30C square, and in doing thereof that 5 I may not stick the gaff where it WASHINGTON does not belong. Published even Thursday at Forest Grove, Oregon. W. C. Ber.fer. Editor and Publisher. — Deafen me to the jangle of tainted money and the rustle of Entered as second-class m atter Jan. 12, 1916. at the nostoffi Oregon, under the Act of March 3. 1979 unholy skirts. Blind me to the faults of the THURSDAY SEPT 7 1916 other t'eilow, but reveal to me mine own N O T E S A N I) C O M M E N T S Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday __ Guide me so that each night The Porcine Twins are bad est infant dtath rate are Passaic, when 1 ,ook •cross lhe (,inner enough, but they haven’t any­ New Jersey 193.5^: Montgomery, uble *l m>’ wife> who has been a thing on some of their lieutenants A'abama lSo.ll; and Nashville, blessing to me, I w ill have noth­ a T who assist them in putting over Tennessee J82.3). No city with ing to conceal. Ke e p me young enough to some of their raw deals. More of a population of 200.000 or over these later, after the fair. has an infant death rate so high laugh with my children and to (O nly O ne Block fro m R ailroad) myself in their play. "The Nuts" people with hob­ as those just given, nor, on the lose And then when comes the smell bies held a convention at Los other hand, has any of them a of flowers tread of soft Angeles last Saturday and each rate below 50. The lowest rates steps, and and the the crushing the Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Swine. Poultry and Pet Stock, individual “Nut” was allowed to among cities of tha- size are those wheels of the hearse in the of gravel Vegetables, Fruits, Grains, Grasses, Farm Machinery of Seattle, Washington 53.1), and make a short speech on his par­ in front of my place, make the Automobiles, Flowers, Fancy Work, Plants, Portland, Oregon (57 7». T he ticular hobby. Too bad Forest Pictures, Culinary and Household Articles short and the epitaph Grove’s Twins were too busy highest are those of Jersey City ceremony Something Doing Every Day! Watch for the Program! trying to corner the newspaper 132 9 . and Indianapolis (131.6». simple: See List of Special Prizes! "HERE LIES A MAN ” field) to attend this convention. In commenting on the figures, the $2,000.00 in Premiums; $000,00 in Special Prize« —Homer McKee. Journal of the American Medical Thev also have hobbies Firemen’s Tournament! Band Contests ! says that the condi­ Some alleged "boasters” use the While the Express devoted con­ Association Wednesday Automobile Day. tions that cause tho-e high rates word as a key to get Into their siderable space last week to the may neighbor’s strongbox If they Thursday Firemen’s Day. be remedied by any com­ Porcine Twins, it still had room munity that is determined not to can’t take out ten dollars for ev­ Friday School Children’s Day. to publish the fact that Mrs. tolerate such a wa.-te of infant ery one they put in. they soon Saturday Grunge Day. Vivian Baber, a former Forest life. If only six babes in the lose their enthusiasm The officers will be pleased to furnish you any Grove woman, had been brutally Borough of Manhattan were to information desired. assaulted by a negro at her home be Joseph P. Hurley, Pres. R. W. Reder, Sec’y killed or even threatened with T H E P U B L IC P U L S E near Lima. Ohio. And the Ex­ death by a bomb from an aero­ FOREST GROVE. OREGON "Taxpayer” Asks Questions press was the only paper in Wash plane, the country wo u l d be a i 3 0 1------ non ington county giving this news. «fame with indignation. An - b- Editor Express: he owns will be levied on for sewer Woman’s flub Notice Monopolistic sheets haven't a se-rver from Mars might find the Haven’t we the faculty here in assessment ? He is only one of monopoly of the news, it seems. fact curious when contrasted with Forest Grove of getting the “cart many. How about those who are The President of the Woman’s Club desires to call a meeting of before the horse” in many of our without a .-alary but have Both railroad owners and em­ the calm unconcern with which public con-. the club mepiberi Monday. Sept. ? ployes should be mighty thankful we regard conditions that doom We improvements cidered themselves fortunate in the paving when we owning a small home and garden 11th in the parlors of the Con­ that President Wilson thought i: thousands of infants in this coun­ should got gregational church at 3 p. m. have had the sewer and, more important to the nation to try to dea'h.—Youth’s Compan­ as a consequence, plot ? Is it to lead to eviction The Executive board will meet have had our for these ? stay at home and avert a strike ion. improved parkings disturbed, to It is hard to see how these con­ at 2-30 p. m. in the same place, than to go gallivanting about the THE TRAGEDY say nothing of the additional ex­ ditions art» to be adjusted and to take action on any important country begging votes. Every­ OF HUGHES of putting it on two sides of how the bills are to be met, as it business which may come up. body in America has been saved "Where is Hughes gone? The pense All women who wish to become the street, when one would have needless suffering and expense by Hugh s of 1908 ?” inquires the answered. will be impossible for even the members of the club and have President Wilson's desire for in­ Times. That is what democrats Then again we are getting a authorities to turn the properties their names in the year book, dustrial peace. It is to be re­ and republicans alike are asking sanitary sewer where a surface into money at this time Some please present their names to some gretted that even a few republi­ themselves—the with or storm sewer was really what of the mortgaged property is even member of the executive board can senators and congressmen astonishment and democrats delight, the re­ the people wanted and fully ex­ now being thrown on the hands of before Monday. thought more of party lines than publicans wi.h bewilderment and pected to get. The latter would the brokers and they find them­ MRS. G. D. ROGERS, of industrial peace, as shown by disgust. selves encumbered with property have meant relief from the open Secretary. their votes on the Adamson eight- The Hughes that New York ditches and foul odors which are they do not want and assessments Attention, Odd Fellows hour bill. Congressman McAr­ once knew, the Hughes whom the due, not so much from the refuse they have to pay. thur of Portland is the only con­ World support-d in 1906 and emptied into them, as from the The time of settlement is al­ Washington lodge has b e e n gressman west of the Missis-ippi 1908. has dissapp-ared. In his standing and stagnant condition most here and our city solons will notified that Brother Frank E. Reed, grand conductor, represent­ river to vote against the bill. place we have a Hughes of the of the water. This condition we find a grave duty confronting ing grand master, will visit them. Wi I they be equal to the this the A man said the other day he Penrose-Cannon-Gallinger t ype, will still have with us. lodge evening. didn't care to read about news­ whose mind never arises above With a good -urface sewer in- task of meeting these conditions Sept. 18th. on All Monday members the paper sc-aps. so the writer told the petty partisanship of repub­ stalld. each p perty owner could and adjusting them to the best order are invited to come out oi and him there was plenty of other lican organization politics. The have been notifi-d to install septic interests of all the citizen- who go hear the grand master's repre­ to make up our fair little city— reading in the paper: but if there speeches he is delivering in the . tank and cess p oi and at much Will they ? TAXPAYER. sentative. are any people who don't want to west m'ght be made by any ordi­ less expense than the sewer is W. f. T. I . give the editor the privilege of nary clever young republican can­ going to cost th-m and we would Barnett Roe in Hospital expressing his mind m the Ex­ didate for the s»a:e legisla;ure. then have had a clean and sani­ Barnett Y. Hoe, the well-known The annual meeting of the W. press. they might as well cancel No other candidate for presi­ tary town. Almost all the better farmer of near Wapato, i- at the C. T. U. will be held at Mrs. McMinnville hospital where he Marcilliott’s (north A street) on their subscription, for this editor dent within the memory of livirg homes have these requirements underwent Friday an operation Friday, Sept. 8th, at 2:30 p. m. will not be muzzled, even to p.^-ase men ever ran downhill so rapidly and if compelle- to connect will for appendicitis and other com­ A full attendance of members is h is subscriber-. Furthermore, as Mr. Hughes has done since the have gone to much expense for plications Mr. Roe is prominent any subscriber may discontinue day following his nomination. It nothing. in the councils of he county desired. K. B. PENFIELD, his paper without canzer of be is both the campaign sensation Fully one ha’f of Portland is grange and is county president of Press Supt. e Farmers’ union. Reports The regular meeting of th e ing abused by the ecitor: nor will and the campaign mystery of the still unsewered . yet is a remark­ th from his bedside are encouraging the editor of the Express try to country. Wherever m en t a l k ably healthy town with septic for he is rallying splendidly from Missionary Soeiety of the Christ­ collect for advertising run ove- politics, th e one question is, tanks and cesspools. the effects of the surgical opera­ ian church will be held in the time. The Express is not a cha-- “What has happened to Hughes ?” The day of adjustment will tion.—McMinnville Ne w s-Re- church Monday. Sept. 11th, at itable institution and its editor Nobody has answered t h a t soon be here, when all this ex­ porter. p. m.t instead of Tuesday, doesn't want anything he isn't question: yet it acmits of an an­ pense must be parcelled out to the Mr. Roe is a brother to our 2:30 the 12th. Mrs. Madden, a mis­ willing to earn. Some alleged swer—and the explanation can be different ones and each will be ex­ own Charley Roe and is a grad­ sionary to Japan, home on a papers a re n o t run on thr found in Mr. Hughes’ Chicago pected to ta te up his share of the uate of Pacific University. His furlough, will talk. at Visitors are principle._____________ speech when he said: "As I was burden, regardle* in many in­ many Forest Grove friends will welcome. Mrs. Madden will on the bench 100 percent a judge,* stances of already heavy paving hope for an early recovery. A speak at the Christian church THE CITY BABY’S rhat is to be delegation of local Masons went Monday evening, also. Every­ I then became 100 per cent a can as>essments, CHANCES the outcome? Is it to lead to to McMinnville Sunday to visit body invited. didate.'’ "No community that has an That is where the Hughes of confiscation of *be homes of mauy the patient and found him doing Having put the subscription infant mortality ra'eof more than 1908 gone. He has disap­ of the -mall owner», who, through nicely. 50 can maintain that its babies peared has price of the Express down to the ha*d time- of the past two in the Hughes of 1916, who Han-est Fete Was Profitable are getting anything like a square is 100 per cent a candidate.—New years have been unable to keep $1.00 per year during September The Catholic Harvest Fete, held deal.” That is the statement of York World. new subscribers, the manage­ up their paving assessments and in this city five days last week, for the New York Milk Committee. ment want to treat present sub­ with this additi nal burden upon under the auspices of the Catho­ It means of course, an annual fairly, so if those in ar­ One Maa s Prayer wiil be at the mercy of the lics of the county, proved very scribers death rate of 50 in every 1000. Teach me that sixty minutes them rears will pny to date, they will enjoyable to those attending and The committee has prt; ared a make one hour, sixteen ounces law? be given another year’s subscrip* Many of the people are old resulted in a profit of better than tion for $1.00 additional. statistical bulletin that shows the one pound, and one hundr-d cents settlers, who .ave large tracts $100.00. The event came at a infant mortality rates in 144 one dollar. subject to assessments and time when most of the members During SeptemlMT you can American cities. According to Help me to live so I can lie upon which thes* they cannot realize a of the church were busy with have the Forest Grove Express the figures, only four of the cities down at night with a clear con­ at the p’^-sent time. What their harvesting, or a better show­ tonce a week) and W. J. Bryan’s are giving the babies "a square science, without a gun under my do.lar to become of their holdings ? ing. financially, would have been Commoner (monthly) both one deal.” They are La Crosse, Wis­ pillow, and undaunted by th e is One year for $1.50. This offer means party wi*h a large family, made. consin (30.6 ; Ogden, Utah 39 8 ; faces of those to whom I have and small cash in advance. salary is paying interest, Miss Haze ¡teen Stockman is Omaha, Nebraska (47.1 : and brought pain. trying to, on a thousand-dollar back in the Hoffman store, after ^ M. S. Allen a n d daughter, East Orange. New Jersey (48.8 . Grant, I beseech Thee, that I or paving asses-ment. Where will j Gertrude, motored to Portland Some of the cities with the high- may earn my meal ticket on the he be when every foot of ground a pleasant vacation. Tuesday. Site jfnrrst Qjrnttr fcxprpsa County Fair Sept. 20 to 23, inclusive Forest Grove Fair (¿rounds This Will Be a Great Exhibition