He knows exactly into whose class of the country. The ullt? 3Uirrat (Sruur fcxprtBB VZZ^ZJZToJ „t ruling Lord intended them to govern be­ hands Divine Providence placed the welfare of the working classes recently resigned ill order to ac­ cept the republican nomination for president is one of the great Entered as second-class matter Jan. 12, 1916, at the nos postotfice at Forest Grove, lawgivers of all ages. Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879 People like Mr. Hughes and Mr. Crane and Mr. Penrose and THURSDAY SEIT 14 1916 Mr. Cannon and Mr. Mann and Mr. Barnes are the lo rd ’s anoint­ NOTES AND COMMENTS ed. They were raised up by an All-Wise Providence to be the Washington county’s fair opens in this city next Wednesday and it is well to remember that the af­ fair is a county institution and, as such, is entitled to the support of every loyal ¿itizen of the county. Everything in connection with the fair may not be to your liking, but do not let that fact keep you from doing your best to make the show a success. The man who can only boost when everything comes his way isn’t worth much as a com­ munity builder. Published every Thursday at Forest Grove, Oregon. W. C. Hen Ter, Editor and Publisher. cause He gave them republican minds. But people like Mr. Wil- son were created to bo hewers of wood and drawers of water. If the Deity had wished them to meddle w i t h government Ho would have made them republi­ cans . Mr. Hughes has proved him­ self the George F. Baer of politics. a n d o f everybody else.—New York World. The one cream thut thoroughly cleanses the pores ami mukes the skin smooth and soft is NyaPa Face Cream. It is antiseptic, greascless and will not cause huir to grow. Best for your complex­ ion. Get a sample at Littler's Pharmacy. We will give Red Trading Stamps with all Purchases during This Sale King & Co’s OPENING SALE TO THE TWINS: The editor of the Express gen­ erally tries to select the language he thinks the animal addressed will best comprehend. And it’s hardly fair to entice a person into the gutter and then condemn him for being there. If living in the sun begets the envy and greed shown by the Twins, it would be a blessing if those who cannot bear to see their neighbors prosper were compelled to wear blinders. If the use of the word “piffle” is a mark of refinement and culture, i then the poor, illiterate Squatter bows to the inevitable and con­ siders himself drowned in a slough of eloquence. When are you go­ ing on your next begging pil­ grimage, boys? W ORDS OR DEEDS? We are now facing the question whether we want words or whether we w a n t d e e d s —Rollicking “Charley” Hughes. Candidate Hughes is dealing in words. Here are a few of the deeds President Wilson has dealt in: 1. The child labor law. 2. The law declaring human labor not to be a commercial commodity. 3. The federal trade commission. 4. The federal reserve system. | 5. The income tax. 6. The parcel post. 7. National defense 8. Peace with Europe. 9. Peace with Mexico. 10. The rural credits law. 11. The dispersion of the 'obbies at Washington. 12. Freedom from Wall street control of government, the tariff and the financial system. 13. The suspension of the sub­ marine campaign. 14. The repeal of the canal tolls law which repudiated the pledged word of the nation. 15. The appointment of Louis D. Brandeis, a representative of hu­ manity, to the supreme court of the United States. 16 The settlement of the worst strike ever threatened the nation. THE LORD’S ANOINTED The reason why everything that President Wilson does must be wrong is carefully explained by Mr. Hughes: “You could no more build u p ; this country by the application of i democratic doctrines than you could go flying through the air in j the old fashioned flying machines of thirty years ago,” Therefore President Wilson, be­ ing a democrat, is mentally mor­ ally and phisically incapable of do­ ing anything right; b u t Mr. Hughes, being a republican, is in­ capable of doing anything wrong. The present chief justice of the United States supreme court, be­ ing a Louisiana democrat, is ipso facto a fool and a sectionalism but BIG FALL Read carefully the following UNDER-PRICED offerings and see what splendid Savings are in Store for You. An Important and Timely Sale! In many instances, Sale Prices are far below wholesale prices, so you can readily understand the Savings are Most Unusual. Closing Out Friday’s Special Odd Lines Gossard Front-Lace One Dollar off on all Women’s Wearing Apparel TRIMMED HATS. Corsets $5 00 Dress Skirts_______ $2 49 6.50 Dress Skirts______ 3 19 8.00 Dress Skirts 4.59 9.00 Dress Skirts 5.19 Girls’ Serge Middv Dresses $6.85 Special $3.89 $2.50 Style 251-2 Special 1.65 $ 2.15 $ 3.15 $ 3 50 Style 368-1 Special ......... Messaline and Sateen Petticoats 5.00 Style 554 Special ......... $ .75 Sateen Petticoats ...... $ .53 1 25 Sateen Petticoats........ 1.19 1.50 Sateen Petticoats ___ 1.29 1.69 Sateen Petticoats________ .98 3 00 Messaline Petticoats 1 59 3.39 Messaline Petticoats 1.98 Gossard Brassieres Special, 35c White Voile Waists $2.75 Values for_____ __ $2.00 Crepe De Chine Waists Season’s-End Final Clearance of all Broken Lines of $3.00 Values for..................... $2.49 3.75 Values for 2 95 Tub Silk Waists $4.00 Values for....................$3 19 New Arrivals in Ladies Striped Beach Cloth Middies, Special ............... $1.59 White Middies with Colored Collar and Cuffs Special at 1.29 Children’s White M i d d i e s Embroidery Collar a n d Cuffs, Special ............ . .49 Carters’ Wool Knit Union Suits $1.50 Children’s Union Suits $1.29 Ladies’ Wool Union Suits $1.65 Low Neck Short Sleeve $1.29 2.25 Low Neck Short Sleeve 1 89 2.75 High Neck Long Sleeve 2.15 3.00 High Neck Long Sleeve 2.25 Women’s Undermuslins Women’s Lace and Embroidery-T rimmed 75c Gowns___ $1.50 Gowns $1.85 Gowns.................. 50c Drawers, Special...... 65c Drawers, Special...... Linen Towels 10c Towels.......... .........8c 20c Towels..... .... ....... 15c 25c Toweis_______ 19c 8c Bleached Muslin - 10c Bleach»-d Muslin - \2\'jc Bleached Muslin 15c Bleached Muslin - 18c Bleached Muslin - 20c Bleached Muslin - 12*/*c Linen Toweling - 15c Linen Toweling - 17c Linen Toweling 20c Linen Toweling - 25c Linen Toweling - 10 c - 11 c - 12K* ■ 15 c - 19 c 9-4 Sheeting 8-4 Sheeting 42-inch Pillow 45-inch Pillow . . . . . . . Tubing - Tubing - 31c 29c 24c 19c Ladies’ Fleece-lined (separate garments) Vests and Pants Reg­ ular 35c; Special - - 10c 22c Devonshire Gingham - - 18c Friday’s Special House Dresses and Aprons of Voiles, Dimities and Lawns 15c Lawns, Special 10c 20c Lawns, Special 15c 25c Lawns, Special 18c 35c Fancy Voiles.......... 19c 50c Fancy Voiles, Special ................33c Children’s Wash Dresses 65c Long-Waisted Dresses.................. 75c Middy Dresses............................ 85c Middy Dresses............................. $1.35 Middy Dresses........................... ____ __ ___ 49c ___________ 63c ___________ 65c ............*........93c Children’s Coverall Aprons 50c Aprons, Special.................. ....... 38c 65c Aprons. Special...........................47c Voile, Marquisette and Madras Curtain Materials 20c Marquisette..... ........16c 30c M adras ........... 21c 6 *^c 8 c 9 c 11 c 12 c 14 c Thursday’s Special Women’s Lace and Embroidered Final Sale - - - - - - Tuesday’s Special 35c 35c 30c 25c 37c 43c Special, $1.15 Snider's Tomato soup, 2 for 15c 1 lb. Royal Baking Powder 39c I Dozen Heavy Jar Rubbers 5c Kerr Self Sealing Pints.... 53c Kerr Self Sealing Quarts 59c Kerr Self Sealing Half gal....... 85c 1 lb Can Ghiradellis Ground Chocolate.............. 31c Y i lb Can Ghiradellis Ground Chocolate............... 16c Monday’s Special Sheeting and Pillow Tubing women s Muslin Drawers $1.50 Union Suits............ ..$1 19 .85 Vests and P ants............... 65 Grocery Special Regular 10c Outing, 6 Regular 12,'¿c Outing, 9c Wednesday’s Special ... 43c 97c $1.33 French Petticoats High Neck and Long Sleeves, Low Neck Short Sleeves 75c Special....................... 59c Saturday’s Special GOWNS Mentors Wool Knit Union Suits and Seperate Garments Ladies’ Fleece Lined Union Suits Altogether a most extraordinary offer We advise prompt Selec­ tion. 25c Voiles............. 19c 50c Madras......... 43c $1.00 one-piece Dresses - $ .65 1.35 one-piece Dresses - .76 1.50 one-piece Dresses - 1.17 2 50 three-piece Dresses - .92 1.35 three-piece Dresses - 86c 65c Ladies’ Coverall Aprons, 47c 50c Bib Aprons . . . . . 33c Saturday’s Special Wool, Woolnap and Cotton Blankets $1.35 Cotton Blankets - $ .93 2.50 Woolnap Blankets - 1.95 3.00 Woolnap Blankets - 2.23 5.00 Wool Blankets - 4,00 Turkish Towels 15c Towels..... ....... lie 25c Towels................. 21c 35c Towels....... ...........29c