The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, October 05, 1916, Image 3

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Cream Shippers
will nut money in their pockets
by «flipping their rrsam to ua.
We pay prompt, give full
weight and correct teat«.
heavy demand for M aselw ood
Butter mean« we rnuat have
more high grade cream. Ship
w here quality count«.
P O R T L A N D . O R E ..
Automobile School
O ffer« prartiral «hop training In C on itT M tlM and
Operation o f Automobil««.
Bp«rtai detailed In­
formation f u r n l i M iinutediately on iw ju n t
tor any Um«. A d d r««« T b « R «g Ulrar, Y M C. A
r»rtl*r.d , O r e g o n
Fnr Î 9
r*twm mall ara will ««n d you
( >n«
M a g > »«tir
H toal
Hla/ie <euaranto«Ml Ent/s llnlkiw (imund Ha» »r
together with a I *>««}» I« < « n «M E xtra H ««a y
Htyt'p and O n« < Vjrhnnmdum Unn« Ut tho In*
tai *aJu« of SA SA. all for tha p ii« « o f 92 00.
Muypiy limi tod WHto (udty «n rlo clh f |2 d < m -
tal or «a p ra «« mon«y »rd «r
VTStO iM ttA lU
It . KoyaJ A n n oi itldg . Portland. Oregon.
Johnston Sc Um barger
4 U - 4 I2 A lw k r Butkiiag. P .rtU n d . Oireeee
R e .u lt« Guaranteed.
Veal, Pork. Beef,
Poultry, Butter, E g f*
»nd Farm Produce
to the OUI rteliaHle t v i r d l n . hotuw with «
rerord o f i > y ara of Bnuaro I —»Jinir». and
be w u n d o f T O P M A R K E T PRICES
46-47 F r o o t S tr e e t
Portla n d , O r e e e a
Yea, There’a a Lot of It!
The Now York •'Tlmea" published
the other day an account of an Inter­
view with bla Kicellency John Hon-
zano. Titular Archblabop of Mltllcnr
and Apostolic Delegate to the United
States. The Interviewer finally asked
the apoatollc delegate to tell some
thing of hie opinion of modern Ameri­
can literature aa he had ohaerrad It
during hla «tay of four years In thla
country. The learned father looked
carefully down Madlaon Avenue for a
moment and then save hla verdict:
“ Of modern American literature. 1
would aay that 1 am convinced that
It la plentiful.”
It might well be added that on#
trouble with our preaentday writing
la that very few of thoee busied there
in can express themselves with the
clearness, restraint, and force of that
For bruisos use Hanford's Balaam
183 Madison St.,
P. N. U.
Portland, Ore.
No. 40, IBIS
Size Is Quality That Recom
mends the Light Brahma.
It Waa SaHie That Qava the Yeung Has No Suparlor Where Large and
Couple an Excuse for Calling, But
Blow Maturing Fowls Are De­
In a Short Time They
sired— Barred Where Egg Pro­
Needed No Excuse.
duction Is Chief Item.
Hetty, the secretory of our club. It««
hud u pretty love story, relutes the
Chicago Tribune. It begun In u rain­
storm. When the rain was pelting
down Its liveliest Hetty cume Into the
street from un elevuted roud station.
At Lite bottom of the steps stood u boy
selling flowers.
lie Imd only two
rowes left, glorious, hulf-blowu pink
“ I'll have those roses, if you please,”
said Hetty. Anil, ‘T i l have those roses,
If you please,” said another voice at
the Milne time. The other voice be­
longed to a mull. He wus a young
mun, und when Hetty looked up und
he looked down, both smiled. Despite
the dampness of Ids clothes the boy
anil led too.
"W ell," lie said, “ which o f you Is
gotfi* to have '«•ui7”
“ You," said Hetty.
"You spoke
“ No, you. I think you did,” suld the
young man.
The Isiy, being a diplomat ns well ns
n flower seller, suggested that they
"divvy up.”
"W hy not?” suld the man. " I wunt
ray rosea for n friend who Is 111, aud
she can’t smell but one rose at u time,
now. can she?"
"1 suppose not," said Hetty. “ I ulso
want my roses for u friend who la til,
and she can't smell but oue rose at u
t im e .''
So they “ divvied up." They left the
station together, and since their wiiya
Isy In the same direction, they walked
together for three blocks. ITesently
both turned Into the huiiip side street
and both slopped at the same house In
the middle of the block and both rung
the liell of the same llut.
“ Don't tell me It Is Sullle Miller thut
you are bringing that ruse to,” said
Hetty Incredulously.
“ Sure It Is.” suld Hetty.
So they climbed the stairs together.
“ Won't Sullle be surprised to see us
coming together?” said Hetty. Sullle
wus surprised.
"I didn't know that you two kuew
each other,” she said.
“ We don't— we didn't,” said Hetty.
Then they told the story of the roses.
Sullle liked the roses, but, being a
sympathetic soul, she liked the story
better. ” 1 rim so glad," she said. "You
must Isitb come again ou Wednesday
at this same time.”
They went uwny together.
talk was mostly of Sullle. lOnrfi said
how wonderful It was thut the other
knew Sullle. At the corner they sep­
"I g o this way.” said Betty. "And I
that,” said he. “ I hope we will meet
again— at Sullle's,” he added.
“ O. yes, at Sullle's.” said Hetty.
O f course they met— at Sallle's.
Tlielr engagement Is now six months
old. They will be murrled soon.
A Shell Game.
A gentleman who dined regularly at
Not Rich Enough to Be Rudo.
a certain restaurant often ordered a
Newspaper renders have all f**en
dozen clams.
One day he counted
them and found bat 11. Still another told thut the oue requisite for lieing
day the dozen waa one short.
He very much 'In society" in New York Is
called the waiter and asked lilm: to be very rich. And the view finds
"W hy do you give only 11 clams when
support. It Is suld, luxlde the charmed
I order 11?"
"Oh, sir,” replied the waiter, " I did circle Itself. A i nn evening party with
not think you'd want to be sitting IS songbirds from the Metropolitan one
o f tbe proudest queens left lu the mid­
at table, air.”— Christian Herald.
dle o f the program, says Harper’s Mag­
For Inflamed sore eyes apply Han­ azine. A rival, whose dislike o f music
ford's Balaam lightly to the closed lids. wus equully genuine, rose to follow
It should relieve in five minutes. Adv. her, but wus detutned by the gentle­
man by her able, himself u wit nud
Mere Formality.
a not»“d arbiter of the elegaudes. “ No,
"Shall we tell papa?” asked the girl. my dear lady," he suld, "you aren’t
“ Huh ?"
rich enough to leave early. Mrs. A.
"That you are hla son-in law elect.”
has ten times your money— It's ull
"Don't you suppose that the old man
knows that something Is up after I tight for her, hut you must be polite
have been hanging around here for und stay till the end!”
two years? What's the use of bother­
Georgia Fish Go on Spree.
ing hint with a notification commit­
tee?"— Louisville Courier Journal.
Walter Taylor, city clerk o f Atlanta,
Un., declares that the llsh In South
liver Rhould have the attention of tbe
Granulated Eyelids, lluiunne society. They are being gross­
Eye« intUmed by expo­
sure to Saa, Oast and »lad ly mistreated by the city, since tbe
quickly relieved by Marina police began dumping “ blind tiger”
fy* Remedy. No Smarting, liquor In the sewers, lie states.
luit Eye Comfort. At
lie said after a trip to the river
Your Drugglft’ e SOc per Bottle. Marla# f js with Oscar C.K'hrnn, manager of the
SalvainTube«2Sc. For DeokaltheryeTreeiik city parks, that lie found the fish In
Druggists or Marina Eye Kenedy C«., Chicago
u maudlin condition, due to excessive
use o f alcohol. Most o f them were In
a disgraceful state o f Intoxhutlon. and
the ones that were not were lighting to
get their share.
lie says tbe river Is rapidly Itecomlng
stocked with fish from farther down
the stream, coming up to get a share
o f the liquid. And he ndds that the
Inhabitants of the region are trying to
find same way to extract the alcohol
without having to ent the flsh, recogniz­
ing that the two don’t go well to­
Write about your wants in this line to gether.
(B y PR O F. I I L. K K M PH TK R , Missouri
Collas* o f Agriculture.)
The Light Hruhtnu 1« tbe oldest and
perbups tbe best-known and most i*>p-
ular o f tbe feather legged chickens.
Hlze Is tbe quality (but recommends
the Light Hruhuin. Where large aud
slowly maturing fowls ure desired, the
Light Hrabmu has no superior, but the
slowness o f maturity Is very objection­
able In the pullets, which, together
with the fnct that they are not very
heavy layers when matured, prnctl-
cnlly bars this breed where egg pro­
duction Is the chief Item.
There Is no other breed o f fowls that
has the atately appearance possessed
by the Hrnhma. These fowls are close
feathered like the Lnngshans, but are
larger and not so long-legged.
are not us heavily feathered as tbe
They are very graceful In
appearance and carry themselves in a
stately manner.
The back on both
male and female Is very long and
broad. There should be a slight rise
o f the back with u broad sweep at the
base o f the tall. The birds should be
erect nod well placed ou their legs.
Ahundunt toe feathers Is also a very
desirable feature.
Taking the American Standard of
Perfection us a guide, the following
are the special qualifications and dis­
qualifications o f the Light Hruhinn
fowls, when being Judged according
to the Stundurd of Perfection.
Special qualifications ure: Cocks
over three pounds, cockerels over two
and a half pounds, hens und pullets
over two pounds less than standard
weight. Vulture hocks also disqualify.
Mark Nation’s Progress.
“ Fairs and expositions are the time
pieces that mark the progress of na­
tions,” Is what the late ex-Presldent
William McKinley once said.
Surely they uplift, surely they are
educators and Just as surely they
mark— and mark with mighty distinct­
ness—every advancement we make In
production— whether It be In products j
of the soil, of pasture, of school or
"In these times of rapid change and
advancement, nearly every state In
the union Is developing pride in Its
great annual fatra— and nearly every­
one Is more or less Interested In excel­
ling, If possible, at least its nearest
neighbors In the quality, variety and
magnitude of its products, and in
their striking display,” says a well-
known writer on such subjects.
It Takes the Fire Out.
To take tbe fire out o f a burn or
scald quickly use Hanford’s Balsam of
Myrrh. Apply It lightly at once and
the inflamed skin should be quickly
cooled. Be prepared for accidents by
always having a bottle on hand. Adv.
you should try Anti-Uric, the famous
remedy made from Hoots and Berries.
It is guaranteed to cure this cruel dis­
ease in every stage.
W e want every reader o f this paper
who is suffering from Rheumatism in
any form to try this d.scovery. Every
package guaranteed or money refund­
ed. Price $1.50 prepail, or we will
send by Parcel Post C. O. D. Circu­
lars and convincing testimony free.
Address A N T I-U R IC CO., 102 Sher­
wood Building, San Francisco.
Oar graduates are occupying enviable posi­
tions. The teaching process is different from
ordinary business schools. Thorough. Practi­
cal. Individual. SCH O O L FO R M E N O N L Y .
Address The Registrar. Y. M. C. A .. Portland.
Oregon, and get detailed information.
Do you want tn aetl your farm, home or baaiiMaa
for cash? W rite to C A R T E R R E A L T Y C O „
No Time Lost.
604 Buchanan Building. Portland. Oregow
It was at the sign of the three gold­
en balls and the grubby little urchin
entered its portals carrying in his
hand a large trying pan.
Bought. Sold. R ented and Repaired
“ Muvver wants threepence on th is;”
Burnside, cor. 10th.
Portland. Ora.
he said boldly, handing It across the
counter to the proprietor. The man
of pledges took it, then dropped It
with a howl.
l o and from ail points on household goods, pianos,
"H ang it all,” he exclaimed, “ the and automobiles. Information cheerfully given.
beastly thing’s h ot!”
Pacific Coast Forwarding Co.,
" I know,” said the youngster. "Muv-
Light Brahma Hen, Owned by Missouri ver’s Just done the liver and bacon on
It. and now we want thrlppence to get HIDES, PELTS. CASCARA BARK,
College of Agriculture.
' the beer wiv.”— London Answers.
Solid black feathers on the back,
Wt ust U yn k in Write Mr pros ad sJtippmg tan
Pimples, boils, carbuncles, dry up and
black spota In the web of feathers m
T he h . F. N orton C o . Nfluia, on. sum, n
the back, except stripes In the sid- disappear with doctor Pierce’s Golden
dle on the males nnd at the base of i Medical Discovery. In tablets or liquid.
O regon V ulcanizing C ompany
the neck; or shanks other than yellow
moved to 333 to 337 iiurneide St.. Port,
A Hitch.
land. Ore. L t n r a t T ire Repair Plant
should disqualify Light Brahmas.
"How did community singing turn
in the Northwest.
Country aerviee a
The neck plumage should be white. out In your neighborhood? The peas­
specialty. Use Parcel Poet.
The hnckle should be white, the web ants are strong for it in Europe.”
o f the feathers should have a solid
"Our $10,000 a year peasants would
Old Fashioned.
greenish Mack strip extending down not mix with the $5.000 a year peas­
" I f you think you’re worth more
the middle o f each feather, running ants."— Louisville Courier-Journal.
money why don't you ask for it?”
parallel with the edge o f the feather
Made since 1846— Hanford's Bal­
“ W ell, I’m a little old fashioned. I
and tapering to a point near the end.
sam. Adv.
guess, I'm inclined to think that the
The under-color should be either white.
boss himself w ill tumble to the tact
Mulsh white or slate. In the wings,
Putting Him Right.
| if I give him time.”— Detroit Free
the wing bows should be white ex­
Guest— A broiled chicken, with cel­ ! Press.
cept near the fron t The primaries erity!
and secondaries should be black with
Waiter— Celery, sir, is the way hit's
The List.
white on the lower side extending to pronounced, sir!— Boston Globe.
i "Can you name the colored race«?”
the quilL The remainder of the pri­
"Sure. A man green with jealousy,
Mental Reservations.
maries aud secondaries should be
blue with trouble, red with rage, white
black. In the back the surface color
with fear and yellow with envy.”—;
should be white except at the base of haven’t you?”
Baltimore American.
"Yes,” replied Uncle Bill Bottletop.
the neck. The saddle should be white,
" I also sing 'I Want to Be An Angel,’
the under-color can be either wMte. but I ain't in any great hurry about
For weak joints apply Hanford’i
Balsam thoroughly and well rubbed
bluish white or slate.
iL” — Washington Star.
in. Adv.
The tall should be black. The tall
Golf in German.
coverts should be M ack; the lesser
Cause and Effect.
coverts should be black edged with
“ Golf has been changed to ‘locker-
"T h e orator electrified his audi­
white. The surface and under-color ballspiel’ by German professors, so
o f the breast should be white.
The that it will have no British flavor,” | ence.”
"H e ’s a live wire, all right.”— Balti­
ho<ly nnd fluff should be white except says an exchange. How the Scotch
more American.
under the wings, where It may be
white, bluish white, or slate, the same
as the under color.
I D A K Y M iiB ]
k -----------------------------------------------
T o produce good milk, cows must be
• • •
Keep only ns many cows ns can be
properly hundled.
• • •
Don’t try to get dirt out o f milk—
keep It out, In the first place.
• • •
Cleanliness nud carefulness are the
keystone In successful dairying.
• • •
The dairy barn should be roomy,
clean, dry, light and well ventilated.
• • •
While feed Is nn Important factor
In succesnful dairying It Is not the only
• « •
Cannot expect calves to be better
than their sire— that Is why we need
Returning to the Grind.
the best.
• • •
Going back to work again after a
three weeks' vacation Is almost as
Always handle cows carefully. The
pleasant as having seven teeth ex­ cow will more than repay any kindness
shown her.
W h e n you look over
the sights of y o u r rifle
an d see a n a n im al
like this silhouetted
a g a in s t th e b a c k ­
ground, you like to
feel certain th a t your
eq u ip m en t is equal
to th e occasion. T h e
m ajo rity of success­
ful h u n te rs u se W in - □lllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilillilO
== cheater Rifles, which shows
= They are made in various
how they are esteemed. =5
styles and calibers and 2