The First National Bank Forest Grove, Oregon A STRONG BANK IN A GOOD TOWN Pays 4 per cent on Savings Capital and Shareholders’ Liability $100,000.00 Judge Thomas S. Ryan of Sal­ em visited the E. E. Williams Hancock & Wiles have $25,000 family yesterday. to loan on farms. 1-tf Oregon republicans are pleased A guaranteed fountain pen for because the republicans carried $1.00 at the Book Store. Maine at Tuesday’s election. Fresh Jersey cow for sale. In­ The Watts school fair will be quire of D. F. Aikins; phone 513. held next Tuesday and Forest Brick ice cream at Shearer’s— Grove people will find it worth 25c and 50c. Keeps two hours their while to attend. without ice. held a get-acquaint­ For Rent—Five-room house, ed Methodists meeting in the basement of the near depots, modern. Inquire of church Tuesday night, with a big Manche Langley. 35-tf supper and a general good time. A valuable Belgian stallion, be­ More than one hundred were in longing to Otto Parsons and Nick attendance. Bothman of Gales Creek, died Mrs Herman A. Heppner of last Sunday Portland, chairman of music for the State Federation oL Women’s clubs, was in the city yesterday talking over plans for the winter’s . work G R. Hendrickson, of The No m atter how jolly the fair, Dalles, a former resident of this . you are likely to be tired. If city, is visiting the C. R. Lasham you want a quiet corner and family and expects to leave for a magazine—or if you want his own state, New York, about to wait for your friends, or Oct. 1st to make his home. perhaps you want to heat During September you c a n milk for the baby. We have have the Forest Grove Express an electric plate and can do (once a week) and W. J. Bryan’s it so quickly for you. I t’s no Commoner (monthly) both one trouble at all. year for $1.50. This offer means Our dressing room, fully ap­ cash in advance. pointed, was built for the Next Sunday afternoon at 3:30 public; every day someone there will be a mass meeting in finds it convenient. It’s for the M. E church to consider the you. “dry” and the brewers’ amend­ ments. There will be music and an address by C. S. Poling, who Postoffice block: Up Stairs. has charge of the work for this county. No collection. CONDENSED NEWS NOTES Cozy Rest Room THE BRYANT STUDIO 117 1 • 1 I f • Washing Machines Are a boon to Wo- Ron-Ami Short-Burner Oil Stove Heats quicker than any other make; clean and odorless. T H E NEW S H A R P L E S Tubular Suction-Feed C re a m S e p a r a t o r Is a machine we are not afraid to recommend to our best friends. AUTO SEATS, Camp Stoves, Tents and Ice Cream Freezers. GORDON & GORDON HARDWARE CO. FOREST GROVE, ORE. noi o J d cznoi=z> c HOE Pacific Market THE BEST OF o 0 MEATS o D Boiled Ham, Minced Ham, Veal Loaf, Chipped Dried Beef, Sweet and Sour Pickles, Ö Phone 0301 \£ non Bananas, Oranges, Tomatoes. T. C. LORI), Jr., Prop C = 3 O E = 0 |f(______ We Undersell Portland Dealers! If you doubt this statement, come in and let us prove what we say. That’s all we ask. Will you do this? We carry u fine line of Electric Flash-Lights and Batteries at right prices. GOFF BROS. Phone 6 83 non Forest Grove, Ore Capíes & Company Annual Clearance Sale Starts Saturday, Sept. 16th I)r. Semones and "amily left Tuesday to winter in California. D. V. Buell has moved from the farm to the Baldwin house, on First street. Martha Allen left Monday for Monmouth to resume her studies in the state normal. Mr and Mrs. Bernard Ortman were in town Saturday evening, to attend the McGill party. Miss Elcy Walker has a cepted a position as bookkeeper in King’s store. Edith Z. is asking a divorce from Mr. Goff gave him the regular Goff price. $67.00, f. o. b. Forest Grove. After a little work with a pencil, the man ordered the range sent to him at Portland, saying the price in that city was $72.90 and he could pay the freight from Forest Grove to Portland and still save better than $5 00. Think these things over, friend, before you rush away from home for your hardware, stoves, e'c. For­ est Grove is fortunate in having a hardware firm which buys in such quantities that it can undersell Portland houses. Rooms Wanted for College Men Domestic Help by College Women Arrangements have been com­ pleted whereby young women of the College may room at the Dormitory and go out (luring the day to render domestic service in return for their board. Some of the ladies of Forest Grove are taking advantage of this conveni­ ence and there are still several of the young women available for housework. Friends desiring their services should communicare with Mrs. C. J Bushneil, who will act as matron of the dormitory dur­ ing the coming year. D IL L E Y N E W S N O T E S is c anky as a bear with a sore Several college men desire rooms head. for the college year. Persons hav­ Mrs. Karl Tuppcr and children and W. H. Girard and family came ing rooms suitable for them to Mrs. Chowning of Portland came out to Forest Grove Monday, where rent are requested to send in de­ Saturday to visit friends and relatives they expect to remain for the scriptions of such rooms to the col­ for a few days. lege office at once, including the Mrs. John Raz was shopping in the winter. following points: Street address Grove Saturday. Professor and Mrs. George R. and name of person holding room Hop-picking wus finished at the Han­ Thomas of Portland moved into for rent; location of the room, son yard Monday. the Thatcher house the first of size; whether for one or two occu­ Relatives of Mrs. Joe VermilyeH from the week. pants; nature of heat, light, water lldtsboro took dinner with her Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Williams service; toilet and hath facilities; Mrs. Maitland of Cherry Grove is and Mrs. O. H. Holmes and price per week or month for one visiting with Mrs. Vannoy. daughter, Lulu, motored to Port­ or two persons. Friends are re­ Cecil Tupf>er came home Monday quested to submit this informa­ from the Washington harvest fields, to land Friday. whether they have previous­ resume his studies at Fugene. After a short visit with his par­ tion, ly communicated with the college Mrs. VanMeter was a Grove visitor ents in this city, Harold McFeet- office about it or not. Saturday. ers left Sunday for North Yakima, I ___ ______________________________ Wash., where he has a position on a government irrigation project.• ' J. Egbert Bishop who has been doing work in Clarke University at Worchester, Mass., for the past two years, arrived from that place Wednesday evening to spend a week with his parents, fir. and Mrs. J. S. Bi hop, in this city. A farewell surprise party was given Mrs Hoskins by the W. C. T. U. Tuesday afternoon at her Exhibit from the Wagner farm-Several hundred dis­ home on Gales Creek street. Two tinct and new varieties will be shown. Don’t fail to dozen ladies, laden with good •‘e a t s , ” appeared unannounced! see them—“The World’s Popular Flower.” and a very pleasant afternoon re­ sulted. Mr. and Mrs. Hoskins ex­ pect to leave soon for tr.cir new home in California. SPECIAL ATTRACTION Dahlia Show Today Starts New Contest for Portland People Buy a Range Here, Fancy SWEET WATERMELONS ON ICE All Kinds of Fruits and Vegetables, Anti if you’re going shooting you can’t afTord to buy either Gun or Ammunition without seeing us. We bought our guns and shells before the advance in prices and, for that reason, Saturday, Sept. 16-This Week! Fresh and Cured 1 o The Pheasant Season Opens Oct. 1st J. T. O’N eill, alleging defendant show you—the Peerless W ater Motor Washer and a fine Electric Machine Phone 663 School books and tablets at YanKoughnet & Reder’s. 36-2 Brick ice cream at Shearer’s— 25c and 50c. Keeps two hours without ice. Mrs. S. L. Show was taken to a Portland hospital Saturday for an operation. Eurnace-heated rooms for rent, corner C st. and 2nd Ave. Mrs. Van. Walters. 36-tf Mrs. Jessie Covert, who suffer- ed a relapse u week ago. has been improving for several days. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Thorn­ burgh, Mrs Littler and Mrs. H. Whitney motored to Portland yes­ terday. Dr. Pollock, dentist, has re­ turned from his vacation and has resumed his practice. Office over Forest Grove National B a n k . Phone 0136. 36.2 Charles Miller of the U. S. rev enue department at Portland vis­ ited his family in this city Sunday. He predicts that Wilson will curry Oregon. Mrs Harley LaMont, living west of the city, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Walker, was taken to the Hillsboro hospital Tuesday, suffering with appendi­ citis She rested well last night. 3 o While it has become a habit with certain people to flock to the larger cities to buy their supplies, one Portland man has discovered i that he can save money by buying a range in this city. Monday this man, who travels considerably be­ tween Portland and Forest Grove, asked Willis Goff the price on a certain model of Monarch range j “ High-Flight” Racer Two more machines will be given away. Use “ High-P’light” and “ Bestever” Flour and help your children win. Melvin Emerson won the city machine and Anton Vander- couvering the machine for the country. Phone Phone 061 061