The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, August 24, 1916, Image 5

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    N O T E S A N I) P E R S O N A L S
Ft. C. Hill had business in Port­
land Tuesday.
3 & H STAMPS 6lV£M
Hancock & Wiles carry Life,
Dr. Semones returned Saturday
Accident & Fire Insurance.
1-tf from a trip to Madras.
Mrs. H. A. Williams visited
Will Clark of Portland visited
friends at Hanks over Sunday.
relatives in town Saturday.
We will insure your auto against
Money to loan Valley Realty
lire, theft and collision. Hancock Co., Forest Grove, Oregon. 19-tf
& Will«.
^ ✓ M O R » l » O N « 4 I ä V
A won was born Monday to M r.!
K. N. Varley and Mrs. Allic and Mrs. David Storey of Gaston.
Double S. & H. Stamps
Orcott are visiting friends at Curl-
We will insure your auto against j
lire, theft and collision. Hancock
Miis Josephine Ward departed & Wiles.
Tuesday for a visit with friends at
The Fx press is prepared to meet
Salem, Aug. 20 The l a n d grant
Coos Hay.
the prices of traveling calendar counties wish to unite to collect taxe«
Postmaster Wirtz is now au­ salesmen in lots of 100 or more.
from the O. & C. land grant land»,
thorize! to enroll recruits for the
Over two million dollar« are due but
Mrs Nellie Pearson of South held up by the act of Congress.
regular army.
, ... , .
Hend, Wash., is visiting her par-
Portland--Willamette shipyard add»
Hrick ice cream at Shearer s— j ents, Ms. and Mrs. F. M. Star- 50 by 500 boiler shop.
25c and 50c. Keeps two hours rt.£t
A»toria-Six modern dwelling» being
&£¿<xn C& tfong
*Uctv C & tfortg Go.
Given a w
*•* e •■*>
t h
t 'n
h« »
p u pr«*»t«i
rc h a * «.
We’ll Save You Money
Groceries, Dry Goods and Notions
on anything in the line of
Closing Out
Ladies’ and Gents’ Underwear
at half price; Children’ s regular
25c hose, 2 pair for 25c.
Pure White and White River Flour, $1.60 a sack
without ice
: Wilber Harper of this city and rubhed to completion.
Gardiner—Hein* o f late W. F. Jew-
Cuvm Duncan and family have Misa Rose Topp of f ;a]^
present city with $15,000 school
returned from a ten days’ outing wore united in marriage by Judge building.
on Rock Creek.
Pendl«ton--f78,000 health resort hotel ington County, Oregon, offer for sale
DeWitt Smith at Hillsboro last
and sell at public auction to the highest
go up at Lahman spring».
Mrs. Con Caples returned Sun­ Friday morning.
bidder for cash in hand all of the fol­
day evening from a visit with
lowing described real p r o p e r t y in
Mayor G. G. Paterson and fam­ line to be built to Joseph take.
Washington County Oregon, to-wit:
friends in Portland.
ily and C. T. Richardson left
Nine Hhipbuilding plant« are either in
Beginning at the Northeast corner
The P i e r c e , Mattson a n d Saturday in the Paterson car for o|>eration or building on the Columbia o f Lot 2, in Block 29, in the Town
(now City) of Forest Grove, running
Churchill families enjoyed a picnic Newport, where they wil “ vaca- and Willamette river».
West on the North line of said
Florence—Monroe, Wash., Shingle-
lot 151 feet and 9 inches; running thence
at Halm Grove last Sunday.
tion” for a week or more.
mill company to build plant here.
South parallel with the East line of
L. G. Morley, who is helping
Mrs. J. F. Forbis, sons, Jack
Marshfield making plans for $50,000 said lot 151 feet and 9 inches; running
thence East parallel with the North
build a paper mill at Oregon City, and Robert, daughter, Marjory, armory.
North Bend—Buchner Lumber com­ line o f said lot 151 feet and 9 inches to
visited his family in this city over and Miss Manche I^tngley de-
the East line o f said lot; thence North
pany erecting fine office building.
on the East line o f said lot 151 feet and
parted in the Forbis car Tuesnay
Pendleton get» new garage and mot­ 9 inches to the place o f beginning, all
Mrs. Amanda Johnson of Santa j for a trip to Crater Lake.
in Washington County, Oregon,
orist rest room 100 by 135.
Said sale will be made subject to re­
Vale-W ork going forward on nitrate
Rosa, Calif., is paying the Dan | A. G. Hoffman and family and
as per statute.
Pierce family a visit, whe being | Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Allen and plant here.
August 24, 1916.
Supreme Court upholds Chamber»
Dan’s aunt.
daughters of this city accompa­ Power company o f Eugene in ita fight
Sheriff o f Washington County, Ore.
Miss Grace Paul of Parma, Ida., nied Dr. and Mrs Riggs and Dr. for the right to widen its ditch to 50
visited Dr. and Mrs Semones this and Mrs. Crockett of Port and on feet.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Pendleton Tribune—Legislative can­
w**ek, enroute home from a visit a trip up the Columbia highway
didate» must walk circumspectly this Guardian’» Sale o f Rea! Estate
the first of the week.
in California.
Notice is hereby given that under
year. There are brickbats flying.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Benfer and !
North Bend—S. P. company will build and by virtue of an order of sale, duly
made and entered of record by the
comfortable home for section men.
little daughter visited the family
County Court o f Washington County,
W allowa-Steel bridge building across Oregon, on August 16, 1916, licensing
of John Benfer at M cM innville 1
me to sell at private sale, the real es-
over Sunday.
tate, hereinafter described, belonging
candidate for congress from WIIS .
• j. A * *
to Perry Ellis, an insane person, I will
Clarence Kelsey and Mr. and
j f rom and after September 25, 1916,
(the first) district, was in town in Greenhorn mining tiistnct.
Coquille river open-shop stevedore proceed to sell, at private sale, to the
Mrs. C R Lasham made an auto
Tuesday, looking after his politi­ company organized
highest bidder for cash in hand at the
trip to the Wilson river Sunday,
cal interests.
Mr Weatherford
Astoria has large new hotel nearly I tirn.e .o f
Allowing bounded
to view the scenery.
and described real property situated in
says that, since 1396 of his friends completed.
the County o f Washington and State of
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. G . Han­ thought enough of him to write
Waters Creek station shipping ore Oregon, to-wit:
cock entertained Mr. and Mrs. L. his name on the primary ballots, i and lumber out o f Curry county.
The West half o f the Southeast
Ontario Episcopalians purchase site quarter and the North half o f the
P. Jackson of Hillsboro at lunch he is going to try to be elected.
Southwest quarter and the Southwest
Sunday and then took them for a The prohibitionists have promised j and will erect a church.
quarter o f the Southwest quarter of
Odell school contract let for $6208.
Section Twenty-five (25) in Township
drive to the Hurpee-FJliott poultry | him 40 000 voteg and he fay8 if Junction—Lane county will spend One
(1) North Range Five (5) West of
J Congressional Candidate in Town
the Willamette Meridian, containing
j they give him 30,000 he will be 1 $500 on 1 i-2 miles Pacific Highway.
Two Hundred (200) acres, more or less.
Dr. S. E. I odd and Arthur the next congressman from this
ALSO; Part of the Wm. Pointer D. L.
Caples returned Sunday evening district, Mr. Weatherfonl expects I structing another sea-going vessel has C. No. 62 in T. 1 S. R. 1 W. Will. Mer.,
1 been closed by the Standifer-Clarkson Washington County, Oregon,
from a hunting and fishing trip to* soon to start on a speaking tour | company. The boat will be built at the bounded an d described as follows,
the headwaters of the Tualatin of the district. He is an attorney Monarch mill.
Beginning at an iron pipe the N. E.
They didn’ t see a deer or a sign of more than ordinary ability, a; Klamath Falls—Strahorn r a i l r o a d I corner of a tract o f land conveyed to
of one, but got a nice lot of trout . 1 pleasant conversationalist and th e, saves five miles by survey through Eugene Schiller by a deed recorded at
page 441 o f Book 68, Records o f Deeds
Mr. and Mrs. I) N. Morris writer believes he would do his
Brewster valley, Coos county to have for Washington County, Oregon, run­
ning thence N. 42 deg. 30 min. E. 2.45
left Monday for a visit with old constituents some good in con- a creamery.
chains to an iron pipe; thence N. 67
friends at Coquille. Their son-in-! gress.
Eugene—Contract for 200,000 ties for deg. 15 min. E. 2.49 chs; thence g
i0 deg. 22 min. E. 14.84 chs. to an iron
law, W . J. Good, accompanied
Mr. Weatherford travels in an Hill lines placed here.
pipe which iron pipe is 1.175 chs. W. of
them to their destination a n d auto and was accompanied by;
the quarter section line running N. and
boiler to plant.
S. through Section 12. T. 1 S. R. 1* W;
then went to Curry county for a I Prof. O. V. White, an instructor j
thence N. 88 deg. 33 min. W. 4.00 chs.
deer hunt.
in Albany College, chairman of
to an iron pipe set on the E. line of
Sabbath school 10 a.m ., preach­ said Schiller tract; thence N. 0 deg.
Dr. and Mrs. C. E . Walker and the prohibition congressional com ­
8 min. W. on such line, 11.97 chs. to
Mr. and Mrs. E. E Williams mo­ mittee and a son-in-law to Mr. ing 11 a. m. nnd 8 p. m . prayer the place o f beginning and containing
tored to Mt. Hood Saturday after­ and Mrs. H. F. Gordon, living I meeting on Wednesday evening at 5.46 acres.
! Bids will be received by me at the
Clyde T. Ecker, 8 p. m. All are welcomed.
noon, spent Sunday viewing the near this city
j law office o f M. B. Bump, in Hillsboro,
J. N . W o o d . Pastor.
Oregon, and said sale will be subject to
points of interest and returned, publisher of the Independence
confirmation by the County Court of
home Sunday evening, well pleas-,
Mrs. Dr. Christy of Portland Washington County, Oregon.
the party and both he and Prof. visited ner uncle, J. S. Buxton,
ed with their trip.
Said property to be sold subject to
dower right o f Josephine R. Ellis, wife
Col. Harry Haynes, who left:
o f Perry Ellis.
days with her parents, Mr. and
this vicinity eight years ago to, erford’s e le ctio n .___
Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, t h i s
17, 1916.
make his home in Salt I>ake Citv,
We will insure your auto against
where he is connected with the fire, theft and collision. Hancock
Guardian of the person and es­
tate o f Perry Ellis, an insane
Warranty deed and mortgage
Salt Lake Pressed Brick company, & Wilt s.
arrived Sunday to look after b u s-.
;----------------------------- ;— 7 ------ blanks for sale at the Express
and M. B. BUMP,
iness matters and visit friends.
Free Methodist Church
1 6 6 -ITC THIRD ST* t /
Corner Third St. and Pacific Ave
Phone 41 x
plaint, to-wit:
For a judgment for the sum o f
$275.00, with interest thereon at the
rate o f 8 per cent per annum from Aug.
8,1916, until paid, for the sum o f $50.00
attorney’s fees, and for his costs and
disbursements incurred in this suit, and
for a decree foreclosing a mortgage for
said sums of money, against the follow­
ing-described real property, to-wit:
The Northwest Quarter of the
Southwest Quarter (N. W. 1-4 of S.
W. 1-4) of Section Thirty-two (32),
Township Two (2), North of Range
Five (5), West o f Willamette Mer­
idian, containing forty (40) acres,
all in Washington county, Oregon,
and for a sale of said property herein
described, by the Sheriff o f W'ashington
county, state o f Oregon, to satisfy the
said sums of money, and forever bar­
ring and foreclosing you, and each o f
you, of all right, title and interest in
and to the same, or any part thereof,
and for such other and further relief as
the Court may deem equitable.
This summons is published by virtue
o f an order o f the Hon. George R. Bag-
ley, Judge o f the above entitled Court,
made on the 10th day o f August, 1916,
directing the same to be published in
the ‘ ‘ Forest Grove Express,” a news­
paper o f general circulation, published
at Forest Grove, Washington County,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Date o f First Publication, Aug. 17,1916.
Date o f Last Publication, Sept. 28, 1916.
In the Circuit Court o f the state o f
Oregon for Washington county.
Richard A. Nale, Plaintiff,
Edda Lee Nale, Defendant.
To Edda Lee Nale, Defendant:
OREGON. You are hereby required to
appear and answer the complaint filed
against you in the above entitled cause
and court on or before September 15,
1916, and if you fail so to appear and
answer, for want thereof plaintiff will
apply to the Court for a decree dissolv­
ing the marriage contract now existing
between the plaintiff and defendant
and for such other decree as may be
proper in the premises.
This summons is served upon you by
publication in the Forest Grove Ex­
press, pursuant to an order o f the
Honorable George R. Bagley, Judge o f
the above named court, made, dated
and filed August 2, 1916, which order
directs that this summons be published
for six consecutive weeks, beginning
with the issue dated August 3, 1916,
and ending with the issue dated Sep­
tember 14, 1916, and requires you to
appear and answer on or before Sep­
tember 15, 1916.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
First publication August 3, 1916.
Last publication September 14. 1916.
In the County Court o f the State o f
Oregon, for Washington county.
In the matter o f the e s -1
tate of Charles H. Pratt, ! NOTICE.
Notice is hereby given that M. J.
Fenenga, executor of the Last Will and
Testament o f Charles h . Pratt, deceas­
ed, having filed in the County Court o f
Washington county, Oregon, his final
account o f his administration o f said
| estate, the hearing o f the same has
Attorneys for Guardian and
said Estate.
32-5t ! been fixed by the Court for Tuesday,
I he Hillsboro street fair will be INGTON COUNTY. OREGON: Notice
the fifth day o f September, 1916, at the
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
held O ct. 4, 5, 6 and 7 and the i» hereby given that the Board o f
hour of ten o ’clock in the forenoon, at
o f an execution, decree and order of In the Circuit Court o f the State of the County Court Room, in the Court
, . . , .
Equalisation o f Washington
promoters have decided to have
have Oregon, will meet on Monday,
sale, dated August 18, 1916, issued out
House at Hillsboro, Washington county,
Oregon for Washington county.
o f and under the seal o f the Circuit Roy Hesseltine,
1 Oregon.
one of the days observed as pio- her 11, 1916, at the Court
• . •
Hillsboro, in Washington County, that Court o f the State o f Oregon for Wash-
All persons interested in said estate
neer I tay. A i loneer Association, being the second Monday in September | ington County, in favor o f plaintiff in
are notified then and there to appear
Composed o f men and women who *nd the time and place provided by law that certain suit therein pending where­
and show cause, if any they have, why
SUMMONS i the said account should not be settled
to publicly examine the assessment! in George Kieni is plaintiff ami T. H. Jacob F. Tracy and E’a-
have Been in the state not less j rolls o f «aid County for 1916, and cor- I ittlehales, V. E. S. Littlehales, E. H. cific Land & Water Co.,
and allowed.
Dated this tenth day o f August, 1916.
than forty years. will be organ- reel all errors in valuation and descrip- Coleman and J. H. Shearer, are de- a corporation,
tion or quantities o f land, lots or other i fendants, upon a judgment against the
1 properties, and it is the duty of nil per- defendants, T. ll. Littlehales and V. To Jacob F. Tracy and Pacific Land &
Executor o f the Last Will and
Ilr F I ‘s/'hpoD nnd ivifn nf aons interested to appear at the time E. S. Littlehales, for the sum of
Water Co., a corporation, defendants:
Testament o f Charles H. Pratt,
' ‘ .
and place appointed, and if it shall a p -; $1400.00 with interest thereon at the
In the name o f the State o f Oregon,
Portland arrived in this city Mon- pear to said Board o f Equalization that mte o f 8 per cent per annum from No­
'7 you are hereby required to appear and H ollis & G raham .
there are any lands, lots or other prop -! vember 22, 1914, and the sum
1 answer the complaint filed against you
Attorneys for Executor.
day for a visit wit h the doctor’s erty
assessed twice, or in the name o f $125.(X) attorney’s fee, and the costs
the nbove-entitled suit, within six - .......
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. a person or persons not the owner o f ! and disbursements o f this suit taxed at in
weeks from Aug. 17, 1906, namely, on I _ VT
the same, or assessed under or beyond 1 $17.50, and commanding me to sell the or before Friday. Sept. 29th, 1916, the I N . HOFFM AN
Scheetz. In company with Mr. ! its
value, or any lots, land or other real property hereinafter described at date o f the first publication of this sum-
and Mrs. Jack Hatton, Mr. and properties not assessed, said Board of public auction to satisfy said sums.
mons being Aug. 17, 1916, and the date
Attorney At Law
shall make the proper cor­
NOW THEREFORE. I will, on Sat­ of the last publication being Sept. 28, ;
Mrs. Scheetz have just returned equalization
urday, September 23, 1916, at the hour 1916, and if you fail to answer, for
Patent Office Business Solicited
from a visit to Yellowstone Nat­
Assessor, Washington County, Ore. o f 10 o'clock A. M. at the South door want thereof, the plaintiff will apply
for the relief demanded in his com- ForestGrove,
Hillsboro, Oregon, Aug. 21, 1916.
ional park.
Meeting of Board of Kqualization