0 C 7 *^ ~ g , Slit Störest (Iront IE xjutbh AN IN D E P E N D E N T W EEKLY NEW SPAPER Vol. 1, No. 35 FOREST GROVE, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPT. 7. 1916 NEWSY NOTES OF IL $1.50 per Year ents of Mrs. Cornelius, went with them for a visit of several weeks, j 1 Uncle John's health is improving. Mr. and Mrs. John Williams left yesterday morning for Cali­ fornia, where they have a pear From the Lima, Ohio, Daily ! lies in the fact that up to four Mr. O. M. Sanford was a Port­ (Orchard. They expect to remain Marked Progress During the News and from a letter written years ago the victim, Vivian Dix­ land visitor Saturday. at least a year. Past Three Years hi« wife in this city by Melvin H. on Baber, was a resident of this Chris Jensen of the Thatcher Miss Faye Schroeder left Fri- city, having lived here with her Dixon, father o f Mrs. Vivian mother, (Mrs. Jennie Dixon), two district is building a fine prune'day evening and was joined in Pacific University announces Portland by Ruth Cady, both Haber, the following facta con­ t brothers, Kennard and Olan, and dryer to take care of his crop. the election of new teachers for Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Williams «iris going to Gold Hill, where cerning the assault on Mrs. Haber 1 two sisters, Norma and Opal, for and children of Gales Creek were they will teach in the high school the chemistry, biology and ath­ ten years. Three years ago Viv- are obtained: this year. shopping in the Grove Tuesday. letic departments. William C. On the morning of Tuedsay, I ian married John Haber, a highly- Drs. Crockett and Higgs, with 1 Handlin and Paul M. Gilmer are ■ respected young farmer of near Doris and Donald Watson re­ Aug. 29th, when John Haber had | Lima and they, with their child, turned Saturday f r o m a two their families, passed through1 gone to Lima, three miles from : were living happily and contented weeks visit with friends at Cherry town Monday, enroute to Port­ two of the new teachers, who come land, after a visit with the family from the University of Illinois. his farm, his wife, Vivian Haber i on their little farm adjoining that Grove. L. L. Langley, the Portland at­ of H. W. Scott and a deer hunt in They have both finished their (nee Dixon) laid down on a cot on which the wife’s father, M. H. Dixon, U t m . torney, visited his mother and Scoggin’s valley. Dr. Crockett work for the Master’s Degree. with her young child for a short The mother, Mrs. Jennie Dixon, sister in this city Saturday and was fortunate enough to bag a They have each had eight or ten rest. While she was reclining a buck. was prostrated by the news of the Sunday. years of successful teaching ex­ negro, since identified as Charles Lorenzo D. Creel and L. P. tragedy, but is slowly recovering Warren Tupper started Tues­ perience— Prof. Gilmer in chem­ from the shock, as encouraging day for Wisconsin, where he will Rockwood returned M o n d a y : istry and Prof. Handlin in biology. news comes from the Ohio hos­ resume his school work in the evening from a hurried trip to the W’ilson river a n d , while they Both are enthusiasts in athletics pital. _______________ University. didn’t get many fish, they had a and will assist in athletic training Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Goff and delightful trip and Mr. Creel says Grange Meeting Mr. and Mrs. A . B. Caple.s en­ the virgin forests of that section at Pacific University. The meeting of Gale Grange Prof. Gilmer is twenty-eight joyed a picnic dinner up Gales are alone worth going to see. held in this city Saturday was not Creek Sunday. years of age and brings a wife and Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Williams very largely attended, but those Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Thomas of have received the announcement one child with him. In track ath­ letics he is an old 440-yard man present took a deep interest in Portland visited th e former’s of the marriage of their son, Ser-: the proceedings. The third and parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. geant Ray T. Williams, to Miss and in football has worked under some of the most successful coach­ fourth degrees were conferred on Thomas, Sunday. Thelma Hopper of San Francisco, es in the country, including G. E. Mrs. Mamie Britton and Martin Mrs. Harriet Cheadle left Sat­ , Saturday Sept. 2nd. Mr. Wil­ Bernards. In discussing the vari­ urday for Sundae, Wash., where liams has been engaged in th e ; Osborne of Beloit, O. C . Bell of ous proposed amendments to the she will remain for the winter ¡(j S. marine service the past four Monmouth and Russell Goodwin of th° famous 1914 Washington constitution, it appeared that the with her brother, Merlin Rice. years— t w o years a s assistant and Jefferson team. “ Mr. Gil­ Grangers fav r still more prohibi­ Miss Ada Taylor returned t o ' physical instructor at Mare Island,; tion and the rural credit bill. The her school at Castle Rock Friday, and the last two years as recruit- mer,” say leading educators in the other amendments do not appeal after having spent the summer; ing officer in San Francisco and east “ is an enthusiast in science and a born naturalist, a painstak­ to them. with her people in Forest Grove. Sacramento. Mr. Williams and ing and accurate worker of more A committee was appointed to Lester and Stanley Forsgren bride will visit ihe groom’s par- than ordinary ability, full of en­ arrange a Grange display at the and Mrs. Forsgren of Portland eRts about the 15th. ergy and popular with the stu­ county fair. Members having ex­ came to Forest Grove Saturday 1 n *~Ä dents. He has had wide experi­ hibits should notify A. T . Buxton to spend a few weeks in the hop II OlllDltlOrilStS ence in both administration and before Saturday, Sept. 16th. teaching. He is thoroughly ac­ Miss Lefa Egli, a graduate nurse P rC p JT C f o r B ä ttlC quainted with his subject.” of a Chicago hospital, came to I At the conference held at the Prof. Handlin is thirty years of MRS. VIVIAN BABER Forest Grove from Portland Mon-1 C tiona, church |ast Sun_ age, unmarried, holds the diploma day and will spend the *u~ — winter « ..n c ii, Daniels, crept into the room, I day afternoon under the auspices of the coaching school of the Uni­ versity of Illinois and has himself dragged the wom^n to the floor Last Friday evening the editor here. and began beating and choking of the Express had the pleasure of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Gardner of the State Union Dry commit­ played on important teams in the her Before he wa- frightened ‘ passing over the stretch of new drove over to W’ilson river Mon­ tee. Prof. Coe of McMinnville east. Of Prof. Handlin an edu­ away by other people living in the day and caught a nice mess of spoke at considerable length on cational authority of Illinois says: road between this city and the house, he had beaten the woman | fish, one salmon trout measuring the aims of the ‘ brewers’ amend­ “ As a teacher of biology, he is ment” to the state prohibition! positively superior. I have never ! Gales Creek-Thatcher forks and unconscious, cut her face with a , seventeen inches. law, characterizing the amend­ he has no hesitancy in saying it is knife or razor and broken her jaw. Miss Nancy Moore, who makes ment as a measure to throw open seen better work done along this as good a piece of country road Mrs. Halier’s father was at break­ her home with her uncle and aunt, the sale of beer to whoever had line. As a director of athletics, he is an expert, physically perfect fast in another part of the house as can be found anywhere. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Parsons, has People who have travelled the returned from an extended visit the price. It merely means, ac­ himself, carefully trained in ath­ and when he arrived the negro cording to the speaker, that the letics, capable of putting on a suit was gone He pick«*) his (laugh­ l stretch of new road between this at Junction City. brewers may sell beer, instead of and showing how things ought to city and Cornelius, completed last ter up and called the sheriff and A daughter was born Sunday to an ambulance. I^ater in the day week, pronounce that thorough­ Mr. and Mrs John Vandercouver- the saloons, as under the old I be done, rather than just telling them. Besides this, his extreme Daniels was captured and brought fare worthy of being Liken as a i ing of the Greenville district and system. Dr. J. S. Bishop was elected honesty, which stands out thru to Mrs. Haber for identification. model for future work in the Father Buck baptised the little chairman of a campaign commit- his athletics and all of his other She could not talk, but showed county. It ip pronounced as good Miss the same evening. 1 tee and the pastors of the local dealings, wins for him a profound as any on the famed Columbia where she had torn his shirt in M. J. Fenenga and family from churches are to select one mem­ respect.” Both of the new teach­ the struggle. The victim was then highway and better than some ; Strassel moved to Forest Grove ber from each church to complete ers come as men of strong, virile taken to a hospital, where she stretches of that road was slowly recovering at last ac­ Both these pieces of road were last week. They will reside for the committee. This committee Christian character and will be counts. She is in a delicate con­ constructed under the supervision the winter in the house on Third ! will have charge of the cam- welcome to the citizenship of Ore­ gon. dition. of A. B. Todd of this city and Avenue North, owned by M rs.: paign in this city. ■ Bonshu. About seventy-five local citi-1 they are a credit to both Mr. The work of the independent The negro was first placed in L. C. Misz, who is traveling in zens attended the meeting. Christian colleges of today must the Lima jail, but having heard Todd and the men following out be marked by certain distinctive rumors of lynching, Sheriff Sher­ his directions. Just what the Montana, arrived in the city Sun- characteristics. First, leadership man Eley sent the prisoner to cost per yard has been, the writer 1 day evening for a visit with his by teachers of strong, attractive, Ottawa, 18 miles distant. When did not learn, but the quality is wife and son, having made safe | on being home in case the rail- Christian character and sound the people discovered that the there. scholarship; second, emphasis up­ negro had been spirited away, a The road-builders a r e n o w | roads were tied up. Colonel Haynes, who has been on a high standard of strictly col­ mob formed, seized Sheriff Eley working between Cornelius and : here seeing about his hop-yard at and beat and kicked him until he Hillsboro. The work o f securing a jury’ in lege work; third, a wide and prac­ | Haynes station, returned to his tical service of community inter­ told where the negro was con­ Dr. R. P. Nixon is again back home a t Salt Lake Saturday, the celebrated murder case o f ests; fourth, free, just and demo­ cealed Throwing the sheriff on a motor truck, the mob started with at work, after having spent the where he is manager of t h e Bennett Thompson, charged with cratic management, participated killing Helen Jennings and Fred in by the student body; fifth, him for Ottawa. W h i l e t h e I past six weeks visiting points of Pressed Brick company. 1 interest, via automobile. He was would-be lynchers were breaking Walter Chalmers and family, ! Ristman, near Tualatin on the means of student self-support; in the jail here, the sheriff escaped accompanied by h is f a t h e r , Prof. Wilson and family, Mrs. night o f May 15, was started at sixth, steady growth in member­ and was hidden by friends. A I Robert Nixon, and by William | Reva Secor, all of this city and Hillsboro Tuesday morning and ship and in means; and seventh, a search of the Ottawa jail showed ¡Gerrishand family of Portland. the Misses Sutton of M cM inn­ completed that night. Wednes­ healthy, vigorous social life, hold­ that the negro was not there and They first spent a month in East­ ville enjoyed a trip to “ T h e day the court, jurors and attorn­ ing fast to the ideals of true cul­ it later developed that he had ern Oregon, then came home and Rock,” fourteen miles up Gales eys went to the scene o f the ture, recreation and art. In all been taken to Napoleon, another rested two days and then went to 1 Creek, Sunday. murder to viewr the surroundings these ways, during the last three Gerhardt, Seaside a n d Canon county seat. M r. and Mrs. Homer Deckert and today the case is on in full i years. Pacific University has made Beach, spending a week on the The members of the mob, esti and two daughters. Helen and swing. The Jennings case is be­ notable advance by a large in­ trip. _______________ mated as numbering 1,200, were Gertrude, former residents of this ing tried first. Following are crease of the regular student body, strengthening of the faculty, new Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Allen and city, but now of Bingen, spent the jurors: in an ugly mood and searched student customs and self-govern­ daughters, Martha and Gertrude, both the jail and the sheriff’s res­ Sunday visiting the Ives family Geo. W. Beal, Gaston; Daniel i idence after the negro had escaped Mr. and Mrs. Avery Rafferty and and other friends. They came Deaville, Cornelius; E. L. Abbot, j ment, a new system of College Extension lectures and by plans them. The authorities of Lima little son. Mr. and Mrs. W . C. and returned by auto. Hillsboro; Allen Dilley, Dilley; I now being developed for a large asked for state militia, and Gov Benfer and son, Kenneth, and While the Heisler separator was A. J. Roy, Hillsboro; W. E. Pegg, ernor Willis ordered two compa­ Misses Margaret Hancock and being turned around on the Otto | Beaverton; Henry _P. Roberts. and ample method of self-support­ nies to hold themselves in readi­ Ruth Frost enjoyed a wiener Parsons place last Saturday morn­ Gaston; Paul Beck, Dilley; Mart­ ing student employment, to be ness to proceed to Lima in case roast and family picnic on the ing, the machine was upset and in C. Larson, Cedar Mill; John announced more fully later. ** Dick Rode place, near the Watts put out of commission temporar­ of further trouble. Loftis, Hillsboro; 0 . C. Jackson, Wr. A. Keyt, aged 36, suicided One of Sheriff Eley's children school house, last Friday evening. ily, so that another machine was Forest Grove, and L. J. Rush- by shooting in his office at M c­ was taken very sick and he re­ lowe, Hillsboro. Minnville some time between la3t Archie Bryant and family of secured to do the threshing. turned Thursday morning, but this city and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Mr. and Mrs. Bud Cornelius E. B. Tongue is prosecuting Wednesday night and Thursday was not further molested. He was a prominent Meresse of McMinnville enjoyed last Tuesday moved to Wapato, and Roscoe P. Hurst and S. B. morning The interest of Forest Grove a family dinner with the H. D. where they will conduct a dairy. Huston o f Portland are defend­ hop grower and leaves a widow and two children. people in this deplorable tragedy Bryant family at Gaston Sunday. Uucle John Baldwin and wife, par- ing. MRS. VIVIAN BABER WILL RECOVER PAC K UNIVERSITY ELECTS NEW TEACHERS T Washington County Getting Good Roads BENNETT THOMPSON MURDER TRIAL ON