The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, September 28, 1916, Image 9

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    Special Showing of
Clyde Raymond hiu ! Fritnk Sapping -
ton nr« expecting to kill the limit of
deer thin fall. They have been out
aeveral tirnea with no success, but if
New London, Conn., Sept. 27. they got the ileer too noon in the
aranon, they could not enjoy no much
—The fat has been thrown into
Carranza is Tired
of American Troops
the (ire, so far as the American
and Mexican commissioners are
concerned, by developments which
took place here today.
The Mexican commissioners
precipitated a situation which
bodes ill for success unless Presi­
dent Wilson should back down.
Acting under instructions from
General Carranza, they demand­
ed that General Pershing’s troops
be w it h d r a w n . The American
commissioners flat y refuse to do
anything of the kind.
It is certain that General Persh­
ing will not be withdrawn, so far
as the American commissioners
are concerned, until security for
life and pro|**rty along the border
has been arranged.
Jap Question Not Settled
For Women and Children
The County Seat
Waahintitoli County KHitorlal A n es lut Ion
N e w » Hur t an
Circuit Court
I.illie M. Kvana ia ailing Guy E.
Kvana for divorce, alleging deaertion
hm the chief cauae of complaint. The
couple were married at Columhua,
Nebraaka, on the 29th of May, 1900.
Ben Jarnea Anderson haa brought auit
againat the Title Truat Co. to fore-
cloae a mortgage, aaking judgment for
$760 with 6 per cent intereat from July
i v ,
r.H iM .
Because Churlea S. White continually
harraaaca her, accuaing her of attempt
to chloroform him, marrying him for
hia money and many other potty acts—
with deaertion aa a climax, Kllen White
ia Keeking a divorce.
Suit haa been filed by Wm. Nelaon
againat W. W. Heiaer to obtain a
judgment for $92.50 with intereat at 10
per rent from November 10, 1915.
Margaret May ia aaking for a divorce
from Jumea M. May alleging that he
atruck her with hia fiat knocking her
down and on many other occaaiomt haa
alapped and atruck her without cauae
or provocation. He ia alleged to have
a violent temjier giving vent to it by
plaintiff and calling her vile
und obscene names. She asks alimony
of $20 per month.
Zulu Hickman is foreclosing a mort­
gage held against Minnie D. Jones,
and ia aaking for a judgment of $3000
with inti real at 8 per cent from the
! _
first day of May, 1916.
Washington, Sept. 27.— Japan’s
purpose to renew at the end of
the Kumpean war, her conten­
tion for the right of her people to
emigrate to and own land in the
United States, suggested in New
York yesterday by Baron Yoshiro
, .
Sakatam, former linance minister
in • h«* Fokyo C abinet, was frankly
admitted today at the Japanese
Km hussy
Negotiations over these ques­
tions, which came to a deadlock
two years ago; are not regarded
by Japan as concluded, it was ex­
Baking a Watch.
plained, but merely postponed
Only the beat made chronometer
while the larger issues of the war would ever survive the tcata made ut
the Itoyal obaervutory, Greenwich. Us­
are being dealt with.
Thursday, OF Friday
W e will have on sale at our store the choicest collection of
Stylish _ Coats for Women and Children ever brought
r orest Grove. there are in the collection 150 coats, and
no two alike, so there is no danger o f anybody in town
having a coat like yours.
ually there are ubout 2UO watebea un­
der examination fur uae in the ru.val !
Strike Not Yet Serious
navy. On certnln occasiona there la a
New York, Sep. 27. Although complete trial of chronometers open to
labor leaders insisted tonight that] all maker* who bnve autllclent conti- 1
, den'-© In their watebea being uble to
the general strike of trades union- withstand the severity of the testa,
ists in the greater city in aid of j During the competition the watches ;
The Women’s Coats are going at prices ranging from $10
to $50 and are worth more. Children’s Coats from $2.00
to $10.
This is a Cash Sale.
“ !A saleslady from the East will have charge o f the sale and
volve at least 500,000 workers, Joint. In fact,
great u »b
e be.t tell the ladies all they may desire to know about these
there were no surface indications that n badly made watch ti baa been
or a tii-up of the city’, industries, i
as threatened after announcement taken out <>f the oven It Is plunged
Come early and get your choice o f Coats.
today that the strike had tteglin. , ,,,,,, “ Ixturea registering 40 degree« of
* 1,1
, i front.
To aucb perfection baa the
mniiufacture of ,ome chronometer« at-
talncd that even the moat atrlugcnt
««**••• f * » t<> cause the iiigbtent variu-
l>oP ~ Lotldon Telegraph.
VNh.le union leaders said that j
125,000 workers in various tra< es
already had joined the movement,
with twice jus many more ready to
“ w alkou t” tomorrow, th e p o lc e j
said they had received no reports
"Mr. Jagg« never ojiened hi« mouth
to substantiate such estimatis. wl,lle '‘ J1* w,fe " " " entertaining her
| .
I he actual situation,
. , ; guest« the other night.
it was said, j
"Oh, yea. he did aeveral time«."
was confused because of Jewish
“ I didn't hear him.
What did tie
holidays, which are being cele- **/Jottllll
H e y a w n e d .**— U u ltlm ore
brated here by more than 100,- American.8
000 union workers.
T h . Clov. Tra*.
Mister Merchant:
The limila of the clove tree being
Mrs. Sam Pallay of Garden Home
very brittle, u peculiar four sided lad­ was in the neighborhood Sunday call­
B. Y. Roe, formerly of this place, der 1« used In stripping the tree. Aa ing on old friends.
fnst ns the buds are collected they are
wkh in town Monday.
Dilley in all her splendor attended
spread In the aun until they assume u
Ed. Wiese of Scoggin Valley was in
brownish color, when they nre put Into the Washington County fair and copped
town with his auto this week.
the storehouse ready for market
some valuable premiums.
Marvin Hoffman of the Underhill
Mrs. Bud Dilley left Sunday morn­
farm autoed to this city a few days
Job printing— phone 821.
for Amity to visit with her mother-1
for a few weeks.
J. H. Wcscott is harvesting his
The one cream that thoroughly
Ely Poe has traded his place here
prunes these days.
He reports a good
cleanses the pores and makes the for a place in North Y amhill and will
crop and plenty of pickers.
Mrs. Sappington is foreman at the skin smooth and soft is N y a l s ! move soon.
It is antiseptic.
Moore mill since Miss May Moore re- \ Fact* Cream
Herman Saling and family are cam p-1
turned to her school work. She has grcasclcss and will not cause hair ; ing at Pike for a week or so. He has
charge of the boarding department.
( 0 ^ row
for your Complex- a contract for hauling wood at that
The iieach orchard across the lake i s .
Christian Church
D a te d July IS. 1916
running full blast these days and the
, Mr. and Mrs. Henry DeShazer were
Everybody is invited to come and
Arr. Pt. L». Pt.
Arr. F. G.
proprietors are kept busy waiting on j * narmacy.______________f
j visiting at the Ben Hoskins home Sun- worship with us. Especially do we in­ Lr. F. G.
customers and managing the big crew
vite new students and professors.
A reception for all students was ,,ay-
7:05 a m 8:30 8:15 a m
in the harvest.
The services this week are as fol­
8:15 a m 9:35 10:25 a m 11:40
Ora Hanking, the progressive farmer held in the parlors of the M . E.
Free Methodist Church
lows: Prayer meeting Thursday even- 9:45 a m 11:00
1:15 p m
of upper Scoggin Vnlley, was in this church Tuesday evening. A fine
Sabbath school 10 a. rn., preach- ing. The service will be in charge of 12:30 p m 1:45 3:30 p m 4:40
city Monday. He reports harvest about time was enjoyed by all.
ing 1 1 a .m . and 8 p. m.. prayer the offlcial board- Every member is 3:45 p m 5:00 5:30 p m 6:45
over and the farmers all rich.
5:05 p m
6:25 6:15 p m
7:40 p m
9:05 7:20 p m 8:40
Julius Kopplin, the man with the
I now have the agency for
° \ n Vl 7 St X o m e d nR **
D a y .l^ a . m.. Bible school. 9:45 p m 11:00 11:15 p m 12:25
big auto, finished
. . . . . his clover
. . nursery stock from the Orenco 8 P- m* All are welconud.
if you do not attend any school be sure
• cm find reports a fine yield, though he *T
# ..
» . : ..
1 X
T 1 W O O D 1 , Pastor.
and meet with us. Our aim is 300 in
h a t to
t„ do w with
i.b th..
not know
know w
the Nursery one of the best in the
Arr. Pt. Lr. Pt.
regular attendance, Come and help us U. F. G.
A it F. G.
money when he sell« his seed.
A Bargain— 70 acres. 6 miles reach the goal.
6:35 a m
7:50 t7:15 a m 1 N
Albert McLeod hauls water for John of Portland. All kinds of trees, : northwest of Forest Grove, 20
" 45 t9:05 a m 10:22
Preaching Service 11 a. m. E. S. 17:20 a m
Potter’s thresher. It ia pretty hard to shrubs and bushes; good stock ;1 acres in cultivation, 30 in pasture
11:00 a m 12:15
Portland will deliver the
keep some people on the water wagon, price right. J. F. Haynie, Forest and easily cleared for plow; new Muckley of
„ .
, 12:35 p m 1:50 2:15 P m 3:30
but Albert is always there with the
house and barn; good family or- !,ermon' He ,a working in th. National
t2:00 p m
3:20 t3:30 P m
Grove, Phone 16X.
Benevolence. Come and hear him.
chard; $55 per acre.
This bar-
p m 5:05 5:40 P m 7:00
Carl Klinge feels quite proud the
t6:15 P m
There will he a C. E. social at gain open for 10 days. (Get in).
t4:34 p m
8:00 p m 9:20
way his fire company acquitted them­
t*' .22 p m 7:45 til :15 P m 12:35
the Congregational church next
selves at the tournament in Forest
Preaching service 7:30 p. m. Sub­
9:35 p m 10:50 ss 1:00 P m 2:20
(«rove. They captured their share of
The Express prints but ter wrap­ ject— " A Picture of the Humanity of
the prizes and are to be congratulated. and college students are invited. pers with non-poisonous ink.
R. L. P u tn am , Pastor.
t - Thru ■— Sat ss --Sat & Sunday
Before you place your order for
1917 Calendars, see our line o f
samples; we may save you some
The Forest Grove Express