fINALLY APPROVES NAVAL NEW S ITEMS PHILIPPINE MEASURE CONGRESS BILL—-1 57 WAR CRAI! AUTHORIZED PASSED BY SENATE About Oregon O f General Interest Washington, D. C.— Congress virtu­ ally completed the national defense program Wednesday by Anally approv­ ing the great increases in naval con­ struction and [wrsonnel written into Government August Crop the naval bill and urgently supported Report for Oregon by the administration. The bill car­ ries appropriations aggregating $316,- A summary o f the August crop re­ 000 , 000 . port for the state o f Oregon, as com­ The house accepted the building pro­ piled by the bureau of crop estimates, gram, to which Its conferees on the : U. 8. department o f Agriculture, is as measure had refused to agree, by a foll«»ws: vote of 2H3 to 61, with seven of the Winter w h ea t— Preliminary esti­ members present not voting. The mate, 12,600,000 bushels; production [«ersonnel Increases, on which there al­ last year, Anal estimate, 16,200,000 so waa a disagreement in conference, bushels. House Expected to Approve Senate were approve«! without a record vote. Spring wheat— August 1 forecast, The personnel and yonatruction sec­ 4,460,000 bushels; prrxiuction last Action— Reorganization of Na­ tions, which slresdy have the approval year, Anal estimate, 3,826,000 bushels. of the aenate, authorize an increase in tive Government Likely. Oats— August 1 forecast, 14,400,000 enlisted men to 74,700 and the build­ bushels; production last year, Anal es­ ing of 167 war vessels within the next timate, 16,060,000 bushels. three years, with four battle cruisers Barley— August 1 forecast, 4,600,- Washington, I). C.- The Philippine and four battleships included among 000 bushels; production last year, bill, as report««] from conference, with the ships for 1017. Previously the Anal estimate, 4,680,000 bushels. the Clarke amendment providing for house had refused to adopt a continu­ Potatoes— Augpst 1 forecast, 6,790,- inde|>endence of the islands within ing building program, had authorized 000 bushels; production last year, Anal four years eliminated, but containing a only Ave capital ships, all o f them bat­ estimate, 6,620,000 bushels. promiao o f freedom whenever the F ili­ tle cruinera, and had provided for a Hay— August 1 forecast, 1,820,000 pino« have demonatrated their ability fiersonnel o f only 66,000. tons; production last year, Anal esti­ to maintain a »table government. An­ On several leas important aectiona, mate, 1,870,000 tons. ally w »» approved Thuraday by the including appropriations for improve­ Pasture — August 1 condition 99, aenate. The vote waa 37 to 22. ment of navy yards, the house insisted compared with the ten-year average of .Senator Borah, Republican, declared on its disagreement to senate increases 92. the elimination o f the amendment and voted to send the bill back to con­ Apples— August 1 forecast, 1,210,- after it hail passed the aenate waa an ference for settlement of these [Mints. 000 barrels; production last year. Anal index o f public aentiment against re­ An early adjournment ia expected, estimate, 1,043,000 barrels. linquishing the ialanda, and meant the however, and the measure may be sent Prices— The first price given below I mted State« had (Jerided to keep the to the President for his signature is the average on August 1 this year, ialanda for all time. within a week. and the second, the average on August “ Public opinion haa been ao clear,” 1 last year: «aid he, “ that we may conclude and Wheat, 90 and 87 cents per bushel. the Philippine people should decide Corn, 80 and 86. Oats, 42 and 42. that the indepemience question haa Potatoes, 80 and 68. Hay, $10.20 and been settled for all time unless the 8.70 per ton. Eggs, 24 and 23 cents fortunes o f war should change the per dozen. American policy.” Chicago— Wheat quotations Tues­ The house is expected to approve the day: September, $1.42}; December, conference measure within a few days $1.46»; May, $1.60f. Nearly One-Fourth of County's and send it to the President. It pro­ Amid trading that bordered on the Students Attend High School vides for reorganization of the island spectacular, wheat went soaring in the government ao aa to materially extend pits of the Chicago board o f trade “ I f Benton county had had eight native control. A aenate amendment Tuesday, hitting the high-water mark more students in the high school last for prohibition in the islands waa o f the season. year, one-fourth o f all the school chil­ stricken out. September wheat, which had jumped dren in that county would have been Senator Hitchcock, chairman o f the 6 cents by noon, closed at $1 42, a attending high school. That is to say, Philippine committee, told the aenate margin of 4j cents over Monday's practically one pupil in every four who that tlw independence and prohibition close. The high-water mark was attended school in Benton county last features had to E>e eliminated in order $1.43}. December hit the top mark year, was a high school student," said to get an agreement for approval o f at $1.46], closing at $1.46, an advance Superintendent o f Public Instruction, the bill at this session. of 6 } cents over Monday’s cloBe. May J. A. Churchill, recently. This in­ wheat soared to $1.60}, dropping to formation is contained in the annual $1.60 at the close. The rise was sen­ report of County Superintendent Roy sational and unexpected. It came in E. Cannon, which was recently filed the face of a pending investigation o f with the state department o f educa­ the trading on the board for the pur- tion. [»ose of ascertaining whether or not The fact that any county in Oregon Copenhagen— The Landsthing, the the last skyrocket advance was due to has one-fourth o f its pupils enrolled in upper house of the Danish parliament, unlawful manipulation. the high schools is considered a re­ met Thursday as a committee o f the Again a crop report was blamed for markable showing, in view of the fact whole to consider the treaty providing the sensational turn. Traders said the that the United States as a whole, less for the sale o f the Danish West Indies advances were traced directly to the than 7 per cent o f the children get into to the United States, and 47 o f the 6i report of the Canadian minister of ag­ the high school, according to the last members present placed themselves in riculture, which Baid conditions in report o f the United States commis­ favor o f the order o f the day declaring Canada were much worse than had sioner o f education. The attend­ that the sale cannot be settled before been previously indicated. ance reports from many other counties elections for both houses of Parlia­ There were also reports that ap­ are almost equally encouraging. Mr. ment have been held. peared to show crop conditions in Churchill believes that the increased The situation has been further com­ W«j*tern parts o f the United States as attendance in the high schools is due plicated by a proposal from Premier being more pessimistic than shown by to a considerable extent to their stand­ Zahe that the government resign and the United States report, which was ardization, and to the new high school help in the formation of a cabinet rep­ made to bear the blame for the sky­ tuition fund law which provides free resenting the various parties. This ward advance o f a few days ago, and tuition to high school students. proposal, if carrie«! out, would avoid which stirred the investigation bu­ the holding of elections as advocated reaus o f the government to activity. by the Conservatives and the Left. Numerous buyers o f enormous quan­ Settlers to Get $92,648.13 for tities of cash wheat for foreign gov­ Forfeited Land Grant Lands ernments were also reported to have Native Vote Favors Sale. been active in the wheat pita and trad­ Moro— The bill recently introduced St. Thomas, Danish West Indie»— , Apparently the inhabitants o f the is­ ers pointed to this as proof against by Representative Sinnott, and passed any charge o f manipulation, into by the house and senate, which now land o f St. Croix are in favor of the which the officials are inquiring awaits the President’s signature, ap­ sale of the Danish West Indies to the propriates a total of $92,648.13 to re­ United States. Unofficial balloting imburse settlers who entered upon the was held there Thursday and o f the land o f The Dalles M ilitary Road com­ votes cast 6000 were in favor o f the pany in 1867, and subsequently lost proposition and only 11 against it. the land and improvements. The grant was declared forfeited by London— Reviewing the work o f the ! the government, and the courts subse­ munitions department in the house of quently vested the title in the Eastern commons recently, Edwin Samuel Oregon Land company, successors to Montagu, minister o f munitions, after the road company. The bill contains a proviso that not more than 5 per cent Chihuahua C ity— Preparations are telling of the immense increase in out­ I o f the amounts reco’ sred shall be paid under way here for the greatest series puts of all kinds o f guns and muni­ as attorney’s fees. o f courtmartial« ever held in Mexico, tions, informed the house that all rifies The total number o f claims allowed in an effort to stamp out disloyalty in and machine guns for the armies in is 67 and the amounts range from $300 the field were being supplied entirely Northern Mexico. One hundred prom­ to $2000 each. Thirteen o f the claim­ inent Agures in Mexican politics are from home resources. The quality of ants are dead and 27 have removed to the guns and munitions, he said, was held awaiting trial here in connection parts unknown. with the discovery of recent revolu­ equal to the quantity. This statement, he added, was particularly true o f the tionary plots and hunrdeds o f witnesses Widows to Get S I3 .6 II. Mr. Mon­ have been summoned from all over the heavy guns and howitzers. tagu pointed out that half o f the en- Salem— Nineteen widows o f Marion republic. ______ geering resources o f the country were conty w ill be paid $13,611 due them El Paso, T ex.— General Francisco require*! for the navy but declared that under the Widows’ Pension act o f Gonzales, commnading the Mexican very shortly Great Britain w ill have 1913, as a result of a recent decision army o f Northern Chihuahua, left provided for her own requirements and o f the Oregon Supreme court sustain­ Juarez Thursday for Chihuahua City, be able to devote herself exclusively to ing the Circuit court’s ruling that the where he will appear as a witness the wants of her aliles in regard to 19 applicants were entitled to relief. against Jose Ynez Salazar the noted machine guns. Already, he said, she The County court ordered the pensions revolutionist, held for trial on a was sending large amounts o f guns and paid after withholding payment for munitions to her allies. three years. Mrs. Eva Maude Wolfe, charge o f treason. one o f the applicants, w ill receive a Gompors Denies He Bosses Labor. total o f $1715 in back pension. Seattle Pier Dynamited. Washington, D. C. — Samuel Gom- Seattle, Wash.— The timbers in the Car Shortage is Serious. southeast corner o f Pier D, at the foot pers made reply to Senator Sherman Salem— Convinced that business in­ of King street, were blown down and a who recently denounced him in the shack built alongside the pier was en­ senate as a “ public nuisance" during a terests in Oregon tributary to the tirely destroyed Thursday morning, characterization o f certain labor lead­ Southern Pacific company face disas­ when a bomb placed near the street ers as arbitrary and tyrannical. “ It is ter and ultimate bankruptcy unless im­ end of the pier exploded. Thomas Mc- impossible for me to be arbitrary or mediate measures to relieve the grow­ Loughlin, a night watchman, saw the tyrannical,” said Gompers, “ for there ing freigh t car shortage are adopted, sparks from the fuse, and thinking it are no such powers vested in the presi­ the Oregon Public Service commission was a Are, routed from the shack three dent of the American Federation of has demanded that the company fur­ dock workers who were sleeping there. Labor. I have not the power to deliver nish needed facilities to Oregon pro­ the vote of any man or group o f men.” ducers and shippers. None w re injured. Amendment for Independence in four Years is Eliminated. MAY REMAIN PART Of U. $. Wheat Hits Highest Mark of Season -Cereal May Go Higher Danish Senators Are Not Ready to Sell Islands to United States British Munitions Output Quite Sufficient for Self and Allies One Hundred Mexicans Held to Courtmartial in Chihuahua Oty NORTHWEST MARKET REPORTS; * GENERAL CROP CONDITIONS MUST WATCH FOOD Portland— W heat— Bluesterp, $1.17 H O U S E K E E P E R ’8 R E S P O N S IB ILITY IN T H E H O T W E A T H E R . per bushel; fortyfold, $1.16; club, $1.13; red Afe, $1.16; red Russian, $ 1 . 12 . M illfeed— Spot pricea: Bran, $266$ 26.60 per ton; shorts, $296429.60; rol­ led barley, $31.606032.50. Corn— Whole, $38 per ton; cracked, $39. Hay— Producers' prices: Timothy, Eastern Oregon, $18.606020 per ton; alfalfa, $13.60 6$ 14.60; wheat hay, $13.60 6$ 14.60; oat and vetch, $12 6$ 12.60; cheat, $11; clover, $10. Butter— Exchange prices: Cubes, extras, >- ing. The novelties in the store are fresh figs at 30 cents a dozen, Malaga grapes at 30 cents a box, and dark grapes at 25 cents a box. Peaches both from California and Washington districts are plentiful and becoming more so. They retail at 20 cents a basket. Watermelons are only 2 cents a pound, while good sized cantaloupes can be obtained for a nickel, and some­ what larger ones at four for a quarte*-. Prime pears from the Wenatchee district, perfect in rolor and shape, are tempting at 30 cents a dozen. Spring chickens are plentiful and many people, especially i f of southern extraction, think they are improved i f accompanied with a dish o f sweet po­ tatoes of which the first o f the present season are now retailing at 10 cents a pound. Squash, green corn and artichokes, varied with green or wax beans, offer a pleasing variety amj celery again aids in the making of a Salad or adding to the variety o f hor d’oeuvres. Almost Variety W ill Quickly An additional responsibility Is brought to the housekeeper In the hot season, writes Mrs. Christine Fred­ erick in the Chicago News. She must pay greater attention to her food sup- plles and the way they are kept It is In period* o f high temperature that all r«xxls, and particularly meat, milk and fruits, are likely to spoil and decay. The laboratory is not so for distant from the kitchen and. Indeed, the best housekeepers are those who make a la­ boratory out o f their kitchen and fol­ low in It the principles that science has proved. It Is undisputed that there are minute orgunisms or bacteria in the air which fee«l on our f«xxis. There are also in the fowls themselves cer­ tain substances which, while not alive, are the produtrts of living things and which cause fruits to ripen, seeds to grow, etc. Both these causes result In deterior­ ation or decay o f the food unless they are prevente«L Bacteria of various kinds and allied plant organisms like mold attack and break down food tis­ sue. causing the fowl to become unfit for use. Now, there are about three ways In which the housewife can pre­ vent food from deteriorating: L By keeping the food in a low temperature, as with the Icebox, etc. 2. By sterilizing and killing the bac­ teria by means of n high temperature. 3. By the use of certain preserva­ tives. as sugar, salt, vinegar, spices, «*tc. » The first means entails constant su­ pervision of the refrigerator. Newspa­ pers should not be used on the shelves or on the ice, as this prevents proper circulation of air and may cause the box to become bad smelling and damp, the very conditions under which bac­ teria flourish most. It should be kept clean and foods properly placed in it. Overripe fruit, hot or even warm foods, strong smelling fwxls, like onions and bananas, should never be placed in the box. Small quantities of leftovers should be covered with glass or agate saucers and only glass, china or agute should be used in which to lay away food. The second point can be followed by cooking a quantity o f food which seems to be on the point o f spoiling. A box o f berries can be saved by stewing with sugar. Milk which undoubtedly would not keep until the next morning will be satisfactory if scalded. Many other foods which might heroine sub­ ject to mold or spoliation can be saved by being thus cooked or sterilized and perhaps canne«i temporarily. Salt, sugar and vinegar are helpful, natural preservatives. Their ad«iltlon to many fruits and vegetables will make them “ keep” several days longer than if they were not used. For in­ stance. beets, string beans, curomber. etc., which in warm weather cannot be allowed to stand over night unless in a very low temperuture, will be perfectly preserved if covered with a weak solu­ tion o f vinegar or brine. Soups and all twice rooked foods like stews, etc., are particularly likely to ferment and should be watched carefully. All con­ tainers of food must be allowed suffi­ cient ulr and not closed when the foods are still warm. Nutmeg Cookies. Mix two cupfuls of sugar, three- fourths of u cupful o f butter, two thirds of a cupful of sour milk, nutmeg enough to flavor, two eggs, a teaspoon- ful o f soda and enough Hour to roll. Roll out thtn and bake in a quick oven. Sugar Drops Again; This Time 25c. Tacoma— Sugar took a drop o f 25 cents a hundred Tuesday, and granulat­ ed cane is now quoted at $7.85. The decline affects all grades. This is the third drop in sugar in the last two weeks. Dealers expect perhaps one or two more small declines as the new crop comes in, but say that a general shortage w ill result in high prices for sugar again this winter. Idaho huckleberries, the big blue mountain berries, are on the local mar­ ket. They are in excellent condition and sell for 15 cents a pound. A ll kinds o f grapes are now to be had. Plenty o f plums and peaches are on the market. The best o f the peaches still come from California. For the first time in several weeks there is a plentiful supply o f tomatoes on hand, but many o f them are still a little green. The price ia $1.25 a box and they are due for a drop. Sweet corn ia still scarce. Cantaloupes were almost cleaned up because of the great demand. Standards are quoted at $1.50 and ponies at $1.40 a crate. Eggplant from Prosser is selling at 8c a pound. Every Spoil Unleee Especial Care Is Taken— Points of Importanc# Worth Remembering. Potatoes With Cheese. Cut six cold potatoes in cubt's. Make a white sauce, one cupful milk, two tablespoonfuls flour, season with salt und pepper and add four large tuble- spoonfuls grated cheese. In dish put layer o f potatoes, cover with sauro, etc., until full. Cover with crumbs, dot with bits o f butter and brown ia ovea. To Keep Meringue From Falling. To k«?ep meringue from fulling, add to it n saltspoonful o f baking powder Just before putting the meringue on the pie. Mussel or Clam Salad. Wash, boll five minutes, remove heatls and black membranes, dip In melted butter, salt, pepper and lemon Juice mixed, S2t In Ice box one hour; serve with lettuce. French dressing and minced parsley, cress or cucumber. • — Dyeing Rags for Rugs. When «lyelng rags for home-made rugs, tie the bunches o f rags tightly round before dipping In the dye. This will give Intervals o f rags without col­ or, and the effect when woven will bs greatly admired.