N o rth w e s t Land Product. S eattle, O ctober 4 Royal D -L ite Com fortable ■" » » ■ W a sh in g ton to make a L ° ? 80n and h orticu ltu ral d is p la y« l f ^ r e tUI? 1 and resu lt o f the holding J t h e as a Lan d Prod u cts ^ ° L the N ortbwest O c to b e r 4 to H . P SlUou « Seattle LADIES SHOES £..*2.50 s. A ll Styles •tall* REQUIRES CARE IN MAKING T * « , to Be at Its Best, Must Be P re­ pared U n der E xactly the Prop er Conditions. T h e re Is p ra ctica lly no nutrim ent In tea, though th ere are sm all am ounts kind ^ver'tuged^in0^ 8l?ow of the or m ineral salts. T h e principal Ingredl- w h o le o f the N orth 016 ents a re caffeln. which stim ulates the p articip a te. The exh ibitionn* ited to n e rv es ; v o la tile oils, which g iv e the en d orsem en t o f c o m m e re i.? * th® flavor, and tannic acid, w hich retards the ra ilro a d " ar„i » bodi es and the d igestion 1 d isp la y w i l f be to brinePUKP° 8e o f 1116 T h e Japanese have made a religion s understanding of the m a ™ “ 1 & beUer and aesth etic cerem onial o f teu-drink- Ing. and, lik e the m ineral w a ters w hose efficiency Is found to depend la rge ly on t h j chnnge and rest accom panying their drinking, the afternoon tea has grasses. Alaska, too wi 1 'h f v „ and its p sychological as w ell as its p hysi­ tio n se t aside for agricultural i,r i®**' ological reasons fo r the pleasant re­ sults produced. r in n d the thBrlti8a h C ol^ n 4 w U lT a Te aPia undertaking. p a r n t L ik e all beverages which refresh by « i m w * 00, Idaho and Montana w ill stim ulating, tea should be used w ith sUk>n i> o m Mecia‘ day at the > great discretion. AO Sizes Royal Shoe Co. 148 «! Fourth S t N ear Morrison When You Follow T h e Trail Equipped With a w s s * - ‘- S - .T S . . i xvS 0 „ V „V Srs ,rr 0 r*s°» !t Can Find I loekkeeplsi— Sttisr*MV Talipaphy- Binkiig ’’ Says 15] f minate« NOW in Bank» 2,500 odierà la food position« J5 Gold M edal»-llî Uffici cucy Certiicate« confer red kince Jaau Always • p *a llio a fa r yog wh— c# m p oU «L ^ », enertl itn b j nation, com posed o f ¡ ^ S W « S 2 m en. It Is hoped to have the cover w*“ *oat(if, n be itc ffices of of Sunday', i lute over tlx] w e U ^ l h f e 08' Id8h0 and 0 reg on as I r * “ the governor o f Alaska and ent l , ° l British Colum bia pres- en t at the exposition the same day. Since Portland w ill not repeat its annual land show this year, the Seat- tie exp osition w ill afford exhibitors at th e Salem fair an opportunity to place | th eir displays before thousands o f vis- I lt0 ™ in the W ashington m etropolis | and b rin g the truthful story o f Ore- | g o n ’s countless opportunities to the at- I ten tion o f many men and wom en in­ te res te d in a home on the land. ERFAT-BUTTERFAT make your n e x t s h ip m en t to ^ffht-hour HAZELWOOD, PORTLAND overtime, was laid L, nvitation, i_ ^ejected my] 'bey refuse g checks back b y retu rn m ail. esident can L strike," said ] be labor fore« f tbe railway) » to ffai e with DO IT NOW izelwood Co., Portland Hard or stale w ater does not m ake good tea. It should be fresh ly draw n and fresh ly boiled. John D rew was congratulated at tbe B oiling any tea Is a crim e. T h e enf- P la y e rs in Gramercy park on the abundant hair with which, despite his fein Is readily soluble and Is qu ickly obtained In solution. B oilin g o r long years, he is still blessed. "T h a n k goodness,” said Drew , com ­ standing on t t ' leaves only results In p la cen tly , “ I ’m not lik e T ree. more o f the injurious tannic acid be­ “ T r e e w ent into a L os A n geles bar ing extracted and spoils the flavor as b er shop the other day and said. well ns m aking the b everage more " ‘ Can you cut my hair w ithout m y harmfuL ta k in g o ff m y collar?’ “ T h e barber, with a loud laugh, slapped T re e 's pink and polished dome COVERS FOR SWEEPING DAYS jo c u la rly . ” ‘ W h y, bless your heart. S ir H e r­ b e rt,’ he said, ‘I could cut it w ithout P roviiion M ay Be Made T h at W ill Do Aw ay W ith Much Annoyance y o u r . taking o ff your hat.’ ’’— W a sh ­ in gton Star. on Those Occasions. few H ouston H o tel SIXTH A N D E V E R E T T STS. IHAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL »1 and operr.tinK field. | W5 Hawthorne Are. Queer, But T ru e. Portland, Ore. “ I t ’s a queer w orld.” “ W h y?" “ Stand up and say that riches don't m ak e fo r happiness and everyb o d y w ill a g re e w ith you h e a rtily .” "T h a t's so.” "A n d every b o d y w ill go out and keep rig h t on tryin g to g et rich .” — D etroit F re e Press. ASInal WE PAY MORE FOR OLD AUTO TIRES In /Ml Ihu tbe jmk a u to «. Writ« far price. OREGON V U L C A N IZ IN G C O , line of the] 660 Washington St.. Portland. Ore. at seized b e army of | fter ition ever i 1,26c and 30c a dozen. K n ives and Scis- mpelled by I Jpound. Automatic K een E d g e Co.. 189Vi ¿St., Portland, Oregon. f the ill back le Austrian^ ehind the ! to mike I at to poeta « f , RAZOR BLADES BUY D I R E C T n then i.j , uau g Austrian i _______ 7 í Ltour Own Plumbing h buying: direct from us at wholesale prices n save the plumber's profits. W rite us to- Nrour needs. W e w ill g iv e you our rock- ‘direct-to-you” prices, f. o. b. rail or We actually save you from 10 to 36 per All groods guaranteed. I Northwest headquarters fo r Leader W ater 8 and Fuller £ Johnson Engines. S T A R K - D A V IS C O . IT tod Street. Po rtU n d , O r . * * . . rank HIDES, PELTS. CASCARA BARK, WOOL AND MOHAIR. IN nit ill roil have. Writ! fir price* Mpplu tap u t | GOOD Paint Means G O O D Results See Y o u r Local Dealer Now fintile I gwniwf H HE HAS IT. , U * »' i bad T FALL TERM OPENS TUESDAY, SEPT. 5, 1916 i BoA H.m0kkeePin g . Shorthand, T y p e w r itin g , Penmanship, L e tte r w ritin g , I Arithmetic, C o m m ercia l L a w , and all com m ercial subjects tau gh t by ex- |P*»wnced teachers. C iv il S e r v ic e tra in in g a specialty. T h e demand fo r L ^ graduates ex c e e d s th e supply. W r it e T od ay fo r F re e Illu strated I'-ttalogue. LINK’S BUSINESS COLLEGE I p , , A . T. LINK , Principal. I r"one Main 5083 Tilford Bld’g. Tenth and MorrUon St», Portland. Or. MORIHEK’S distemper remedy tn the oreans o f breathing and is a won- ~ f ° r cough», colds, sore throat, catarrh * £ * ’ ??/ and when fe v e r is present it removes it Without injury to the animal. 1 wrinek’s Gall P owder . 1 U" UCI home w“.‘*th“ works For shoulders, w ire cuts and o L f ulcerated sores. A«*T’ r*J« . « S n f k ’ S AbSO rbent B liS ,e r the "treatm ent '“••bonT*’ r n* ‘ k°n**. “ ide-bones, lum py-jaw in cat- A by «7*♦Jr8T T7 rnU and Prom oting the np en in * process o f abeesse*. . . , __ - follow ing remedies w ill quickly correct any o f the aliments for which they are DR. KORINEJC’5 WORM CAPSULES. DR. KOR1NEK S TONIC CAPSULES. DR. KORINUC S PHYSIC CAPSULES kORlNEK'S DIARRHOEA CAPSULES. f V r ^ i P S ^ . f O L I C CAPSULES. Ml k n o i K . ? K ID N E Y CAPSULES. C A PS U L 1 lvl K C CAPSULES. W Da'ilTS'.if’ i p e ' s 3 v FEVER A PS U L foe K orin ek’s Remedies. They are guarrntoed O r write duect *o jNEK r e m e d y CO., Kenton Station, Portland, Oregon bacon Surprise. T a k e one-half pound o f bacon, cut rather thick, fr y a little on both sides. R em ove the bacon and add a medium- sized chopped onion to the fa t and cook until It has browned. H ave ready a la rge slice o f s te a k ; the top o f the round Is p referable, although a cheaper cut may be used. C ut Into pieces about the size o f bacon.hrown them on both s id es ; then add enough w a ter to barely cover, and season w ith salt and pepper. P lace the bacon on top o f the meat. C over and let cook s low ly about h a lf an hour. T h e bacon Im parts a d elicate flavor to the m eat and the gravy Is delicious. Bag o f Lettuce. T o place lettuce o r parsley o f celery In a cloth bag and keep directly on the lee means that the vegetable w ill keep fresh and crlsv much longer than I d any other way. Bags, all m ade and stamped w ith the name “ L e ttu c e ," "P a r s le y ” or “ C ele ry ” may be had fo r 35 cent*. T h ere Is a shir string at top to pull tight and keep the contents In place. It would possibly take about an hour to make one o f these bags, but the com fort and satisfaction In using one cannot be computed. a La B eef Mode. T h re e pounds round steak chopped fine, tw o well-beaten eggs, fou r soda crackers rolled fine, one teaspoonful salt and one teaspoonful sage, o r e -h a lf teaspoonful pepper, tw o tablespoon fu l« m ilk. B oll into a loaf, m ixing w elL and bake tw o hours. Chicken and Macaroni. U. aSJfcta s a w . N o . 3 3 . 1916 N o t Through T h e K itchen. " H a s the furnace g o n e ouL Brio- f»Bt ?** “ i t d id n 't com e through here, muza.’ — B oston T r a n s c rip t 3 OLD ¿V F R .y y //r i£/$£:. __ ______ A S K FOR THE B R A N D Potato Doughnuts = (W rite for Recipe) retain the moisture several days. A n excellent wholesome food when made with the pure E C B aking P ow der A lw ays sure to please. Try a can today— at our risk. A Handy Book containing 10 Cook­ ing Lesson» and 54 Tested Racipaa will be mailed you F R E E if you will send your name and address to JAQUES MFG. CO* CHICAGO Sold by all G rocer« A friend o f mine hns solved the d if­ Oregon Hernia Institute w » M ad e fo r all k in d s o f - shootinef T o find the necessary coverin gs on sweeping days has often sent the mold scurrying about fo r old nprons, sheets, towels and anything else she could lay her hands on to use fo r this pur­ pose. ficulty in this w ay : She purchased a quantity o f gray cam bric and m ade from It a large sheet w ith which to cover the beds and sideboard ; sm aller cov­ H i « Start. “ I hear, Miss Gladys, th at your ers for dressers and to ilet tables w ere b ro th er Is am bitious to break record s.’’ made and still others. In suitable “ W e ll, h e’s begun p ra cticin g w ith shapes, w ere designed to put o v e r the the m ost exp en sive one w e bought fo r lamps, m antels and the like. She also our V ic tro la .”— B altim ore Am erican . made from the cam bric a bag to keep the covers in ; this was bung in the broom closet. W hile lig h t the cam bric form ed a perfect protection against d u s t and a simple shaking when the sw eeping Rupture treated mechanically. Private was finished freed the covers from the fitting rooms. Highest testimonials. Ha- dust that had settled upon them, so suits guaranteed. Call or write. that they required washing but once JO H N SO N A U M B A R C E R a month. T h e use o f these dust cov­ 411-412 Alisky Building, Portland, Qr spoa ers saved much valuable tim e and ex­ tra work. T h e cost o f a set Is m oder­ ate and It does not take long to m ake them.— Pittsburgh Dispatch. T he H. F. N orton C o . Mm»*, on. trnm, r Walter B Green ten contains much m ore tan* nlc acid than black tea. B e sure It does not boil or stand on the le o v e s i f you use i t A Deciduous T ree. rBloeks frum Union Station. Under new me Sunday I ent. A ll rooms new ly decorated. in secret «1 AL RATES BY W EEK OR MONTH e ports differ] Kales 50c, 7 5 c. $ 1 . $ 1 . 5 0 P e r D a y . ¡lore of the g sserttheyj > the ni their iard ofn ired, I The only Automobile School on the Pa- proposition,] c Coast maintaining a C* as Tractor lid not arbii |ein I Dipt, Using Holt Caterpillar, C. L. Beet Is waived the] |Tr*dday«r and Wheel Tractors, both in the to his ñankj i frontil i /on ng the ! is had been | nt Less tea is used to the cup than In tbe euse o f cofTee— one-half to one ten- spoonful ns compared to one tab le­ spoonful. A mild cup o f tea w e ll made H ill not hurt n heulthy person, and, al* though the stim ulating p rin cip le is the same, tea does not seem to h a ve so di­ rect or so pronounced an e ffe c t on the central nervous system as does cofTee. Children, people with g astric troubles or those who are nervous should not drink tea. Guns afld Ammunition T a k e equal porta o f cold chicken, boiled m acaroni and tomato sauce. Put in layers in a sh allow dish and cover w ith buttered crumbs. Bake until brow n. _____ V e a l, Pork, B e e f, Poultry, Butter, Eggs & F a rm P ro d u c e T o the Old Reliable Everdin g house w ith a record o f 46 years o f Square Dealings and be assured o f P R IN T E R S A N D P U B L IS H E R S . A T T E N T IO N ! PERFECT PRINTING PUTES Furnlakad on short notico. W rits for Seal« o f PricM . Cortland Ele.trotypc « Stereotype Co., Front * Stark. Portland. Or. T o p M a r k e t P r ic e s . H e r Gueata. F. M. CRONKHITE, “ W e ’re g o ln ’ to h a ve c om p an y our house,” said R ose E liza b e th , age i. "A n d I ’ll b et you d on ’t k n ow whe It is. e ith e r .” “ W h o la It? ” " T w o lad y g ir ls and a g e n tle b o y .” — In d ia n a p o lis N ew s. 45-47 Front Su PORTLAND. ORE Sore fr8n o,a