LUMBERMEN PLAN EXPANSION SOLUTION OE IMPENDING RAILROAD WORLD’S DOINGS U. OF S. MARKELS ALLIES START BIG IN DEVASIAIED EUROPE SINIKI SEEMS EIKELY INIS WEIK WIISON VETOES ARMY MEASURE OF CORREN! WEEK DRIVE IN BALKANS Chicago — The government w ill co­ Washington, D. C.— President W il­ operate with the lumber manufacturers son’s week o f conferences with rank­ o f the United Sttes in sending abroad ing officials o f the railronds and lead­ a corps of experts to study the condi­ ers o f their employes threatening a tion o f European lumber markets with . t , nation-wide strike are believe«! by all a view to a great expansion o f the field of the American producer. parties t i the controversy to have This was decide«! Tuesday at one of brought the situation to a point where the most imp«trtant conferences ever decisive developments may be expected held in American business history, for within a few days. the conference marked the opening of steps for co-operation between the na­ While negotiations took no actual tion’s business men and the govern- ; step Monday, the President replied in­ ment itself for the extension o f Amer­ directly to the contentions o f the road ican trade abroad. officials that the principle pf arbitra­ Part o f the result of the conference tion would be endangered by his plan Austrians Retire From Gateway Into for putting the eight-hour basic day Bill is Reintroduced With Entire Sec­ liv e News Items of All Nations and w ill be the urging o f the immediate passage o f the Webb bill, now (»ending into effect while a commission investi­ tion Eliminated— Fight is Be Pass of Carpathians — British in congress, to remove any question of gates its practicability and passes Pacific Northwest Condensed the legality o f the organization by upon other points at issue. In a tele tween Congress and Hay. Busy on Western Front. for Our Busy Readers. lumber manufacturers and other gram made public at the W hite House groups of business men of foreign the President declared he held firmly sales agencies to secure and distribute to arbitration as a principle, and that Washington, l). C. — The army ap­ London— The long-expected general his plan strengthened rather than The city of Portland has 337 jitneys. orders for American goods to be sent I offensive on the Saloniki front has propriation bill was unexpectedly ve­ to foreign countries. weakened it. He also said that some Intense heat in Chicago Sunday opened and the grand assault againt toed Friday by President Wilson be­ claim s eleven victims. i thes forces o f the central (towers now cause he would not accept certain pro­ j is in progress in every theater o f the General Funston is in favor o f with­ visions in the revision o f the articles world-war. General Sarrail is attack­ drawing the American troops from ing the Bulgar-German forces along o f war, forced into the bill by the Mexico. | the entire Greek-Serbian frontier, a house conferees and commonly said in The daily death toll from infantile distance o f more than 150 miles. army circles to be in the interest of paralysis in New York City is reported Reports from both Berlin and Paris certain retirtxl officers “ at outs with decreasing. indicate that the entente allies are fol-1 the arm y.” i lowing the same tactics in the Balkans The railroad presidents are reported that signalized the opening o f the Chairman Hay, of the house m ilitary against the eight-hour day proposed by great offensive on the Somme. Small President Wilson. committee, at once reintroduced tlte bodies o f troops are attacking at nu­ bill with the entire aectlon revising Tw o Eskimos have been captured at merous points along the Bulgarian Nome, Alaska, who are charged with the articles o f war stricken out, and i line, apparently with the intention of the murder o f a priest in 1913. feeling out their opponent's positions ' the declaration that no revision at all before the real battle opens. President Wilson signs the navy would go through with the bill in this The French report the capture o f j building bill and the work o f carrying congress. j five villages in the initial phases of | out the program w ill begin at once. Chairman Chamberlain, o f the sen­ the offensive, while Berlin reports the J Roumania is thought about ready to ! capture o f Fiorina, a Greek town 15 ate m ilitary committee, announced join the allies, as the situation be­ miles southeast o f Monastir, from the j that the senate would re-insert the re­ tween that country and Germany is re­ | Serbians. vised draft approve«l by the President ported serious. On the eastern front the Russians and the War department, but stricken have forced their way into the heart Eight persons were killed and 16 in­ out in the house, and that the situation of the great mountain barrier between jured when three boilers in the Harlan Galicia and the Hungarian plains. The Morris Stave Manufacturing Co., at had res«tlved itself into a contest be­ Austrians admit a retirement west of Jackson, Tenn., exploded. tween the senate and house on one Jabtonitza, the gateway to one o f the hand and Mr. Hay on the other. American supervision o f Dominican most important passes through the The tangle threatens to delay the finances soon is to be extended to in­ mountains, which was seized by the a«ljournment o f congress, and inciden­ ternal revenue as well as customs re­ Russians last week. In this district tally the completion o f the prepared­ ceipts. A budget system also is to be the Austrians are retreating toward ness program, as well as to hold up a|t- arranged. the Chronahora ridge, the highest propriations for the army increases Swiss dispatches to the Overseas point in the Carpathians in that re­ and all the extra ex|tenses involved in N ew s Agency report that the French gion. From this ridge the ground the Mexican service. have removed the civil population falls rapidly to the plains of Hungary. The bill as reintr«tducee wounded early Sunday at Cienfuegos there asked that it be made public in man counter-attacks, the troops of and was captured. sadly deficient for dealing with the in a political riot between partisans of order to encourage others to give their General Haig again assaulted the op­ ernment has recommended the grant­ conditions which growth o f the army ing of an extra penion o f $500 annual­ Santiago Reye and Juan Florencio blood. posing trenches and gained from 200 to and development o f the nation require. ly to Captain F ryatt’ s widow, besides Cabrera, rival candidates for mayor. | 600 yards along a front o f 11 miles. The War department in especially the sum to which she is entitled under Many shots were fired and knives and anxious for changes to enable army Before taking up the question of England's compensation scheme. The machettes were used. One man was how to organize the American lumber Great Eastern railroad, o f one of officers to deal adequately with prob­ arrested. | industry to secure the great volume of whose ships Captain Fryatt was the lems arising during the present M exi­ The National Guard w ill be retained foreign lumber business that must master, is also granting his widow a can service. on the Mexican border until it can be come to the United States, even before ! Included in the revision worked out $1250 annuity. withdrawn without again endangering the European war ends, detailed re- by congress, over the objection o f the London— Two British light cruisers, American lives and property. Secre­ , ports were given o f the conditions President and the War department, the Nottingham and Falmouth, were means must be found to prevent the was a provision which exempted re­ tary Baker so declared the administra- abroad by the various interested or­ by existing situation from ever arising tio n ’ s policy in answering a score o f ganizations, as well as from govern- sunk Saturday in the North Sea tired officers from court-martials and again. German submarines, while the vessels army discipline, i f not actually from letters from many parts o f the country mental agencies. Meantime the railroad officials who were searching for the German high complaining that the state troops were -------- army control, and placed them under seas fleet, according to an official an­ have tentatively refused to accept W il­ the jurisdiction o f the civil courts. being held in service after the emer­ nouncement issued by the admiralty son’ s proposal, continued conferences gency for which they were called out It is common understanding among shortly before mid-night. One Ger­ among themselves. The labor leaders, army officers that the section covered apparently had passed. man submarine was struck, while an- I wk° already have approved the pro­ the case o f a certain retired officer, The list o f securities furnished as other was rammed and possibly sunk. posal, marked time awaiting a definite form erly regarded as a power in shap­ collateral fo r the $250,000,000 new decision from the employers. ing m ilitary legislation, who was pre­ Twin Falls, Ida. — Harold and Lynn j The statement says: British loan, which J. P. Morgan & “ Reports from our lookout squad- 1 paring to write a book and hesitated Lovelace, brothers, ages 12 and 11, re­ Co., syndicate managers, have pre­ to do it while liable to discipline. are in custody here, rons and other units showed that there f r0njca| StOTITI LOSS id TeXaS OVCT pared, shows more than 500 issues of spectively, was considerable activity on the part r stocks and bonds, representing virtu­ charged by their own confession with o f the enemy in the North Sea Satur­ the murder of Professor F. Thomas a lly every important railroad and in­ day, the 19th.” dustrial company in the United States. Hamill, p teacher from Carson, Nev., at his homestead 45 miles south o f London — A German srjuadron of Corpus Christi, Tex. — The loss o f The list has been classified into groups, all railroad stocks and bonds having Tw in Falls, Tuesday afternoon of some 15 warships, including large life from the tropical storm which Chicago— Just as the morgue was been placed in one group, industrial last week. The story o f the shooting cruisers, is reported in the North Sea struck Corpus Christi and 10 adjacent cleared of the last o f the unidentified corporations in another and miscel­ and the flight o f the boys is almost un- j by trawlers arriving at Ymuiden, Hoi- J South Texas counties on Friday night dead stricken down by the terrible heat Ltelieveable. land, a Reuter dispatch says. was placed at 13. Monday, including wave, the streets were cleane«i of dead laneous in a third. They had traveled about 120 miles The squadron was sighted early Sun- nine members o f the crew o f the small horses and the wilted and emaciated The conference in Washington to with H am ill’s horse and light w®K°n. , day in the region o f Whitebank, and freigh ter Pilot Boy, which foundered public was beginning to take a fresh settle the impending railroad strike sleeping in the sage brush, without Two grip on life, the hot spell returned for was accompanied by two Zeppelins, it off the Aransas Pass jetties. has not accomplished anything and the bedding and thinly clad. They had was announced, on a northerly cruise. Mexican women were killed at Kath­ another engagement Saturday. President has sent fo r the presidents with them supplies which they had erine, a settlement on the K in g ranch It w ill find the poeple with far less o f the roads involved, in the hope that taken from HamiU’ s house, also eight Paris— Bulgarian troops are advanc­ near Alice, Tex., and one Mexican was resisting power than before and i f it an adjustment can be made. guns and revolvers of various kinds. ing toward the Greek seaport o f Ka- reported killed at San Diego. Both continues many days the death list The new German war usury bu­ They had also stolen guns and other rala, i t was announced Monday. They towns are from 50 to 60 miles inland. w ill be heavy. reau has justified its existence by things from ranchers along the way. have seized two Greek forts. A t sev­ The total damage in this region, o f revealing surprising details o f widely A t the inquest Tuesday the verdict eral points along the front new en­ which Corpus Christi bore the heaviest Baker, O r.— W inter dropped plump ramified food frauds, according to re­ was that Hamill met his death from a gagements have been fought. part, was estimated at over $2,000,- into the lap o f summer in the last 24 ports received at The Hague. The bullet from a rifle in the hands o f 000. This includes devastation o f a hours and overcoats and umbrellas are frauds are said to involve a half dozen Lynn Lovelace. His elder brother London— The British troops on the large portion of the lower coast’s cot­ all the rage here. The thermometer leaders and 100 accomplices. Harold is held as instigator and acces­ Saloniki front have advanced and re­ ton crop, which was ready to be went down to 37 early Saturday morn­ Bulgarian counter - attacks. picked. Plans for a more vigorous campaign sory. Neither the mother nor their pulsed Damage at Corpus Christi ing and stayed in that neighborhood 1x> prevent the spread o f infantile par­ stepfather, a man named Pennywell, British cavalry have been in touch was estimated conservatively at $500,- practically all day. Snow was reftort- with the enemy. alysis were made in Washington, D. can be located. $> 0 0 . ed in the»hi(^h mountains. C .t at a conference of health authori­ Villa May Be Dead Again. ties Friday o f most o f the state with Shark Breaks Up Race. Old Songs in Litigation. Prices Not Manipulated. officials o f the Federal Public Health El Paso— A new report o f the death Boston— Henry F. Sullivan, o f Low ­ Washington, D. C.— Preliminary in­ New York — A suit contesting the Service. Resolutions w ill be adopted of V illa was received here Tuesday by ell, was declared the winner over ownership o f copyrights on “ Silver vestigation in Chicago o f the recent by the conference, in which eminent Andreas Garcia, Mexican consul. The Charles Toth, o f Boston, Sunday in a Threads Among the Gold,” and other rises in wheat and flour prices and plague experts, scientists and bacteri­ report, emanating from San Geronimo, swimming race between Race Point, old songs written by Hart P. Danks, threatened rise in price o f bread, by ologists are participating, outlining in Chihuahua, said that the bandit- Provincetown, and Nantasket Beach. who died in 1903, has been begun in Chairman Hurley, o f the Federal definite proposals for checking dissem­ chieftain died o f blood poisoning re­ Toth was taken from the water by his the Federal court by his widow against Trade commission, is understood to ination o f the disease. W hile few of sulting from his wounds at Tallaman- trainers when a shark circled about Elizabeth Adair Gordon and others, have disclosed no evidence o f illegal those present expressed alarm that the tes, near Parral, on July 9, and was him after he had covered 17J miles in song publishers, under the name o f the manipulations. epidemic might assume country-wide buried near there. While the report a little more than 14 hours. Sullivan estate o f Hamilton Gordon. The de­ As the matter stands now the com­ proportions, they uniformly declared was transmitted for what it was worth covered 25 miles. His followers said fendants are accused o f publishing mission is not expected to take any measures were necessary to guard to Mexico City, it received little cre­ he was in the water 20 hours and 20 Danks’ songs without authority, and action. Mr. Hurley returned from -against a widespread outbreak. dence at the local consulate. minutes. thereby to have made $100,000 profits. Chicago to make his report. Brief Resume of General News from All Around the Earth. Strong Offensive Begins Along Entire Greek-Serbian frontier. Objection Made to Exempting Retired (Officers from Discipline. UNIVERSAL HAPPENINGS IN A NUTSHEU FRENCH CAPTURE fIVf VILLAGES MAY POSTPONE ADJOURNMENT General’s Daughter Gives Blood for Babies British Sea Captain Who Was Kxecutcd by Germans Genian Submarines Sink Two British Cruisers in North Sea Two Idaho Lads Admit Murder of Nevada Professor $2,000,000; Thirteen Are Dead While Chicago Bakes, Baker freezes.