( p MIR rmtu PRICES RI m S o E* L, m »« ^ HUB TO o $ m fA D 10 F0110W Investigation Being Considered With Reference to Bakers. CHARGES ARE DENIED bers of Chicago Board of Trade $jy Farmers Hard Hit— Must Recover Weather Losses. •*. NEW S ITEMS O f General Interest. . Washington, D. C .-A n explanatory statement of how Great Britain’s ex^ ami nation of mails i, being conducted was presented Tuesday to Secretary Lansing by the British embassy It i* preparatory to the more comprehensive reply to American representations now be.ng prepared jointly by the London and Paris foreign offices. Figures show that the average time for examination of intercepted mail is from one to three days. The minimum delay to mail between the United States and Holland is given at two days and the maximum at seven. Danish mails have been delayed from seven to ten days, when it has been necessary to remove them from a ship; otherwise only four days. $ \ Islington. “Before leaving Washington I was ed by the commission to look into matter, particularly as Chicago is pain and flour center,” Mr. Hurley District Attorney Clyne began Sat- '■y to check up figures on the rise in price of flour and wheat. Replying to a London dispatch, ing the Daily Express, which said the rise in bread which goes into eet in London Monday, is due to ripulation in Chicago, members of Chicago board o f trade declared such statements showed ignorance. “The article in the London paper,” ' Caleb H. Canby, ex-president o f board of trade, “ shows lack of sledge of actual conditions. Ad- snt in prices and conditions come ther, and the situation is much erent from last year.” “Our sharp advance in the price o f "t,” said Robert McDougal, “ is ■ly in response to American crop itions and the world supply situa- Europe is in a terrible predica­ nt for supplies o f wheat and natur- y is much concerned over price ’ges.” Tax Limit Not to Be Changed by Democratic Vote Washington, D. C.— Yieldin g to a 1 of protests from the country and senate and house members of ' own party. Democrats o f the sen- finance committee reconsidered Jay their decision to lower the ption in the income tax law from to $3000 fo r married, and single ns to $3000 and $2000, respec *ly, but voted to make the rate of on the lowest taxable class o f in- 12 per cent instead o f 1 per cent, action was approved later by the Sad the committe declined to yield the amendment the Democratic sen- caucus probably would have re- ■ it. The amendment increasing •urtax on incomes exceeding $2,- from 10 to 13 per cent is re- The caucus voted down pro- * to make the surtax as high as “0 and even 25 per cent, as some -~rs advocated. *h* Democratic caucus continued "deration of committee amend- and had before it the proposal on by the committee, striking the specific excise taxes on muni- — manufacturers and substituting a cent net profit on the profits of manufacturers o f munitions and that enter into munitions. Auatria to Get New Note. _ % GEN. B R U S I L O F F General Brusiloff is the new hero of the Russians. He took the place of Grand Duke Nicholas in command of the armies of Russia on thq Eastern front, and has succeeded in smashing the armies of Austria. Mme. Brusiloff is the sister of Mrs. Charles Johnston, w ife of the New York author. respondence in which enemy interests were in no way concerned was sub­ jected to a delay, which is greatly re gretted and which has since been re­ duced to a minimum. All preparations which seemed necessary were made, but unfortunately those responsible for them were not aware of some of the difficulties. ‘ For instance, there was no reason to suppose that (as proved to be the case) mail bags marked as dispatched from one neutral country to another would contain nothing but mails for or from an enemy country, that bags marked as containing printed matter would contain rubber, coffee, jewelry, etc, sometimes disguised as newspa­ pers, as well as corrsepondence of all kinds, registered and unregistered, or that persons writing to or from enemy countries would already have adopted the practice of sending their lettters under cover to intermediaries in neu­ tral countries, or that great numbers of complete sacks appearing to contain merely business circulars from neutral countries would contain in reality noth­ ing but propaganda from Germany un­ der covers bearing neutral postage stamps. “ These and similar unforseen pecu­ liarities made it impossible until the staff engaged had been largely in­ creased and had become accustomed to them, to select or. any fixed principle those mail bags which, when all could not be examined within a reasonable time, should be forwarded without ex­ amination.” Liquor Destruction Ends. Girard, A la.— Destruction of whisky and beer which had been seized from alleged violators of the prohibition law ceased here Tuesday on order of Cir­ cuit Judge Alston, when counsel for the owners filed bond for appeal to the state Supreme court from Judge A l­ ston’s former decision ordering the li­ quor’ s destruction. It is estimated that $125,000 worth has been poured out by the sheriff the last few days. ________ Turkish Reply Rejected. About Oregon Portland— Wheat — Bluestem, *1.12 per bushel; fortyfold, $1.08); club, $1.07); red fife, $1.07); red Russian, $1.06). Millfeed— Spot prices: Bran, $26@ 26.60 per ton; shorts, $29@29.60; rolled barley, $31.60@32.50. Salem — Oregon farmers this year Corn— Whole, $38 per ton; cracked, will reap a profit this year of $30,181,- $39. Hay— Producers’ prices: Timothy, 730 from nine principal producU, ac­ Eastern Oregon, $18.50@20 per ton; cording to estimates compiled Monday alfalfa, $13.50 @ 14.60; wheat hay, by O. P. Hoff, state labor commis­ $13.50@14.60; oat and vetch. $12@ sioner. The crop of wheat, corn, oaU, 12.60; cheat, $11; clover, $10. Butter — Exchange prices: Cubes, bariey, poUtoes and apples will each extras, 25fc per pound; prime firsts, exceed $1.000,000,000 in value. 26c. Jobbing prices. Prime extras, The percentage of the combined con­ 27@80c; butterfat, No. 1, 27c; No. 2. dition of all crops during July, based 25c, Portland. Eggs — Oregon ranch, exchange on a 10-year average, was 94.3. The biggest item in Oregon’s enor­ prices, current receipts, 26c per doxen. Oregon ranch, can- mous harvest this year, as in the past, Jobbing prices: is the wheat crop, which, based on died, 26@27c; selects, no bid. London.— After three days of fur­ Poultry— Hens, 14@16c per pound; ious battling, Cadorna'L. men have en­ crop conditions August 1, w ill show a yield of 11,781,000 bushels of winter broilers, 16@17c; turkeys, live, 20@ tered the fortress town of Gorlzla on and 4,000,000 bushels of spring, or a 22c; ducks, ll@ 1 4 c; geese, 8@9c. the Isonzo front and set the seal on Veal— Fancy, 12)c per pound. total of 15,781,000 bushels. Italy's magnificent offensive. The quick victory Is a sure sign that Pork— Fancy, l l ) c per pound. Commissioner H off’s estimates indi­ Vegetables— Artichokes, 76c@$l per the concerted allied offensive has be­ cate that the state’s winter wheat crop is 86 per cent of the average for 10 dozen; tomatoes, 76c@$1.25 per crate; gun to tell. While the allies In Pic­ ardy are slowly pressing forward and years, while the spring wheat crop is cabbage, $1.75 per cw t; garlic, 10c the Russians scoring sw ifter and more 86.2 per cent. The estimated value of per pound; peppers, 5@6c per pound; substantial gains In Galicia, the Ital­ eggplant, 7@8c per pound; lettuce, 30 the entire wheat crop of the state at ians are smashing through the whole the farm on August 1 was 88 cenU a @35c box; cucumbers, 50c@80 per Isonzo line. bushel, or a toUl of $13,097,230. The dozen; peas, 4@6c per pound; beans, 4 That front has been weakened by Btock of wheat now held on Oregon @7c; celery, 75@85c per dozen; corn, the withdrawal of Teuton reserves t.l 10@25c. reinforce other lines menaced by the farms is placed at 873,000 bushels. Potatoes— New, $1.85@2 per sack; allies’ battering. The German general The state bureau of labor statistics staff apparently has not enough men forecasts an oat yield of 13,200,000 Walla Walla, $2. Green Fruits— Apples, new, $1.26# to withstand three offensives. A new bushels, worth $5,412,000 to the Ore­ drive from Salonlca w ill bring the di- gon farmer at 41 cents a bushel. The 1.76 per box; cherries, 5 # 10c per lema to a critical point. Then only pound; cantaloupes, 90c@$2 per crate; crop is 90.3 per cent of normal. one course is left to the Teuton— to With 50,500 acres planted to pota­ peaches, 36@80c per box; watermel­ shorten his line. In its preparation, in the feint at­ toes this year and the crop 92 per cent ons, l ) @ l ) c per pound; plums, 76c@ of normal, a yield of 6,250,000 bush­ $1.35 per box; pears, $1@2; apricots, tack on Monfalcone to the south and els is forecasted. A t 80 cents a bush­ $1@1.10; grapes, $1.76@2.25; black­ in the swift final thrust, Cadorna's el this crop will have a value o f $5,- berries, $1.25; loganberries, $1.25; victory appeals to all military author­ ities here as a plan perfectly conceived raspberries, $1.60@1.75. 000 , 000 . and brilliantly carried out. Hops— 1916 crop, 8@10c; contracts, The state’s apples crop will total Taken totally off guard, for they de­ 3,216,000 boxes of a value of $3,216,- nominal. luded themselves that their offensive Wool— Eastern Oregon, fine, 2 3 # 000. The yield is 72 per cent of a 10- In the Trenttno had paralysed the 26c; per pound; coarse, 30@32c; val­ Italian effort on the Isonzo, the Aus­ year average. trians were bound to evacuate Gorizia Barley will bring $2,447,500 to the ley, 30@33c. Cattle— Steers, prime light, $6.75 once Cadorna had seized the hills of farmers, it is estimated, with a crop @7.10; heavy, $6.50@6.76; good, Sabotino and San Michele. The large outlook of 4,450,000 bushels. choice, $5.25@ number of prisoners and the great This year Oregon has 41,000 acres $6.25@6.50; cows, 6.50; medium to good, $4.60@5; or­ quantity o f ammunition and booty planted to corn, with a prospective dinary to fair, $4@4.50; heifers, taken is a measure of the surprise yield of 86 per cent normal. with which the attack was carried out. $3@6; calves, Mr. Hoff estimates that 1,200,000 $5.50@5.75; bulls, The victory was due to the very e f­ bushels will be raised, netting the pro­ $3.50@7. fective co-ordination o f all the arms Hogs — Prime light, $9.60 @ 9.76; at Cadorna's service. ducers $1,008,000. The Italian guns first dislodged the Although the yield of pears is but prime strong weights, $9.26 @ 9 .5 0 ; 68 per cent of average for 10 years, be­ good to prime mixed, $9@9.25; rough Austrians from their defences. Then the Infantry advanced to the attack cause of unfavorable climatic condi­ heavy packing, $8.75@9; pigs and and succeeded In breaking through tions this year, the estimated crop skips, $8.50@8.75. two lines, while reinforcements came Sheep — Spring lambs, $8 @ 8.25; is 510,000 bushels, worth $510,000. up constantly through a subterranean common, $5.50@6; choice yearlings, The rye crop, estimated at 91 per passage dug to within 60 feet o f the cent, will total approximately 418,000 $6@6.25; good, $5.60@5.75; choice Austrian front. With the town and wethers, $5.75@6; choice ewes, $5@ the surrounding heights in their hands bushels, valued at $418,000. the Italians began the pursuit with Because of recent rains the hay 5.25; common, $2.50@3. cavalry and the Bersagllerl cyclists. crop, it is estimated, will run only Nine Oregon Crops Valued at $30,181,730; Wheat Leads j Abram I. Elkua, the . ambassador, who received his final in­ structions Tuesday from Wilson and Secretary Lansing before departing for Constantinople United SUtes does not accept “ “ J"" cient Turkey’s sUtement that the Sy­ rian harvest is ample Weakened lines if Austrian farces Are Crumpled by furious Assaults. Defenders of Gorizia Are Taken Off Guard and City is Given Up— Immense Supplies Taken. about 2.1 tons an acre, 88 per cent of the 10-year average. The peach crop this season is fore­ casted at 272,000 bushels, 59 per cent of normal, and valued at $272,000. The grape yield is placed at 80 per cent, and the blackberry and logan­ berry output at 94 per cent of the av­ erage for 10 years. The condition of truck crops for canning purposes on August 1 is placed as follows: Snap beans, 80 per cent; cabbage, 91 per cent; sweet com, 71 per cent; cucum­ ber, 68 per cent; peas, 90 per cent; tomatoes, 76 per cent. On August 1, the estimated value at the Oregon farm of the state’s main products Commissioner Hoff places as follows: Com, 84 cents a bushel; wheat, 83 cents; oats, 41 cents; bar­ ley, 55 cents; rye, $1; onions, $1.20; clover seed, $12; timothy seed, $4.73; alfalfa seed, $13.37; beans, dry, $5.27; butter, 27 cents a pound; eggs, 23 cents a dozen; chickens, 11 cents a pound; hay, $11.43; potatoes, 80 cents a bushel; hogs, $7.61 per cwt; beef cattle, $6.92 per cwt; milch cows, $70.75 per head; sheep, $6.25 per cwt; horses, $107.30 per head; lambs, $7.26 per cwt; calves, $8.95 per cwt. Big Lane County Wool Pool Brings 40 Cents Per Pound Eugene — Announcement of the vir­ tual sale of 40,000 pounds o f Lane county wool, constituting the Pomona Grange pool assembled in Eugene, Cottage Grove and Junction City, to the Portland Warehouse company was made this week by C. J. Hurd, market master of the grange. The price, though not announced, is understood to have approximated 40 cents a pound. The wool haa been shipped to Port­ land and will be graded there, after which final settlement with the grow­ ers will be made. The Portland con­ cern made an advance to the growers nearly equalling the market price. The pool represents wool belonging to 137 growers. Washington, D. C. — The State de- Washintgon, D. C .- N e w represen­ ent has assem b led f o r transm is- O.-W. R. fc N. Raises Wages. tations to Turkey in behalf of starving . t° the Austrian f o r e ig n office ad- The Dalles— O.-W. R. A N. machin­ J data r e g a r d in g the Austrian Syrians will he taker to ^ e Porte by ists and boilermakers and their helpers n« stu ck on the American er Petrolite, supporting the charge * * Petrolite’s captain that the at- ** * made in violation o f interoa- **w- The United States already ^•manded an apology, punishment . submarine commander and rep- ITALIANS SWEEPING TOWARD TRIESTE (ADORNA S VICTORY COMPLETE (jiago — The Federal Trade com to may take a hand in the prob- It is admitted,” says the state­ of America’s breads tuff a supply if ment, “ that at the outset neutral cor- ■ made good their threat to in- the price o f bread on account of Leads Russians to Victory. idvance in wheat and flour. This ability loomed Saturday w ith the to from Washington o f Edward Barley, chairman o f the commis- Prospects that bread w ill soon .■V-/’'“ Tri the effects o f the soaring market increased when millers announced increase of another 20 cents a bar- v1 :í in advertised brands o f spring i flour. This brings the price to Ifl, an increase o f 70 cents in three During his three or four days’ stay Chicago Mr. Hurley w ill make an tonal inquiry into soaring wheat flour prices, as well as the threat- advance in the price o f bread, results of his findings w ill be em- ■'ed in a report which he w ill sub- 3t to the commission on his return to NORTHWEST MARKET REPORTS; GENERAL CROP CONDITIONS have been granted a raise in wages, effective August 1. Tbs raise was un­ solicited. Machinists receive an in­ crease from 44 cenU to 47) rent! an hour, helpers 23 cents to 25 cenU; boilermakers, 46) cenU to 47 cenU; helpers. 24 cenU to 26 cents. Quartz Claims Are Opened. Holland, Ore. — The “ Portland” group of gold mining claims located near this place in Josephine county, and owned by V. C. McKinney and Wade V. Lewis, o f Portland, has been recently leased to the Kerby Mining & Development company. A stamp mill with a capacity o f 20 tons has already been installed on the property and is now ready for continuous operation, a considerable body of milling ore hav­ ing already been blocked out. Hereto­ fore this section o f Southern Oregon had been considered wholly a placer region, but in recent years many gold quartz properties have been opened. Rancher* Holding Wheat. Wilbur, Wash. — The majority of farmers w ill not contract their new wheat at $1 the bushel, and some farmers are holding their last year's crop. Saturday 20,000 bushels were contracted for at $1 a bushel. Wheat harvest will begin about August 14. The weather haa been favorable for ripening the grain. The acreage is smaller than last year. So far the supply of labor haa been equal to the demand. Pay* *4 0 ,0 0 0 for Wheat Crop. Starbuek, Wash—C. W. Pearson, a rancher 12 miles west o f here, sold to C. F. Actor, grain buyer, 40,000 bush­ els of wheat for $1 per bushel net. The varieties were divided as follows; Turkey red, 14,000 bushels; sixty- three, 12,000 bushels; bluestem, 9500 bushels; one hundred twenty-three, 500 bushels. The grsin is to be de­ livered st the Pleasant View ware­ house on Eureka flat. Dollar Wheat is Selling Rapidly. Pendleton, Or.— More than 1,000,000 bushels of wheat are reported to have been sold Thursday by Umatilla conn ty farmers to local grain dealers, Hen­ ry W. Collins alone purchased 300,000 bushels. Most of the grain was contracted at $1 a bushel, although It Is said that as high as $1.01 was offered for club. Daker, Or.— One hundred and fifty thousand bushels of wheat have been contracted by Portland firms in this county, the prevailing price being from 95 cents to $1 a bushel. Most of the purchases were of bluestem, club and forty-fold, and are to be delivered Im­ mediately after harvest and shipped to eastern ports for European deliv­ ery. Most of the sellers are ranchers living between Haines and North Pow­ der. — — Wallr. Walla. Wash.— Determined not to be caught as last year by a sud­ den decline In prices, Walla Walla wheat farmers let go of another big lot of wheat here Thursday at prices of $1.02 and $1.03 for club and $1.10 for bluestem. A t the close of business It was esti­ mated by dealers that 200,000 bushels had been sold and that already nearly a half of the 1916 crop had bsen dis­ posed of. The biggest single lots, held by the wealthiest farmers, have not yet appeared on the market, but hun­ dreds of medium-sized crops have been let go. Spokane, Wash.— At Endlcott, Wash­ ington. 200,000 bushels of wheat have changed hands from the growers to the warehouse people at a price from 95 cents to $1.02 a bushel. A t Pullman the grain dealers show­ ed greater disposition to buy than farmers to sell and marked a most exciting period of the season In the local grain markets. F ifty thousand bushels changed hands at $1 and bet­ 39 Holstsins Bring SII.OOO. ter. mostly contract wheat In small North Yakima, Wash.— Thirty-nine lots. Holstein cows from the Tyson-McKeel- her ranch in the Mozee were sold and City Buries Hast Victims. shipped Thursday to the Bitter Root Chicago — Seventy-one bodies will Holstein company st Corvallis, Mont. The price was $11,000. A ll vrcrc reg­ go to the potter's field from the coun­ istered. Several cows with high rec­ ty morgue, all victims o f the recent ords were included. heat wavs that has enveloped Chicago for the past few days. Some were buried Thursday and the others will Harvest on at Gsston. be taken to the potter's field later. Gaston, Ore.— The weather the past The dead are, in great part, friendless week haa been delightfully cool and and unclaimed. They have left be­ breezy, with nigbte quite cool and fo g hind names and little else. A few are in early mornings. Threshing has the beads of families too poor to as­ just begun. Baling started last week. sume the cost of burial.