30C IO C 301 Presence, a certain number of merchants must agree, in writing, to give the Greedy Twins (Scott Published every Thursday at Forest Grove, Oregon. W, C. Benfer, Editor and Publisher. and Hurley) a two-year monopoly Entered as second-class matter Jan. 12, 1916, at the postofflce at Forest Grove, of the newspaper advertising of Forest Grove. The publisher of Oregon, under the Aet of March 3, 1S7‘J the Express was willing to com­ THURSDAY AUG 31 1916 pete for the business and ask'd no pledges of patronage in ad­ N O T E S A N l) C O M M E N T S vance. He believed Forest Grove and its environs able and willing to support two papers and he has not changed his mind to d a te ., ---------------------- A T ----------------------- If there is room here for only one' To Aaron Envious Scott and Joseph Puffedup Hurley, paper, the law of the "survival of Publishers of the Washington County News-Times: the fittest” will select the victor, (Only One Block from Railroad) My Dear Old Ladies: people to sign an agreement not | but the Express denies its com­ In the News-Times of Aug. 24th to patronize another newspaper petitors the right to do so. Let you take up considerable space to t°r a period of two years. Do the public decide. tell the public (in a half-column you dare deny this statement ? In former issues of your paper Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Swine, Poultry and Pet Stock, diatribe that is ninety per cent H y°u do, you are greater fools you have intimated that the Ex­ Vegetables, Fruits, Grains, Grasses, Farm Machinery falsehood and ten per cent whine- than the writer ever charged you press has very few subscribers. Automobiles, Flowers, Fancy Work, Plants, Pictures, Culinary and Household Articles for-sympathy) that, by accepting with being, for every business T hat’s another biased and unwar­ Something Doing Every Day! Watch for the Program! a six-inch ad from a Portland man in town knows you did this ranted assumption. The Express See List of Special Prizes! clothing store the Express is “try- abominable thing, bringing the has more subscribers, for its age. I ing to destroy home merchants.” blu-h of shame to every publisher than you even claim for your pa­ $2,000.00 in Premiums; $600,00 in Special Prizes That statement is one hundred in the county. It is acts like this per, and new ones are coming in ' Firemen’s Tournament ! Band Contests ! per cent falsehood and stamps the that keep alive the belief among frequently, in spite of your splurge : Wednesday Automobile Day. author as a hypocrite in his re- the laymen that newspapers are in “high finance" during Decern-, Thursday Firemen’s Day, ligious pretensions. The Express charitable institutions and editors her and January. That was an Friday -School Children’s Day. offered to sell space to local mer- chattels that can be purchased expensive plunge, wasn’t it boys? Saturday Grange Day. chants and when they refused, with a load of knotty wood or an And by imported talent, too! The The officers will be pleased to furnish you any Twin who conceived that scheme others were given the same op- overripe squash. 1 his one act deserves information desired. to be sued by his partner portunity. No attempt was made makes one wonder if big bodies for a business divorce. But th at’s Joseph P. Hurley, Pres. K. W. Itcdcr, Sec’y by the Express to “destroy” any- and big heads and hearts ever none of my business, is it? FOREST GROVE, OREGON body’s business. (The last issue of travel about on the same pair of In conclusion: Don’t worry! 1 3 1 1 '■■■ —301 ": i o r-T„,'T:, l o c r : : . i i " id i the News-Times carried four out- legs. The writer is, indeed, sorry Don’t whine, but, for sanitary of-town ads.) Said diatribecharg to have to tell the people outside reasons, keep spouting. T hat’s die because of the low wages the courses being the same as given the only thing that will prevent a ed that the Express editor “de-; Forest Grove that two s u c h hemorrhage- at the state agricultural college. and the sewer isn’t parents receive. manded” that local merchants ad­ (physically) large men can have completed, you know. An investigation of infant mor M. S. Schrock, county agricul­ vertise in his paper. T hat’s not such small minds, and in divulg­ W C BENFER, tality by the federal children’s turist for Yamhill county, esti­ true. There is only one paper in ing this disgraceful information, Editor Forest Grove Express. bureau of Johnston, Pa., showed mates that $55,000 worth of fer­ this city that DEMANDS support the Express desires to apologize P. S. Do it some more, if i t ! that in families where the father tilizer will be lost when the straw- as a divine right and that paper to the other publishers of the amuses you; I don’t mind it a bit earned less than $521 a year, or is not the Express. The Express county and state and to assure and while you’re writing * stories” J less than $10 a wi-ek, the infant stacks of Yamhill county are is willing to abide by the doctrine the public that very few publish- about the Express you won’t mortality rate was 255 7 as con­ burned this fall. How much of of “the survival of the fittest” ' ers are like you two. Most of have time to go bushwhacking trasted with 154.7 for the com­ this waste will take place in and asks no advantage, like an them are willing to compete for But please, for the sake of the j munity as a whole, and 101.4 in Washington county ? agreement for a two-year subsidy.1 business, without asking business “ethics” of our little Editorial As- ; families where the fath r earned Twins aren’t as plentiful as The diatribe also makes the as- men to sign away their rights, Isociation, don’t ever again ask $900 or more a year. Other in­ singles, hut they are more amusing. merchants to sign an agreement.; sertion that “ninety-nine out of a Oh, why did you do this -hameful It’s unladylike—and unlawful. Father Noah evidently took vestigations in Montclair, N. J., hundred citizens will tell you that thing ? Didn’t you know you W . C. B . and Falls City. Mass., showed some of Ananias' get into the old there is about as much need of a were bringing the blush of shame the same results from low wages. ark. second newspaper in Forest Grove to every self-respecting publisher THE CHILD LABOR LAW These facts were obtained by the Brother Killen will please ex­ O m a h a World-Herald: The officers employed by a democratic cuse us for amusin’ ourselves with as there is for five wheels on a who learned of it? Surely two wagon ” How do you know what such robust men could make a child labor law which President administration. The child labor his Teddy bears. the ninety-nine think ? You have living without becoming public Wilson has signed and a demo bill is only the beginning of what Fur the State Fair ! cratic congress passed, records one will be accomplished if democratic only interviewed two of the nun- beggars ! L. M. Graham who is prepar­ dred; namely, Scott and Hurley 1 As if this thing were not enough of the greatest advances that any rule is continued. ing a Washington county exhibit Fully one-third of the families of | to convict you of trying to main- nation has made in recent years. Down in “ bleeding and suffer­ for the state fair, wants some Forest Grove are now reading th e ; tain a monopoly, one of you re- It is of far more importance than ing” Kansas the state is educating extra fine grains and vegetables Express, which is a pretty good cently asked a man who advertises most people conceive it to be. its criminals. Last week thirty- to add to his collection. If farm­ showing for a paper less than in both papers to take his ad out The humanitarian reasons urged one convicts in its penitentiary ers will bring the exhibits to Mr. eight months of age. And these of the Express. He refused, but for its enactment appealed to were given diplomas after com­ Graham’s office, he will sort, pack people buy and read the Express1 what language he used you know many, but there are other con­ pleting courses in agriculture, and shin them. He must have because they like it; not because better than the writer. In an- siderations of very great import­ steam and electrical engineering, these exhibits not later than Sept. 10th and as much earlier as pos­ the publisher has purchased the i other case, you did a job of print- ance. It will remove this cheap carpentry and blacksmithing, the sible. subscriptions with bribes in the ing for nothing rather than see I labor from competition with adult shape of automobiles, pianos, sew- J the Express make a small profit, workers, and give children an op­ ing machines, etc. The Express j T hat’s bushwhacking and should portunity to become healthy, self- concedes that there are a few be beneath the dignity of big men. sustaining citizens when t h e y people in Forest Grove who, for Believing the monopoly charge come to adult age. A nation can special reasons of their own, do ¡proven (to the satisfaction of the never become strong with a large not want a paper in Forest Grove ! public) let us take up another of class of anaemic citizens, and an should be spent at Tillamook. that they cannot control and your assertions—that the Express anaemic child always grows up to You will find the weather cool, these few people are willing that is a “squatter.” What is a squat* be an anaemic adult. It is a for it comes miles and miles the News-Times should enjoy a 1 ter? A dictionary at the writer’s “preparedness” scheme that out­ from off the Pacific. You can monopoly of the field. They elbow defines a squatter as “one weighs all others. find much to do at the Tilla­ There is no doubt that if this know the News-Times, under your who settles on new land without a mook County Beaches. Bath­ management, is a perfectly tract- title; one who establishes a claim democratic administration is con­ able instrument, always willing to by length of residence.” Let it tinued in power other measures ing, dancing, hiking, picnick­ play the tune the “mutual admi-' stand so, to save argument. The along the same line will be en- ing, playing tennis or golf. ration society” selects. j Express editor expects to “estab- iacted. They will be of a nature You deny, in a flippant manner, Hsh claim (to do business in Wash- . to secure to children of the wage­ the charge of the Express that in? county) by length of resi- workers healthful surroundings you would maintain a monopoly.' dence.” At the time the writer and sufficient food to enable them leaving at 7:45 A. M. and 1:40 Well, nobody expected you to a d -! squatted in Forest Grove, you, Mr. to become strong and healthy P. M. Afternoon t r a i n has mit the charge, but the Express is , Hurley, had been a squatter less workers when they attain adult observation car. ready to prove it. than two years; Mr. Scott had age. Many parents do not re­ In the spring of 1914, the writer' squatted longer and, possibly, more ceive enough wages to enable is told by reputable business m en,; frequently. But there is a dif- them to feed and clothe the child­ (men who are now patronizing ference in our methods. Before ren in such manner as to make your paper) one or both of you Mr. Hurley would condescend to them strong and healthful, as are on sale daily from all sections to Tillamook went about this town, like itiner­ grace and embellish this beautiful numerous investigations h a v e County Beaches. These include B a yo c e a n, ant mendicants, asking business l i t t l e city with his Ponderous proved. Thousands of infants Neah-Kah-Nie, Manzanita and the Garabaldi Beaches. ©Itr ¿tfnrrat (Srmtr SxjirfaH WASHINGTON County Fair Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday AN OPEN LETTER Sept. 20 to 23, inclusive Forest Grove Fair Grounds This Will Be a Great Exhibition O Your VACATION TRIP Daily Trains from Portland Low Round Trip Fares The fact that the Express has less subscribers than some of the older papers worries the News-Times so much that this condition must be changed, so, during September $1.00 in advance will pay for a year’s subscription to the Forest Grove Express-an 8-page newspaper, worth $1.50. Ask agent for booklet and other information JOHN M. SCOTT, Gen. Passenger Agent, Portland SOUTHERN PACIFIC □