Mrs. C. D. Stacey was a Hills- Margaret McFeeters was out boro visitor Sunday. from Portland over Sunday. James Benoit goes to Tillamook Mrs. Shannahan of Hillside left Saturday for his vacation Monday for a two weeks’ outing . Charles Quine and family have a t Newport. returned from a week's visit at Brick ice cream at Shearer’s— j Netarts. We have told you several times that we under- 25c and 50c. Keeps two hours Harold Tupper is visiting at the sell Portland dealers on Guns and Ammunition and without ice. home of his uncle, George Beals. . , of Seghers. here we give you a few comparative prices: Mr. and Mrs. H. Glaysier and and; Mjss Ruth p utnam of Hills- invites your business, Goff Prices Portland Pri*, daughter, Violet, have returned boro was a Forest Grove visitor large or small, upon the Remington Auto-Loading Shot G u n .......$42.50 S4o L.j from Newport. last Sunday. basis of being able and (Other guns at proportionate prices) Mrs. W. W. McEIdowney and Miss Jessie Greer left yesterday ^ willing to care for the Helen, were Portland AM M UNITION for Rockaway beach, where she same in thebesc possible visitors Saturday. 22 Short, Smokeless, per box............................20c ^ will spend two or three weeks. manner. Grace Williams of Monmouth 22 Long, Smokeless, per box.............. ............. 25c 3 J. W. Hughes and two children has been the guest of Gertrude I t’s a Bank of 22 Long Rifle, Smokeless, box.................. ....... 30c returned home Saturday from a Allen for the past week. Personal Service, 30-30 Smokeless, box........... ......................... $1.00 vacation at N e w p o r t . M is.j Mrs. W . B. Stocker and family a strong bank in a good Shot Gun Shells... ................................. - ............ 90 ( Hughes remained at the beach for returned from the coast Monday, town. a further visit. 1 after a two weeks' ^ , -........................................ — ,95 l.i Ethel Joy returned from El- Pays 4 percent on Time E. A. Jones of Scoggins Valley i -00 1 .1 more Park Sunday exening, where and Savings Deposits was in town Thursday, making ghe hag been visiting f“riends. (These prices prevail only so long as present supply lasts) and cultivates the Thrift preliminary arrangements f o r The Cummings and Beals fam- Spirit. sending his daughter to the Forest ¡|jes returned Sunday evening Capital and Shareholders’ Grove high school this year. from a camping trip to the coast. Liability $100,000.00. Albert Kirkwood, Bill Haskell, Winnifred Hardison left for Mc- Vinton Robinson and Martin E n -! Minnville \\ ednesday morning Forest Grove, Ore. sehede returned returned Tuesday evening 1 for a vlslt Wlth her Fred grandmother* Phone 683 F orest Grove, Ore acnede luesday evening Watrous from the Nehalem, bringing in | and Donaid , of McMinnville Member Federal Reserve Bank. A ■- ■- ■- \ »- *- *- *- •- two nice buck deer, killed by were Grove visitors last Sunday, ~ Kirkwood and Haskell. i The Seventh Day Adventist Arthur Goodrich was a Gaston h ig h e s t bidder for cash in hand at t J Misses Grace Gibson, Mildred church is being t h o r o u g h l y tim e o f sa le, all the following bound J visitor Saturday night. cleaned, remodeled and plastered Carlyle and Irene Robinson re­ and d e se rib ed real property situated CONDENSED NEWS NOTES A son was born to Mr. and the C ounty o f Washington anci Stto a turned Saturday evening from on the inside. O regon, to -w it: Jack Londons great story, “Val­ Mrs. Ed Sparks Tuesday. We will insure your auto against Salmonberry, where they have T he W e st h alf of the Southeast! ley of the Moon,” in moving Henry McDonald of Thatcher fire, theft and collision. Hancock been camping f >r ten days with quarter and the North half 0f pictures at the Star Theater next was a Grove visitor Monday. S o u th w e st quarter and the Southwest! & Wiles. 9-tf the Camp Fire Girls. Wednesday evening. Dr. and Mrs. H. R. Kauffman quarter o f th e Southwest quarter of I Mrs. H. T. Buxton returned S ection T w enty-five (2S) in Township! Rev. and Mrs. O. H. Holmes were Portland visitors Tuesday. Mrs. Susan Shearer, widow of One (1) N orth Range Five (5) West o'I Monday from her outing at Rock­ Milton Shearer, a former resident and Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Williams The “Valley of the Moon,” one the W illa m ette Meridian, contairÜ away and Barview. of this city, departed Tuesday for motored to Astoria Friday and of Jack Londons’ greatest stories T w o H undred (200) acres, more orle« I Brick ice cream a t Shearer's— a visit at Goldendale, Wash , after remained until Monday. can be seen next Wednesday at A L SO ; P a rt o f the Wm. Pointer D LI C. N o. 62 in T 1 S. R. 1W.. Will. Mer M a r t h a Allen and Mamie the Star Theater. 25c and 50c. Keeps two hours a week’s visit with Forest Grove W ash in gton County, Oregon, and Loomis, who have been visiting without ice. Miss Michelbrook of McMinn­ bounded a n d described as follows,| relatives. friends in Tacoma for the past ville was the guest of Miss McIn­ to -w it; Dance a t I. O. O. F. hall Satur­ Billy Goff, whose right wrist three weeks, returned home Mon­ tyre between trains Sunday. . She B eg in n in g a t an iron pipe the N, ] day evening, August 19. Good was frightfully mangled by a power day. corner o f a tra ct of land conveyed was enroute to Portland. E u gen e S ch iller by a deed recorded IL, management and good music. wood saw a week ago last Mon­ Mrs. W. R. Ives and son, Ken p age 441 o f Book 68, Records of Deeds! Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Hoffman Dances 5c each. day, is getting along nicely and it neth, returned Saturday f r o m and daughter, Aileen, were in for W ash in gton County, Oregon, run-! th en ce N . 42 deg. 30 min. E.'2.451 When you go on your vacation, is now almost a certainty that their outing at Garibaldi beach, Portland Friday for the banquet ning much improved in health by their given te buyers during buyers’ chains to an iron pipe; thence N. 6j| have the Express follow you. No the hand will be saved. d eg. 15 m in. E. 2.49 chs; thence SJ outing. 0 d eg. 22 m in. E. li.o * chs. to an iron! week in Portland. extra charge to regular subscrib­ Mrs. Daisy Markham and fam­ Mrs. J. M. Thacker and daugh­ pipe w hich iron pipe is 1.175 chs. W. of| ers, inside the United States. th e q u a rter section line running N. and| ily are moving this week to Bend. ter. Ollie, and Mr. and Mrs. YVill Millinery Bargains S. through Section 12, T. 1 S. R. 1 W;| H. J. Walrath, the local elec­ Ore., where they will perhaps re­ Newhouse were in Kansas City All summer hats at sacrifice th en ce N . 88 deg. 33 min. W. 4.00 chs. L trician, has secured a contract for main permanently. Mr. M ark­ Sunday, to attend the Baptist as­ prices during the remaining days to an iron pipe s e t on the E. line ofj of August, to make room for the said S ch iller tract; thence N. 0 deg. I a nice job of wiring for Uncle ham has been there for some time sociation. W . on such line, 11.97 chs. to| Attorney M. B. Bump and new fall and winter goods. All 8 th min. John Rockefeller at Cornelius. and is doing blacksmithing. e p lace o f beginning and containing! sister. Miss Emma Pitman, left felt hats at reduced prices. 5.46 a cres. I Monday for Gearhart, Shipherd’s Opening display of winter styles B ids w ill be received by me at the I Springs, and other points in Wash­ Sept. 5th and 6th. A re a boon to W o­ law office o f M. B. Bump, in Hillsboro, J ington . m en and w e have O regon, and said sale will be subject to 1 Elva Millinery Shop. tw o w e would like to confirm ation by the County Court ofl Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Frost of show y o u -th e P eerless W ater Motor W asher and a fine E lectric M achine ash in gton County, Oregon. j Watts, Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Frost Guardian’s Sale of Real Estate W Said p rop erty to be sold subject to I and Mrs. Vermilyea of this city N otice is hereby given th a t under dow er r ig h t o f Josephine R. Ellis, wifef were out on the Columbia high­ and by virtue o f an order o f sale, duly o f P erry E llis. made and entered o f record by the way last Sunday. D ated a t Hillsboro, Oregon, thii I H eats quicker than any o th er m ake; clean and odorless. County Court o f W ashington County, A u g u st 17, 1916. Miss Lulu Wells and Miss Mills Oregon, on A u gu st 16, 1916, licensing M. B. BUMP, T H E NEW S H A R P L E S of Corvallis spent a few hours me to sell at p riv a te sale, th e real es­ G uardian of the person aid ' visiting friends in the Grove Mon­ tate, hereinafter described, belonging ta te o f Perry Ellis, an insane | day as they were on their way to to Perry Ellis, an insane person, I will person. from and a fter Septem ber 25, 1916, Is a m achine w e a re not afraid to recom m end to our b e st friends. the Tillamook beaches. proceed to sell, a t private sale, to the D. D. and M. B. BUMP, Again We Say It! The First National Bank..... ............ - ................... - ..................................................... - GOFF BROS. Washing- Machines Bon-Ami Short-Burner Oil Stove Tubular Suction-Feed Cream Separator AUTO SEATS, A tto rn ey s for Guardian and said E sta te . Camp Stoves, Tents and Ice Cream Freezers. - GORDON & GORDON HARDWARE CO. Phone 663 3 FOREST GROVE, ORE. B ig - Four Days Preparedness The PACIFIC MARKET Catholic Harvest - - Fete - - Fresh and Cured Aug. 29,30 and 31 and September 1 and 2 IO C 5 1 | c = 3 o c =51[ c hoc THE BEST OF MEATS In the »tore ^ ™ « '^ tP^ For Picnic Dinners Roiled Ham, Minced Ham, Veal Loaf, Chipped Dried Beef, Sweet and Sour Pickles, Picnic Plates, 10c per package of 25 Fancy SWEET WATERMELONS ON ICE All Kinds of Fruits Bananas, Oranges, and Vegetables, Blackberries Phone 0301 T. C. LORD, Jr., Prop >Tfaoi=>If< - I W j j r t Gara*e (known inKp ri« a0f Chureh am use m en to Sgalon^endiin g each evening w f t o T w g S ft? tL T ” -fr0m 5:30 "> 7:00' old an 'enfertainm ent Dramas, Comedies and VaudeviRe f h o ^ n- (The extra booth, J ill further an™uncements. ness places of Forest Grovel renTfre? by. bHsi- on sales made ts all that will be ask^d tu •commission apply to CATHOLIC H A R V ^T F F T F ^ h( ^ u V l i o ? . space 11. Forest Grove. Only o n e f i r m C O M M I T T E E , Box will be given space. \ chart of e a c 1 lme business lars, will be ready on Monday. August l 4 t T ’ with particu- * . - v Canning Sale Beginning Today, Till Monday Buy Now—Special Prices. 19 19 100 100 100 lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs P ure Granulated Sugar {1» C ane Sugar ..............— 1-® P ure Granulated Sugar, 7.» C ane S u g a r ........ .......... F ru it or Berry Sugar— 1» Mason Jars P i n t s ........................ ..........506 Q u a rts..............- ..... ..........** H a lf G allons .......... ......... 4 doz. h ea v y new rubbers,------- 3 doz. regu lar Jar C aps--------- ' S ch loss B aby Mason Caps, dfl*- ( F it an y old style Mason j« c lo se o u t—w hile they last) Economy Jar* P in ts.................... ,75c Three Do«» Q u arts.................. 85c Jar Lid».0* H a lf G al........$1.20 Golden State Masons P in ts..... ........ ..... 54c (Close oo‘> Q u a rts_________64c While tb*i H a lf G al............89c R em em ber, our Flour Fricee L O W E ST in the county; »» se e us b efo re further advance». Phone 061 , Vo