The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, September 07, 1916, Image 5

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    * - *+'
Money to loan—Valley Realty
Co., Forest Grove, Oregon. 19-tf'
Hancock & Wil»*« carry Life,
Ruth Mills of Banks visited |
Accident & Firo Insurance.
Miss Beth Sexton last Thursday.
We will insure your auto against
We will insure your auto against;
fire, I heft and collision. Hancock
theft and collision. Hancock I
& Wiles.
Brick ice cream at Shearer’s—
25c and 50c. Keeps two hours
Mrs. Dan Parsons visited the O
1 * 6 - ITO T M I M O « T . C /
without ice.
dahlia show in Portland several
The Express is prepared to meet days last week,
JJP"Double S. & H. Stamps Given
the prices of traveling calendar] Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Hill visited
salesmen in lota of 100 or more.
at the Chas. Macey and Chas. inafter described, 1 have levied ujxrn ington County, Oregon, offer for sale plaint, to-wit:
and pursuant to said execution, I will
sell at public auction to the highest
For a judgment for the sum of
Warranty deed and mortgage Barnford homes, north of town,' on Monday, the 9th day o f Oct. 1916, arid
bidder for cash in hand all of the fol­ $275.00, with interest thereon at the
blank« for sale at the Express j Sunday.
at the South door of the Courthouse in lowing described real p r o p e r t y in rate of 8 per cent per annum from Aug.
'€*pn CéoláiiM Co.
Mrs. A. E. Sayres of Dayton,'
Mrs. M. A. Roe returned Sat- Wash., who has been visiting the
urday from an extended visit at famj|y 0f h,.r son, Ed, left Friday
j for a vjsjt Pendleton.
We will insure your auto against
F. G. Buskuhl and wife of
fire, theft and collision. Hancock Friend, present owners of the
& Wiles.
Wm. Hoehne place, were looking
A. J. McIntyre and family re- after their property Saturday.
turned Friday from an auto trip
A. B. Todd, the county road-
to Newport.
builder, took a short layofi la^t
A wheel scraper costing $C5 and Friday and went over to New-
used less than one day, goes for port to visit his family for a few
$35. See it at Goff Bros.
j days.
Wade Armcntrout and family i Claude Davis and Walter Web-
of Banks returned Friday from a . er of this city and a Mr. McMil-
visit to Newport.
-Ian of Portland left Saturday for
The j>erson who left a pair of a ten-day fishing and camping
nose glasses in Star Confectionery j ^r*P *°
^ dson River,
can find them at this office. 34-tf
Nelson Frost last Thursday
Hop-pickers w a n t e d ; go<xJ,,<)0^ Mesdames H. T. Buxton,
shacks, pleasant location; 80c per Robert Bellinger, J. E. Farmer
hundred. Write R . M. Harding, 'and Lulu Ingersoll for a joy ride
Siiverton, Oregon.
on the Columbia Highway and
“ Happy”
Morgan returned they report a very enjoyable time.-
Saturday from up the line, where
You piay entrust to us your
he hits In-en working for the S. P. prescription, no matter what doc­
railway company.
j tor writes it, with the full assur-
ance that it will be carefully and
Mrs Tom Lord and l i t t l e accurately compound'd with the
daughter returned Saturday even- best of drugs and chemicals at the
ing from a two weeks’ visit with very lowest price. L i t t i e r ’ s
relatives at Seattle.
P h a r m a c y .1
Dr. Holmes and family and W J _ Phillip Easterday of Portland
W . McEldowney and family re-
Mrs. Ingersoll Friday,
turned Friday evening from their I ^ re- Bigersoll and Mr. Kaster-
auto trip to Newport.
i'la>’ were netehbors in Tecuimeh,
Mr. and Mm. J. N. H -llm an:
1» th» « « h i t » and thry had
I a good time talking over old
returned Friday from a week’s
Nebraska history.
outing at Columbia beach, where
A free ticket to the Star The­
they own a summer coetage.
ater will be given by VanKough-
W. B. Potwin has moved his
net & Reder with each 50c pur
family into the home he purchased
chase. This ticket is good for the
last winter on north A street and
opening episode to Pathe Serial
his son, Glen, has taken the five-
| “ The Grip of Evil,” Sept 11th
acre place on South Seventh
and 12th.
35-1 1
John L Benfer and- daughter,
The one cream that thoroughly . . . . . .
cleanses the pores and makes the I Mildred, came down from Mc-
skin smooth and soft is Nyal’s | Mlnnville Sunday morning for a
Face Cream.
It is antiseptic, ¡short visit with relatives in this
greaseless and will not cause hair city. Mr. Benfer returned home
to grow. Best for your complex­ Sunday evening, but Mildred re­
ion. Get a sample at Littler's
mained to continue her visit.
- Thru the Inland Empire
— Grand Canyon o f Columbia
— American Wonderlands
— Glacier a n d Yellowstone
Hound Trips at Low Fares Daily
until Sept. 30 via the North Bank
Road. Stopover where you like
North Rank Rail and 2G Hours Sail
on the ahi|m o f De Luxe Service,
S. S. Northern Pacific and
Great Northern, for
’ $ 3 2 .0 0
From any Oregon Kleetrir Ry. point.
Ticket Includes meals and berth.
Sept. 24 to Oct. 8
From Middle «Vest to Willamette
I sell prepaid tickets.
J. E. FARMER. Agent
Forest Grove, Ore.
Washington County Fair,
Forest Grove,
Sept. 20 to 23, inclusive.
Mr. and Mrs. C. V. B. Russell
returned Saturday evening from
their visit to Newport. Mr. Rus­
sell reports that many vacation­
ists cut their stays short on ac-
j count of the fear of being left at
Newport in case of a strike of
the trainmen.
Mr. and Mrs Bernard Ortman,
I Mr. and Mrs. Grant Bailey and
¡two sons, Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Brokaw and son and John and
Charley VanDoren returned Fri­
d a y evening from a 350-mile auto
trip. They first went to Pacific
City and then followed the coast
northward to Astor a. coming
home via Portland. The party
left this city a week ago Monday,
traveling in three autos, with a
trailer to carry the camp equip­
ment and everybody had a good
time, with no accidents to mar
the pleasures of the trip.
Sheriffs Sale
by virtue of an Execution issued out of
and under the seal o f the Circuit Court
of the State of Oregon, for the County
of Washington, dated the 19th liay of
August, 1916, in favor o f Frank D. Saw­
yer and Louie Mae Sawyer, plaintiffs,
and against B. A. Nollscli and Lizzie A.
Nollsch, defendants, for the sum of
$12.25 cost and the further sum of
$3784.32 with interest thereon from the
;kl day o f July, 1916, at the rate o f 6per
cent per annum, and for the further
sum o f $150.00 Attorney fees, to me di­
rected and delivered, commanding me
to make sale o f the real property Here­
Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon,
at the hour o f ten o’clock a. m. o f said
day, sell at public auction to the high­
est bidder for cash in hand, all o f the
following described real property, lying,
being and situate in Washington Coun­
ty, Oregon: Being a jx/rtion of the Wil­
liam B. Carpenter Donation I and Claim
No. 39, in Township One, south of
Range Four, West of the Willamette
Meridian, particularly described as fol­
lows, to-wit: Beginning on the West
line o f said Donation Claim South 1 de­
gree 33 minutes East 8.20 chains from
the quarter section corner on the South
line o f Section 3 in said township and
range, running thence along d i t c h
North 84 deg 53 min East 9.08 chains;
thence North 72 deg 43 min East 21.12
chains along said ditch to where it
enters Alexander or Carpenter Creek
and to the center of said creek; thence
up said creek in the center thereof
South 9 deg 11 min West 7.36 chains to
the corner o f the F. M. Porter tract o f
land now owned by W. C. Freeman;
thence in a Southwesterly direction up
said creek in the center line thereof
following all its meanderings to the
Northeast corner of a tract of land
conveyed to W. C. Freeman by war­
ranty deed dated November 23d, 1912,
executed by said Frank D. Sawyer and
wife Louie Mae Sawyer, which is re­
corded in book 97 of the deed records
of Washington County, Oregon, at
page 127; thence North 35 deg 30 min
West 2.20 chains to the center o f Coun­
ty road No. 467, said point being the
Northwest comer of said W. C. Free­
man tract last above mentioned; thence
in a Northeasterly direction in the
center o f said county road No. 467 to
the Northeast corner o f a tract o f land
conveyed by A. B. Snider and wife to
Alva B. Craft and Homer C. Atwell,
by deed recorded in hook 92 of the deed
records o f Washington County, Oregon,
at page 301 thereof; thence South 84
deg 53 min West 10.00 chains, more or
less, to the West line of said Carpen­
ter Donation Land Claim; thence North
1 deg 33 min West on the West line of
said claim 3.80 chains, more or less, to
the place o f beginning, reserving and
excepting therefrom a roadway 30 feet
in width neginning at the Northwest
corner o f said tract and extending along
the North line thereof to the county
road to which roadway grantors herein
made and delivered a deed to Henry
Swanson and Jane Swanson on or about
November 22nd, 1912.
Also conveying hereby the following
described tract o f land, to-wit: Being a
part o f the Northeast Quarter o f the
Northwest Quarter of Section 10 in
Township One, South, Range 4 West of
the Willamette Meridian, in Washing­
ton County, Oregon, and more partic­
ularly bounded and described as follows,
to-wit: Bejrinnin^t at a stake which is
set at a point which is south 1 deg 35
min East 789.2 feet and South 65 deg
49 min West 397.9 feet from the quar­
ter section corner between sections 3
and 10 in Township 1 south, Range 4
West, and from said point running
thence South 65 deg 49 min West 22.2
feet to a stake; thence South 7 deg 32
min East 12.9 feet to a stake; thence
North 74 deg 05 min East 19.9 ft; thence
North 20 deg 27 min West 22.4 feet to
the place o f beginning, together with
all other perpetual easements and
rights conveyed to us. the grantors
herein by deed dated November 22nd,
1912, executed by Henry Swanson and
Jane H. Swanson, his wife which is re­
corded in book 97 o f the deed records
of Washington County, Oregon, at
page 177 thereof, to satisfy the herein­
before named sums and for the costs
and expenses of sale and said writ.
Said sale will be made subject to re­
demption as per statute of Oregon.
Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this 23d
day of Aug. 1916.
Sheriff of Washington County, Oregon.
Attorneys for Plaintiffs.
First publication Sept. 7, 1916.
Last publication Oct. 5, 1916.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
o f an execution, decree and order of
sale, dated August 18, 1916, issued out
o f and under the seal o f the Circuit
Court o f the State o f Oregon for Wash­
ington County, in favor ul plaintiff in
that certain suit therein pernfiniJ'«’here­
in George Kieni is plaintiff and T. H.
I.ittlehales, V. E. S. Littlehales, E. H.
Coleman and J. H. Shearer, are de­
fendants, upon a judgment against the
defendants, T. H. Littlehales and V.
E. S. Littlehales, for the sum of
$1400.00 with interest thereon at the
rate o f 8 per cent per annum from No­
vember 22, 1914, and the sum of
$125.00 attorney’s fee, and the costs
nnd disbursements o f this suit taxed at
$17.50, and commanding me to sell the
real property hereinafter described at
public auction to satisfy said sums.
NOW THEREFORE. 1 will, on Sat­
urday, September 23, 1916, at the hour
o f 10 o ’clock A. M. at the South door
o f the Court House in Hillsboro, Wash-
± t pn Cébtfiing Co.
Washington Count, Oregon, to-wit:
Beginning at the Northeast corner
of Lot 2, in Block 29, in the Town
(now City) o f Forest Grove, running
thence West on the North line o f said
lot 151 feet and 9 inches; running thence
South parallel with the East line of
said lot 151 feet and 9 inches; running
thence East parallel with the North
line o f said lot 151 feet and 9 inches to
the East line o f said lot; thence North
on the East line of said lot 151 feet arid
9 inches to the place of beginning, all
in Washington County, Oregon,
Said sale will be made subject to re­
demption as per statute.
Dated this August 24, 1916.
Sheriff of Washington County, Ore.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Guardian’s Sale o f Real Estate
Notice is hereby given that under
and by virtue o f an order of sale, duly
made and entered of record by the
County Court o f Washington County,
Oregon, on August 16, 1916, licensing
me to sell at private sale, the real es­
tate, hereinafter described, belonging
to Perry Ellis, ar, insane person, I will
from and after September 25, 1916,
proceed to sell, at private sale, to the
highest bidder for cash in hand at the
time of sale, all the following bounded
and described real property situated in
the County o f Washington and State of
Oregon, to-wit:
The West half o f the Southeast
uarter and the North half o f the
outhwest quarter and the Southwest
quarter of the Southwest quarter of
Section Twenty-five (25) in Township
One (1) North Range Five (5) West of
the Willamette Meridian, containing
Two Hundred (200) acres, more or less.
ALSO: Part of the Wm. Pointer D. L.
C. No. 62 in T. 1 S. R. 1 W. Will. Mer.,
Washington County, Oregon,
bounded an d described as follows,
Beginning at an iron pipe the N. E.
corner o f a tract of land conveyed to
Eugene Schiller by a deed recorded at
page 441 o f Book 68, Records o f Deeds
for Washington County, Oregon, run­
ning thence N. 42 deg. 30 min. E. 2.45
chains to an iron pipe; thence N. 67
deg. 15 min. E. 2.49 chs; thence S.
0 deg. 22 min. E. 14.84 chs. to an iron
pipe which iron pipe is 1.175 chs. W. of
the quarter section line running N. and
S. through Section 12, T. 1 S. R. 1 W;
thence N. 88 deg. 33 min. W. 4.00 chs.
to an iron pipe set on the E. line of
said Schiller tract; thence N. 0 deg.
8 min. W. on such line, 11.97 chs. to
the place o f beginning and containing
5.46 acres.
Bids will be received by me at the
law office o f M. B. Bump, in Hillsboro,
Oregon, and said sale will be subject to
confirmation by the County Court of
Washington County, Oregon.
Said property to be sold subject to
dower right of Josephine R. Ellis, wife
o f Perry Ellis.
Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, t h i s
August 17, 1916.
Guardian of the person and es­
tate o f Perry Ellis, an insane
D. D. and M. B. BUMP,
Attorneys for Guardian and
said Estate.
8,1916, until paid, for the sum of $50.00
attorney’s fees, and for his costs and
disbursements incurred in this suit, and
for a decree foreclosing» mortgage for
said sums o f money, against the follow­
ing-described real property, to-wit:
The Northwest Quarter of the
Southwest Quarter (N. W. 1-4 of S.
W\ 1-4) of Section Thirty-two (32),
Township Two (2), North o f Range
Five (5), West o f Willamette Mer­
idian, containing forty (40) acres,
ail in Washington county, Oregon,
and for a sale o f said property herein
described, by the Sheriff of Washington
county, state of Oregon, to satisfy the
said sums of money, and forever bar­
ring and foreclosing you, and each of
you, o f all right, title and interest in
and to the same, or any part thereof,
and for such other and further relief as
the Court may deem equitable.
This summons is published by virtue
o f an order o f the Hon. George R. Bag-
ley, Judge of the above entitled Court,
ma<ie on the 10th day o f August, 1916,
directing the same to be published in
the “ Forest Grove Express,” a news­
paper o f general circulation, published
at Forest Grove, Washington County,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Date o f First Publication, Aug. 17,1916.
Date o f Last Publication, Sept. 28, 1916.
In the Circuit Court o f the state of
Oregon for Washington county.
Richard A. Naie, Plaintiff,
Edda Lee Naie, Defendant.
To Edda Lee Naie, Defendant:
OREGON. You are hereby required to
appear and answer the complaint filed
against you in the above entitled cause
and court on or before September 15,
1916, and if you fail so to appear and
answer, for want thereof plaintiff will
apply to the Court for a decree dissolv­
ing the marriage contract now existing
between the plaintiff and defendant
and for such otner decree as may be
proper in the premises.
This summons is served upon you by
publication in the Forest Grove Ex­
press, pursuant to an order o f the
Honorable George R. Bagley, Judge of
the above named court, made, dated
and filed August 2, 1916, which order
directs that this summons be published
for six consecutive weeks, beginning
with the issue dated August 3, 1916,
and ending with the issue dated Sep­
tember 14, 1916, and requires you to
appear and answer on or before Sep­
tember 15, 1916.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
First publication August 3, 1916.
Last publication September 14, 1916.
Meeting of Board of Equalization
is hereby given that the Board o f
Equalization o f Washington County,
Oregon, will meet on Monday, Septem­
ber 11, 1916, at the Court House in
Hillsboro, in Wàshington County, that
being the second Monday in September
and the time and place providea by law
publicly examine the assessment
rolls o f said County for 1916, and cor­
rect all errors in valuation and descrip­
tion or quantities of land, lots or other
properties, and it is the duty o f all per­
sons interested to appear at the time
and place appointed, and if it shall ap­
pear to said Board o f Equalization that
\ there are any lands, lots or other prop­
ia erty assessed twice, or in the name o f
; a person or persons not the owner o f
! the same, or assessed under or beyond
its value, or any lots, land or other
properties not assessed, said Board of
equalization shall make the proper cor­
Assessor, Washington County; Ore.
Hillsboro, Oregon, Aug. 21, 1916.
In the Circuit Court o f the State of
Oregon for Washington county.
Roy Hesseltine,
Jacob F. Tracy and Pa-
cific Land & Water Co.,
a corporation.
To Jacob F. Tracy and Pacific Land &
Water Co., a corporation,defendants:
In the name o f the State o f Oregon,
The Express prints butter wrap­
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you pers with non-poisonous ink.
in the above-entitled suit, within six
weeks from Aug. 17, 1906, namely, on
or before Friday, Sept. 29th, 1916, the
date o f the first publication of this sum­
mons being Aug. 17, 1916, and the date
Attorney At Law
of the last publication being Sept. 28,
1916, and if you fail to answer, for
Patent Office Busings Solicited
want thereof, the plaintiff will apply
for the relief demanded in his com- ForestGrove,
We’ll Save You Money
Groceries, Dry Goods and Notions
on anything in the line of
Closing Out
Ladies’ and Gents’ Underwear
at half price; Children’s regular
25c hose, 2 pair for 25c.
Pure White and White River Flour, $1.60 a sack
Comer Third St. and Pacific Ave
Phone 41X