The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, October 05, 1916, Image 5

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(Continued from page One)
for the next fifty year*. Can the
American people afford to make a
Wilson and his congress saved
the grain and fruit crops of the
country by averting the threat­
ened railroad strike. Of course,
the railroads unf kicking, but they
always kick when you make them
t r e a t the people fairly. The
United States has given the rail-
rood» more land than was home­
steaded and they should be satis­
fied to put their trainmen on
eight-hour schedules, f o r they
made 26 per cent more in 1915
than in any previous year.
The rural credit bill passed by
the last congress should be enough
to get Wilson every farmer’s vote,
for it means cheap money on long­
time loans and the federal reserve
act will make it impossible for
W’all street to start a panic every
time the rich men are peeved.
The address received close at­
tention and everybody remained
to the close.
The Forest Grove band assisted
in drawing a crowd and it was
good to hear a home band once
He montioned nix teen billH the
progressive platform of 1912 de­
manded which the present admin-
inlralion had made into lawn.
"M oney in the hand« of a few
doe« not make a proHperou« na­
tion," he declared. He quoted
from Lincoln’s Gettysburg sjieech
that portion where the great war
prctiident warned the (jeople of
the danger« from big business and
the money power. Riche« them-
mc I vcs did not make men bad or
vicouH, but too often rich men
controlled the making and admin­
istration of lawn to their own ad­
vantage. For year« the people
had been demanding an income
and inheritance tax, but big bus­
iness had always defeated the
passage of such laws until Wood-
row Wilson and his congress gave
them to the people. When Mr.
Hughes was governor of New
York he sent a message to the
state legislature condemning the
income tax. He thanked God
that he lived in a state where the
women were allowed to vote. If
The Washington County De­
the women of Europe had a vote,
the countries now embroiled in velopment League, composed of
war would be at peace, he be­ delegates from the granges and
lieved, and the worn' n of Europe commercial bodies of the county,
were crying aloud for a Woodrow met at Buxton last Monday, with
Wilson to give them peace. He a fair attendance. The annual
spoke briefly of the steps taken election of officers resulted as fol­
by the present administration to lows: K. M . Erwin, Hillsboro,
put the American flag back on the president; L. M. Graham, Forest
high seas, saying America had big Grove, vice president; T. W. Zim­
crops glutting the railroad yards merman, Beaverton, secretary-
for want of ships to carry the treasurer.
A n u m b e r of constitutional
grains and foods to the people
who wanted to buy them. The amendments to be voted on at
rate for carrying wheat from Port­ the coming election, including the
land to London has jumped from full rental value land tax measure,
14c to 72c per bushel and that is were freely discussed.
One of the most pleasant fea­
one of the reasons Oregon is not
more prosperous We are an ex­ tures of the meeting was the ex­
porting nation, but if we cannot cellent dinner served by the ladies
get our goods to market they will of Green Mountain grange.
rot. The republican party has
Exhibit Made Good Showing
had practically fifty years to put
L. M Graham, who prepared
the flag back on the seas, but had
and had charge of Washington
not done it. The recent congress
county’s exhibit at the state fair,
passed a bill providing for the
returned Sunday night and reports
construction of ships to carry
that the exhibit came within 14
merchandise during times of peace
(out of a possible 100) points of
and to act as auxiliary vessels to
having a perfect score, but won
the navy during war. From 1901
no prize. The exhibit attracted
to 1912 America spent nearly
considerable attention, however
three billion dollars on its army
John Campbell’s roadster stallion
and navy and has nothing to show’ I
from this county won a first prize
for it. The recent mobilization j
and W. K. Newell’s Holstein herd
of troops found the cavalry with-1
won six blue ribbons and a num
out horses and the foot soldiers1
ber of lesser prizes.
without equipment. Whose fault j
Fourteen local Odd Fellows
was this? Not Wilson’s. The,
to Banks Saturday night
politicians have set their bloody j
dogs of war on him for not get- j and assisted in conferring the first
ting ready in 24 hours for war, and second degrees on several new
when the republicans have been members. After the goat had
in power fifty years and were been used the limit, the Banks re­
never ready. W’ilson is too much freshment committee served an
a humanitarian to go to war if it oyster supper to the local and
can be helped and if he can keep visiting members. Those from
this country out of the world’s this city were W. H. Curtis, S. A.
war. America will be the business j Walker, Dan Pierce, J. F. McGill,
and financial center of the world A. E. Gardner, Wm. Morley,
Wm. VanAntwerp, Claude Davis,
H. R. Bernard. A L Sexton,
John Riley, Wm. Haskell, Chas.
This little farm is located 3 1-2 miles
VanDoren and H. C . McGill.
from Forest Grove, close to school and
Forest Grove boys returned
church; good road to place.
There are about 4 acres cleared, small home after midnight
3 S H STAMPS G iven
<£Um C&tforui
M O R »l»O M «
4 IÏ C /
'Double S. & H. Stamps Given • ^ t th « t im « of p u rc h «jw .
1 6 6 - ito
m o
C&tfiin Co.
i t
NOTES AND PERSONALS Union, Iowa Hill and Whitford
inafter described. I have levied upon
and pursuant to said execution, I will
Ninety of the 107 schools of the on
Monday, the 9th day of Oct. 1916,
Warranty deed and mortgage county are now in session.
at the South door of the Courthouse in
Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon,
blanks for sale at the Expnss
The annual teacher's Institute at
the hour o f ten o ’clock a. m. o f said
will be held at Hillsboro Oct. 18- day, sell st public auction to the high­
Funeral services for the late 20, beginning at noon on Wed­ est bidder for cash in hand, all o f the
following described real property, lying,
Thomas A. Dilley, w h o w a s
being and situate in Washington Coun­
drowned near Westport on Sept.
ty, Oregon: Being a portion o f the Wil­
Two rural school districts have liam
B. Carpenter Donation Land Claim
25th, were held at the Buxton
replaced their old buildings with No. 39, in Township One, south of
chapel last Friday, Rev. Holmes
Four, West of the Willamette
new ones this year. The McKin­ Ranpe
Meridian, particularly described as fol­
officiating, and the remains were
ley school (district 81) has built a lows, to-wit: Beginning on the West
interred in Mountain View ceme­
line o f said Donation Claim South 1 de­
large building which can be made gree
33 minutes East 8.20 chains from
into two rooms should it become the quarter section comer on the South
Mr. and Mrs. L L. Langley
o f Section 3 in said township and
necessary. District No. 49, west line
range, running thence along d i t c h
and baby of Portland came out
of Laurel, has a new building that North 84 deg 53 min East 9.08 chains;
Saturday evening for a visit with
thence North 72 deg 43 min East 21.12
will be much appreciated by that chains
along said ditch to where it
Grandmother Langley and Aunt
enters Alexander or Carpenter Creek
Manche. Mrs. Iangley and the
and to the center o f said creek; thence
up Baid creek in the center thereof
baby returned home Monday
South 9 deg 11 min West 7.36 chains to
morning, but Lotus remained for
the corner o f the F. M. Porter tract of
Jersey Cattle
land now owned by W. C. Freeman;
a day’s pheasant shooting.
A. T. Buxton & Son—let and grand thence in a Southwesterly direction up
W. O. Gardner, wife and son, champion on regiatered bull; 1st on said creek in the center line thereof
following all ita meandering« to the
late of Bend, visited at the home reg. bull calf.
J. A. Farrell—lat and Junior champ­ Northeast comer o f a tract o f land
of Mr. and Mrs Roy Van Kirk
conveyed to W. C. Freeman by war­
ion on bull calf.
ranty deed dated November 23d. 1912,
Sunday. They were enroute to
A. E. Wescott—1st on grade herd; executed by said Frank D. Sawyer and
Astoria, where Mr. Gardner goes 1st and 2d reg. calf; champ, on junior wife Louie Mae Sawyer, which is re­
to work in the Oregon Electric heifer, lat on 2-year heifer, 1st 2-year corded in book 97 o f the deed records
o f Washington County, Oregon, at
freight offices, having been trans­ bull, 2d on old cow.
page 127; thence North 35 deg 30 min
J. W. Vandervelden—1st, 2d and 3d West 2.20 chains to the center o f Coun­
ferred from Bend.
on heifer, 1st and champ., on cow, 1st ty road No. 467, said point being the
Northwest comer o f said W. C. Free­
on bull, bull calf and registered herd.
En co uraging Sign.
man trad, last above mentioned; thence
Alex Chalmers—All awards on Short­ in a Northeasterly direction in the
"H ow are you getting along with
center o f said county road No. 467 to
M U* G a d d e r r
F. J. Chalmers—All awards on Jacks the Northeast comer of a tract of land
“ Oh. drat rate.”
conveyed by A. B. Snider and wife to
“ What tunk»*s you think you are mak­ and Jen nett.
Alva B. Craft and Homer C. Atwell,
ing some progress In ber regard?’ '
Shropshire Sheep
by deed recorded in book 92 of the deed
“ Well, when I first started to calling
A. T. Buxton & Son—Championship records o f Washington County, Oregon,
■he played the phonograph practically and 1st on ram; champ., 1st, 2d and 3d at page 301 thereof; thence South 84
all the Ume. Now the machine fre- \
on ewes, 1st, 2d and 3d on flock, 1st deg 53 min West 10.00 chains, more or
<|uently remains Idle for as long as j
less, to the West line o f said Carpen­
twenty minutes. “ — Birmingham Age- and 3d on ewe lamb, 1st on get o f sire; ter Donation Land Claim; thence North
Maurice Buxton 2d on lamb.
1 deg 33 min West on the West line of
Walter Roswurm—AU awards on An­ said claim 3.80 chains, more or less, to
the place o f beginning, reserving and
gora goats.
excepting therefrom a roadway 30 feet
“ I like to see a smart, well educated
in width beginning at the Northwest
F. J. Chalmers—Champ, and 1st on comer o f said tract and extending along „
woman." said young 1H* Sapp, “ but 1
wouldn't want to marry oue who Duroc Jersey boar, 1st and 2d on boar the North line thereof to the county
knows more than I do.
pigs, 1st, 2d and 3d on sow, and pigs, road to which roadway grantors herein
made and delivered a deed to Henry
“T oo bad.” rejoined Miss S w ift “ I’m champ., sow, 1st aged sow, 2d boar.
Swanson and Jane Swanson on or about
sorry to hear that you Intend to re j L. Mann—2d on Berkshire pigs.
! November 22nd, 1912.
main a bachelor all your life "—Indian
R. Mann—3d on Poland China pig.
Also conveying hereby the following
apolls Star
H. D. Winbigler—1st P. C. boar pig, described tract o f land, to-wit: Being a
part of the Northeast Quarter o f the
and sow pig, 2d on sow pig.
Ona Form of It.
J. A. Forrell—1st P. C. boar, 2d sow. Northwest Quarter of Section 10 in
Grubba—They tell me Biuks Is very
Township One, South, Range 4 West of
much Interested In music. Stubbs— I i T. C. Lord—1st on P. C. sow.
i the Willamette Meridian, in Washing-
A. T. Buxton & Son—1st and champ. : ton County, Oregon, and more partic­
suppose he must t>e At any rate, he
la an expert ut blowing his own born.— Berkshire boar. 1st and 2d on sow, 1st ularly bounded and described as follows,
Richmond Times-Dispatch
on litter, and sow pig, 1st, 2d and to-wit: Beginning at a stake which is
set at a point which is south 1 deg 35
3d on boar pig.
min East 789.2 feet and South 65 deg
County School Notes
Thomas Goodrich o f Dilley and Lester 49 min West 397.9 feet from the quar­
The following pupils visited the Strong of Gaston won trips to state ter section comer between sections 3
and 10 in Township 1 south. Range 4
State Fair last week at the ex­ fair by exhibits in pig project class.
West, and from said point running
pense of the fair board, the trip
thence South 65 deg 49 min West 22.2
E. A. Popham—1st on Hackney stal­ feet to a stake; thence South 7 deg 32
being earned by competing in the
lion, 2d on aged Percheron stallion, 1st min East 12.9 feet to a stake; thence
project workj
on driving mares and 1st and 2d in class. North 74 deg 05 min East 19.9 ft; thence
North 20 deg 27 min West 22.4 feet to
Lester Story, Gaston; Theo­
T. McDougal—1st on young Perch­ the place o f beginning, together with
dore Goodrich, D i l l e y ; Loi- eron stallion.
all other perpetual easements and
Schultz and Wilson—1st and grand rights conveyed to us, the grantors
Holmes, Middleton; Margaret
herein by deed dated November 22nd,
I champ, on aged Percheron stallion.
Bunger North Plains.
1912, executed by Henry Swanson and
(Continued next week)
H. Swanson, his wife which is re­
The following schools received
corded in book 97 o f the deed records
The Express prints butter wrap­ ef Washington County, Oregon, at
prizes on booths: Forest Grove,
page 177 thereof, to satisfy the herein­
Dilley, AIoha-Huber. Kansas City, pers with non-poisonous ink.
before named sums and for the costs
Watts, Wnitford and Centerville
A wheel scraper costing $65 and and expenses of sale and said writ.
Said sale will be made sulriect to re­
Four schools — Tigard, Kinton, used less than one day, goes for
demption as per statute o f Oregon.
Hiteon, and North Plains— re­ $35. See it at Goff Bros.
Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this 23d
day of Aug. 1916.
ceived a prize for good exhibits.
Sheriff's Sale
The parade prizes were awarded
Sheriff of Washington County, Oregon.
to, Tigard, Watts, Centerville, by virtue o f an Execution issued out of
Dilley, Hiteon, Kansas C i t y , and Under the seal o f the Circuit Court
o f the State o f Oregon, for the County
Attorneys for Plaintiffs.
o f Washington, dated the 19th day of
First publication Sept. 7, 1916.
August, 1916, in favor o f Frank D. Saw­
Hated July IS. I»16
Last publication Oct. 5, 1916.
yer and Louie Mae Sawyer, plaintiffs,
L y . F. C.
Arr. Pt. L y . Pt.
Arr. F. G.
and against B. A. Nollsch and Lizzie A.
Nollsch, defendants, for the sum of
6:20 a m 7:40 6:50 a m 8:07
$12.25 cost and the further sum of J N . HOFFM AN
7:05 a m 8:30 8:15 a m 9:32 $3784.32 with interest thereon from the
8:15 a m 9:35 10:25 a m 11:40 3d day o f July. 1916, at the rate of 6per
Attorney At Law
9:45 a m 11:00 1:15 p m 2:25 cent per annum, and for the further
12:30 p m
1:45 3:30 p m 4:40
Office Business Solicited
sum of $150.00 Attorney fees, to me di­
3:45 p m 5:00 5:30 p m 6:45
house and barn, orchard and good well.
rected and delivered, commanding me
to make sale o f the real property here- Forest Grove,
This place is not “ away back in the 1 Claude Smith was at Vancouver 5:05 p m 6:25 6:15 p m 7:30
7:40 p m 9:05 7:20 p m 8:40
hills,” but is in a thickly-settled com-1 last week and while there traded 9:45 p m 11:00 11:15 p m 12:35
ssa sx n
munity, and has some of the best soil his crack buggy horse for a little
in the state.
Development League
in Quarterly Session
Price, $1800 $350 cash and 10 years
time on balance, at 7 per cent.
NOW LISTEN 1 If you want an in-
vestment or something that you can
improve and make worth much more
in the future, or a home, you can’ t beat
this proposition. If you mean business
you can find me in the evening at the
corner o f A St. and 3d Ave north, or
phone 0386.
black stallion that has made some
Arr. Pt. L y . Pt.
good records in harness races He L t . F. G.
6:35 a m 7:50 t7:15
j will get his new horse next Sun- t7:20 a m 8:45 t9:05
a m 11:10 11:00
p m 1:50 2:15
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Graham
t2:00 p m 3:20 t3:30
departed Tuesday f o r a t w o
3:50 p m 5:05 5:40
week’s visit at Lincoln and other t4:34 p m 5:55 16:15
Nebraska points. Mr. Graham t6:22 p m 7:45 tll:15
goes on business and Mrs. Graham 9:35 p m 10:50 ss1:00
for a visit.
t—Thru a Sat sa—Sat
W e’ll Save You Money
A it . FPG.
a m
a m
a m
p m
p m
p m
p m
p m
p m
p m
& Sunday
on anything in the line of
Groceries, Dry Goods and Notions
Closing Out
Ladies’ and Gents’ Underwear
at half price ; Children’s regular
25c hose, 2 pair for 25c.
Pure White and White River Flour, $1.60 a sack
Comer Third St. and Pacific Ave
Phone 41x