The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, September 21, 1916, Image 9

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    Supplement to Forest Grove Express
Vol 1
Korest Grove, Ore.. Thursday, Sept. 21, 1916.
Miss Dorothy Joy is teaching at
VWn Hill.
Rev. O. H. Holmes spent Sun­
Caryl McKeeters spent Sunday
day in Walla Walla.
at the Frost home in Watts.
Guy Payne of Hillsboro was a Eugene Dopp of Hillside was a
Grove visitor Sunday.
! Grove visitor Monday.
Howard Rf*eher left Sunday for
S G. Morgan and family were
Hillsboro visitors Sunday.
Tacoma, where he has a position.
Beatrice Bottman is staying at
Nelson Frost is in Portland,
working in a furniture factory.
the Morgan home and attending
Mrs. Underwood was a Port­ school.
Mrs. Tatro and daughter, Anita,
land visitor .Saturday and Sun­
of Dilley, were Grove visitors
Chester Huell left Monday for Monday.
Corvallis, where he will attend O.
Mr. and Mrs. George Baertlein
and children of Lebanon have re­
A. C.
Miss Stella Haan left Sunday turned home, after a visit with
for Halsey where she is teaching the Frank Orth family.
Encill Todd returned Monday
Pearl Smith and Vera SchifTer from Newport, where he has been
were Hillsboro visitors Saturday working in a grocery store, so he
could attend high school.
Miss M. E. McIntyre visited
The Hoffman evaporator start-
friends in McMitfnville Sunday ed work on prunes Monday and
and Monday.
the management will either pur-
Francis Wade of Wasco arrived chase prunes or evaporate them
here Monday and will attend col­ on shares.
Dr. Pollock, dentist, has re­
lege this year.
turned from his vacation and has
Max Reeher left last week for resumed
his practice. Office over
California where he will attend Forest Grove National B a n k .
Stanford University.
Phone 0136.
Frank Ramsey’s family, who
Mrs A. J. Russell arrived Tues-
have been camping at Seavey’s day from Evanston, III., for a
returned home Sunday.
visit with her sister, Mrs. C. V.
Miss Laura Bell of Monmouth B. Russell, w h o is also her
arrived here Friday evening. She sister in-iaw.
is teaching school here.
A ten-pound son was born to
The Martin family returned Mr. and Mrs. John Herb at Ver-
Saturday from North Plains, boort Sunday and John thinks he
where they have been camping.
will soon have enough help in his
Miss Nell Buell has returned own family to run the store with-
home from Long Beach, Wash., out hired help.
where she has been spending her
Earl M c C a n from beyond
Banks came to Forest Grove
Misses Florence Littler and Monday, where he will remain
Margaret Hancock left Monday for the winter. His sister, Miss
for Corvallis, where they will at- May McCan, spent Monday here
tend O. A. C.
on her way to her school, where
Mrs. Thomas and two sons, she will teach.
Roy and Glenn, returned Sunday
Yesterday’s Oregonian carried a
from the Seavey hop yard, where dispatch from Eugene to the ef-
they have been camping.
feet that a dog had badly lacet-
Councilman Johnson, who left ated the face of Robert, the
Saturday by auto for the Pendle- seven-year-old son »f Mr. and
ton roundup, writes Forest Grove, Mrs L. L. Goodrich. Mr. Good-
friend, that hi. party U bavin« ai ™ h U a « £ t cousin to Mm. Chas.
fine lime on the way. campine reared in Yamhill county. The
and viewing the scenery. They boy is not considered dangerously
will reach Pendleton today.
N O T E S A N I) P E R S O N A L S
No. 37
Christian Church
A ttention E v e r y b o d y !
Next Lord’s Day is Rally and
Promotion Day in the Bible
School. There will be a program
rendered by the different classes
in the Beginners, Primary, Junior
and Intermediate departments.
Good singing by choir and splen­
did music rendered by the or­
chestra. An address on “The Re­
lation of the Bible School to the
Church” will be given by the
pastor following the program.
Remember we want 300 present
and $50 offering. Everybody wel­
The other services are as fol­
Prayer meeting, Thursday even­
Orchestra and choir practice,
Saturday evening.
Lord’s Day—Christian Endeav­
ors 6:30 p. m. Preaching 7:30
p. m., subject, “The Three Great
R. L PUTNAM, Pastor.
Loomis Boys Making Money
J. E. Loomis and son, Joe, and
Frank Burlingham and Clarence
Lenneville returned Sunday from
Sherman county, where they have
been helping Oscar, Floyd and
Earle Loomis with their grain har­
vest. Mr. Loomis says Oscar had
800 acres in wheat, had a good
crop and will have about $5,000
worth of grain to sell. Earle and
Floyd had a section and a half in
wheat and barley and have sold
$9,900 woi*th of grain. He says
the farmers of Eastern Oregon are
very prosperous as the result of
good crops and high prices and
he expeets to see thousands of
new autos going to the farms of
that section this fall.
Mr. Loomis is rather proud of
the record his boys are making.
A Beautiful Exhibit
The display of dahlias made
at the Schultz store last Saturday
by Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Wagner of
this city was a sight worth going
many blocks to see. There were
several hundred varieties a rid
many flower-lovers visited the
store to enjoy them.
Job printing^phone 821.