(Hip 5ixtn*at (Srmtp texprrua Entered as socond-class matter Jan. 12, 1916, at the postoffii'e at Forest Grove, Oregon, under the Act o f March 3, 1871* —--------------------------------------------------------------------— — — l SEPT 21. 1916 M O R R IS O N N O T E S A N D SUITS OVERCOATS STRONG VALUES Publish«! every Thursday at Forest Grove, Oregon. W. C. Benfer, Editor and Publisher. THURSDAY 5 & H STAM PS GIVEN 3 & H STAMPS GtVEH ... r a i n c o a t s 'm ?n C&tfong Go. C&tfo i «4X2 O ' 166 — IT O T H 1 6 0 C O M M E N T S PO R TLAN D , OREGON Double S. & H. Stamps Given  î K A ï u Œ Î - If the Twins feel that the world owes them a living, free from the galling bruises of competition, why not petition t h e County Court to grant them mothers’ pensions ? T r u e , neither is a mother, but you never can tell what may happen. be no Methodist church, no Pres­ byterian church, no Congregation­ al church. Those three have merg­ ed their membership, their prop­ erty and all their interests and will become “ The United Church of Canada.” This new church will be the largest and most in­ fluential Protestant denomination in that country, with ten thou sand church buildings, six hun­ dred thousand actual members and a constituency of more than one fourth the entire population of Canada. «T « O' inafter described, 1 have levied U|>on and pursuant to suit! execution, I will on Monday, the 9th day o f Oct. 1916, at the South d«x«r o f the Courthouse in Hillsboro, Wuxhingt«>n County, Oregon, at the hour o f ten «/clock a. m. o f said «lay, sell at public auction to the high­ est bidder for cash in hand, all o f the following described real property, lying, being and situate in Wushii.gt«in Coun- Oregon: Being a |s>rtion o f the W il­ iam B. Carpenter Donation (.and Claim If you haven’t been to the fair, No. 39, in Township One, south o f Range Four, West o f the Willamette go the two remaining days and Merulian, particularly described ns fo l­ see what Washington county has lows, to-wit: Beginning on the West line o f said Donation Claim South 1 de- produced. The dairy and poultry gr«*e 33 minutes East 8.20 chains from exhibits are alone worth the price the quarter section corner «>n the South line o f Section 3 in said township and Southwest Quarter (N. W. 1-4 of S. of admission, to say nothing of range, running thence along «lit.- h W. 1-4) o f SectionTnirty-two (32), the amusement program and the North 84 «leg 53 min East 9.08 chains; •Township Two (2), North o f Range thence North 72 «leg 43 min East 21.12 Five (5), West o f Willamette Mer­ other exhibits shown. H A V E Y O U R E G IS T E R E D ? chains along said diti-h to where it idian. containing forty (40) acres, enters Alexantler or Carpenter Creek Voters who failed to receive the all in Washington county, Oregon, A Los Angeles minister, with a to the center o f said creek; thence Monday evening the members and for a sale o f said property herein and salary of $8 per week, was mar­ state pamphlet containing con­ describe«!, by the Sheriff of Washington up saiil creek in the center thereof of Washington lodge, I, 0. O. F., county, state o f Oregon, to satisfy the S«iuth 9 deg 11 mm West 7.36 chains t«» ried a few days ago. He and his stitutional amendments and meas- corner «if the F. M. Porter tract o f ures will be reminded that thev had a pleasant visit from Frank »*¡»1 sums o f money, and forever bar- the bride believe that, well fortified . . i ring and forecloainjr you, and each o f land now owned by W. C. Freeman; K ora f r t r a n o l n n ***%A If f*. \\ lf P n r f l i i n d . f grand fm iK l P O I • ............ F..1I ___ < E. Weed f of Portland, coi you, o f nil right, title and interest in thence in a Southwesterly direction up with faith, they can live on the have failed to register and that if and to the same, or any part thereof, said creek in the center line thereof ductor and a special representa amount named. They may if they wish to vote at the Novem ­ and for such other and further relief an following all its meandering« to the tive of Grand Master Westbrook. the Court may deem equitable. Northeast corner of a tract o f Ural they can inoculate the grocer, ber election the time ¡9 short. conveyed to W. C. Freeman by war­ This summons is published by virtue Mr. Weed is agisting the grand butcher and landlord with enough Registration books close October o f an order o f the lion. George it. Bag- ranty deed date«! Novemlier 23d. 1912, 7 and the secretary of state says master in visiting all the lodges of ley, Judge o f the above entitled Court, executed by said Frank I). Sawyer arsl faith to trust them. made on the 10th day o f August, 1916, wife Louie Mae Sawyer, which ¡a re­ that the registration is 50,000 less the state and the local lodge was «lirecting the same to be published in cord «! in hook 97 o f the deed recorda If the Portland Gas & Coke than for 1914, showing that many one of those assigned to him. the “ Forest Grove Express,” a news- o f Waahington County, Oregon, at company will make the right kind voters neglected to register. Part While the purpose of his visit is pajier o f general circulation, publishe«! page 127; thence North 3T> deg 30 min at Forest Grove, Washington County, West 2.2u chains to the center o f C«iun- of rates for its products, the editor of the pamphlets were mailed last to encourage the members to Oregon. road No. 467, aaid point being the Si irthweat corner of aaid W. C. Free- of the Express believes Forest week and the remainder were sent hustle a little h a r d e r , he an­ LAN G LE Y & LANG LEY, man trH<% last nhnve mentioned; thence Attorneys for Plaintiff. Grove people will use gas for out on the 13th. They are only nounced th it his visit here had i in a Northeasterly direction in the , . Date o f First Publication, Aug. 17, 1916. cooking and heating quite exten­ sent to registered voters.— Hills­ been an encouragement to him , | Date o f Last Publication, Sept 28, 1916. «•enter o f said county rorni No. 467 to the Northeast corner o f a tract <»f larxl sively during summer and mod­ boro Independent. as he found Washington !odg«*had conveyed by A. B. Snider and w ife to NOTICE OF S H E R IF F'S SALE Alva B. Craft and Homer C. Atwell, erate winter weather. Gas is such been taking in new members at a . . Notice is hereby given that by virtue by deed recorded in b«x)k 92 o f thedeeil a convenient fuel that people MR. ROBINS’ WORDS time of year when most lodges 0f an execution, decree Hnd order of records o f Washington County, Oregon, sometimes endure a little chilli­ “ Chickens come home to roost.” did well to hold their own. He sale, dated August 18, 1916, issueil out st page 301 thereof; thence South 84 «if arxl under the seal o f the Circuit «leg 53 min West 10.00 chains, more or ness in the kitchen rather than The expression is trite and the ap- gave a little advice when asked Court o f the State o f Oregon for Wash­ less, to the West line o f said Carpen­ build a wood or coal fire, L et’s plication lies in the opportunity to for it and told a number of very ington County, in favor o f plaintiff in ter Donation Land Claim; thence N««rth that certain suit therein pending where­ 1 «leg 33 min West on the West line o f encourage the company. utilize it. Back in October, 1914, good stories relating to lodge in George Kieni is plaintiff and T. H. said claim 3.80 chains, more or less, to Littlehaies, V. E. S. Littlehales, E. H. the place o f beginning, reserving nrxl Raymond Robins, who is now activity. Last week when a subscription Coleman and J. H. Shearer, are de­ excepting therefrom a roadway 30 feet supporting the candidacy of Mr. Dick and Carl Wilcox, Albert fendants, upon a judgment against the in width beginning at the Northwest solicitor for the Express asked a o f said tract and extending along Snyder, Floyd Dooley and A. W. defendants, T. if. Littlehales and V. corner present subscriber if she desired indulged in the follov. ing E. S. Littlehales, for the sum of the North line thereof to the county Mills, members of the Ranks 11400.00 with interest thereon at the roa«l to which roadway grantors herein to renew at the reduced rate of remarks’ * hlch’ more or lesa must embarrass him in his present polit- lodge, attended the session and rate o f 8 per cent per annum from N«>- made and delivered a deed to Henry $1.00, the lady replied that she vember 22, 1914, and the sum of Swanson and Jane Swanson on or about ical attitude: “ The most skillful, contributed their share to the en- $125.00 attorney's fee, arxl the costs Novemlier 22nd, 1912. would renew at $1.50 when her o .. f this suit ta x «l at Also conveying hereby the following the most courageous, the greatest tertainment p r o g r a m . Banks ■ and disbursements , year expired; she didn’t want to , . , , . , 7 , , *17.50, and commanding me to sell the descrilied tract o f land, to-wit; Being a cheat the publisher out of 50c and statesmanship of the last two lodge is also growing and a week real property hereinafter described at part o f the Northeast Quarter o f the Northwest Quarter o f Section 10 in years in this world was the man- from next Saturday Mr. Weed Publi<: *uction *"*ti«fy said sums. NOW TH E RE FO R E, I will, on Sat- Township One, South, Range 4 West o f the Willamette Meridian, in Washing­ w io h t p i«' in whLch Wilson avmf? between this country and Mexico, number of the members of Wash- o f 10 o’clock A. M. at the South door ton County, Oregon, and more partic­ you, lady, the editor knew this all o f the Court House in Hillsboro, Wash- ularly bounded uixl described as follows, The reason that the blood of ington M g e . I ington County, Oregon, offer for sale to-wit: Beginning at a stake which is the time, but didn’t know other and sell at public auction to the highest set at a point which is south 1 deg 35 American men— sons of our homes After the session closed Broth people realized the fact. A n d ! bidder for cash in hand all o f the fol­ min East 789.2 feet and South 65 deg — is not today reddening the soils ers Walker. Giltner, McGill, Van- lowing described real p r o p e r t y in 49 min West .'197.9 feet from the <]uar- thanks for the compliment. ter section corner between sections 3 of Mexico, to serve the interests Antwerp and Shearer served the Washington County Oregon, to-wit; Beginning at the Northeast corner and 10 in Township 1 south, Range 4 Hereafter in Canada there will of a few corporation magnates company with all the ice cream, j o f Lot 2, in Block 29, in the Town West, and from said |x>int running cake and coffee they cared to (now City) o f Forest Grove, running thence South 65 deg 49 min West 22.2 I thence West on the N«irth line o f said feet to a stake; thence South 7 deg 32 consume.__ lot 151 feet arxl 9 inches; running thence min East 12.9 feet to a stake; thence 74 deg 05 mm East 19.9 ft; thence Mrs. Chester W r i g h t , son South parallel with the Eaat line o f North < said lot 151 feet and 9 inches; running North 20 deg 27 min Weat 22.4 feet to Wayne, and daughter, Miss Joan thence East parallel with the North the place o f beginning, together with other perpetual easements and Pierce, left Monday for Bend, : line o f said lot 151 feet and 9 inches to all „ , ,, , • . . _ _ . the East line o f said lot; thence North rights conveyed to us, the grantors Oregon, where Mr. Wright anu i on the East line o f said lot 151 feet an«l herein by deed date«! November 22nd, another son went some time ago. ? inches to the place o f beginning, all 1912, executed by Henry Swanson and Jane II. Swanson, his w ife which is re­ in Washington County, Oregon, corded in book 97 o f the de<*«l records After visiting relatives near Bend Said sale will be made subject to re- I N C L U S I V E o f Washington County, Oregon, at two weeks the family will go to demption as per statute. page 177 thereof, to satisfy the herein­ Dated this August 24, 1916. a homestead about ninety miles before named sums and for the costs J. E. REEVES, and expenses o f sale and said writ. south of B e n d . Their many Sheriff o f Washington County, Ore Said sale will be made subject to re­ friends here regret very much to H. T. B AG LE Y, demption as p«-r statute o f Oregon. 33-5 Attorney for Plaintiff. Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this 23d have them move away. day o f Aug. 1916. r J. E. REEVES, Sheriff’s Sale A Bargain— 76 acres, 6 miles Sheriff o f Washington County, Oregon. northwest of Forest Grove, 20 N O TICE IS H ER EB Y G IV EN , That By GEO. A L E X A N D E R , by virtue o f an Execution issued out of acres in cultivation, 30 in pasture All Trains Stop nlnur • now an^ under the seal o f the Circuit Court and easily cleared for P H O LLIS & G R A H A M, 1>eputy' ’ o f the State o f Oregon, for the County A T F A IR GROUNDS house and barn; good family or­ o f Washington, dated the 19th day of Attorneys for Plaintiffs. LOW First publication Sept. 7, 1916. chard ; $55 per acre. This bar­ August, 1916, in favor o f Frank D. Saw­ Last publication Oct. 5, 1916. gain open for 10 days. (Get in). yer and Louie Mae Sawyer, plxintiffs, R O U N D -T R IP F A R E S and against B. A. Nollsch and Lizzie A. Hancock & Wiles. It Nollsch, defendants, for the sura o f N . HOFFM AN will be on sale $12.25 cost and the further sum o f James Magruder of Hillsboro is $3784.32 with interest thereon from the from all stations substituting for Claude Hutchins 3d day o f July, 1916, at the rate of 6 per A t to rn e y A t L a w in Oregon in the Hines drug store while cent per annum, and for the further I sum o f $150.00 Attorney fees, to me di­ Patent Office Business Solicited Claude takes a vacation by work­ rected arxl delivered, commanding me Sept. 21-30, inclusive ing in a hop yard. - Oregon 1 to make sale o f the real property here- ForestGrove, and speculators, is due more to weeks from Aug. 17, 1S0*>, namely. - or before Friday, Sept. 29th, 1916, the the courage and constancy «late o f the firat publication o f thin sum­ Woodrow Wilson than to any mon« being Aug. 17, 1916, aiul the date o f the last publication being Sept. 2H, other factor in American life. I 1916, and ir you fail to answer, for would count myself poor and want thereof, the plaintilT will apply for the relief demanded in his com­ small indeed, if I were not able to plaint, to-wit: For a judgment for the sum o f recognize wisdom, courage and $275.00, with interest thereon at the public service, even if it had been rate o f 8 percent per annum from Aug. shown by the chief of an opposing 8, 1916, until paid, for the sum o f $50.00 attorney's fees, and for his c«*sts and party.” Was Mr. Robins wiser disbursements incurre«! in this suit, and year before last than now ? Is ' for a decree f«*recl«»sing a mortgage for said sums o f money, against the follow­ h is tribute recallable?— Platts- ing-described real pro|«erty, to-wit: mouth (N eb.) Journal The Northwest (Quarter o f the Three Link Boys Entertain Visitors » ar *•» Oregon State Fair ÌL «■* « st » Salem, Oregon Sept. 25 to 30 Are YOU Going? J The return limit is October 4th Ask Local Agent for Fare3, Train Service, etc. JOHN M . SCO TT General Passenger Agent Portland, Ore, SOUTHERN PACIFIC SUMMONS In the Circuit Court o f the State of Oregon for Washington county. Roy Hesseltine, Plaintiff, vs. SU M M O NS Jacob F. Tracy and Pa­ cific Land & Water Co., a corporation, Defendants. To Jacob F. Tracy and Pacific Land & W ater Co., a corporation, defendants: In the name o f the State o f Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against y«>u in the above-entitled suit, within six W e’ll Save You Money on anything in the line of Groceries, Dry Goods and Notions Closing Out Ladies and Gents’ Underwear at half price ; Children’s regular 25c hose, 2 pair for 25c. Pure White and White River Flour, $1.60 a sack F. A. MOORE con,.,5Sw*T«rE5I a „