Judge I V W itt Smith of Hills­ Farm for Sale or Rent boro visited his parents, Mr. and A very desirable farm of 360 Mrs. Elias Smith, in this city acres, 25 to 30 acres in cultiva­ Sunday. tion; some in clover; good two- Mrs. Cora Jacobson and son, story house, good barn, wagon Robert, of Portland spent last shed, hog house, goat shed and week-end with the Pierce and other outbuildings;80 acres in fine Churchill families. We have told you several times that we under­ pasture, balance timber and pas­ Misses Perry Ward, Zola Cary, ture. There are several fine sell Portland dealers on Guns and Ammunition and Margaret Hancock. Frances Ben­ springs on this farm, in each pas­ here we tfive you a few comparative prices: jamin and Sarah Martin left Sun-, ture; farm all fenced with woven day for an outing on the Colum -! wire and cross-fenced. Six acres rices Portland Prices bia, near Kelso, Wash. in potatoes, some corn, mangels, Remington Auto-Loading Shot Gun 142.50 $48 60 Justice W. J. R. Beach M on­ kale and artichokes, which makes (Other guns at proportionate prices) day moved his office fixtures to the farm ready for occupancy. the room south of the Good In-! For information, inquire of A M M U N IT IO N vestment company, where he will GEO. G. H ANCO CK. 22 Short, Smokeless, per box 20c 25c deal out justice to all comers. 33 Forest Grove, Ore. 22 I/mg, Smokeless, per box 25c 30c Mrs, Harry Giltner and child-' 22 Long Rifle, Smokeless, box M e 35c D ILL EY N E W S NOTES ren, Mrs. C. K. Smith and daugh­ 30-30 Smokeless, I m > x Mr. »rut Mrs. Chiu. Craft visited at 91 .0 0 $1 10 ter. Mrs. Andrew Kelly and child­ ren and Mrs. John Anderson and the Chits. O 'N eill home Sunday. Shot Gun Shells .90 .95 Messrs, and Mesdames Roy McBride niece. Miss Hughes of Los An­ .95 1 00 and Frank Cruwthers returned Monday geles. enjoyed a picnic on Gales from their hike to the beach and re(*>rt 1.00 1.05 Creek Tuesday. a fine time. (These prices prevail only so long as present supply lasts) Mrs. J. W. Kyle and Miss Ruth Lilly You may entrust to us your o f the (tales Creek section visited Dif- prescription, no matter what doc- We carry a lino line o f Electric Flush-Lights tor writes it, with the full assur- e - r'enta _*"*■*• and Batteries at right prices. Riverside Grangers will picnic in the ance that it will be carefully and O 'N eill grove on Friday. Aug. 25th. accurately compounded with the Everybody invited. Brin* a banket o f best of drugs and chemicals at the lunch anil have a good time. Mr». Newton Hoover is hoiue again, very lowest price. L i 111 e r ’ s after a very serious ojieration, per­ Pharmacy. formed at the Hilluboro hospital. She Phone 683 Foreat Grove, Ore J. E. Martin, who has been in is gaining strength slowly. Nevada and California for the Grandmother DeBord. who fell some past two years, arrived Sundav time ago and broke her hip. is reported and is visiting at the Frank Buf- improving. and oursuant to »nid execution, I ill less, to the West line o f said Carpen­ fum home. Mr. Martin was re­ Evergreen Blackberries Wanted on Monday, the 25th day o f Sep Sept. 1916, ter Donation Land Claim; thence North cently severely injured when he I will pay 80c per 17-lb. crate at the South door o f the Courthouse in 1 deg 33 min Weal on Die Went line o f HillakMiro. Washington County, Oregon, said claim 3.80 chaina, more or leaa, to was run over by a heavy wagon, for Evergreen blackberries, deliv- at the hour o f ten o'clock a. m. o f said the place o f beginning, reserving anal but is recovering from his injuries. S P. depot. Forest Grove. day, sell at public auction to the high­ excepting therefrom a roadway 30 feet Clifford Thompson of Hillside est bidder for cash in hand, all o f the in width beginning at the Northwest W. A. ROSS, following described real property, lying, corner o f said tract and extending along and Miss Eva Kessler were united Phone 045. Eddy, Ore. being and situate in Washington Coun­ the North line thereof to the county in marriage Sunday at the home ty, Oregon: Being a portion o f the W il­ road to which roadway grantors herein .Millinery Bargains of the bride’s father. George Kes­ liam B. Carpenter Conation (.and Claim made and delivered a deed to Henry sler, living at Hayward. The All summer hats at sacrifice No. 39. in Township One. south o f Swanson and Jane Swanaon on or about newly-weds departed Tuesday for prices during the remaining days Range Four, West o f the Willamette November 22nd, 1912. Also conveying hereby the following a n outing a t t h e Tillamook of August, to make room for the Meridian, particularly described as fol­ lows, to-wit: Beginning on the West beaches. new fall and winter goods. All line o f said Donation Claim South 1 de­ described tract o f land, to-wit; Being a part o f the Northeast quarter o f the Chas. VanDoren a n d Grant felt hats at reduced prices. gree 33 minutes East 8.20 chains from Northwest Quarter o f Section 10 in Bailey and son. Irvin, went to Opening display of winter styles the quarter section corner on the South Townahip One. South, Range 4 West o f line o f Section 3 in said township and the Willamette Meridian, in Washing­ Portland Monday in the Bailey Sept. 5th and 6th. range, running thence along d i t c h ton County, Oregon, and more partic­ car and met John VanDoren, North 84 deg 53 min East 9.UH chains; ularly bounded and described as follows, Elva Millinery Shop. postmaster at Casper, Wyo., who thence North 72 deg 43 min East 21.12 lo-wit: Beginning at a stake which is M . T . Sherrett, who is buying chains along said ditch to where it set at a |ioint which is south 1 deg 35 came for a visit with his mother Mrs. Margaret VanDoren, his hogs and cattle in Easterh Ore­ enters Alexander or Carpenter Creek min East 7h9.2 feet and South 65 deg and to the center o f said creek; thence brother, Charley, and family and gon, spent Sunday withJMrs. Sher­ up said creek in the center thereof 49 min West 397.9 feet from the quar­ ter section comer between sections 3 rett, at the Laughlin and depart­ his sister, Mrs. Bailey, and family. South 9 deg 11 min West 7.86 chains to ami 10 in Township 1 south. Range 4 ed again Monday for his field of the corner o f the F. M. Porter tract o f West, and from said (siint running land now owned by W. C. Freeman; thence South 85 deg 49 min West 22.2 lal>or. It’s True as Gospel RIGHT ABOUT FACE NOW... Is your pay spent lie- fort* you get it? Art* you struggling under a burden o f debt because of h a v in g t h i n g s charged? Join the army that is marching to suc­ cess now, via the Sav­ ings Bank way. Save some, spend less. -T he First National Bank Forest Grove, Ore. Pays 4 per cent on all Time and Savings Deposits GOFF BROS. Capital and Shareholders’ Liability $100,000.00. Ftdtrtl torn * Rink J| C0NDENSED NEWS NOTES Hancock & Wiles have $25,000 to loan on farms. 1-tf Mrs. Chas. Smith came home from the Hillsboro hospital yes­ terday. Mrs. M . Bisbee has rented her 197-acre farm on Gales Creek to Theodore Green of near Banks. The dance given at the I. 0 . 0. F. hall Saturday night by the Sappington orchestra was quite « ’ell attended and everybody had a good time. Miss Hazeltine Stockman of the Hoffman store is taking her vacation at Rockaway and Miss Beahen has been assisting in the store. Are a boon to Wo­ men and we have __ two we would like to show you-the Peerless Water Motor Washer and a fine Electric Machine Washing Machines Bon-Ami Short-Burner Oil Stove Sheriff’s Sale Heats quicker than any other make; clean and odorless. THE NEW Tubular Suction-Feed SHARPLES C ream S e p a r a to r Is a machine we are not afraid to recommend to our best friends. AU TO SEATS, Camp Stoves, Tents and Ice Cream Freezers. GORDON & GORDON HARDWARE CO. Phone 663 FOREST GROVE, ORE. :: fc jf Your VACATION TRIP should be spent at Tillamook. You will find the weather cool, for it comes miles and miles from off the Pacific. You can find much to do at the Tilla­ mook County Beaches. Bath­ ing, dancing, hiking, picnick­ ing, playing tennis or golf. D a ily T r a in s from P o r t la n d leaving at 7:45 A. M. and 1:40 P. M. Afternoon t r a i n has observation car. L o w R o u n d T r ip F a r e s are on sale daily from all sections to Tillamook County Beaches. These include B a y o c e a n , W ah-K ah-N ie, Manzanita and the Garabaldi Beaches. Coos Bay Railroad Celebration, Marshfield and North Bend, August 24,25 and 26. Low Round Trip Fares. Ask agent fo r booklet and other information :: thence in a Southwesterly direction up feet to a stake; thence South 7 deg 32 Brick ice cream at Shearer’s— said creek in the center line thereof min Kant 12.9 feet to a stake; thence 25c and 50c. Keeps two hours following all its meanderings to the North 74 deg 05 min East 19.9 ft; thence Northeast corner o f a tract o f land North 20 deg 27 min West 22.4 feet to without ice. N O TIC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N , That by virtue o f an Execution issued out of and under the seal o f the Circuit Court 1 o f the State o f Oregon, for the County | o f Washington, dated the 19th day o f August in favor o f Frank D. Sawyer and Louie Mae Sawyer, plaintiffs, and against B. A. Nollsch and Lizzie A. Nollsch, defendants, for the sum o f : $12.25 cost and the further sum o f $3784.32 with interest thereon from the 3d day o f July, 19)8, at the rate o f 6 per cent per annum, and for the further sum o f $150.00 Attorney fees, to me di­ rected and delivered, commanding me to make sale o f the real property here­ inafter described, I have levied upon conveyed to W. C. Freeman by war­ ranty deed dated November 23d, 1912, executed by said Frank D. Sawyer and w ife I-sniie Mae Sawyer, which is re­ corded in book 97 o f the deed record* of Washington County, Oregon, at page 127; thence North 35 deg 30 min West 2.20 chains to the center o f ( '(uni­ ty road No. 407, said (stint being the Northwest corner o f said W. C. Free­ man tract last above mentioned; thence in a Northeasterly direction in the renter o f said county road No. 407 to the Northeast corner o f a tract o f land conveyed by A. B. Snider and w ife to Alva B. C raft and Homer C. Atwell, by deed recorded in book 92 o f the deed records o f Washington County, Oregon, at page 301 thereof; thence South 84 deg 53 min W est 10.00 chains, more or Catholic Harvest - - Fete - - Next Week A u g . 2 9 ,3 0 ,3 1 the place o f beginning, together with all other perpetuul easements and rights conveyed to us. the grantors herein by de«-d dated November 22ml, 1912, executed by Henry Swanson and Jane H. Swanaon, his w ife which is re­ corded in book 97 o f the de«-d records o f Washington County, Oregon, at page 177 thereof, to satisfy the herein­ before named sums and fur the costs and expenaes o f sale and said writ. biect to re- Said sale will be made subject demption as per statute o f Oregon. Or _ Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this 23d day o f Aug. 1916. J. E. REEVES, Sheriff o f Washiagton County, Oregon. By GEO. A L E X A N D E R . Deputy. H O L L IS & G R A H A M , Attom eya for Plaintiffs. A ROYAL SALE! For Two Days LBAKI “ The Popular High Grade” V i lb tin 1 lb tin 2X A lb can S e p t. 1 and 2 In Old Golden Rule Store Next to Tucker’s Garage, on Main Street \ An exceptional opportunity to buy goods o f all kinds from collections most varied, collected by workers o f the Church and also special bargains from many o f the business houses o f the city. These have secured the extra booths and will have special sales o f special goods at the Fete. There will be A t t r a c t io n s a n d A m u s e m e n t s o f every kind, Afternoon and Evening. D IN N E R will be served every day from 5:30 to 7:00 and those having dinner tickets will be allowed to remain for the evening entertainment free. .Others will be charged 10c. J O IfN M. SCOTT, Gen. Passenger Agent, Portland Good Music, Good Eats and a Good Tim e generally is promised. Come early and stay late. SOUTHERN PACIFIC Aug. 29 to Sept 2, Inclusive 21c 39c 98c Friday and Saturday Only. THESE HOT D AYS you’ ll enjoy shopping at our 9tore. A Cool and Refreshing A ir always. Come in and en­ joy the prosperous atmosphere that abides within this Modern Sanitary Market. Don’ t stay in a hot kitchen these days. We have every­ thing for the next meal on ice, ready to serve. Our “ Purity” home-made Boiled Ham, Minc­ ed Ham, Wieners, Bologna or pickled P igs’ Feet will please you. See our Delicatessen Depart­ ment. Everything under glass and refrigeration appetizingly delicious Flour will advance Saturday. O RD ER NOW. P h o n e 061 SCHULTZ MARKET * -T H E P U R E FOOD STORE •