A daughter was born Monday ¡to Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Marsh. Miss Eunice Bernard returned Tuesday from her vacation at the Newport and Tillamook beaches. Mr. and Mrs. I). W. Keasey of We have on hand n good stock o f Gooding, Ida., are visiting the latter’s sister, Mrs. C. S. McNutt, John Deere Plow« and Harrows that takes strength is the kind that underlies and family. th at w e will sell a t I^ast Spring:’« Price«, which tire many a fortune. It is the kind that has ap­ Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Morris and as follow s : son-in-law, W. J. Good, returned plication at all tim es and bears upon every yesterday from a visit with old Best grade 12-inch Plow $17.00 friends in Coos county. expenditure. Best grade 16-inch Plow 19.75 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ward, son 14-inch Slag Sulky Plow 57.00 Money spent for Trifles is not C onstruct­ and daughter of The Dalles are 12-inch Stag Gang Plow 82.00 visiting at the H . G. King home. ive. It does not help you and you (the Universal 50-tooth Guard frame Harrow 16.00 Remember our fall opening, Universal 60-tooth Guard frame Harrow 17 00 spender) are m ost interested. ! Sept. 5th and 6th, at the Flva Millinery. Music by Mrs. Clark’s Universal 75-tooth Guard frame Harrow 23.65 orchestra Wednesday afternoon. Syracuse 15-tooth Spring tooth Harrow 2200 Prof, and Mrs F. C. Taylor, Syracuse 17-tooth Spring tooth Harrow 23.75 Misses Anna. Ada, Margaret and When our present stock is gone, prices will be at least Frances Taylor, Mrs. Cheadle and FO R E ST GROVE Warren Tupper enjoyed a picnic TEN PER CENT HIGHER. at Cherry Grove Tuesday. We carry a fine line of Electric Flash-Lights P ays 4 per cent on S a v in g s The Express learns from re­ and Batteries at right prices. liable authority that Councilman Thornburgh has tired of his offic­ The Money is used for C onstructive Purposes ial position and will resign at the and H elps You. next regular meeting of the coun­ cil—Sept. 12. Capital and Shareholders’ Liability W. L. Cady, who was called to F orest G rove, Ore Phone 6 8 3 Santa Ana, California Aug. 18th by the illness of his mother, writes that there is little change in his IO C mother’s condition and he doesn’t know when he will return. Conservatory Opens Monday Miss Norma Goucher of Mc­ The Express is informed that CONDENSED NEWS NOTES Prof. Frank Thomas Chapman Minnville is visiting Miss Bernard. Prof. Gw. H. Learned, formerly announces that the Portland Con­ Hancock & Wiles have $25,000 Fill your fountain pen at the ¡of P. U., has secured a position in to loan on farms. 1-tf Book Store. Carter furnishes the the Turlock, Calif., high school. J On Wednesday and Thursday servatory will open its branch in Brick ice cream at Shearer’s— ink. 34-tf j Prof. Bean will take a special of next week, Sept. 6th and 7th, this city in the Knights of Pythias’ I will hold my fall opening show­ building on Monday, S»*pt 4th, 25c and 50c. Keeps two hours ! Ruth Frost of Watts is visiting | course at Berkley. ing a fin»* line of hats, novelties, with a full corps of competent without ice. W. P. Schultz and father, R .. at the M. S. Allen home this trimmings, velvets an»l the latest teachers, including Mr. Chapman, Schultz of Albany, have returned Mayor Paterson and family re­ week. styles in ribbons. Come and see Mrs. Pauline Miller Chapman, turned Monday from their auto Brick ice cream at Shearer’s— from a visit at Mitchell and were the pretty things. Mrs. Belle Carpenter Henney, trip to Newport. i 25c and 50c. Keeps two hours accompanied to t h i s city by Miss Elida Loynes, Miss Z»da Billy’s niece. Miss Helen Schultz MRS. A. E. DIXON, C o m f o r t a b l e housekeeping without ice. Kerry, Miss Emma Craft and o f Mitchell. Grandpa Schultz Main Street. rooms, by day or week. Inquire Arthur Caples is again on duty , will remain here several weeks. Miss Emma Beecher Penfield. first house north of lumber yard, in the store after a week’s rest, Farm for Sale or Rent All persons interested are in- Lloyd M cNutt returned Tue.vj North Main st. 34-2* during wnich he fought off a vit»*d to meet the faculty at K. of day evening from Monmouth,; A very d»*sirable farm of 360 Mr. and Mrs Brady Chowning j threatened attack of stomach j where he wrus called to attend the P. Hall on and aft»*r Sept. 4. acres, 25 to 30 acr«*s in cultiva­ of this city, Mr. and Mrs. Cha>. j trouble. funeral of his uncle, John Lowe,j tion; some in clover; good two- Doyle of Grass Valley. Wash., Ralph Emmerson and Clarence , whose dead body was discovered D IL L E Y N E W S N O T E S and Miss Letta Chowning of St. Famme returned Monday from •Sunday, after Mr. Lowe h a d story house, good barn, wagon shed, hog house, goat sh«*d and Mrs. Clyde S u tfo rd and little d a u g h ­ Johns took the Columbia highway Ketchikan, Alaska, where they been missing a week. Deceased trip Sunday. 1 have been working in the fish was about 50 years of age and a other outbuildings; 80 acres in fine ter, M ildred, le ft S atu rd ay fo r th eir pasture, balance timber and pas­ home in S|M>kane, a f te r an extended Hundreds of people enjoyed a canneries. i bachelor. ture. There are several tine visit w ith relutivea and friends in Dilley and vicinity. Mrs. F. M. S u tfo rd a c ­ concert given at the band stand Mr. and Mrs. Gus Gardner re­ springs on this farm, in each pas­ com panied them an fa r as P ortland. last night by a boys’ band of 30 turned last Thursday from their ture; farm all fenced with woven T. J. H undley has been on the sick pieces hailing from Oakland, Cal., outing at Newport. Mr. and wire and cross-fenced. Six acres list ami unable to a tte n d to his work a t and touring the northwest on a Mrs. Fred Gardner and little in potatoes, some corn, mangels, the condenser. vacation. They took a collection. daughter returned Monday. Eunice Dixon o f P o rtland is vis­ Mrs. Jennie Dixon of this city kale and artichokes, which mak»*s itin Miss g her m other. the farm rt*ady for occupancy. i this morning received a tel gram Mrs. H. A. H oskins w as shopping in A re a boon to Wo­ the Gr»ive S aturduy. j informing her that her daughter, For information, inquire of men and we have GEO. G. HANCOCK, Mrs. Hud Dilley has inflam m atory i Mrs. Vivian Baber, has been as­ tw o we would like to rh em atism quite badly in her le ft hajuf. 33 Forest Grove, Ore. saulted and seriously injured by a show w you—th e Peerless W a te r M otor W asher and a fine E lectric Machine Mrs. V erm ilyea and Eunice Dixon 1 negro at her home near Lima, visited friends in the Grove S atu n lay . Will Remain Open Ohio. The negro was captured The Pacific Market will not The postoffice window will he ; and identified by his victim, who close for Labor Day, as was here­ c!os»*d from 10:30 to 5 next Mon­ is very low. Mrs. Baber who left H eats quicker th an any o th e r m ake; clean and odorless. day; the window will he open a here four years ago, was reared in tofore announced. short time after 5. There will be T H E NEW S H A R P L E S T. C. Ix>rd, Jr., Manager. | this city and was very popular no rural deliveries on that date, I here. G. W. Nelson of Seattle was in says Postmaster VV’irtz. Tubular Suction-Feed Cream Separator the city Tuesday for a visit with Is a m achine we a re not a fra id to recom m end to our best friends. Get your violin strings at the his old school male, Dr. H. R. AUTO S E A T S, Bookstore the best. 28-tf Kauffman. » Camp Stoves, Tents and Ice Cream Freezers. While the attendance at the T Catholic Harvest Fete, being held in the Golden Rule store room, north of Tucker’s garage, has P h on e 663 FO R EST GROVE, ORE. been rather light, those who have attended have had a good time. C ountry C o n testa n ts C ity C o n testa n ts ; Good meals are served from 5:30 CZ3Q1~=3||C non HO E ö\\c 41865 Anton Vandercouvering 71682 Melvin Em erson to 7 :00 every evening (25c ) and a Elvin Coon 2210 dinner ticket includes admission ( Verboort) Wm. A ddler 2500 to either a play or vaudeville per- j Wilber Underhill 7248 Guy H ighie 2f>0 formance. Tuesday night th e (Thatcher) W alter Lenneville 8999 players put on “Aunty,” last; 2839 R ussell Duncan 1500 night it was “Aunt Susan,” to­ Albert Cummins Hud Ives 3600 (Dilley) night the talent from Cornelius, 2875 will put on a vaudeville perform­ Clara Seaman ............... 2800 I.am hourne E lder Donald T em pleton 1132 ance, Friday night the play will (Dilley) K enneth Brown 9623 be “ Who’s a Coward,” and on 2500 Clifford McCoy . . 1212 Saturday night “The Country Re- ' Carl Brodersen (Dilley) H uston Johnson 2235 lation” will be the attraction., V irnia Pierce........ ... 6700 1 During the days and evenings pretty and useful articles are for We give votes on all charge accounts paid in full by the sale in the various booths at the 13th of each month. Contest closes Wednesday, Sept. 13th, at | fete. If you haven’t been atiend- 6 P. M. Votes will be given on all cash purchases and extra : ing, you should do so. The en­ additional votes on every sack of Highflight and Best-Ever tertainments are worth while. Flour. Prohibition Conference There will be another advance on flour Saturday. Order Now. N e x t Sunday, a t 3:30 p. m ., a t the B oiled H am , M inced Ham, 301 While They Last Decision First National Bank GOFF BROS. $100,000.00 Fall Opening of Up-to-Date Millinery Forest Grove Girl Assaulted Washing Machines Bon-Ami Short-Burner Oil Stove Catholic Harvest Fete Full of Interest GORDON & GORDON HARDWARE CO. Auto Contest The PACIFIC MARKET THE BEST OF Fresh and Cured MEATS For Picnic Dinners . V eal L oaf, Chipped Dried B eef, S w eet and Sour P ick les, P icn ic P la te s, 10c per p ack age o f ,25 Fancy SWEET WATERMELONS ON ICE A ll K inds o f F ru its and V eg eta b les, P h on e 0301 9 i[£ ion B an an as, O ran ges, B lack berries T. C. LORD, J r., Prop 3 CHOIZD c rmon C ongregational church, a conference m eeting will he held under th e auspices of the S ta te Union Dry C om m ittee, of which ex-G overnor W est is chairm an, to consider plans for th e com ing cam ­ paign. All in terested a re asked to be j present. Free Show Tickets The first hundred ladies who order a sack of Highflight or Best- Ever Flour will receive FREE a flour sifter and a ticket to the opening episode of “The Grip of Evil,” which appears at the Star Theater Monday evening, Sept. 11th. Ask us about this. Gale Grange Meeting Gale G range No. 282 will m eet S a tu r­ day, Sept. 2, a t I. O. O. F. hall. Rou­ tin e w ork, rep o rts o f special com m it­ tees and ren o rt o f Pom ona G range m eeting. All who have applied for m em bership should be p re se n t by 11 a. 1 m. to ta k e the d egrees. In te re stin g i discussions. Everyone welcome. Phone 061 P h on e “ THE PURE FOOD STORE 061