
for ouhT W rit, to t A K I I H HI A I T Ÿ CO..
B m U m i i HuilUIn*. FurtUnd. O r . . . .
»n-ivmtl Ui 1IJ t«i .i;$7 M«iru«id« Ht . P#>rt-
Imiut, Or».
R «fl«u |M*M
til th*> N '»iüi v*«|
Country Mrvlua a
•I'acUlly. V*m 1'iuo'l I ’uat.
A t the first symptoms of any de­
rangement of the feminine orgunlsin
at any period of life, the one safe,
really helpful rsmedy is Dr. Pierce’s
Favorite Prescription.
len s of thousands of women have
N *w la * *>v«a t i t l e - i m i rnarrUd prior to
taken it with unfailing snccess for
J ii. r ¿ 1 . lIMf.
K*m *rrii-t w idow . . . . . n .
diseases of a womanly nature.
V lo t u . m . l».nvSn-.| W rite for Manila. A .k
Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription is
I'o u tiC o n rate m -vtre
Hrlngton A W iL
W »«l,m «t.,n . l>, C. k.taMMhwl IMW
a true friend to women in tunes of
trial and at tunes of pain when the
orgnns are not performing their func­
A Ued VwTta I. Mai* Sa
It Don Not Grow So. tions. For headache, backache, hot
ton®tion, bearing-
T h .r * U on I t mi * w . t to a»*t a Dashes, catarrhal
down sensation, mental depression,
t < o l V iolin W ith ou t C roat K .<
pens*. w tiicli I*. Hen.I In your
dirtiness, fainting sj>ells, l.-issitude and
Old lU d O a . .n d h u rt It made
exhaustion, women should never fail
Into an Old ( a n t O n .
Ui take this tried and true medicine.
n a m l i o n fra *
A ll work
a u a r .n * «w l
K f t . l to
Prepared from nature’s roots and
r.ltwd, 0-. herbs, it contains no alcohol or nar­
cotic, nor any harmful ingredient.
Hold in either tablet or liquid form.
If your dealer does not keep the sugar-
CO>tad tablets, send lifty cents I in
stamps) for small box, or $1.00 in
currency for a Urge box.
Write Doctor Pierce, Invalids’ Hotel,
IJuffalo, N. Y ., to-day.
I3C page book
on woman's diseases' sent free.
Dr. Pierce’s Pleassut Tellels are tne
original little Liver Pills. These tiny,
sugar-coated, anti-bilious granules— th e
smallest and the easiest t o take. Oue
little Pellet for I. laxative—three lor
a cathartic.
Dear girlish hunds, I will not choose
The softest, daintiest tusks for you;
God send you strength to give and use.
God send his work for you to do.
The sacred ministry to need.
The round o f household toll und care.
The hlndlng up o f hearts that bleed.
The girding up of lo-arts tliut dure—
The labor of love’s law made good
In royul years o f womanhood.’
Dear dancing feet. 1 would not m a k e
Your path all smooth from thorn und
b rier;
The climbing road be yours to take.
Different Line.
Just the Thing.
The thorn-set. Splendid struggle
"And do you make hay while the
"You like a Norfolk Jacket?"
sun shines?"
"Y es,” said the commuter, “ the belt
God give you still life's springtime
"N o ; I manufacture freckle lotion.” is so handy to hang small packages
— Louisville Courier Journal
on."— Louisville Courier-Journal.
Never content with whut 1» past;
God grant you through earth's wear­
To walk undaunted to the lust.
<'limbing the steeps of hurd-won good
To heaven's height of womanhood.
w _ _ ■ _
—The New Guide.
That It All Connie Mack Got for Stan­
ley Coveleskle, Star Pitcher of
the Cleveland Team.
No Mere Theorist.
"A s I understand It. you lecture on
the subject of peace at any price.”
Every once in a while the papers
"No. My rates are 40 pounds a lec-
turf.” — Ixmdon Hatunlay Journal
I used to print a story about a pitcher
! who was with the Washington club,
' und who, uccordltig to the yarn, had
I once been traded for n hunting dog.
' Whether the tulc was true or not. It
! m a d e good reading for the funs.
'Hut Connie Murk has that beaten.
. The Washington pitcher never amount-
Ham werless
Model 1912
J l x t r a L i g h t V /eig h t
1G a n d
There’s no need o f carrying a heavy
W inchester Model 1912 shot­
guns are made entirely of nickel steel,
and hence are the lightest and strongest
guns on the market. E e sure to see
one before buying. Sold by all dealers
Woman Made Well by Lydia
E. Pinkham’s Vegetable
Compound. ' *
Working Overtime.
“ M a ry!” cried Prof. Forgetalot, trl-
umphuntly waving tile gamp. “ I have
re mem be red to bring borne my um­
brella today.“
“ So I so«,” replied hla wife. “ The
only trouble la that you didn't take It
with you thla morning.” — London
Big Gathering.
“ Many conventions arc held at the
summer resorts.“
"That's right. The mosquitoes held
it convention where I was.”— Louis­
ville Courier Journal.
R e d u c e d R a te s
Court Room, Single, 75c; Double, $1.
Outline Room, Single, $1; Double, $1.50
(Hath prlvlleir« included!
Rooms with Private Bath, Single,
*1.30; Double. $2.00.
Auto-Bus Meet» T ritin i
All Cam fn»m Union I »••pot I’ann Our Poor*.
Cor. Washington * Fifth 3U.. I’OHTI-ANI) OKK
T he M athew s W elding
& C utting Co.,
21<1 K vtrttt St.. Near N.nth, Portland, Ora.
Portib’e Eleclric and Oxy-Acetylene Plant.
Iloady at all Tim«**.
O a y -A c rty !e n e W eld in g and Outline.
W eld in g
hy Therm it, Electricity, O a y -A c «ty l«n e .
W eid in * o f Sheet Steal, Cast Iron. Aluminum
Drat*, Etc. Boiler and M arine W ork
a Specialty.
AI.HO AGENT?.': The Hemlermm-WIIlia Welding
and Cutting Co., St. Louis. U. S. A.
limaa W ork«. .Hlat St. A Krdzie Ave., Chicago.
Columbus,Ohio.— ” 1 had almost given
op. I had been sick fer six years with
female troubles and
nervousness. I had
a pain in my right
side and could not
eat anything with­
out h u r t i n g m y
I couid
not drink cold water
at all nor eat any
kind o f raw fruit,
nor fresh meat nor
chicken. From 178
pounds I went to
118 and would re t so weak at times that
I fell over. I began to take Lydia E.
Tinkbam’s Vegetable Compound, and
ten days later I could eat and it did rot
hurt my stomach. I have taken the
medicine ever since and I feel like a
new woman. 1 now weigh 127 pound*
so you can sec what it has done for me
My husband says he knows
your medicine has saved my life .” —
Mrs. J. S. H a r l o w , 1G2-1 South 4th St.,
Columbus, Ohio.
Lydia E. Pinkham’ s Vegetable Com­
pound contains just the virtues o f roots
and herbs needed to restore health and
strength to the weakened organs o f the
That is why Mrs. Barlow, a
chronic invalid,recovered so completely.
It pays for women suffering from any
female ailments to insist upon having
Lydia E. Pinkbam’s Vegetable Com­
"You have never been in New York
before, have you?'
"No. But I've been held up twice in
Arizona.”— Life.
When You Speak of
Prep ared n ess
Stomach Bitters
stands out very ef­
fectively as a bulwark
against liver or diges­
tive troubles, general
weakness and malaria
P. N. U.
No. 41. 1910
Don’t Experiment. 6eiHosletter’s
It will be money saved to protect the lumber against winter
weather. Get Color Cards from your local dealer.
Difficult to Find.
"Take a bear," he said. "Look at his
The boys had no bear to take, but
they had a picture of one, and they
looked at that.
“ His fur,” the teacher went on, “ is
the bear's overcoat, the same as your
big coats are your overcoats.”
“ He can't take it off, though, same
as we can ours,” said one contentious
"That is true,” said the teacher.
“ The bear can not take off his over­
coat. But why can't he take it off? ”
Every boy thought hard.
“ I guess,” said the contentious
youth, finally, "that it is because no­
body but God knows where the but­
tons are.”— Chicago Herald.
T o B r ta l in N ew Sh'.<es,
Stanley Coveleskie.
ed to anything as a big leaguer. Con­
nie got a barrel of Oregon apples for
one o f the present hurlers of the
country. And be wnsn't even asked If
the price was satisfactory.
Stanley Coveleskle, who has been do-
•ng great work for Cleveland, got his
first major league trial with the Ath­
letics a few yeurs ago. He pitched
three or four games. In one of which
he Rhut out the Tigers.
Connie didn't think the Ind was quite
ready. So he sent him to Portland,
Ore., with a proviso that he could he
repurchased. This was very necessary,
inasmuch as the Cleveland club, for
several years, bus had first call ou all
Portland players.
While Coveleskle was with Portland
there wus some chunge In the organi­
zation of the club, which Involved the
making out of new papers. The owner­
ship forgot to protect Mack's claim
to Coveleskle, and when the deal was
completed Cleveland had a grip on him.
Mack uaturuliy protested, holdlug
that the player belonged to his club,
in which he probably was right. But
he never got any action. All that he
did get was the barrel of Oregon ap­
ples, sent to him by the club owners,
apparently ns a peace offering.
Connie says that a pitcher Is a pret­
ty cheap buy at the price of a barrel
o f apples, even If fruit Is uway up at
thla time. Anyone with another Cove-
leskte to peddle enn get a carload of
apples front Muck, or from any other
A l i v i r i shake in AllenV Fooi-xCase, a powder,
ft rurvs hot, »w t-«t!iig. Robing, „ v llen feet
Jures corn,, In g ro » lug nail* and bunions. At
»11 druggists ami slioe steres, 25c. P on t accept
»nv suiotltute. sample mailed F U L L . Addreai
Alien 8. Olmsted, Le Hoy N. Y.
The Uncommercial Minstrel
When Homer smote the lyre,
He nobly sang and w ell;
His songs had lots of fire.
But really wouldn't sell.
No syncopated lay
Did Homer ever peg;
His music didn't pay,
And so he had to beg.
— Louisville Courier-Journal.
Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets are the
original little liver pills put up 40 years
ago. They regulate liver and bowels.
Incognito Beer.
The change of attitude on the part
of the public toward the liquor trade |
is seen even In the brewers' advertise­
ments. At present In some New York
street cars appears an advertisement
of a certain brand of beer which will
be sent "Incognito to your home in a
new’ plain* ease.”
Beer drinking is
losing its respectability, even the
brewers themselves being Judges.—
The Christian Guardian.
Sore Granulated Eyelids,
Eyes intUined by expo­
sure to Sun, Dust and ft lad
quickly relieved by Marine
» V E j e W e m e d y No Smarting,
just Eye Comfort. A t
rour Druggist’ * 50c per Bottle. Mnrloe Eyt
«IveinTubes J5c. ForBeokeliheEyefrceask
truggisu or Mu rise Eye Kenedy Ce., Chicago
if he asks you
to try a can of
He yvants to do
you a favor—
he knows what
brands to rec­
ommend from