of how tired our play makes Ultr Jfiirrst (Srmte txpmis plain us. This is because we try to get all Published every Wednesday at Forest Grove, Oregon. W. C. Benfer, Kditor and Publiaher. Entered as second-class matter Jan. 12, 1316, at the postotfi Oregon, under the Act of March S, 1873 THURSDAY AUG 24 1916 30C HOC WASHINGTON 30C County Fair we can OUT OF LIFE at the ex­ pense of some other man’s labor. The process is wearying. Now “if you want a thing well done, do it yourself.” If you want to get the full joy out of liv- j NOTES ANO C O M M E N T S ing, put all you can INTO LIFE, j “ He who has a thousand friends the Washington county Fair as­ Then you. tin», will say, quite > Has not a friend to spare. a matter of course: “Oh, I sociation. They think they can as While he who has one enemy don’t give the people more for their News. call this work.”—Portland Shall meet him everywhere.” --------------------------------- A T money in other lines. Any woman can economize when Some are born neutral, others STATE-MADE she’s broke. Get the idea ? Keep achieve TEXT BOOKS (Only One Block from Railroad) neutrality, and still others her broke.___ ________ have it thrust upon them. The The demand for the manufac­ Monopoly always breeds ty­ Englishman born in Roumania, ture of text books by the states rants, whether the monopoly be who arrived in New York with -riof the Pacific Northwest is gaining Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Swine, Poultry and Pet Stock, in railroads, telephones or news­ German wife on a Spanish ship much momentum. Where state Vegetables, Fruits, Grains. Grasses, Farm Machinery papers. and took out naturalization pa-1 publication of text books is now Automobiles, Flowers, Fancy Work. Plants, Pictures, Culinary and Household Articles Because Uncle Noah faithfully pers from Uncle Sam, declined to in force, school books furnished Something Doing Every Day! Watch for the Program! obeyed the divine injunction to be interviewed on the war on the pupils are sold for less than one- put two of a kind into the ark, we grounds of neutrality for all three half to one-third of what the same See List of Special Prizes! have the Greedy Twins. reasons. books cost when sold on the more $2,000.00 in Premiums; $600,00 in Special Prizes „ „ ~ oA»tr< unpici universal plan by book concerns Firemen’s Tournament ! Hand Contests ! The Express will have to get a SOME FREE that are banded together into Wednesday Automobile Day. lot more Portland advertising to ADVERTISING trusts or combines. In the states Thursday Firemen’s Day. bring bacK all the money the Sioux City Tribune: This is of Minnesota, Kansas and Cali- Friday School Children’s Day. Greedy Twins carry to that town, j not free advertising for a bank— fornia, where state publishing of Saturday Grange Day. If you did not register before a free advertisement for all text books is being practiced, a The officers will In* pleased to furnish you any the June primaries, you can reg- banks ar|d a lesson for all hoard- saving of one half or even more information desired. ister any time up to Oct. 7th, a A man and woman who had for scht>ol books is enjoyed by Joseph P. Hurley, Pres. R. W. Reder, Sec’y montn before the November elec- ** *n Sioux t ity yester- pupils ami students FOREST GROVE, OREGON tion. day because they kept it in a> Farmers’ organizations, th e m ---- «Q»-------------- ----------------- m i — -»« —»«“Til - ~ . trunk. W hether those who took Grange and similar bodies have While President Wilson sticks it were creditors or burglars does repeatedly gone on record as fav- Scarcity of S’s Stops Story- Washington County Transfers m Washington trying to prevent not make any difference as far a< 0ring free text book - and the state a railroad strike, Hughes is gal i- the lesson goes. The point is, it manufacture of the same. In the Sir Samual Simms saw sw*“et The following real estate trans­ vanting around the country, stir-, was ¡n a more exposed place and manufacture of text books by th e|Sarah Sampson swimming. Sud- fers were recorded with the regis­ ring up feeling against the presi- ] easier t0 lose than if it had been state, the proper administration ! (,enly sho sw‘me<1 sinking. Sir ter of deeds at Hillsboro during dent. in a good bank. j0f th e work is all-important.1 Si,muel stood «tunned. Striding the past week: Railway Co. to f a i r There is no disposition to yell That this is possible is shown in 1 ««»wards, spuming shingle, Sir Robert Northern FaHflr Remember the county W. Moulton, 154.63 acre» in aec opens in less than thirty days "I told you so. but the incident those states mentioned and there- »'umual swiftly swam Sarahwards I , S N 1. 1 1275..-6. If you are going to exhibit some- does serve as text for a little ser- fore the argument from this stand- *^’r Sumual skillfully’ supported A. V. Brown et al to K. C. Brown, swooning Sarah. S w i m m i n g y j ««-rua in A. C. Brown claim 58, 1 N thing, get it in as good shape as mon on the insecurity of trunks, point loses its force, no( shore-wards Sir Samual success- 3. $"oo. possible. It is only the best that closets, mattresses, sewing ma- The public school should SUCCOred Sarah. Seeming Boy C. Fair to Phoebe DeMoaa, E wins prizes. chines, hosiery, chiffoniers a n d bo subjected to a source of profit fo^y 3 N3, Do *10' Mona et similar receptacles frequent- from any combine or book trust somewhat s h a k y , Sir Samual h#li Um« “ r " M. Fair *t’r to 31, Phoebe Every time Candidate Hughes other employed for savings by the No mercenary motive s h o u l d sarnplp,l some s p i r i t s special vir. Iota 1, 2. 3, 4, «ec 31. 3 N 3 110. criticises President Wilson’s Mex­ ly unwise. can back a crop into the service given in fur- ^otch. C. C. Brown et u* to K. C. Brown, ican policy, Carranza Villa, et al., truck up to No the thief lota 2 and 3, blk 1, Bump'd Add to the side- edge; of nishing our boys and girls school Sarah saw Sir Samual’s sacrific- chuckle with glee, for they think walk and haul away a bank in textbooks. The public school is irijz -spirit. Sir Samual saw Sarah’s Forest Grove, $200. they see a chance to divide the ELECTRIC TIME CARD daylight. an institution that is of great sweetness. S ir Samual s oon OREGON I»*!«•«! July IS. 1*1« Americans. Do you stand with broad It is perhaps true banks are moment in contributing to the sougbt Sarah. Striding slowly, Carranza or with W’ilson ? not without certain disadvantages, future greatness of our country. Sar^h sight'd softly. Sir Samual We are informed by the Public Things happen to banks some- Books for schools should be pro- scemt<1 speechless. m 32 Mind that if we will get up an times; but when it comes to a vided at actual cost, so that they ‘‘^ y something, Sir Samual,” m m hour before sunrise, we will find question of safety, real banks are! may be within the reach of every said Sarah. P ‘Sam,’ Sarah,” said Sir the planet Venus plainly visible. about a thousand times more se­ child of school age. To bring ^ ' ^ay P r, nr, P P We are deeply grateful for the in­ cure than the ordinary home hid­ about this condition means a hard Samuel. P P ing place. fight that will lie opposed by the & r»h •filing shyly, softly said, formation. Now we won’t have P P And besides when a man de­ school book trust with all the oani* to get up to see for ourselves. posits money in a bank he power at their command.—West- ‘ Sarah Sally, stammered Sir The officers o f the Jackson helps his his credit Samual “Sweet against the time ern Farmer. County Fair association have de­ when he may want ---- - - ----- ; heart to borrow a cided to cut out “hoss-raeing” little. He helps the bank. He Sarah solemnly surrendered. this year, as have the officers of helps the community in which he p l V O'*“ n smiimik. l'use P P r thic;we are chort of eccec. P lives. He h e l p s the wh o l e P 7:00 p coun'ry He does something to Secretary Reder of the Wash- Tid Bits. P p improve the wide world as a place ington County Fair association Brick ice cream at Shearer’s— U M P P P in which to live But most of all, has received notice from both the 25c and 50c. Keeps two hours P P he helps himself to safety, to pro- Southern Pacific a n d Oregon without ice. t Thru Sat Sat & Sunday vision against a rainy day. He Electric railn ad companies that helps in the building of character they will make rates of one and for himself, his family and his one-third fares for the round trip —Thru the Inland Empire —Grand Canyon of Columbia friends. And character is really from all Oregon points to the more important than his money; county fair in this city Sept. 20 to —American Wonderlands —Glacier a n d Yellowstone more valuable. That looks for- 23, inclusive. This applies oniy ward to the final judgment. In to fares where round-trip rate for Parks Round Trips at Low Fares Daily this weld thieves always will adults is 50c or more and 25c or break in and steal and rust cor­ more for children. until Sept. 30 via the North Bank rupt. Road. Stopover where you like on any promise we make to deliver work on For the State Fair ONE WAY TO a given date. The Express has one of the L. M. Graham who is prepar­ North Bank Rail and 26 Hoars Sail LOOK AT LIVING best equipped little printing plants in the ing a Washington county exhibit on the ships of De Luxe Service, Willamette valley, having added several He was “always at it’ from for the state fair, wants some S. S. Northern Pacific and hundred dollars’ worth of material to the morning to night. He wss never extra fine grains and vegetables G reat Northern, for If farm-1 Williams plant for afraid to undertake something ; ers t0 at^„tp 6>s collection, will bring the exhibits to Mr. SAN FRANCISCO Bft?PD $ 3 2 .0 0 extra. And he never said he was Graham’s office, he will sort, pack From any Oregon Electric Ry. point. tired. land ship them. He must have Ticket includes meals and berth. Jealous fellow workers suspect-1 thwe~exhibTts not fater"than Sept, purposes and more good material is on the ed him of speeding them up. And i 10th and as much earlier as pos- way. The management would very much HOMESEEKERS’ FARES his neighbors’ wives commended sible. _____ _____ appreciate it if those in need of stationery, Sept. 24 to Oct. 8 his industry to their husbands. j -On Friday evening, Aug. 25, at office blanks, or any other kind of printing From Middle West to Willamette But if anyone suggested to him 8 o’clock the C. W. B. M. Auxil- would call at the office for samples and Vailey that he was “working too hard,” jar will give a “Tribute Day” pro- I sell prepaid tickets. prices. If you’re too busy to come to the he replied as a matter of course, gram at the Christian church, af- office use the phone and a representative J. E. FARMER, Agent “Oh, I don’t call this work.” | ter which a silver offering will will call on you. PHONE 821 Forest Grove, Ore. But the rest of us do. The be taken. Refresnments will be rest of us have a settled habit of served in the basement at the Washington County Fair, turning everything we do into .close of the program. Forest Grove, hard work. We make work of Get your violin strings at the i Sept. 20 to 23, inclusive. our play. And we even com-1 Book Store—the best. 28-tf I Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday Sept. 20 to 23, inclusive Forest Grove Fair Grounds This Will Be a Great Exhibition I L ». A rt. F. G. m 6 JO » 7 :0 5 a 8 :1 5 9 IS a m a m 12:3 0 3 :4 5 7 :4 0 9 :4 5 P. E. Reduced Rates for ine lounty air rp i EASTW ARD ’ * t » . Pt. F. G. a m 8 :0 7 8 :3 0 8 :1 5 a m • 9 :3 5 11:00 10:25 a m 1 IS 3 :3 0 5 :3 0 6 .1 5 P P m m m 7 :2 0 11:15 m m 1 :46 5 :0 «) 6 :2 5 m m 11:00 Ar K . Arr 6 :5 0 P m rn U . F. G. ■ Pt. 7 :4 0 9 :0 5 E L E C T R IC T IM E Arr. Pt. L». Pt. 11 to 2 :2 5 4 :4 0 6 :4 5 7 :3 0 - 10 12::i5 ( AR D Arr. F. G. a m 7 :5 0 t7 :1 5 a m 17:20 a m 8 :4 5 t 9 :0 5 a m 10:22 19 11 a rn 11:10 11:0 0 a m 12:15 12:35 m 1 :5 0 2 :1 5 m SJ0 t t 09 m 3 :2 0 m 5 :0 5 m 5 :5 5 P m m m m 4 :50 2 :5 0 t 3 :3 0 5 :4 0 m m 12 8 S 2 :2 0 16:22 m 7 :4 5 M :1 S 8 :0 0 t l 1.15 9 :3 5 m 1 0 :5 0 h b 1 :0 0 h ms We’ll Make Good . . . JOB PRINTING . . . - . 9 :2 0