T IIK M E AD O W LAR K (W ritten by u Kurest Grove Women) Money to loan Valley Realty Co., Forest Crove, Oregon. 19-tf! Warranty deed and mortgage' Sometimes, when autumn mists float by blank* for sale at the Express j I tramp the hillside over; office. All red tile briar-tangles lie We will insure your auto against Anil Hixliicn is the clover. A hint o f winter seems to chill K ’un golden rod mo yellow. Hut Imrk! A chirp u mellow trill " I 'm such a cheerful fe llo w !" fire, theft and collision. A Wiles. Hancock 9-tf S&H STAMPS GIVEN S & H STAMPS GIVEN SUITS OVERCOATS RAINCOATS *¿071 C&tiung Co. STRONG VALUES a ißicm ÛbtàîTuj Co M O R R I S O N » 4 ! ï C/ The J. A. Thornburgh family returned Sunday from an auto ’Double S. & H. Stamps trip to Crater l>ake. O ft' in the huh I nit anil rent In cozy wrap anil Hlip|ier, A wheel scraper costing $65 and On some near tree-top flutes my guest used less than on** day, goes for reeled and delivered, commanding me to make sale o f the real property here­ " I ’ m feeling Oh! so chipper!" $35. See it at CofT Eros. inafter described, I have levied upon jiursuant to said execution, I will Dear meadowlark, with note ho glad The person who left a pair of and on Monday, the 25th day o f Sept. 191ft, In dark or sunny weather! nose glasses in Star Confectionery at the South door o f the Courthouse in He rnakcH me once again a lad can find them at this office. U4-tf Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon, at the hour o f ten o’clock a. m. o f said Upon my native heather. Hop-pickers w a n t e d ; pood day, sell at public auction to the high­ shacks, pleasant location; 80c per est bidder for cash in hand, all o f the There, when I sang, he lilted near, hundred. Write R. M . Harding, following described re d property, lying, There, when I grieved, he sweetly being and situate in Washington Coun- Silverton, Oregon. 33-3t Caroled o f patience, praiiie and cheer ty, Oregon: Oregon: Being a portion o f the W il 'Till sorrow fled completely. Mr. and Mrs C. E. Smit h, Mr. ham B, Carpenter Donation Land Claim and Mrs. Andrew Kelley, Mrs. No. 39, in Township One, south o f Later, by wanderlust possessed, Willamette Karin Huxton. M nuAddfe Taylor In eustern tielils 1 found him as fol- and Miss hern Hickson (Portland) lows, to-w!t: Beginning on the West In sunny canyons o f the west spent. Sunday picnicking at Rode- line o f said Donation Claim South 1 de- He cast his spell around him. , j,.( | gree 33 minutes Bast 8.20 chains from Tho’ north or south my way I wend . r \ the quarter section corner on the South 1 he one cream that thoroughly line o f Section 8 in said township and 'Mid scenes and friendships fleeting, cleanses the pores and makes the range, running thence along d i t c h Ever I find my little friend skin smooth and soft is N yal’s i North 84,d eg 53 min East 9.08 chains; Waiting with tuneful greeting. I,-..,.., / r„ ..m I, io. n i i f thence North 72 deg It min East 21.12 I act ( ream. It is an I. P -1C, I chains along said ditch to where it And when the Heavenly fields wu near greaseless and will not cause hair enters Alexander or Carpenter Creek And Heaven’ s own joys are ringing. to grow. B est for your complex- and to the center of said creek; thence In some sweet pause I think w e’ll hear ion. ( l e t a sa m p le a t L i t t ie r ’a “ P B“ id, <;ree,k, in. center thereof , S outh 9 de# 11 m in W 7 . . ib chain« to God’s meadowlarks a’ singing. Pharmacy. the corner o f the F. M. Porter tract o f Misses Margaret Hancock, Zola land now owned by W. C. Freeman; NOTKS ANI) PERSONALS Cary, thence in a Southwesterly direction up Sarah Martin, Frances Ben­ said creek in the center line thereof jamin and Perry Ward of this following all its meandering« to the Next Monday is [¿ii>or Day. city and Misses Cecil and Edith Northeast corner o f a tract of land to W. C. Freeman by war­ Mr. I’hillips of Roy was trading Erogden of Hillsboro returned conveyed ranty deed dated November 23d, 1912, * • ' unlay from a « M e in ,•amp on ■ £Tb R S T i i Sawyer and in town Monday. i hi* CvOWiitZ river, n< ur IvUinUT. wife Louie Mae Sawyer, \ which is re­ Hancock & Wiles carry Life. book 97 records The girls report a very enjoyable corded — 1 in 1 “ < VT «»f ‘ the L| deed J Accident & Fire Insurance. 1-tf o f Washington County, Oregon, at outing. huge 127; thence North 35 deg 30 min We will insure your auto against Women and girls who are in West 2.20 chains to the center o f Coun­ fire, theft and collision. Hancock the habit of bathing in Gales ty road No. 467, said point being the & Wiles. ‘J-tf Northwest corner of said W. C. Free­ Creek, near Naylor’s grove, should man tract last above mentioned; thence Mrs. C. 0 . Roe and son re­ l»e careful where they change in a Northeasterly direction in the turned home last week from their from street to b a th in g togs, as a i center o f said county road No. 4ft7 to n u m ber o f ra th e r la rg e boys are the Northeast corner o f a tract o f land outing at Newport. « "" 166— 170 Given t h ir d ST. C/ PORTLAND, OREGON ington County, Oregon, offer for sale and sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand all o f the fol­ lowing described real p r o p e r t y in Washington County Oregon, to-wit: Beginning at the Northeast c«jrner o f IxOt 2, in Block 29, in the Town (now City) o f Forest Gr«>ve, running thence West on the North line o f said lot 151 fe et arid 9 inches; running thence South parallel with the East line o f said lot 151 feet ar,«l 9 inches; running thence East parallel with the North line o f said lot 151 feet and 9 inches to the East line of said lot; thence North on the East line o f said lot 151 feet and 9 inches to the place o f beginning, all in Washington County, Oregon, Said sale will be made subject to re­ demption as per statute. Dated this August 24, 1916. J. E. REEVES. Sheriff o f Washington County, Ore. H. T. B AG LE Y, 33-5 Attorney for Plaintiff. Guardian’s Sale o f Real Estate plaint, to-wit: For a judgment for the sum of $275.00, with interest thereon at the rate o f 8 percent per annum from Aug. 8, 1916, until paid, for the sum o f $50.00 attorney’s fees, and for his costs and «lisbursements incurred in this suit, and for a decree fored« Donation Land Claim; thence North • Beginning at an iron pipe the N. E. ing the marriage contract now existing nicked at Roderick Kails Sunday. of the peepers. 1 deg 33 min West on the West line of corner o f a tract o f land conveyed to between the plaintiff and defendant .aid claim 3.80 chains, more or less, to Eugene Schiller by a deed recorded at and for such other decree as may be The Express is prepared to meet I the place o f beginning, reserving and page 441 o f Book 68, Records o f Deeds proper in the premises. the prices of traveling calendar W ashington County T ran sfers This summons is served upon you by excepting therefrom a roa«iway 30 feet for Washington County, Oregon, run­ publication in the Forest Grove Ex­ salesmen in lots of 100 or more. • fa n s- *n width beginning at the Northwest ning thence N. 42 deg. 30 min. E. 2.45 The following real estate , ' corner o f said tract and extending along chains to an iron pipe; thence N. 67 press, pursuant to an order o f the Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Eray of fers were recorded with the regis- the North line thereof to the county deg. 15 min. E. 2.49 chs; thence S. Honorable George R. Bagley, Judge o f Cornelius are camping with the ter of deeds at Hillsboro during r" H<1 to which roadway grantors herein 0 deg. 22 min. E. 14.84 chs. to an iron the above named court, made, dated made and delivered a deed to Henry pipe which iron pipe is 1.175 chs. W. o f and filed August 2, 1916, which order I » n g Frantzel party, at Rippling : the past week: Swanson an«i Jane Swanson on or about the quarter section line running N. and directs that this summons be published Waters. Adnline Burroughs et vir to Christian November 22nd, 1912. S. through Section 12, T. 1 S. R. 1 W; for six consecutive weeks, beginning A r c h i e B r y a n t , the pho­ | Rumhurg et ux, tract 34 and W half of Also conveying hereby the following thence N. 88 deg. 33 min. W. 4.00 chs. with the issue dated August 3, 1916, and ending with the issue dated Sep­ tographer, who has been taking W half o f tract 31, Spring Hill Farm, described tract o f land, to-wit: Being a to an iron pipe set on the E. line o f tember 14, 1916, and requires you to part o f the Northeast Quarter of the said Schiller tract; thence N. 0 deg. pictures for the past two months ! Northwest Quarter o f Section 1Ü in 8 min. W. on such line, 11.97 chs. to appear and answer on or before Sep­ at Earview and other resorts, ar­ Frank B. Ingram et ux to Janet Township One. South, Range 4 West o f the place o f beginning and containing tember 15, 1916. H. T. B AG LE Y, rived home Saturday. Smith, 7.01 acres in Sami Stott D L C, the Willamette Meridian, in Washing­ 5.46 acres. Attorney for Plaintiff. ton County, Oregon, and more partic­ Bids will be received by me at the Roy Watkins, Earle Euxton $ 1 . First publication August 3, 1916. ularly bounded and described as follows, law office o f M. B. Bump, in Hillsboro, Anna L. Ingram, Janet Smith to Last publication September 14, 1916. and R. C. Walker took a trip to-wit: Beginning at a stake which is Oregon, and said sale will be subject to set at a point which is south 1 deg 35 confirmation by the County Court o f over to the Wilson river Sunday same as above, $1. NOTICE A. E. Scott et ux to Richard D. Hol- min East 789.2 feet and South 65 deg Washington County, Oregon. in quest of deer, hut were un­ In the County Court o f the State o f 49 min West 397.9 feet from the quar- j Said property to be sold subject to successful in finding any. They scheret ux, tract in M. M. Watts I) L ter section corner between sections 3 Oregon, for Washington county. dower right o f Josephine R. Ellis, w ife saw plenty of bear and cougar C No. I>. 1 N 4, $500. and 10 in Township 1 south. Range 4 In the matter o f the es­ Elmer E. Lyons et ux to Erma E. West, and from said point running o f Perry Ellis. tate o f Charles H. Pratt, NOTICE. signs, however. Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, t h i s deceased. Chandler, lot 4, blk20, South Park Add thence South 65 deg 49 min West 22.2 feet to a stake; thence South 7 deg 32 August 17, 1916. to Forest Grove, $10. Notice is hereby given that M. J. M. B. BUMP, min East 12.9 feet to a stake; thence ; ------------------------------j Fenenga, executor o f the Last W ill and Guardian of the person and es­ Testament o f Charles H. Pratt, deceas­ We will insure your auto against North 74 deg 05 min East 19.9 ft; thence | tate o f Perry Ellis, an insane ed, having filed in the County Court o f North 20 deg 27 min West 22.4 feet to fire, theft and collision. Hancock the place o f beginning, together with person. Washington county, Oregon, his final all other perpetual easements and D. D. and M. B. BUMP, A Wiles. !M f account o f his administration o f said rights conveyed to us, the grantors j estate, the hearing o f the same has Attorneys for Guardian and herein by deed dated November 22nd, I been fixed by the Court for Tuesday, said Estate. 32-5t 1912, executed by Henry Sw’anson and j Meeting o f Board o f Equalization the fifth day o f September, 1916, at the Jane H. Swanson, his w ife which is re­ SUMMONS hour o f ten o’clock in the forenoon, at TO T H E T A X P A Y E R S OF W A S H ­ corded in book 97 o f the deed records INGTON C O U N TY , OREGON: Notice o f Washington County, Oregon, at In the Circuit Court o f the State o f the County Court Room, in the Court Thru the Inland Empire House at Hillsboro, Washington county, Oregon for Washington county is hereby given that the Board o f page 177 thereof, to satisfy the herein­ Oregon. Equalization o f Washington County, i before named sums and for the costs Roy Hesseltine, Grand Canyon o f Columbia All persons interested in said estate Oregon, will meet on Monday, Septem- 1 and expenses o f sale and said writ. Plaintiff, American Wonderlands are notified then and there to appear tier 11, 191ft, at the Court House in vs. Said sale will be made subject to re- and show cause, i f any they have, why Hillsboro, in Washington County, that Glacier a n d Yellowstone Jacob F. Tracy and Pa- SU M M O NS the said account should not be settled being the second Monday in September demption as per statute o f Oregon. Parks and allowed. Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this 23d cific Land & Water Co., and the time and place provided by law a corporation, Dated this tenth day o f August, 1916. day of Aug. 1916. to publicly examine the assessment Round Trips at Low Fares Daily Defendants. rolls o f said County for 191ft, and cor- j M. J. FEN EN G A , J. E. REEVES, until Sept. 30 via the North Bank r e d all errors in valuation and descrip­ Sheriff o f Washington County, Oregon. To Jacob F. Tracy and Pacific Land & Executor o f the Last W ill and W ater Co., a corporation, defendants: Road. Stopover where you like tion or quantities o f land, lots or other j Testament o f Charles H. Pratt, By GEO. A L E X A N D E R . Deceased. properties, and it is the duty o f all per-1 In the name o f the State o f Oregon, Deputy. sons interested to appear at the time ! you are hereby required to appear and H ollis & G raham , H O LLIS «£ G RAH AM . North Rank Kail and 2fi Hours Sail and place appointed, and i f it shall ap- j answer the complaint filed against you Attorneys for Executor. 31-4 Attorneys for I’ laintitfs. pear to said Board o f Equalization that ; in the above-entitled suit, within six on the ships o f De Luxe Service, there are any lands, lots or other prop­ weeks from Aug. 17, 1906, namely, on NOTICE OF SH E R IF F ’ S SALE erty assessed twice, or in the name o f ] or before Friday, Sept. 29th, 1916, the J N. H O F F M A N S. S. Northern Pacific and „ a person (___,JH or __ persons t______ ____ _ owner o f Notice is hereby given that by virtue date o f the first publication o f this sum­ not ___ the Great Northern, for the same, or assessed under or beyond i o f an execution, decree and order o f mons being Aug. 17, 1916, and the date Attorney A t Law its value, or any lots, land or oth er! sale, dated August 18, 1916, issued out o f the last publication being Sept. 28. properties not assessed, said Board o f o f and under the seal o f the Circuit 1916, and if you fail to answer, for Patent Office Business Solicited equalization shall make the proper cor- [ Court o f the State o f Oregon for Wash- want thereof, the plaintiff will apply From any Oregon Electric Ry. point. rection. M AX C R A N D A L L , j ington County, in favor o f plaintiff in for the relief demanded in his com­ ForestGrove, - Oregon Ticket includes meals and berth. Assessor, Washington County, Ore. | th* 1 certain suit therein pending where- , ' , in George Kiem is plaintiff and T. H. Hillsboro, Oregon, Aug. 21, ! Littlehales, V. E. S. Littlehales, E. H. Coleman and J. H. Shearer, are de­ BherifT’a Sale fendants, upon a judgment against the Sept. 24 to Oct. 8 N O TIC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N , That defendants, T. H. Littlehales and V. on anything in the line of From Middle West to Willamette by virtue o f an Execution issued out of FI. S. Littlehales, for the sum o f Valley and under the seal o f the Circuit Court $1400.00 with interest thereon at the o f tho State o f Oregon, for the County rate o f 8 per cent per annum from No­ I sell prepaid tickets. o f Washington, dated the 19th day of vember 22, 1914, and the sum o f Ladies’ and Gents’ Underwear August in favor o f Frank I). Sawyer $125.00 attorney’s fee, and the eosts J. E. F A R M E R , Agent at half price ; Children’ s regular and Louie Mae Sawyer, plaintiffs, and and disbursements of this suit taxed at Forest Grove, Ore. against B. A. Nollsch and Lizzie A. $17.50, and commanding me to sell the 25c hose, 2 pair for 25c. Nollsch. defendants, for the sum of real property hereinafter described at Pure W hite and White River Flour, $1.60 a sack $12.25 cost Hnd the further sum of public auction to satisfy said sums. Washington County Fair, $¡1784.32 with interest thereon from the ....... ........... I will, on Sat- NOW TH EREFORE. Forest Grove, Comer Third St. and Pacific A ve ,’kl day o f July, 1916, at the ra teijf niter urday, September 23, 1916, at the hour cent per annum and for the further o f 10 0-cU>l.k \ fj. at the South door Sept. 20 to 23, inclusive. Phone 41x sum o f $150.00 Attorney fees, to me di-1 o f the Court n ,)Uae ¡n Hillsboro, Wash- EASTWARD SAN FRANCISCO “Bm.D $,‘1 2 .0 0 HOMESEEKERS’ FARES W e’ll Save You Money Groceries, Dry Goods and Notions Closing Out F. A . MOORE