The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, October 12, 1916, Image 2

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Of General Interest
Newport. R. I.—The wholesale raid
on foreigu shipping south of Nan­
tucket lightship Sunday wus the work
— ------------ ------- v--------- -----------------
of one submarine, according to reports
of American naval officers. Rear Ad­ Oregon Has Overlooked Many
miral Cleaves, commanding the torpe­
Valuable Permanent Resources
do boat destroyer flotilla which did
University of Oregon, Eugene.—
such remarkably speedy rescue work,
Among the coining great industries of
said that the reports of all his officers
Oregon. H. II. Miller classes flax grow
agreed that to the best of their obser­
ing, milk condensing, manufacture of
vation one raider only wus concerned.
fertiliser, mining of broccoli, and
This boat presumably wus the U-53,
manufactures from lumber. Mr. Miller
which called at Newport Saturday af­
is director of the state university
ternoon to mall a letter to Ambussu
school of commerce, which makes in
dor Uornstorff ami then put to sea
vestlgatlons of markets and possibili­ Live News Items of All Nations and
without taking on an ounce of sup­
ties for Industrie«.
plies. although she had been 17 days
Pacific Northwest Condensed
liroccoli he pronounced well adnpted
off her base, according to the state to the Willamette valley climate, an
for Our Busy Readers.
ment of her officers.
excellent shipper, and Usable when all
Admiral Cleaves said he could easily other green vegetables are gone.
The sources of fertilizer may be
understand the positive statements of
the captain of the Nantucket lightship I Jwo: fron! **• n‘tro«'*“ of th« alr an'!
Japan Is having great trouble clioos
and of sailors of the torpedoed vessels ,f [ om
C 0 r U ia south centra
Oregon lakes, notably Summer and Ing a new cabinet.
> Abort lakes.
Chile will have the largest electrical
For the manufacture of fertilizer power plant In South America, with a
from the air, Mr. Miller said great capacity of utmut 40,000 horsepower,
! development of Oregon's 3,250,000 Idle to supply mining operations.
horsepower would be necessary; and
State department officials say that
this horsepower, he said, would play
the greatest part in future economic neither Germany nor United States
has violated International law In con­
"Oregon made a great mistake when ni I I K i l l w Ith the \ I 'll of the I :
It went extensively into the apple busi­
The Russians are pressing their at
ness,* said Mr Miller. "Oregon's ape tacks In Galicia, but are meeting with
cial adaptation to apples was skilled successful resistance by the Austro-
lalwr. Skilled labor Is transferable. German forces, according to official
and so today other sections nearer the) report,
big markets urn producing as good
Two American shlps, thè Hiirvltn
fruit as Oregon, with Oregon unable
I and thè Columbia, bave booti stiuk, uc
to meet the competition because
cording lo a dlspntrh recelved by thè
transportation. ”
Norwegiun mlnlster In Fctrogrud from
II, A. Kalscn, thè Norweglan conimi-
generai al Archangel, Russia.
Movable Schools.
About Oregon
Brief Resume of General News
From All Around (he Earth.
four British, One Dutch, One Norwegian Sent to Bottom in
One Day Off Coast of Massachusetts.
Washington. D. C.—Generally pros
throughout the Pacific Coast in the
federal reserve monthly bulletin. Of
conditions on the north coast, the but
letin says:
"Grain crops, though of less than
Newport, R. I.—The executive offi­
the usual volume, are commanding
cer of the destroyer Ericsson return
such prices that the money returns
ing early Monday from the scene of
are above the normal. Although there
the German submarine activities .off
have been large shipments of wheat
Nantucket, reported that nine ships
by rail from the Pacific N rthwest to
had been sunk, and that three subma the east, many farmers have not yet
rines are operating off the coast. This sold, holding in the expectation of
Information, he said, he had on the higher prices. The barley crop fell
authority of the captain of the Nan considerably short of the earlier estl-
. *
«... . ,
mates, but with the carry-over there
tucket shoals lightship.
, were approximately 350.000 tons (near-
I ly 15.000,000 bushels) beyond domes
One of nix day movnble schools urlili Kronstndt, leedlng Industriai end
Boston.— The submarine arm of the tic retirem en ts and available for ex
be conducted by thè extcnslon servici* commercial center of Trunsylvanla,
Imperial German navy ravaged ship- port- Prices are 18 and $10 a ton
of tlie Oregon Agricultural college whlch was ocrupled by Konmanlans
throughout thè year, thè type of school oli thelr entry luto thè wur, has beeti
ping off the eastern co *t of the Unit-
t*ian, last yeaf-
1 "The apple crop of California, Ore
work bclng changcd (lurtng thè various recaptured by Ilio
Austro Gcrmun
ed States Sunday.
gon and Washington is estimated at
forces, the war office announced.
' seasons.
Four British, one Dutch and one ; 5,800.000 barrels, which is a little
Any local organization, such as a
Dr. Arthur I,. Hunt, who assisted
Norwegian steamers were sent to the above normal. The quality is excep
I farmers' union, grange or other or­ | the local health department in observ-
bottom or left crippled derelicts off i tional and high prices are ruling.
ganization in which farmers of the I Ing persons coming from communities
“ Hops will yield about 280,000 bales.
Swinton , of
Nantucket Shoals.
, the British
. . . army
_ . community are Interested, may pro
So far as known there was no loss or 20,000 bales more than last year, 18
in'_enl°r and builder of the first raote a movable school, in counties ! Infected with infantile paralysis, died
. . . .
1» Washington of that disease. Dr.
of life, though the crew of the British This is far in excess of domestic re
tank," the adapted American tractor, . having
county agents. It Is necessary Hun, who WUH
y,.aril o|(, wa,
steamer Kingston had not been ac- ( quirements. The British embargo on which has been used against the Ger­ to arrange for the school through itrtcken laat wt.t.k.
counted for.
, exports has affected prices most un- mans.
them. Such organizations or persons
A submarine held up the American favorably, bids of 10 to 12 cents com
Interested In securing a movable
The high cost of living hit the Port
steamer Kansan, bound from New paring, for example, with 43>4 cents
that more than one submersible was school, should tako up the matter with land city Jail Wednesday, when the
York v.ith steel for the Italian govern in 1911.
the extension service, Oregon Agricul price of inenls for prisoners Jumped
"The salmon pack of the Pacific concerned. The U-boat, he said, was tural college, Corvallis.
ment, but later, on establishment of
from 14 cents to 16 cents each. Only
her identity, allowed the American to Coast, including Alaska, is about 20
Owing to the heavy demand made one bidder, Charles Trengove, made a
A leading
proceed. The Kansan came into Bos­ per cent below normal.
he pointed out, for her to disappear for this type of work the past few bid for the contract to feed the pris­
packer says that from the sellers on
ton harbor for her usual call here.
one side of a ship and then show i years and to the failure of some points oners during the ensuing year.
The hostile submarine is believed to point of view the salmon markets of
to meet the expectations of the or­
at another spot.
Dr. J. 1). Welnstraub of Chicago, was
be the U-53, which paid a call to New­ the world are in better condition than
ganizers and the extension servire, a shot and probably fatally wounded In
port Saturday, and disappeared at sun­ at any time since 1900.
merged and reappeared often enough few special requirements are being
set. Some naval men, however, de­
"Mining continues its great activity, to mislead any but a keen professional made of all communities requesting tils office by Arthur McLaren, of Llv-
ingstown, Mont. McLaren was u pa­
clared that at least two submarines with expanding output.
tient of the physician, and Is said to
are operating close to the American
"There has been no material change observer and to create the impression Ut|* service,
shore, though outside the three-mile in the unsatisfactory condition of the that more than one sea terror was than
J .n V
^ n ?v°n people
u .' ''“ '« ' been dissatisfied' with his treat-
for a one ' " day
lumber industry, lack of transporta operating.
This opinion would seem to be borne school and of not less» than forty per
The record of submarine warfare. tion facilities being the greatest handi- out by the statements of many of the sons for a longer school, these people
Local agents of New Y’ ork and Lon-
as brought to land by wireless dis- cap. Ships for the lumber trade, with refugees that the submarine had more agreeing to attend all sessions re don marine Insurance companies an-
patches, follows:
I an aggregate carrying capacity of 30, business on hand than she could take quested.
nounced that war risks on vessels and
Strathdene, British freighter, torpe- 000,000 feet, are now building on this care of at once and was obliged to re-
2. Provide a room in which to hold cargoes out of New Orleans had been
doed and sunk off Nantucket, crew coast.”
quest one steamer to wait the turn *he school or a place for demonstra entirely suspended for the present,
taken aboard Nan®cket Shoals light-
while another was being put out of Bon, lake care of heat. light and Jani-j owing to the German submarine activ-
ship and later removed to Newport by
furnish conveyance
commission. Lieutenant - ( ominamlem tor service, and
aim lurmsu
lonvejanco to' (ties In the north Atlantic.
American torpedo boat destroyers
for In-
The British steamship Jupiter, of
The Strathdene left New York Sun­
witnessed the destruction of the Ste- structors in charge of the work.
day for Bordeaux, and was attacked
3. Furnish the demonstration ma , , 2024 . tons
. . gross. _ Is , believed to huve
. been . sunk,
at 6 A. M.
. according
, , , . , . to , an announce-
one submarine was in the vicinity at
I tnent made at Lloyd s shipp tig agency.
West Point, British freighter, torpe-!
the time.
doed and sunk off Nantucket. Crew
Newport, R. I.— Seventeen days
4. Agree to issue 1000 copies of Tho ’! ,,l“ ,l0|r
2*!5 * * * }, ' ? * * and
The known list of the victims of the
by the
the Messier
Messier Shipping
Shipping com
...----- _____________________ V.. „. .„.. owned by
abandoned the ship in small boats af-l from Wilhelmshafen, the imperial U'boat’s Sunday exploits remains at program
for the movable school and pany. of West Hartlepool, England.
ter a warning shot from the subma-, German submarine U-53 dropped an- six, notwithstanding reports from the distribute these as Instructed.
rine's gun. Officers and men were chor in Newport harbor Saturday,
Nantucket lightship that three other
5- To advertise the school as wide
H. N. Pope, president of the Asso
taken aboard a destroyer.
| Almost before the officers of the ships, the identity of which could not *Y as possible throughout the com • elation of Farmers' Union Presidents,
Stephano, British passenger liner,; American fleet of warships through
I munlty.
I of Fort Worth, Texas, has Issued a
plying regularly between New York,; which the stranger had nosed her way be learned, were sent to the bottom.
The following lines of work will be statement asking the farmers to urge
Halifax and St. Johns, N. F., torpedoed had recovered from their astonish- without verification, that a British ,aken up ¡n movable school work dur- their congressmen to repeal the Adam­
southeast of Nantucket, bound for ment, the undersea fighter had deliv­ cruiser, one of the allied patrols sent i,1K l*'*s year:
Horticulture, agron- son law at the next session of con­
New Y’ ork.
Passengers and crew, ered a message for the German am­
to the submarine zone, had been at-! u^_y, l,0',' l ry. dairy, aulmal husbandry, gress. Mr. Pope has also issued a
numbering about 140. were picked up bassador and, weighing anchor, turn­
home economics, and special subjects pamphlet analyzing tin* effect of this
by the destroyer Balch and brought to ed toward Brenton’s Reef lightship tacked.
as may seem desirable.
law on agricultural Interests.
Newport. The attack was made at and disappeared beneath the waves
For further Information , write th e1
Troops of Field .Marshal von Mack-
4:30 P. M.
just inside the three-mile limit.
extension service, Oregon Agricultural
Kingston, British freighter, torpe­
As she came and went she flew the
college, Corvallis’, Oregon, or see the1 en,,‘n* !*>'
«'«rprlsc attack, obtained
doed and sunk southeast of Nantuck­ black and white colors of the German
secretary in the Information booth at P?88CM' « n of *h‘* ‘ 8la,,,,
tho «»an-
ubo northwest of Hislova, It was an-
Crew missing and destroyer navy, a gun was mounted on the for­
Washington, I). C.— Unless instruct­ state fair.
i nounced officially In Berlin. They cap-
searching for them. This vessel is not ward deck and another aft, while eight
j turod six guns and the Roumanian
accounted for in maritime registers, torpedoes plainly were visible under ed to do so by the London foreign of­
troops on the island. The Roumani­
and may be the Kingstonian. The at­ the forward deck, giving mute assur­ fice, the British embassy here does
Ochoco Project is Passed.
ans In Transylvania arc retreating
tack occurred at 6 P. M.
ance that the warship was ready for not intend to make any fresh repre­
Bloomersdijk, Dutch freighter, tor­ a fight at the drop of the hat.
Salem.— Residents on the Ochoco j along the whole line, the war office
sentations to the state department, as
pedoed and sunk south of Nantucket.
Lieutenant Captain Hans Rose, who it regards the representations already irrigation project in i'rook county will announced.
Crew taken aboard a destroyer. The hung up a new world's record in bring­ made in connection with the Deutsrh- vo*° on
question of bonding the
With a fire In her sugar cargo vir­
steamer was bound for Rotterdam ing an armed submarine in battle ar­ land as sufficiently settling the British project for $1,000,000 to secure funds tually under control, the Ward lino
from New Y’ ork.
ray across the Atlantic, said that he view, of international law on the sub­ to carry out contemplated improve­ freight steamer Antilla arrived in
The Bloomersdijk carried a crew of ] had called at Newport simply to mail ject.
ments, it became assured when the Hampton Roads from sea in tow of
50 men and a cargo of grain valued | a letter to Count von Bernstorff. He
From the British point of view only office of State Engineer Lewis ap­ the naval tug Sonoma. Aboard the
at $500,000, consigned to the govern- requested neither provisions nor fuel two courses are open: either to con- proved In Its general features the re Onondaga were Captain Blackadderof
ment of The Netherlands, according and would be on his way, he said, long voy all British ships using American P')rt
R* -W. Rea, project engineer, the Antilla, his small daughter and
to W. Van Doom, an official here of , before the 24 hours during which a ports where the ship is not sufficiently Notice of the report's approval was three mates.
The crew had been
the Holland-American line. He inti-, belligerent ship may remain within a armed to afford full protection, or to Ken*
l**e directors of the project, transferred at sea to the Ward liner
mated that international complications' neutral harbor had expired.
withdraw British ships from the Tho Project as approved by Engineer Morro Castle.
might arise
The submarine was In American American trade.
j Lewis embraces 20.000 acres of land
Christian Knudsen, a Norwegian waters a little more than three hours,
Wireless reports from the Anchor
The latter contains the possibility !n 1 rook county. It Is proposed to
freighter, torpedoed and sunk near assuming that she continued to sea of much Injury to American commerce. Issue bonds on the basis of $50 an liner Cameronla and the Frederick
where the Btoomersdijk went down. after submerging. Within that time
VIII, of the Heandlnnvlan-Amerlcnn
acre valuation for the project.
Crew picked up by dertroyers. The the German commander paid official
line, received In New York, Indicated
vessel sailed from New York Saturday visits to Rear-Admiral Austin M.
that the steamers are proceeding to
Autoist Gets Five Years.
Girl Wins Trip to Fair.
for London.
port well off their customary courses.
Knight, commandant of the second
San Jose, Cal.—Antone Fodera, a
Americans On Board Torpedoed Ship. naval
Pendleton.—For the second succes­ Both have heavy passenger lists, that
The British steamer Stephano, car­ Gleaves, commander of the destroyer San Francisco business man, was sen­ sive year, Carmine Jones, daughter of of the Frederick VIII Including James
rying 44 first cabin and 39 second-cab- force of the Atlantic fleet, who was tenced to five years in San Quentin
W. Gerard, the Ainerlean ambassador
in passengers, including many Ameri­ on board the flagship, the scout cruis­ prison by Judge Beasly, of the super­ a McKay creek farmer, last week won to Germany, and Mrs. Gerard.
can tourists and a crew of 75, was er Birmingham. Both American offi­ ior court, for failing to stop when his first honors In the state-wide turkey­
Argentine Is spending $60.000,000 on
sunk off Nantucket Li htsbip.
cers returned the brief calls promptly. automobile struck and killed Hector raising contest. In connection with the an Irrigation system.
Zapeda, a Santa Clara University stu­ Industrial club work of schools. She
Swine provided 60 per cent of the
dent, on the night of October 31, 1915. Is 14 years of age. With three other
Carranza May Not Run.
Many Mexicans Starving.
total meat consumed In tho German
Prominent men, among them Justice
El Paso, Tex.—"General Carranza
Laredo, Tex.—Deplorable conditions Henry A. Melvin of the California su­ Umatilla county pupils she attended empire last year.
has made no formal statement of his exist in Lampazos, 80 miles south of preme court, testified as to Fodera's the fair last week as guests of the
American moving picture films are
state. Arthur Crone, of Uplne, was being sold In Increasing quantities In
position,” Consul Pesqueira said, "but the border In Nuevo Leon, where 20 good character, but fail d to save him. awarded second prize In pig raising.
France owing to the curtailment of the
there is a strong feeling among the deaths from starvation occurred in two
French and ItAlian film output duo to
Austrian Ship Blown Up.
men who are close to him in the na­ days, according to reports received
Drys Gain Four Towns.
tional capital that he will not be a
Paris.—One of the largest Austrian
New Haven, Conn.—The so-called the war.
here. At least half of the crops have
Dr. Arthur L. Hunt, Inspector of In­
warships blew up recently at Pola. ac­ "little town elections” In Connecticut
By a recent decree issued by Gen­ been confiscated by the government cording to a press dispatch from Zur­ were featured by lively contests over fantile paralysis cases for the District
The poorer ich. The dispatch says refugees from the excise questions, and the “ dry’’ of Columbia, is said to be In a serious
eral Carranza the president will serve for military purposes.
only one term of four years, as the de­ women in Lampazos are unable to Dalmatia brought the news to Swit­ forces made a gain of four towns. Of condition from Infantile paralysis with
cree specifies that there shall be no clothe themselves properly, and chil­ zerland but they did not know the the 168 towns In the state 91 are now which he has been 111 for a week. He
is 39 years of age.
re-election to the Presidency.
dren of both sexes are virtually naked. cause of the explosion.
no license.
With Flag Flying and Deck Loaded
With Torpedoes She Delivers
Message and Puts to Sea.
German War Submarine Enters
Newport, Va., to Deliver Message
M ain lels Submarine Question Rest.