The First National Bank Forest Grove, Oregon A STRONG BANK IN A GOOD TOWN Pays 4 per cent on Savings Capital and Shareholders’ Liability $100,000.00 Mr. and Mrs. Avery Rafferty visited friends in Portland Sunday. C o m f o r t a b l e housekeeping rooms, by day or week. Inquire first house north of lumber yard, North Main st. 34-2» Theodore Jones, who c a m e home to attend the funeral of his father, returned Friday to his work in Olex, Oregon. Miss Heloise Phillips went Fri­ day to Echo, where she will teach in one of the Umatilla county pub­ lic schools this winter. C. P. Richards, wife and little son of Portland v i s i t e d the former’s mother, Mrs. Blanche Richards, Sunday and Monday. Watch for King & Company’s Big Fall Opening Sale. Starts Friday, September 15th While They Last We have on hand a good stock of John Deere Plows and Harrows that we will sell at Last Spring’s Prices, which are as follows ; Best grade 12-inch Plow $17.00 Best grade 15-inch Plow 19.75 14-inch Stag Sulky Plow 57.00 12-inch Stag Gang Plow 82.00 Universal 50-tooth Guard frame Harrow 16.00 Universal 60-tooth Guard frame Harrow 17 06 Universal 75 tooth Guard frame Harrow 23.65 Syracuse 15-tooth Spring tooth Harrow 22.00 Syracuse 17-tooth Spring tooth Harrow 23.75 When our present stock is gone, prices will be at least TEN PER CENT HIGHER. We carry a fine line of Electric Flash-Lights and Batteries at right prices. GOFF BROS. Phone 683 Forest Grove, Ore School books at VanKoughnet A Bargain—76 acres, 6 miles CONDENSED NEWS NOTES & Reder's. It northwest of Forest Grove. 20 Hancock & Wiles have $25,000 Will is Goffjhad business in Port­ acres in cultivation. 30 in pasture to loan on farms. 1-tf and easily cleared for plow; new land Tuesday A guaranteed fountain pen for I Mrs. S. L. Show has been quite house and barn; good family or­ Mrs. Fitzsimmons Here Sunday $1.00 at the Book Store. chard; $55 per acre. This bar­ Mrs. Bob Fitzsimmons, wife of feeble for the past week. gain open for 10 days. (Get in). the ex-champion prize-fighter,who Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thompson Fresh Jersey cow for sale. In­ Hancock £ Wiles. It of Schofield were in the city quire of D. F. Aikins; phone 513. is touring the northw»*st in evan­ On Wednesday and Thursday Sunday. Seventeen of Miss Aileen Hoff­ Brick ice cream at Shearer’s— man’s girl friends made her the gelistic work, will speak at the of next week. Sept. 6th and 7th, Miss Minnie Myers returned 25c and 50c. Keeps two hours Forest Grove FVee Method! t pleased victim of a surprise party church next Sunday, Sept. 10, at I will hold my fall opening, show­ Monday from an outing at Canon I without ice. ing a fine line of hats, novelties, at the home of -her uncle, J. N. 11 a in. All are welcome. beach. Dr. and Mrs. Guy Via of Bux­ Hoffman, last Monday evening. trimmings, velvets and the latest Howard McGill arrived yester­ ton visited relative» in the city J. N. WOOD. Pastor. styles in ribbons. Come and see I When Miss Hoffman came to her day from Seaside to work in the yesterday. the pretty things. uncle’s home, on invitation, the Brick ice cream at Shearer’s— hop yards. A daughter was born to Mr. seventeen girls were hidden in the 25c and 50c. Keeps two hours MRS. A. E. DIXON. For Rent—Five-room house, and Mrs. Louis Larson of David's kitchen and when they burst out without ice. Main Street. near depots, modern. Inquire of hill last Sunday. on her she was truly surprised. Manche Langley. 35-tf The home of Chas. Lazotte of A pleasant evening at gam*-s and Carter’s inks will not corrode Buxton burned to the ground refreshments followed. T h o s e the pen and always flow free.j yesterday. The contents were present were Mis-es Helen Mc- For sale at the Book Store. Eldowney, Margaret Taylor, Arl­ saved. Miss Margaret Eade of Port­ Have a good gray horse, aged 9 ington Marsh. Helen Hawke, Lois land visited Miss Frances Myers years, weight 1125, for sale cheap Livingston, Dorothy Jones. Kath­ several days last week. or tiade for fresh cow. Joe Fair- ryn Buchanan, E i h e 1 Tupper, Maude Graham, Thelma Wehrly, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Thompson chi'ds, phone 392. 35-tf of Portland visited the Frank The Oregon troops who have Vesta Mertz, Lucile West, Thelma Fleck home over Sunday. been on the Mexican border are Mills, Sophia Wehrly, Lucile Rob­ Goff Bros, have the plumbing now back at camp Withycombe inson, Camilla Mills and Irene Robinson. contract on the new Anderson and are receiving visitors building and have started on the Friends of Mrs. R. M. Taylor Templeton-Lilly work. have received word that she has Don’t forget to bring your sec­ been quite ill in Everson, W ash, I, Mk* Lilly, both of LaGrande, ond-hand school books to the but is now convalescing. Lucllc Lllly- both o( were united in marriage at the Book Store. We are in the book A daughter was born the even­ home of the groom’s parents in business. ing of Labor Day to Postmaster this city at 5 o’clock last evening, Mesdames H A. Williams and and Mrs. R. P. VVirtz, the first Dr. O. H. Holmes performing the C. A. Littler entertained the M. child in nine years of married life. ceremony. E. Aid society at the Littler home Walter J. McPhers n, who left The groom is the eldest son of yesterday afternoon. this city about three years ago Mr and Mrs. John Templeton The Forest Grove Gun club will and has lived in California and and holds a good position in one Contest closes next Wednesday at 6 p. m. hold a practice shoot at the usual Nevada since that time, is visiting of the leading stores of LaGrande. place, east of the College campus, his mother, Mrs. R. M. Stephens. His bride is one of the most popu­ Two machines will be given away free one to the next Sunday at 9:30 a. m. He will enter the O. A. C. this lar young ladies of the same town. country and one to the city. The bride and her mother came to Extra good team of work horses, 1 fall. Misses Minnie and Frances My­ Forest Grove yesterday for the 6 and 8 years, weight 1455 and Country Contestants City Contestants 1490; also double harness and ers Tuesday received a letter from wedding. The newlyweds and Melvin Emerson ... 66189 wagon for sale cheap. Inquire of their sister. Mrs. Anna Sorensen, Mrs Lilly departed this morning Anton Vandercouveringl 10407 of Teachan. Puebla, Mexico, in VirniH Fierce......... ................. 11550 for LaGrande, where Mr. and J. W. Sherwood, phone 163 1 * (Verboort) which Mrs. Sorensen says the Elvin Coon 4910 Mrs. Templeton will reside. T. C. Lord, jr., of the Pacific members of her family are enjoy­ Clarence Eastwood 6503 Market l a s t week shipped to Wilber Underhill 7248 Wm. Addtor Hop Harvest Is On MM a Salem firm 12,000 pounds of ing good health and immunity i (Thatcher) Guy Higbie 250 While there have been rumors ( evaporated Loganberries which he from Mexican molestation. Wulter !,.nh.villc f l l'i that the hop crop was badly dam- i Albert Cummins . . ...... 14879 Misses Clara and Alma Sage recently purchased as a specula­ Russell Duncan ........ 1500 aged by mould, most of the grow- { v e r y pleasantly entertained a tion. (Dilley) Bad I tn IB00 number of friends last Friday ers interviewed by the Express! Mrs. C. A. Simpson, who has evening, at a lawn party at their say that, while there was some Clara S eam an.................. 2800 I.ambourne Elder 5075 bM n'm ng " ith her son, B. J., \ home on south A street. Games damage, it is not nearly so bad as I»(iniild TMBptetM 1332 (Dilley) and family for the past two years, were played and delicious refresh- was at first believed. Most o f, Ki nneth Brown MB left Tuesday evening for a six- ments were served and the time the yards began the harvest Mon- Carl Brodersen 2500 Clifford McCoy 1212 months visit at Detroit, Mich., was very much enjoyed by every day. The big Seavey yard is (Dilley) Huston Johnson 2235 and points in Canada. one. Those present were: Misses using 450 pickers, about 350 of Since the fifth page of this issue Theresa Beahen, J o a n Pierce, whom were shipped in; Carstena was printed, it has been learned Christine Mackrodt, M a u d e of Banks is using about the same that Mrs. Madden, the mission­ Knight, Ellie Sage Mary Corl,1 number; Buchanan of Cornelius, | They’re coming to our store. Place your order now for Fancy ary, cannot be here; so there will Jessie and Vesta Greer, Clara and 35; Crabtree, 75; Jim Nichols, 35; Quality. Price guaranteed, Elbertas, Muirs and I.ate Craw- be no meeting Monday. Alma Sage and Mr. Jessie Sage. Ives Hoar, 65; Sam Inkley, 45. fords for the next two weeks, Early Crawford Season will end Attention, Veterans this week. Are a boon to Wo­ Forest Grove, Ore., Sept. 5 ,T6. men and we have To the Washington County Vet­ _ two we would like to show you--the Peerless Water Motor Washer and a fine Electric Machine erans’ Association and In ter-1 100-lb. bag Pure Granulated......................$6.80 ested friends: 100-lb. bag Pure Honolulu Cane............ ... . 6.95 It is apparent to the officers' and committee of this Association j Heats quicker than any other make; clean and odorless. that the necessity for a change in the date of meeting for the as­ Economy—Pints, 75c; Quarts, 85c; j j gal., $1.25; 3 doz. lids, 50c T H E NEW S H A R P L E S sociation has occurred, we there­ Masons —Pints, 50c; Quarts, 60c; Y i gal., 85c; 3 doz. lids, 50c. fore designate Thursday, October 12th, 1916, as the date on which Gray heavy wide rubbers, 5c per doz.; White afid Red "Su­ Is a machine we are not afraid to recommend to our best friends. to assemble in Cornelius for the perior Quality" Rubbers, 3 dozen for 25c celebration of the fiftieth anni­ AUTO SEATS, versary of the Grand Army of the Camp Stoves, Tents and Ice Cream Freezers. Phone Phone Republic and the usual meeting of the Washington County Vete- j rans’ Association. A good dinner V “ THE PURE FOOD STORE " and a good program is assured. Phone 663 FOREST GROVE, ORE. J. L. Butler, Pres. W. J. K. Beach, Sec. and Treas. Fall Opening of Up-to-I)ate Millinery The “High-Flight” Racer Hello, Peaches! Washing Machines Bon-Ami Short-Burner Oil Stove Oh, M y! Sugar is Cheaper! And Fruit Jars, too-O h, Joy! Tubular Suction-Feed Cream Separator GORDON & GORDON HARDWARE CO. 061 PETZ'NABET 061