The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, September 28, 1916, Image 6

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(Continued from page One)
c&xm C&táitM Co.
m o n Cébtíung Co.
The prize winners in class “ A ”
The first thing on the afternoon
V * » I6C-ITO T H I» 0 S T . t /
(schools of three rooms o r more) { program was the speaking contest i
in which class “ B” schools could on ensilage in which four regular1
Double S. & H. Stamps Given
compete, were:
Kansas City, contestants entered. These talks|
district No. 108, 1st; Dilley, dist- were limited to five minute«.|---------------------- —--------------
inafter described, I have levied Upon
rict No. 10, 2nd; Centerville, dist- While this time was too limited to! Jasper Manley, 1st; Marvin Lum-j
Willie and Ray Mann- 1st trio, okl. niaJ pursuant to said execution, 1 will
on Monday, the 9th day of Oct. lillli,
rict No. 4, 3rd; Tigard, district cover the interesting subject of I breoht, 2d
Willie Mnnn—1st trio young, pullet.
ut the South d<s>r o f the Courthouse In
No. 23, 4th: Watts, district No. silage, all the speakers did well to
Loyal Mann—2nd pullet.
Hillshoro, Washington County, Oregon,
1st; Stephen Meek, 2d.
at the hour o f ten o ’clock a. rn. o f said
While Leghorn*
27, 5th. Class “ B” (schools of cover as many points as they did. I
day, sell at puhlir auction to the high­
Women’s nail driving contest: i Moyer Thompson—1st trio.
less than three rooms): Whitford, The grand stand was crowded Mrs. Ives, 1st; Mrs. Cl. Meek, 2d.
est bidder for cash in hand, all o f the
following descrihisi real pru|terty, lying,
district No. 18, 1st; Union, dis- with farmer folk who listened at-
Joseph Mann—2nd.
living and situate in Washington Coun­
trict No 6, 2nd; Iowa Hill, dis- tentively to every word said. A t;
ty, Oregon: Being a (s.rtlon o f the W il­
M a lla rd D uck a
H. C. W hite Leghorn*
liam B. Carpenter Donation I.ami Claim
trict No. 52, 3rd.
the present time the subject of en-
Walter Vandehey-Two sjieeial».
G M. Littlehales— let ckt. pullet,
No. 39. in Township One. south o f
I’e k in l l u r k s
The school tent was probably silage is a most important one to pen, 2nd ck, ckl, pullet. 3rd ckl, hen.
Range Four, West o f the Willamette
Henry Peter*on--lst pair.
Meridian, particularly described as fol­
the most popular attraction in the the farmer, for the problem of
H. H. Greer—1st ck. hen. 2nd hen, t
lows, to-wit: Beginning on the West
y i» Ill'll w
way of exhibits. The following keeping green feed for the farm
i line o f said Ihmation Claim South I de­
Joseph Heil—2nd drake, *|>ecial.
gree 33 minutes Last 8.20 chains from
schools won prizes for having the stock, especially the dairy stock, class, beat male in show.
Ilelginu lln r e *
1 the ijuarter section corner on the South
S. L. Carlyle—3rd pullet.
best exhibits:
is becoming more important as
Cecil Shot well -1st buck, doe,
U m o f Section 8 in Mid township snd
Huff Leghorn»
range, running thence along d i t c h
Henry Peterson—2nd buck.
Blue ribbon for best display in competition grows and scientific
Rosecrest Poultry Farm—lat ck, ckl,
North K-l deg 63 min Hast tf.iw chains;
booths. Forest Grove, 1st; Dilley, farming becomes more necessary, hen, pullet, pen, 2nd ck. hen, pullet,
thence North 72 deg 13 min East 21.12
W h i l e Knbhil*
chains along said ditch hi where it
district No. 10. 2d; Aloha-Huber, Hence, the problem of keeping pen, 3rd ckl, pullet.
2nd pair.
1 enters Alexander or Carpenter Creek
district No. 107. 3d; Centerville, grten fet'd is one that every dairy-
( and to the center o f said creek; thence
Cecil Shot w ell—Special,
G. A. Hryant—3rd ck.
up said creek in the center thereof
district No. 4, 4th; Whitford, dis- man mu-d solve. The first speak-
Brown Leghorn*
South 9 deg II min West 7.:t»» chain* to
A n g o r a llnl i hl l a
trict No. 18. 5th; Watts, district er argued against the use of the
R H (;reer-lat ck. ckl. hen. pullet
- the corner o f the F. M. Porter trset o f
Emmet Watson—lat pair.
: iow owned by W C. Freeman,
No. 27. 6 th ; Kansas City, district silo and made some good points. f*n,<2nd hen. pullet, 3rd pullet.
thence in a Southwesterly direction up
Avis Crosley—Special.
No. 56, 7th.
Those taking part in the con-
K. C. Rhode Island Red*
saitl creek in the center line thereof
I’ i g e o n *
following all its meandering* to the
The red ribbon winners were: test were: Ira E Purdin, Forest
L. T. Sill«-- 1st ckl, hen. pullet, pen.
Ronnie Ruth Harris—Special.
j Northeast corner o f a tract o f land
Kinton, district No. 37, 1st; Ti- Grove; R. B Denny, Beaverton; “n^.‘
conveyed to W. C. Freeman by war­
(Continued next week)
ranty deed dated November 23d. 1912,
gard, district No. 23, 2d; Hiteon, E. E. Swenson, Beaverton, and pen, 3rd ck, hen, pen.
j executed by said Frank D. Sawyer ami
S l'M M O N S
district No. 108, 3d
S. E. Walker, Forest Grove. First Walter Roswurm—1st ck.
In the Circuit Court o f the State o f w ife Iaiuie Mac Sawyer, which ia re-
i corded in liook 97 o f the deed records
The first event after dinner was place was awarded to S. E. Walk-
8. C. Rhode Ialand Red*
Oregon for Washington county.
Washington County, Oregon, at
the boys’ chicken contest in which er and second to R. B. Denny.
u .du r Ro8wurm-l»t ckl. hen.
Ru; Hesseltine.
127; thence North 35 deg .'Ml min
2nd ck, ckl.
West 2.20 chains to the center o f Coun-
a large number of boys under ten
The judges of the contest were:
R. H. Greer—1st ck. 2nd pen; 3rd
tv road No. 4*17. said (mint being the
years of age took part creating L . D. Creel, E G. Mills and E. ckl, hen.
S l'M M O N S Northwest corner o f said W. C. Free-
Jacob F. Tracy and Pa­
| man trie* laat above mentioned; thence
some real excitement for the P. Fruit.
Mrs. J. E. Pogue--1st. 2ml, 3d pullet. cific Land & Water Co.,
in a Northeasterly direction in the
a corporation,
White W yandot!.-
spectators. A similar contest then
Hurley, president of the
center o f said county road No. 407 to
Mr*. J. E. Pogue--1st ck, pullet, pen,
To Jacob F, Tracy and Pacific Land & lh*’ Northeast corner o f a tract o f land
came for girls under ten. This pajr Association, then introduced
2nd ckl, pullet, 3d pullet.
W ater Co., a corporation, defendants: conveyed by A. B. Snider and wufe to
was more interesting than the ^ Congressman Hawley, who gave a
. ..
. ' 0. .
, n
Alva B. ( raft and Homer C. Atwell,
G. A. Bryant—1st ckl. 2nd pen.
In the name o f the State o f Oregon ,
rt.,.,irtiu,, in |lM,,k n o f th„ , llswj
boys’ contest.
very interesting talk. Mr. H aw -;
Partridge Wyandotte*
you are hereby required to appear amj ^
<)f Washington County, Oregon,
Next came the penny scramble ¡ey js a member of the lower
thert.()7 > thencc ' S„uth 84
D. C. Clark—1st ck. hen, pen, 2nd answer the complaint filed against you Hl
the above-entitled suit, within six ,,
min W ,.Mt 10.00 chains, more or
for boys under 7, followed by the house committee on agriculture hen, pullet, best bird in show, best in
weeks from Aug. 17. 1908 namely, on
lo the W c»t line o f said Car,K-n-
boys under 10. The girls under an(j ¡t was through his influence male and female American class, best or before I* ridgy, NeP1- —,,h. •• *. t*1*- ter Donation Lund Claim; thence North
female in show.
date o f the first publication o f this sum- , d
a mill w ...t on the West line of
7 and 10 r e s p e c t i v e l y then that the special appropriation was !
S. L. Wyandotte*
mons being Aug. 1. 1916, end the dste ( Mld cUim
chll|nal> m„ re or less, to
¡ o f the last publication
28 jj,e p|Ht.e ,,f beginning, reserving ami
scrambled for the pennies. These ma,]e last winter for the local En-
liberation being Sept. 28,
W alter Roswurm—2nd and 3rd hen.
1916, and
if , - you fail , . to answer.
^î‘r' j
excepting therefrom a roadway 30 feet
White Orpington*
contests were very exciting for tomological Experiment station in
at tlie Northwest
, thereof,
*. , the
* ,
. . apply j ln w
— >u...
w|.........p .»t
the children. The girls outdid charge of Mr. C W. Creel. He
for the relief demanded in his com- corner o f said tract and extending along
. . . .
, the North line thereof to the county
the boys in the way of football began his speech by referring to pen. 2nd hen, pullet, best male and plaint, to-wit:
F?*! H judgment for the sum o f
which roadway grantors herein
female English das*.
tactics, for they went at it like the fact that M r. Cree! had the -
$27.).00, with interest thereon at the mn()e Hn(j delivered » deed to Henry
they meant business.
The first tug of war contest
was between wo teams from the
Forest Grove high school and af-
forded the crowd some real amuse-
ment. Then came the contest be-
tween the Tigard and Gaston
teams. This was the most exeit-
: ____ t
_ j.___
rn. _
ing of the tugs of war. The Gas-
ton team won after a long, hard
finest exhibit of bugs of every size
and shape that he had yet seen,
He had inspected the work of the
experiment station the day before
and spoke from personal know-
In hia tajk he C0Vered three
points* The work of his committee
I _ . ’ .
which they had outlined several
y ears ago was being carried out,
Buff Orpingtons
S. L. Carlyle—1st ckl, pullet, pen,
2nd and 3rd pullet.
W hite Minorca*
Wm. Tuppor— 1st ck. hen, pullet,
pen, 2nd ckl, hen, pullet, 3rd pullet,
hen, best female Mediteranean clas*.
Barred Rock*
L. I. Davis—1st ck, hen, pullet, pen,
^^d hen, pullet, 3rd pullet.
I T T. N e ff— <>„,l
-1,1 pen.
2nd ckl,
Morris B uxton-lst ckl.
White Rocks
J. E. Andrus—All awards.
A nronas
Mrs. W. D. Quick—1st ckl, pullet.
pen, 2nd 3rd pullet.
S. 8. Hamburg*
Walter Roswurm—1st ck, ckl, hen,
pullet, pen, 2nd ckl, hen, pullet, be«t
one important feature of which
The winners of the boys bicycle
experiments being carried
race were: Walter Lenneville, 1st; on through such government
Clayton Lasham, 2d; Herschel gtations as the Clover experiment
Tallman, 3d.
station here in Forest Grove.
The winners of the 50-yard dash Second, he told of the Bureau of
for girls under 16 were: Eva Crop Markets which aims to bring the display.
of North Plains, 1st; Elsie Pfaffle , farmer and the market closer to­
Walter Roswurm—Buff and White
of Tigard, 2d; Margaret Morgan gether, cutting out the middle­
Cochin, B. T. Japanese and Silver Sea-
of Forest Grove, 3d.
men as far as possible in order to bright, all awards.
Girls under 12, Lila Rodgers of i give the farmer a more just price
W ild Gc
Tigard, 1st; Ellyse Barker of for his products. Third, he told
R. 0. Stevenson-lst pair.
Toulouse Geeae
Aloha-Huber, 2u; Ivy Snider of i of the new Rural Credits bill re­
1st pair.
Beaverton, 3d.
cently passed by congress. He
Wild Turkeys
This was followed by a tug of was on the joint committee of the
R. O. Stevenson—lst pair.
war between the Dilley high lower house and senate that
English Penciled Runner Ducks
school and the Tigard grammar framed the bill, the purpose of
J. L. Van Kirk—1st drake, duck, trio,
school. The Dilley boys were too
heavy for the Tigard boys and
won the contest.
The winners of the girls nail
which is to aid the farmer needing 2" ‘ ,|l‘‘ *
financial aid in a crisis, like th e! R. h
failure of his crops. He said the 2nd duck,
bill, as it now stood, was not per- i
Muscovy Duck*
John Allen—1st drake, duck, trio, Zrsl
driving contest were. Helen Rea, f g ^ but would be of aid to the ¿„-I,
1af • Elsie
ITlaia P
fo fflo
or»/l P
, , .
2d and
needy farmer. He thinks the bill
Mallard Duck*
Ball, 3d.
should be apiended and hopes to
Walter Roswurm—1st dr*ke, duck,
Grange Day
be able to bring about the nec- trio- 2n,i duck.
The parade in the forenoon was
not very large and the only farm-
amem ment himself as he
B. A. Mitchell—All awards.
ers’ float entered was one from 1 thinks it should be changed.
White Egg*
Green M o u n t a i n . This was a Briefly, the bill provides for loans
Mrs. W. D. Q uick-lat; R. H. G reer—
very creditable display ^nd the to the farmer at not to exceed 5 2nd; Rosecrest Poultry Farm 3rd.
Green Mountain people deserve j p e r c e n t interest. He thinks the
Brown Eggs
much credit for coming so far to i . . . . .
Mrs. J. E. Pogue—1st; J. E. Andru»--
take part.
rate should be reduced and can be
2nd; R. H. Greer—3rd.
The winners in the parade were: ^rom ^
one Per ct,nt to Poss* Juvenile Poultry and Pet Stock Show
Best float — G r e e n Mountain bly 1 per cent.
Rhod* Island Red*
Grange, Buxton; best span d riv-, The winners of the events of
Walter Lenneville—2nd ck.
ing horses— E. A. Popham, Banks; the afternoon follow:
Leslie Emerson—1st hen.
best single driver H . N. Robin -1 Married farmers' 100-yard foot
Francis T. Jones—1st pullet.
son, Forest Grove, 1st; Thor!
Joseph Mann-2nd trio young, 2nd
Gronebeck, 2d; Mrs. Sutford,
trio old.
Dilley, 3d; best saddle horse— Sills, 2d.
lln rred f t CM* k IB
Single men’s 100-yard foot race:
Marvin Lambrecht, Dilley
Ray Mann—1st and 2nd trio.
rate o f 8 Percent per annum from A u g. Swanson and Jane Swanson on or about
8, 1910, until paid, for the sum o f $60.00 November 22nd. 1912.
attorney's fees, and for his costs and ,
disbursements incurre.) in this suit, and . Ahu¡ «m veyin g hereby the following
for a decree foreclosing a mortgage for described tract o f land to-w.t: Being a
ing-described real property, to-wit:
i Township One, South. Range 4 West of
The Northwest Quarter o f the
the Willamette Meridian, in Washing-
Southwest Quarter (N . W. 1-4 of S.
i ton County, Oregon, and more partic-
W. 1-4) o f Section Thirty-two (32),
| ularly ixiunded and described as follows,
Township Tw o (2), North o f Range
to-wit: Beginning at a stake which is
Five (5), West o f Willamette Mer­
set at a point which is south 1 deg 3.r>
idian, containing forty (40) acres,
min East 789.2 feet and South 65 deg
all in Washington county, Oregon,
49 min West 397.9 feet from the quar­
and for a sale o f said property herein ter section corner between sections 3
described, by the Sheriff o f Washington and 10 in Township 1 south. Range 4
county, state o f Oregon, to satisfy the West, and from said |sdnt running
said sumB o f money, and forever bar­ thence South 65 deg 49 min West 22.2
ring and foreclosing you, and each o f feet to a stake; thence South 7 deg 32
you. o f all right, title and interest in min East 12.9 feet to a stake; thence
and to the same, or any part thereof, North 74 deg Oil min East 19.9 ft; thence
and for such other and further relief as North 20 deg 27 min West 22.4 feet to
the Court may deem equitable.
the place o f beginning, together with
This summons»is published by virtue all other perpetual easements and
o f an order o f the lion. George R. Bag- rights conveyed to us, the grantors
ley, Judge o f the above entitled Court, herein by deed dated November 22nd,
made on the 10th day o f August, 1916, 1912, executed by Henry Swanson and
he published in Jane H. Swanson, his wife which is re­
directing the same to be
“ Forest Grove E x p ress,” a neWH- corded in bonk 97 o f the deed records
pa(>er o f general circulation, published o f Washington County, Oregon, at
at Forest 'Jrove, Washington County, page 177 thereof, to satisfy the herein-
; before named sums and for the costs
| and expenses o f sale and said writ.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Said sale will be made subject to re­
Date o f First Publication, Aug. 17,1916. demption as iier statute o f Or regon.
Date o f Last Publication, Sept. 28, 1916.
Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this 23d
-------— -------------------------------------- day of Aug. 1916.
Sheriff’« Sale
N O TIC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N , That ShenfT o f Washington County, Oregon.
By GEO. A L E X A N D E R ,
by virtue o f an Execution issued out of
arx) under the seal o f the Circuit Court
H O L M ? 1 G R A H A M,
of the Ktate o f Oregon, for the County
Attorneys for Plaintiffs.
o f Washington, dated the 19th day of
First publication Sept. 7, 1916.
August, 1916, in favor o f Frank D. Saw­
Last publication Oct. 5, 1916.
yer arid I,oijic Mae Sawyer, plaintiffs,
;»r,d against It. A. Nollsch and Lizzie A.
: NolUeh, defendant*, for the sum of
N .H O F F M A N
$12.26 coat ami the further sum of
$3784.32 with intereat thereon from the
3d day o f July, 1916, at the rate o f 6 per
Attorney A t Law
cent |ier annum, and for the further
Patent Office Business Solicited
•um o f $160.00 Attorney fees, to me di­
rected and delivered, commanding me
to make sale o f the real property nere- ForestGrove,