The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, October 05, 1916, Image 6

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    r Under
tnen?" Georgy
Wagstaff Inquired I “ If you'rs quite In earnest. Guy, I "Bu don't forget I told you 1 loved ts THU N E W IiS T RU fU iD Y
thoughtfully, as If the dearth of males am positively ashamed of you.“ Sir talk!"
that threatened the world were a ca- I George WagstalT told him. A# a man
"You'll come again?“ Ethel asked
Backache, Rheumatism and Dropsy.
Inmlty almost too great to face. "Not I who was high in flis councils o f Ills him.
that I really care ao much about that country. Sir George did Indeed bear
“ Oflen. I hope!" lie said heartily, as
personally," she added, with an lualn- I the young man's declaration with he took the hand she held out to him.
Kidney, Bladder and Uric Acid trouldo*
uatlng glance at Guy Falconer, who souieUilug bordering upon alarm, ns
“ Good by, Charlie!" Guy Falconer bring misery to iiianr. Whan Ihn kidney*
are weak or dlsesstsl. lit«*» nstnrsl filter«
always dogged her footsteps, "for in#n well as mere disapproval. If other sshl with s «Ink that (tie others did do
not cleans« tha blood siifficUnUy.and
bore me."
English youths should take th* same not catch. “ If I don't se* you before I ths Doleout are carried to all parts of th»
Thera follow depression, aches
"Thanks!" Guy remarked. If Georgy attitude aa Guy's, he foresaw endless sail, drop me a postal. My address
will tie lu eare of the General Bust Of­ and pains, heaviness, drowsiness Irrita­
had a fault (a possibility he was sel- trouble for the recruiting stations.
bility, headaches, chilliness and rheu­
Join willing to admit, even to hlmaelfi
“ If I were shot.” Guy retorted. "I fice. Havana, Culm "
matism. In soma people there nr» sharp
Charlie Brown smiled at him Indul­ i slns In th* back and loins, dHirsesluq
he felt that It constated o f a caustic suppose the fact that I could say
tongue. And occasionally the thought 'Now, Sir George Is not ashamed of gently. He knew Just how serious Guy bladder disorders and sometime« obstin­
ate dropsy. The uric acid somethin-*
of living with her. facing her across me,' would ense the pain a hit?
was In regard to shirking Ills duty. But forms
Into gravel or kidney stones. When
the breakfast table, for Instance, put No, thank you! I tell you. If worse Mrs. Falconer was «till troubled by tha uric acid affects tha muscles and
her son's apparent disaffection.
Bjsf J oa th# drim* of
a vague fear Into him. t’ p to the pres- cornea to worat, I shall ««II for Cuba
J"tnt*, It censes lumbago, rhmunetlvm.
“ Plea«*-, Guy!” she pleaded.
She gout or sciatica. This U Ihn lime to try
ent time, however, he had always sue-
At that his mother approached him
ceoded lu ridding himself of such mis- much as she must have when as s could not hear to hear tier own child 1 Anuria*
During digestion uric acid Is absorb««!
small boy be had been guilty of uaugh brand himself as unpatriotic, If not an Into the system from meat oaten, and
Author of V n itt Corar" tad co-sotho#
from soin# vegetables. The |(oor
“ And who do you think Is going to tineas. She thought It high ttms to
of " « Pros to Adrtrtis*"
" 1 never knew till now that yon kidneys got lin'd and backache hsglnx.
win. Mr. Brown?" Sir George put the assert her authority,
This Is a gissi lime to tska «Anade.«
question abruptly.
He. aa well as
“ Guy,’’ she said, “ I forbid you to were a Spartan mother,” Guy told her. tha new discovery of Dr. Fiere» for Kld-
"Besides. 1 didn't think you'll want lo nojr trouble and Ilscksch».
Streetman, perceived that tlielr some- I talk like th at"
Cu*r ngOk tm* tir lb# Uaaaaiaj Cosmea#.
“Oh. now. motti
be remoti se# your own little boy nil shot to ki-iney trouble is responsi bla ti r many
what bizarre guest from the other side
deaths, and Inaurane* Company examin­
of the Atlantic tmd gathered unto him I strate«!.
ing doctors always tr-t tha water of an
They were on the point of leaving si’pltcsul before a policy will tsi Issued.
'I think he'a spooling." Charlie
self a surprising fund of luformntlon
Bove you ever set aside a botti* of water
Brown told them, ns quick to ndopt a
G e o rg y
W a g s ta ff.
d a u g h ter
Sir during his short stay In their midst
0 * o r g * . o f the B ritish a d m ira lty , hint* at
Before Charlie Brown could reply, new word ns he was to detect signs of news to Miss Willoughby that Captain f.-r twenty-four hour«? A heavy sadl-
a liaison betw een her govern##*, K thel
or settling sometime« Indicates kid­
“ If war Uedmotul was calling.
W illo u g h b y , and H enry S treetm an K thol the spy Streetman throw himself luto shamming on Guy’s part
ney trouble. The true nature and char­
denies It. H en ry S treetm an ca lls on E thel the conversational gup.
"Captain Redmond!** she repented, acter of d!sea«c«, especially those of III »
comes, I bet he'll go to the front He's
and w hile w a itin g fo r her ta lk s to B rew s
"I'm sure from what Mr. Brown has like the reat of you English—half as If the news were almost too strange kidneys end urinary organs, can often
ter. Sir G e o rg e 's butler, w h o is a G erm an
fuf chemical an­
for belief. "Ask hltu to come up. D determinad by a careful
spy. a b ou t his fa ilu re to get at a d m ira lty said he agrees with me that the Ger- I nahatiled to any what he really feels.'
alysis end microscopical crimination—
pa yer* In Sir G e o rg e ’ s possession . He
this Is don# by expert chamisti of th»
p h on es to G erm an s ecret se rv ice h ead -
At the name, Guy Falconer turned Medical Staff of the Invalids' Hotel. If
qu a rtets. S treetm an. th e G erm an spy. and posed.
B oed er (alia s B rew ster, th e b u tle r! are
you wish to know your coralitlon ««tul 1
Mr. Brown blmaelf merely smiled at
"Oh. I say—thut's nil swank!" be re­ to Ethel Joyfully.
d iscu ssin g the p ossib ility o f w ar. W h en
of your water to Doctor Flon-e’s
I.nrry back after a whole year?” samplo
He may have monstrated.
E thel a pp ea rs he tries to fo r c e h er to get the
Invalids' liotcl, Buffalo, N. Y.. and <l-v
from Sir G eorge k n ow led g e o f th e sa ilin g thought Streetman a end—a lobster,
tie cried. “ Isn't that ripping!"
It will 1« ex­
ord ers to th e B ritish Meet. T h ou g h she
"Oh. we must wait to se* !,arryr*' amined w it h o u t any expense to y o u . and
b elieves him a F ren ch Instead o f a G e r ­ he would probably have termed him. [Charlie Brown exclaimed. “ I'm going
D Se-tor Flores or Ids Klatr of Assisting
m an spy. She refu ses until he th rea ten s but whatever his feelings might have to take that hack to America, to o " hls mother said.
I'! hyilclans will Inform you truthfully.
her. She begs him to a n n ou n ce th eir se­
'Oh. ludevd w* must!" added
And then, returning to the subject of
cre t m a rria ge, a s G e o rg y Is su sp iciou s, been, he concealed them admirably.
but he pu ts h er o ff
A t tea G e o rg y and
"Well. I'll tell you—" he said, as he | their conversation, who was manlfeat- Georgy.
gJtow Tttv»Kt.jr|
her lover. G uy F a lcon er, tea se Sir G eorge,
In another moment Captain Red­
and Streetm an m a k es an a w k w a rd a t ­ tumed his back squarely upon Street- ly 111 at ease. Mr. Brown continued.
yourself, your system,
tem pt to talk p o litic * S treetm a n . th e man and faced Sir George. "When I “Once you do touch Guy ou the raw mond stood before them.
There was physiology, anatomy,
hygiene, siuipb-
G erm an spy. Sir G eorg e W a g s ta ff. B ritish was drinking Munich beer, I was ruth
of Ills patriotism he'd go through and
noine cures, etc., lu tha «Common Noun-
n aval o fficia l. E thel W illou g h b y , secret
But now that I'm go through big."
ing. Guy Kalcouer all but fell upon Medical Adviser.« a b«*>k of lua page*.
w ife o f Stregtm an. ad oth ers a re h av in g er pro-German.
Send tO Of. V. M. Flerve, Buffalo, N. Y..
tea at the W a g s s ta ff hom e. T h e p a rty Is switched to tea. I’ve sort of swung
I think Mr. Brown Is right," Street hls neck.
three dimes or thirty c«nu In uuo-cenl
d iscu ssin g a play. C h arlie B row n , n e w s ­
man declared. "It was only two month*
“ Hello, good people!" the newcomer sumps fur a cloth-bound copy.
p a p er m an or N ew Y ork, en terta in s the over to the allies.”
tea p a rty w ith his v iew s on the th r e a t­
A burst of laughter, punctuated ago at the Itlta In I'arls that I met a «aid with an nil embracing smile lie
ened w a r In E u rope.
with crle* of "Bravo!" greeted the an­ young English ofBcer. We got to chat «n s Irish The hint of the brogue even
ting. He seemed very down lu the lu those few « ‘ords showed that much,
Turning to them all again, "You month—some trouble over a girl; he'd had Ids dancing blue eyes left any
If you recall your history les-
see." he explained, “ I like the English been Jilted, or hadn’t enough money to chance o f doubt as to hi« race. Ad
sons, you"! remember the hard
as Individuals, and I like a lot of propose, or she'd married someone else miration, n« Well as affection, shone In
time the North had to get
for the welfare of
their general ways. too. I admire the —usual sort o f thing, so I paid no at the faces of Id« fr ends ns they fensti-d
enough soldiers during the Civil
easy going fashion in which they do tentlon to the Incident. But on* night, their own eyes upon him. for the cap
war, and how finally conscrip­
the Nation
business. I commend the fact that walking along tlie Champs Klyseea. a fain wns unquestionably s tine figure
tion was adopted. You know,
they won't talk shop over a luncheon, mnn abend of me suddenly turned of s man. In Id« «pruce uniform of the
too, that the English have had
l like their afternoon tea." He smiled aside behind one of the tree# Sllhonet Irish Guards. Ethel Willoughby was
to use conscription to get enough
j at Misa Willoughby as be said that, ted against the moonlight I saw his the Inst to greet Idiu. But when the 1
men in the present conflict Pa­
I like the fact that knights and ladles, hand go to bta pocket, a# If to draw a rest hud relea«ed him she held out her 1
triotism is a queer thing with
clerks and shopgirls take their half- revolver. I ran up to him. and selxed hand to hlru.
most of us. We wave flags and
I hour ofT for It. I like the way they the pistol. . . .
It was my young
“ Barry. I am glad to see you.” she
For the welfare of the
enjoy Fourth of July oratory,
respect their own laws— when they de- English friend. I d ire say the moon said from the bottom of tier heart.
but many of us are inclined to
Stomach and Bowels
I clde to make one they decide at the had gone to his head. He wua quite
He stopped short In Ids acknowl­
shy at real sacrifice. An inter­
edgments of the others’ greeting* And
esting discussion of the subject
the English Irrítateme, because they're | with me st first We stood there for turning abruptly to Ethel, n# If he had
comes up in this installment
so blamed sure they're a little bit au an hour talking. I'd taken quite a eyes for her alone, tie exclaimed:
perlor to a! the rest of the world. ¡ fancy to hlru. It seemed such a waste
“ Sure, not as much as I am to ses
An English tea party at the home of That's annoying, personally, but I can ] of f(¥Mj material for him to kill him you!" Ami he fairly ben met) Ills de­
8 ir George Wagstaff of the British ad­ and I do admire it as a great racial self; but he was quite firm. Finally, light at seeing her once more.
Includes Charlie Brown, quality that* made em win out a ¡ j appealed to him as an English officer
“ When did you get buck, old man?”
American newspaper reporter, and thousand times. If England goes »« |n Ida majesty's service. Koine dsy hi# Guy asked, when they hat) Introduced
Streetman, a German spy. The group war. It II take the English about a country might need him— I told him
Barry and Charlie Brown.
is discussing a possible European war. year before they realize they have a | and he wouldn't be there, because ne
“ Only this morning,” Captain Red­
war—they really are alow, you know— | wa9 a
traitor. .
. That mond answered, “ hut I thought I'd
but once they wake up to tt they’ll blt blm
, p
potnL And have to come here directly to pay my
CHAPTER VI—Continued.
deuce, and I think they 11 eventually be gnve me his word.”
respects to on old friend—aud I meet
"You do talk like a German,” he w^n'
They had all listened eagerly to three old friends.”
told Streetman after he had blowD ont
Sage nodding* of various heads and 8treetman's vivid recital
Georgy Wagotaff pouted at that. She
a cloud of smoke.
the exchange of approving glances on
- U!J be ke,.p his word?” Ethel asked was extremely foud of ths dashing of­
don-t kn„ w! ,.Te MTW.
blrn ficer and she dearly loved to banter
"That Is a matter of opinion,” the the part of the members of the little
party—or of all but Henry Streetman , lnc, ; but hp.§ tb„ , fipt of raau wbo with hitn.
other replied stiffly.
Suspended Sentence.
, r a , r e l y mention the Incident
“ Yes. I think he talks like a Ger- —set a seal of appreciation upon j w o n l d
“ I’ m not so terribly old." she object­
man. too,” Georgy Wagstaff chimed Charlie Brown a views.
to gbow that when nothing else count- ed—"or do you think I've aged much?"
Three year old Keith had told hls
in. "But as we know he Isn't one,
I -ease God. you re right!” Kir
bls country did. And most men
“ In n year, sure, you've grown mother a deliberate Bn and ahe had
does It really matter? . . .
Go on. George Wagstaff cried fervently, with I Bre ilke that- streetman added, as he younger. You're only n slip of a girt put hlrn to bed aa a punishment. Bit­
Sir George's a show of emotion that was. for him. patte<, r;1)y Falconer on the back,
now; and you were getting to he quits ting by tha bedside, aho uaked him
daughter was having the time of her most dnusual.
Somehow. Guy resented the familiar- . a young woman wlieu I left." lie told what he would do If he had a little
boy who did such a thing. After a
young life.
I lease God. ha Is!' Mrs. Falconer By. But he merely moved away. Ro her.
“ Here's one thing I'd like to know.” agreed.
far ag fi* knew, Streetman was a de
"It's a whole year since you went moment's thoughtful allent o the child
Í do hope no. The Germans are ao , c*ent enough chap. Hut he did uot re!- awny," Ethel Willoughby half whis­ replied. “ I fink I'd give him another
Guy put In—“ where on earth la all
chance."—Christian Herald.
Ethel Willoughby ob- j i„b being patronized by him.
the blooming money to come from?”
pered to Redmond as he cam* nearer
“ My dear boy, there's nothing so
All at once Sir George Wagstaff no- her.
"And bo rude!” Georgy added. She tlced for the first time thnt the after­
elastic aa national credit,” his friend
“ And It seems a hundred!" he de­
from the States replied with a calm could not forget—much less forgive— noon light was fast fading. looking clared. Charlie Brown, catching Ills
assurance that came partly from the having been shouldered off a sidewalk at bis watch, lie rose hastily.
reply to her. knew of a certainty thnt
speaker's having, at one time In his In Berlin by the kaiser's haughty offl
B7 Jove!" he said. "I'd no Idea It he was Irish. But underneath the cap­
career, conducted the financial page cera.
was so Inte. 1 shall have to be getting tain's fulsome remarks there often lay
Ah! But I fancy that pride In one's |jnck fo tbe admiralty.’’
for his newspaper. "Why, down in that
a sincerity thnt was more deeply root­
two-by-four affair In Mexico, one of country Is a universal trait In every
I must he leaving, too,” Streetman ed than .4 casual bystander might sup
their week-end presidents ran out of nation.” her more moderate father said. announced.
“ Exactly! And as Mr. Brown has
money; so he Issued an order for fifty
Mr. Brown felt that lie must really
“ So must I." said Charlie Brown.
W ife Cured by Lydia EL
thousand dollars, stuck a gun In the pointed out, we English have a tenden­ "Good by. Miss Willoughby!"
tear himself away from that Interest­
other gentleman’s chest and said. cy to be somewhat superior also.” As
“ Oh. don't you hurry off. too!” Ethel ing party.
Pinkh&m’a Vegetable
That Is worth fifty thousand dollars’— he spoke, Streetman rose. He was be­ protested. “ Stay and have one more
“ Good-by. Miss Willoughby I” he
coming re-tless under the galling of cup o f teal” In some Inexplicable way said. "G<>od-by. captain! I hate to
and It was.”
M(p. Falconer felt that It was hard­ that one-sided discussion of the merits she felt drawn toward the outspoken bust up n reunion like this, but I’ ve
ly proper that the men should monopo­ o f the nations.
American. And she could not avoid got to get buck and write a piece for
Dea Moines, Iowa.—“ Four years ago
“ Well. I hope there isn’t any war!” the Impression that they were destined the paper."
lize all the conversation.
I was very sick and my Ufa was nearly
“ I can’t believe there will really be Guy Falconer said fervently. “ If there to know each other better.
Still Mrs. Falconer would not let her
•pent. The doctors
a war—a great war.” she announced. Is, you can bet your boots I’ m not
“ I can't resist yon,” he said, yielding son's friend escape quite yet.
suited that I would
“Think what It would mean—absolute going near It.”
“ Mr. Brown.” she said, “ for some
at once to her cordial urging. Anil he
never get w«dl with-
“ Guy!” Sir George turned upon him accepted another cup of ten.
barbarism! And this Is the twentieth
reason I like you. I fancy It's because
ou t an o|>eration
with incredulity writ large upon bis
Rlr George and Streetman were al­ you amuse me. Why don't you dins
and that without it
“ It would put us back a hundred fine face.
ready at the door when Charlie Brown with us? I'erhaps If 1 ask Captain
I would not live on»
years,” Sir George declared wearily.
Redmond. Ethel will come."
“ Oh, I mean It Sir George,” Guy called after the older man:
year. My husband
He both realized and dreaded the hor­ Insisted shamelessly. “ If It comes to
"I/ot's dine early,” Guy said. “ Don’t
“ If there's any news of your fleet for
o b j e c t e d to any
rors that he knew must Inevitably at­ war, this will be a war of millions. publication. Kir George, you'll let me hottier to dress. We’ ll go to the Savoy
operation and got
tend such a titanic struggle as seemed If there are a thousand men killed In know?”
grill and meanwhile I'll get tickets for
m«( aomeof Bydia E.
"Surely, surety!” came the gooil-nn the I'nlnce. There's an awfully clever
a battle or only nine hundred and
Finkham’ a Vegeta­
“ It's too horrible to think of,” Ethel ninety-nine, what difference does It tured answer. And with thnt Sir American girl there now."
ble ( !om pound. I took
“ We'll pick you up here. Ethel,” hls
Willoughby exclaimed with something make except to the thousandth man? George left them, accompanied by
it and commenced
approaching a shudder. "It doesn’t . . . None! But if I happened to Streetman, to whom he offered a lift mother added—“ any lu half nn hour. to get better and am now well, am
We might be able to motor to Rich­ ■tout and abla to do my own housework.
seem real that we're sitting here quite be he. It’d represent a deuce of a lot in his car.
mond for dinner and still see the I can recommend the Vegetable Com­
calmly talking over even the possibil­ to me, and, with my luck. I’d be the
ity o f such a thing.'
pound to any woman who is sick and
first mnn shot anyhow. . . . No,
"W ill you pick me up here, too?" rua down as a wonderful strength and
“ And this won’t be a war like other sir! Military service Is not compul­
Captain Redmond asked.
wars,” the American pointed out. sory In England, thunk heaviAi! And
health restorer. My husband nays I
Redmond of the Irish Guards.
"In half an hour!" she agreed.
“ There’ ll be no personal heroes— no If there is a war. I’ m going to sit
would have been In my grave era this
Charlie Brown had thanked Ills friend
In the doorway Georgy Wagatnff if It had not t>«en for ymjr Vegetable
charges up San Juan hill—no bands home at my* club and discuss very of the British admiralty. And now lie
playing or flags flying. It's going to harshly the mistakes of the war office.” said to those wbo still lingered there In rn*t 11 roguish glance back at her Compound.’ ’-M r s . B l a w IIR JKrTBR-
pretty governess
be a cold, deadly thing of mathemat­
BON, 703 Lyon Ht., Dea Moines, Iowa.
Guy’s mother regarded him with no Miss Willoughby's sitting room—
ics and mobilizations, of big guns and less amazement than did Kir George.
Before submitting to a surgical opera­
“ You know, I think there Is going to
submarines, of aeroplanes and ammu­
It (a wise to try to build up ths
“ My son—you’ re not serious?” she he news—and mighty soon. You listen
What do you think will coma
nition, of millions o f little mites called exclaimed, scarcely believing what she to me.”
female system and cur* Its derange­
out of this meeting between
ment* with Bydia E. link ham's V«ge-
men. who will be only little, unimpor­ beard.
“ We have been listening with grent
Redmond and hls old sweetheart
tabls Compound ; It has saved many
tant cogs in the big machine. It's
“ Of conrse he Is!” said Georgy. "I pleasure," Mrs. Falconer Informed him.
Ethel Willougnby? Is It likely
women from surgical operations.
going to be brutal, cruel, barbarous never saw a man who thought as “ But now we must go."
that ths girl will tall him ths
murder, conducted on the most modern much of his own precious hide—so
He sprang to hls feet.
W rlto to th e Bydia FI. P ink Itam
truth at ones?
scientific basis.”
"That is a bit of a bint,” he ex
much more than anyone else thinks of
M a d id a * Co., L ynn, M ass ., fo r
“ And afterwards wbat’ll we do for itr
claimed, albeit with entire good humor.
t d r lo o —tt wUl b# oouildotiU oL
«To on. c o .« TIN u mu.i
Stomach Bitters