WORLD’S DOINGS Of CURRENT WEEK PRtSIDENI WILSON ACCEPIS LINCOLN MEMORIAL AS «ET IO NAIION RAILROAD STRIKE l ORDER CANCELED NORTHW EST MARKET REPORTS; ^ Hodgeiivillt\ Ky. Preaidant Wilson came to Kentucky Monday to pay hom­ age to the memory o f Lincoln. The President accepted for the Federal G EN ER A L CROP CONDITIONS Portland Wheat Bluestem, $1.27 per bushel; fortyfold, $1.24; club. I f 1.28; red fife, $1.25; ret! Russian, j _________ $ GIGANTIC BATTLE OPENS IN FRANCE 1 22 . . Mitlfeed Spot prices: Bran, $211.60 government the log cabin in which ^ per ton; shorts, $25.60; rolleti barley, Lincoln was born in a speech devoted *35(436. to an eulogy o f the C^vil war Presi­ Corn— Whole, $42 per ton; cracked, dent. Standing on a hill topped by a $43. magnificent granite memorial building Hay— Produi-er»’ prices: Timothy, hoO»ing the Lincoln cabin, he praise«! Eastern Oregon, $16 60(418 |>er ton; Lincoln as the embodiment o f demo­ , valley, $15(4)16; alfalfa, $14.50; wheat cracy. hay, $12.60(4! 13.60; oat and vetch, $12 " W e are not worthy to stand here 12.50; cheat, $11; clover, $10. unless we ourselves tie indeed and in B u tter— Exchange prices: Cubes, truth real Democrats and servants of extras, no bid; 29c asked. Jobbing German Second Line From Somme Bill Embraces Virtually All ot Presi­ prices: Prints, extras, 32(a34c; but­ Live News Items of All Nations and mankind, ready to give our very lives for the freedom and justice and spirit­ North to Combles Now Entirely ter fat. No. 1. 81c; No. 2. 2»c. Port­ dent’s Proposals- Measure to ual exaltation o f the great nation Pacific Northwest Condensed land. in Possession of French. which shelters and nurtures u s," lie Take Effect ian. 1, 19 17. E gg" — Oregon ranch, exchange for Our Busy Readers. said. price, current receipts, 27c per doxen. The non-political character o f the Jobbing prices: Oregon ranch, can- program was emphasise«! by the men­ died, 28(.a30c; selects, 82c. Pari«- The French won • magnifi­ Washington, D. C.— The threat o f a tion o f the name o f Charles E. Poultry— Hens, 13 ¿(414c per pound; About 3000 m^n mare hid in Port­ general railroad strike, which ha» been cent «nd highly iio p r U n t victory Hughes, the Republican nominee, by broilers, 16c; turkeys, live. 18<422c; land'» Labor Hay parade, Monday. Monday north of the Somme and there one o f the speakers in giving the list hanging like a pall over the country «lucks, ll(< tl4 ic ; geese, 9(4 He. The Third infantry o f the Oregon of directors of the Lincoln Farm as­ for a month, wa» lifted Saturday is reason to lielive Sunday night’a Veal —Fancy, 12|c per pound. night. National guard, arrived at camp sociation. Pork— Fancy, 12^(413«* per pound. communiques begin another series such Three hours after the senate had Withyoomb* Tuesday from duty on the What was said to tie one o f the larg­ Vegetables Artichokes, 75c(4$l per bonier. est crowds ever gathered in this part of («asset! without amendment the A«iam- tioxen; tomatoes, 35(466c per crate; as were hat! in the first days o f the son eight-hour-day bill, passed by the It i* announced offlcallv that Dar-ee- Kentucky came to Lincoln farm in h««u»e Friday, the heads o f the four cabbage, $1.75 per hundred; garlic, Kc great offensive. The question whether the battle was Salaam, the chief town o f German special trains and automobiles and on great railroad employes' brotherhotxis per pound; peppers. 6(4'6c; eggplant, the prelude to a vast Franro-Iiritish f«iot. The President and his party 7 (< / 10c; lettuce, 20(rte«l that labor is so scarce that way the President stopped and laid a issued a week ago, to take effect Sep­ Potatoes New. $1(41.25 a hundred; would not have begun that action ex­ tember 4. one o f the lumber m ill» wa* obliged to wreath on a statue o f Lincoln. cept according to concerted allied sweets, 3J ¿4c. The legislative expedient to avert di»cv>ntinxie it» night shift. At the farm he walked up a long plana. Onions -California, $1.50 per sack; the strike was passed in the senate Tbe official communique, which waa I e»# than fifty per cent of the school flight o f broad granite stairs lined with by a vote o f 43 to 28 —almost a strict Walla Witlla, $1.60. paased by the censor, says: "A ttviusands o f cheering persons to the Green Fruits — Apples, new, 75c<4 children o f Portland were in attend­ party vote— amid stirring scenes, after ance on the first day o f school, owing Lincoln memorial building at the top. many senators, Demorcata and Repub­ $1.85 per box; cantaloups, 60c(i(,$L60 bloody battle is going on on both banks o f the Somme. The French have made Inside he examined silently the one- to the fact that it was Labor Day. had fought desperately to p r e r a t e ; peaches. 25(470c p r box; fresh progress east o f tbe village o f rvxim cabin ma«le o f rough logs aixi licans, wni«m elons, 1 14c p r pound; plums, The Argentine government ha» mud and then wrote his name in the amend the measure by provisions de­ $1. 50(4 1 .75; i Forest, north of the river, and on the signed to prevent industrial disaster-, 1 «5o(u$l p r box; pars, reached re final decision a» to it» reply register. g rs p s , $1.lO^t 1.85 p r crate; rasa- South have successfully attacked ob­ Some senators, thor­ to the representation» o f the entente Ex-Governor Joseph W. Folk, of in the future. jectives along a front o f 20 kilometers baa. l j c p r pound. allies that merchant suhmarie* o f a Missouri, president of the Lincoln oughly aroused, declared congress was ( 12i miles) from Harleux to t'haulncs. Sack Vegetables- T u r n ip $1.25 p r belligerent nation should be treated as Farm assiviation. presided at the for­ being coerced into enactment o f legis­ "T h e village o f Soyerourt waa briI- sack; carrots, $1.26; beets. $1.25(4 warships. mal ceremonies. Robert J. Collier, lation that it did not desire and that it 1.50. lianty carried by assault, as was also knew would return to ylague it in the More than W ith more than WOO people from vice president o f the association, gave H o p — 1915 crop, nominal; 1916 p r t of Vermandoviers. future. 5000 prisoners have F>een taken North all section» of Douglas county. Oregon, the g ift o f the deed to the farm to contracts, 10c, nominal. In both h>-'_«e* the measure was in attendance, the Rod and Gun Club Secretary Baker, representing the War Wool- Eastern Oregon, fine, 23g. J. Knsmar and now on their way there, it is felt that least 50 persons were injured in the shaken the Mexican republic to its W. F. Scheibner. The wheat tests 59 this number can be spare«!.” street fighting. very foundations and ha* caused so to fi(i (xiund* to the bushel and grades In a few days, i f transportation fa- John F. St. John, a candidate for much loss of life and property, so No. 1. It is not so plump as that of eilititics remain undisturbe«!, the de­ the Presidency on the Prohibition much suffering and privation.” Punta* Arena«, Chile— Lieutenant laat year, hut is strong in gluten. The partment intends to otiler home some ticket ir. ISM . twice governor o f Kan­ Shackieton rerumed here Sunday with price was $1.1? fur bluestem and $1.14 mere regiment». sas. and one o f the most widely known W ord "O b ey " Eliminated. the member* of his Antarctic expedi­ for club. Sales of small lots continue. temperance advocates in the United Chicago— The commission of seven tion whom, he -esuceo and «-ho had Enraged Mob Injures Sheriff. States, died at Olathe. Kan., agred S8. bishops, sever, pastors and seven lay­ Colfax— With grait quotations soar­ been, marooned on Elephant Island. Lima, O.— Enrage«! st the success o f Protestant Episcopal The men are all in good condition. It ing high the market here is inactive. Sheriff Sherman Eley in spiriting At a secret session of the Chinese men o f the parliament. Premier Tuar Chi Jui. re«- church, appointed to revise the rituai «•as April 24 ¿hat Shack Ieton set nut Bluestem was quoted at $1.23; fo rty ­ char I «•* Daniels, a negro accused o f at­ plying to inquiries about the recent of the church, has determined to elim­ from Elephant Island in a 22-foot fold, S I.17; red Russian. $1.18; bar­ tacking Mr*. John Barber, young w ife clash between Chinese and Japanese inate the word ’ohey" from the mar­ boat, fitted witt sledge runners leav­ ley $1.60 anu oat* $1.30. It is esti­ of a prominent farmer, out o f their troops in Eastern Mongolia, said the riage ceremony, it wa* learned here. ing 22 met of his expedition behind mated that about 50 per cent o f the reach early Wednes«lay evening, a mob Japanese were the aggressors and fired, The enmmissior «-ill report to the gen­ him. The mer he left behind had five 1916 crop here ha* beer sold. captured the aheriff, seriously wounded eral convention of the church at St. weeks provisions, their only shelter the first shots him. placed a noose around his neck I.OUÌS. October 11. Radical changes was an ice cave; night and day gates ami forced him to direct a cortege of a The price of platinum jumped $2© ar. were proposed in the ten command­ swept the bleat shores, so that any Harvest Hands Needed in hundred automobiles into the rough ounce in two days, the quotations now ments. the burial and baptismal serv­ one leaving the shelter hac to crawl Eastern Oregon Grain Fields country north of this city, «h e r e it running from $80 to $86 ar. ounce. ices and in arrangement* of various or hand anc i.n Condon. Or. — Farmers throughout was supposed the negro prisoner was Scarcity o f the metal because of the prayers. this section of Eastern Oregon art ex­ in hiding w * t embargo set two year* agr on G-eek Civilians Are Arm ing periencing aermu* difficulty in secur­ platinum from. Russ.a. together with Food Gamblers Hard Hit. Pane— A dispatch to the Petit Par­ ing neceeeary labor for harvesting Loading Charge Held Up. the beginning o f the Christmas holiday New Y ork — Food dealer* who gam­ isian from Saioniki datec Friday say* their grair. crop. In anme districts it W ashingtnn. D. C.- The Interstate deman.: from, jeweler«, wa* attributed bled or the expected isolation of New that a comm, rtee o f nations) defense, ha* beer almost impossible to employ Commerce commission Wednesday sus­ as reasons. York from outside supplies a* a result composed of n~nminert military mer harvest hands while the availabte sup­ pended until December 86 a proposal A profit o f more that $1.060,000 a of the threatened railroad strike and and civilians has beer proclaimed a* ply of labor generally , unless recruited of M estnrr roads to make a charge for week was made by the Ford Motor held back ahinments t r unload at fam ­ the provisional government of Mace­ from other agricultural districts, will loading and unloading shipments o f company daring the year which ended ine price« found themselves over­ donia A ll the gendarmes and cavalry, he inadequate for the proper harvest less than carload lota July 81. according to a financial state whelmed by their own plot. Prices says the dispatch, have joined this mg of this crop. The mads proposed to charge 1J ment. The year's business totaled suddenly collapsed with the averting movement A parade of revolutionary Common labor ir the harvest field is cent* |»or hundred pounds for snch load $206.867.84?; the year's profit was of the strike and the food gamblers Croons under Lieutenant Colonel Zinv being paid $2.6© a day. while the more ing and unloading, a charge «-hich $89.994.118. Henry- Pore announced wore caught with vast quantities of brakakis took mace, after which there skilled labor is equally scarce, al­ would have materially increased rev­ that most o f the profit w ill he used in supplies or their hands One specula­ wae a reran« of armac civilians and though the wage range* from $8 tr $4 enue and which was to have gone into expanding the company ’* bus; tor is reported to have lost heavily. volunteers wearing the blue and white a d a y .. effect heptamlter 1. Brief Resume of General News from All Around the Earth. Senate Quickly Passes Adamson Eight- Hour Ddy Measure. Important Victory Seems But Start of Another Vast Drive. UNIVERSAL HAPPENINGS IN A NUTSHELl DANGER OF TIE-UP IS AVERTED 5000 PRISONERS ARE TAKEN Amcnoii Rights Is Issue B ^c,* Am ena*-M Commtssjou 15,000 Stale Troops Ordered Home from H enan Border Duty .stockltfiHi Rescues 22 Cast - •ways from Reptan! Island